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"Do you want to know what he says about you? Well, he tell me how strong you are, how beautiful you are, and so on. Hey Turk" he began to copy Enos' manner of speaking "do you know that Daisy is Miss Hazzard?; hey Turk, do you know that Daisy is able to fly?; hey Turk do you know that Daisy cooks the best apple-pie in Hazzard?; hey Turk, Daisy.... and so on" Turk laughed.

Daisy smiled:" Yeah, I know he talks a lot, but he talks more to other people than to me."

Turk nodded:"He's shy"

Daisy whispered:" Will he wake up, right?"

Turk nodded:"Of course"

After a pause Daisy said "Why that officers from Atlanta came at the farm this morning and stayed there?"

Turked was expecting that question:" Someone wants to kill Bo, so he's in danger. Bobby is dead, and Curt too. The killer tried to kill Bo, and me and Enos with him. He needs protection, so that officers will stay at the farm until we'll find and stop the killer"

They stopped to talk when they arrived at the hospital.

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They both walked to Enos's room and spotted the doctor leaving. He stopped and turned to Turk and Daisy.

"how is he?" they both said almost in time with each other.

"he hasn't woken yet, but apart from that he is going back to his healthy self" He held the door open for them to enter. "sorry but you can only stay for half an hour, the visiting times are over soon"

"ok" Turk answered.

The doctor left.

"only 30 minutes" Daisy sounded upset and dissapointed.

Turk walked up to Enos. "its wierd not having you speaking all the time" he laughed. Out of his coat he pulled a card that he had recieved from L.A this morning, everybody had signed it.

Daisy took it from Turk, she was eager to see what his friends had wrote. She smiled at the comments, "wow Enos has alot of friends"

"Well its the way he is, he's really friendly and with all the people we have to meet and work with"

"seems like he is enjoying himself in L.A" daisy said feeling dissapointed.

"Yep he is" Turk noticed Daisy looking upset, "but he does miss his home, family friends and especially you"

Daisy smiled, but she couldn't help thinking that she had lost Enos.

Their visiting time was up. A female nurse entered. "sorry but you will have to go now"

Turk and Daisy both left, as before , daisy gave Enos a goodbye kiss.

as they were leaving, Turk looked back at the nurse entering Enos's room.

"Does she look familiar to you Daisy?"

"Turk there are loads of nurses, its a hospital, your just being paranoid"

"yeah i guess"

But he wasn't, the nurse wasn' t a nurse at all. She was one of the susupects they were chasing, the woman who shot the car down. She approached Enos with a needle. Her hand approached the drip in enos's arm.

"We can't have you alive now can we"


Turk and Daisy were getting out the hospital, when suddenly Turk stopped, saying:"Oh my God. That woman... I remember where I've seen her before. She was in the car behind us before the accident"

Daisy gasped, "Oh, no.... Enos"

They rashed to Enos's room; the false nurse was still there, and she was injecting a liquid in Enos's drip with a syringe. The syringe was still almost full of liquid when Turk stopped her and pushed her down on the floor, preventing her to move. He had a broken arm, but he was bigger and stronger than the woman.

He turned towards Daisy:" Call doctors".

She turned to reach the door of Enos's room, when she heard monitors alarm's sound and she looked, shocked, flat lines on monitors.

Turk yelled:"Run, Daisy. Call doctors"

She rushed towards the door and in the hall, where she found a doctor; she explained everything, dragging him to Enos's room.

The doctor called his colleagues and nurses.

Turk and Daisy saw doctors and nurses moving quickly around Enos's body to resuscitate him; then the door closed.

Daisy phoned to the farm, and when she heard her uncle's voice she began to cry, unable to speak. Turk took the phone from Daisy's trembling hands and explained what's happened to uncle Jesse.

(cue anyone)


Daisy sat down still trembling. Once Turk had finished the phone call, he got Daisy a hot drink. The doctors and nurses had still not left Enos's room. Atlanta police had arrested the woman. Knowing Enos was in hospital they were close by.

Daisy began to become more distressed.

"i don't know what i would do without Enos"

"don't talk like that he will be ok" Turk replied but he was just as scared as Daisy at this point.


Daisy and Turk were waiting for news.

When uncle Jesse, Bo and Luke arrived (escorted by Atlanta's police), doctors and nurses were still in Enos's room; they didn't know if it was a good sign or a bad one.

Bo was the most upset between the four men.

Everyone was thinking how to endure potential Enos's death.

Finally, a doctor approached to them. He had a tired smiled on his face; he nodded, answering to their worried looks:" He's alive. But...." and the smile disappeared from his face.


"What" Bo answered beginning to panic.

The doctor sighed. "He is barely breathing by himself, if this continues then we will have to consider stopping the machines"

Daisy screamed and through her head into her hands.

"you can't do that , you just can't!!" Turk pleaded with the doctor, he was also beginning to loose it.

The doctor tried to calm everyone down. "if he continues as he is then we won't, but if he begins to rely on the machines as way of breathing or he goes into cardiac arrest, well then its just no point, he is suffering as it is"

Daisy raised her head from her hands "can i see him alone please?"

"certainly" the doctor answered "but i must warn you it may upset you"


In the Enos's dark room, the silence was broken only by monitors and life-support system that made him breath.

Daisy took his hand as usual, but this time she didn't stay silent.

"Enos, please. Wake up, honey. I can't live without you. I've realized what you mean for me, but it could be too late. Maybe, if I had been more honest with you, you wouldn't have left Hazzard, and nothing would have happened to you. Forgive me, Enos"

She looked at Enos's pale face, and she saw that he was opening his eyes.

Daisy stood up, and she opened the door calling the doctor, who was still with her family and Turk.

"Doctor" she yelled "he's waking up".

The doctor was surprised, but he reached Enos's room.


The Doctor checked everything his pulse, took a blood sample and took his blood pressure.

"How are you feeling Enos?" he asked.

Enos was very groggy and answered with a simple "Tired"

Daisy smiled at him and caressed the side of his face. Enos was so groggy that he hadn't noticed Daisy there.

"daisy" he said wearily.

"yes its me honey"

Enos was beginning to come back to reality, he looked around frantically.

"Why am i in hospital" he said seeming scared.

" your ok Enos, just calm down" daisy said reassuringly stroking back Enos's hair.

"you were involved in an accident and you have to be our star patient, i must admit we thought that you wouldn't pull through"

"Like Uncle Jesse said, your a fighter" daisy said with a smile that had not dissapeared from her face since Enos had woke up.

"He certainly is" the doctor did indeed agree with that statement. "right everythings fine, i will check on you again soon"

"Thank you" Enos replied

They were alone again, except Enos was awake this time, Daisy was eager to tell him what she felt.


Daisy took a deep breath:" Enos...", but he stopped her:" Bo and Turk? The last thing I remember is that they were with me"

"Don't worry, honey. They are fine. Bo had a head trauma and Turk a broken arm, but they are fine. You were the most injured in the accident"

"Actually, I have headache and I feel my throat burning", he said in a low voice.

"Yeah. Right now doctor have removed from your throat the tube that made you breath. It's normal that your throat is burning"

Enos seemed worry:" Tube? I was so bad injured?"

Daisy took his hand:" Oh, Enos. You almost died. But now you're awake, and you'll recover"

He smiled for the first time since he was awake:" I'll stay in Hazzard since I'll recover, during convalescence. Then I'll return to Los Angeles"

Daisy looked away, sadly, whispering:" Stay in Hazzard forever, with me"

Enos stared at Daisy, astonished:" What? What have you said, Daisy?"

In that moment, the doctor entered the room. "Sorry, Miss, but I have to examine him. Enos, your friends want to see you before leaving. Only few minutes". The doctor opened the door; Turk, Bo, Luke and uncle Jesse entered; the doctor left, repeating:" Only few minutes, okay? Then I have to check on him".


Everybody entered the room with smiles and greetings of pure happiness as they saw Enos awake.

They chatted, Daisy however remained quiet, but kept her eyes on Enos. As talked he also kept catching Daisy's eyes. They were still the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen, in fact, she was still the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen. Daisy noticed that Enos was beginning to forget that everyone was talking to him as he lost himself, feeling hynotised by her look. She gave a smile. Enos felt himself go weak all over, he wasn't prepared for a smile like that at the best of times but now. The two of them continued to get lost in each others eyes until......

"right, sorry, its time for you to leave now, you most certainly can come back tomorrow normal visiting time"

Daisy let out an angered sigh in her head, the Doctor was beginning to annoy her,'he certainly picks his moments' she thought in her head, that was the second time the doctor had disrupted something between her and Enos.

Later that night neither Enos or Daisy could sleep. They couldn't stop thinking about each other. Both thought how they could stare into each other's eyes for ever. Daisy rolled over and hoped that her favourite Doctor would not disturb there conversations tomorrow.


Next day Daisy wake up early, eager to see Enos again.

She was waiting for Bo, Luke and Turk.

Her impatience grew up when Atlanta's cops arrived at the farm to talk with Turk. "Oh my God" she thought "and now? What's the matter?"

But this time the cops had good news.

After cops left, Turk explained to Dukes that the woman arrested the day before had confessed, so her partners in crime had been arrested. Bo (and anybody else) wasn't in danger anymore. The Dukes sighed: it was so strange to see Atlanta's cops around their farm during all the day (as they were crooks), but now they were glad to be free again.

Turk continued to talk:" That woman said that...", but Daisy stopped him. "OK, Turk. You'll tell everything when we'll arrive at the hospital. So also Enos will know everything. Now, go. Hurry up"

Bo, Luke, uncle Jesse and Turk sniggered. "Ok, go" said Luke.

At the hospital Enos was waiting for Daisy. He was thinking 'bout her words "Stay in Hazzard forever, with me"

"Did she really say those words, or did my headhache mystify me?" he sighed. "Well, I'll know later".

His room's door opened, and he saw Daisy coming in. "Well" he thought "I'll know..... now".

Bo, Luke and Turk entered after Daisy. So he thought again:" Maybe, It's better not to know", and he smiled to his friends.

Turk said:" Hey Enos. I have good news"


"What?" Enos replied as he sat up in bed. As he did Daisy noticed the strength he had in his arms. She smiled slyly and thought to herself ' I wouldn't mind being held in those arms' she snapped out it remebering that everyone was there, ' not know Daisy' she said in her head.

"The woman who tried to kill you"

Nice cheery topic thought Enos, especially, hey why is that good news, he said inside his head.

Turk continued "she confessed, so we got the other two guys, everything's over, so you can come back soon"

There it was, Turk had said it, here was Enos's or even Daisy's chance to confess to everyone what was really going to happen.


Enos swallowed:" Soon?", he said with a sad look on his face.

"Yeah, soon.... or... I mean.... when you can leave the hospital. There's no reason to stay in Hazzard anymore. Our job here is finished" Turk replied, worried 'bout Enos's reaction.

"Mmmhh" Enos mumbled. Meanwhile he was thinking:"And now? What have I to say? I can't say I want to stay in Hazzard, leaving L.A.P.D. Maybe I misunderstood Daisy's words yesterday. Moreover, I've always dreamed of joining a big police department. I like L.A.P.D. And if I say I want to stay in Hazzard, Turk and others could think that I'm childish, that I'm a cur and that I let go when I'm in front of difficulties (such an injury like this). I can't act like a child who cries after a fall, searching for his mom"

Everyone was looking at Enos; Daisy was worried 'bout Enos's answer. She thought to herself:" Please, Enos. Say you want to stay here. Don't go away", but she didn't know what to say; she was ashamed and she didn't want let her family know 'bout her feelings for Enos.

Enos took a deep breath before aswering, but the doctor opened the door ("Oh my God", Daisy thought, "he's a curse").

"Hey Enos. How do you feel? Good news. Next week you can leave the hospital" he said, smiling.

Daisy shook her head, thinking:" I would kill him, but he saved Enos's life, so I'll be patient"

The doctor continued to talk:" But you have to take some rest. So, forget your work for a while.... I mean, at least one month. It's your convalescence. Where do you want to spend this time?"

Daisy gasped, saying immediately:" He'll stay at our farm". After all, that doctor wasn't so bad.

Everyone looked at Daisy. Enos smiled at her.


Daisy had saved Enos. He now had an excuse to stay in Hazzard. Daisy smiled back at Enos. Now was there chance, there chance to see if they could become a couple, a chance to see if they could become a married couple.

At the farm that night Daisy was the happiest she had been. Enos was coming soon, staying for a month. Daisy was starting to feel awmost excited. She had missed Enos so much, been constantly worried sick about him.

She couldn't wait for the day to arrive when Enos would leave the hospital.


Finally Enos left the hospital.

Bo, Luke and Daisy were there to bring him to the farm.

Turk had returned to Los Angeles. He was glad Enos was fine, but, somehow, he had understood that Enos wanted to stay in Hazzard not only for his convelescence.

The boys helped him to reach the General Lee, holding him; he was very weak, and it was the consequence of time spent in bed and head trauma.

Enos thanked them:" Sorry. I don't want to bother you. Thanks to let me stay at the farm"

Bo smiled at him:" Enos, you've been injured because of me. Moreover, you are our best friend. And you can stay alone in your apartment. How can you stay alone if you're not able to stand up?"

Enos smiled back:" You're are right, even if I'm used to be alone. I've been alone for almost all my life".

In the General Lee, Bo was driving (Luke and Enos persuaded him to drive again, even if he was scared after the accident that almost killed Enos) and Luke was sideways. Behind Bo and Luke, Daisy and Enos were sitting side by side; Daisy was holding his hand (something she was used to in the last days) and he was sleeping, defeated by weakness and sedatives for his headhache.


Enos's head had slipped further and further down the seat and found its place on Daisy's shoulder. Daisy watched him sleep. He looked so peaceful, so sweet. Daisy felt something inside her that she couldn't explain. She had never felt it before. She felt it while she watched Enos. Maybe she was beginning to have strong feelings for Enos maybe even love. He didn't snore when he slept, he was a perfect sleeper. He then rolled slightly and swung his arm slowly. His hand landed on the lower part of Daisy's thigh. She felt a shive all over , not just her spine but everywhere even her feet. He did as an accident obviously but Daisy didn't care, if he made her feel like that then she wanted him to caress her more often.

The car began to slow as they approached the farm.


In the evening, everyone was around kitchen's table for dinner.

Finally everything was OK.

They talked about last days; Bo talked 'bout time spent in prison (it was like a nightmare, and he was glad to be at home) and Enos answered to Dukes's questions 'bout his investigations (that saved Bo) and time spent in L.A.

Then Enos's answers became a bit confused, and he put a hand on his forehead "Sorry, but I have headhache again"

Uncle Jesse stood up:" It's time to go to bed, Enos. You're still weak, and you have to rest. Doctor said that this headhache, be sleepy and a bit confused are normal after such a head trauma, but things will go better and better"

Enos nodded:" Ok. I need to sleep." and he stood up.

Uncle Jesse put a hand on his shoulder:" Your bedroom is ready. Come on"

After also Bo and Luke left, Daisy stayed in the kitchen with uncle Jesse. It was 11 p.m.

Uncle Jesse looked at her:" What's the matter, Daisy? You're mulling over something since Enos wake up"

Daisy blushed:" Have you notice....?"

Uncle Jesse smiled:"...that there's something going on between you two"

Daisy smiled too:" You know me very well. I was thinking that..... well..... I don't know exactly what I feel for Enos, but... well... people said that you fully understand the value of something after losing it. Now I understand what it means."

Uncle Jesse took her hand:" Rather, I think that you find the true value when you find the lost thing again"

Daisy felt like she wanted to cry:" I don't want that Enos returns to Los Angeles. But I don't want to influence his choice. At the hospital I said to him not to left and to stay in Hazzard. I don't know if he understood my words 'cause I said it in a whisper. What have I to do? Ask him to stay here forever? I'm ashamed"


"Don't be silly!" Jesse almost snapped. "How can you feel ashamed after what you have just told me"

"what do you mean uncle jesse?"

"You have told me how you understand what you have found with Enos, that is not something to be ashamed of but something to be proud of"

Daisy smiled.

Jesse continued.

"You have to tell him, properly. tell him how you feel" Jesse placed a hand on Daisy's shoulder."I am sure that his reaction will only be good, he will love to hear you speak such words" Jesse turned away to clear up. "any man loves to hear that he is wanted by the woman he loves"

He turned to daisy and smiled. She was smiling too almost in tears. She knew now what she had to do.


Daisy stood up. "You're right. I've decided to talk with him... now"

"Now? But he's sleeping. It's better to wait until morning comes"

Daisy shook her head:" If I wait until tomorrow, I'll loose the courage I feel in this moment"

Uncle Jesse nodded, and Daisy walked towards Enos's bedroom.

She slowly opened his door. She wondered how many times in the last days she had opened the door of a dark room to see Enos unconscious in his bed.

But this time he was unconscious in a natural manner; he was only sleeping.

He was lying down, prone; his left arm was out the bed and his head was turned to the opposite direction, so Daisy, entering in the room, could see only his nape.

Daisy sat on his bed, smiling and stroking gently his head.

He mumbled something incomprehensible, and he opened his eyes.

"Enos", she whispered. He turned, lying on his back and looking at Daisy.


He blinked his eyes, feeling that he must be dreaming.

"What's the matter is everything ok? Enos asked, he realised that he was not dreaming as Daisy's touch felt truly real, he could feel himself scrunching up inside.

"Nothing sugar, well, its just i have to talk to you Enos" she said in a meaningful tone.

Enos sat up. Again Daisy noticed his arms and smiled.

"What's so important"

"Lately Enos" Daisy wasn't going to stop now. "I have realised that i love you"

Daisy didn't stop for a reply, she wanted to continue what she was saying, get it all out in the open type of thing. She noticed the confusion in Enos's face.

"since you've been in L.A i didn't think about it much, but Bo's arrest and the accident and seeing you again, made me realise, i missed you so much and i wanted you here walking into the Boars Nest smiling your smile, cheering me up. i wanted you here with me, i want you Enos, i want us to be together".

Daisy held Enos's hand. Enos's squeezed it tight.

"I can't see you leave me again Enos" Daisy said quietly.

While Daisy was talking Enos had moved closer to Daisy. They caught each others eyes, as they did in the hospital. That look they shared seemed to stop time for both of them. Their lips met and engaged in a slow but sweet kiss, that became more and more passionate.


Enos suddenly turned away: "Stop, Daisy, please"

Daisy stared at him, silently, and Enos continued: "Not now, not here".

Daisy smiled, a bit embarrassed: "OK. Sorry, I'm running too fast".

Enos whispered in her ear: "I'll stay in Hazzard, so we have time".

She hugged him and put her head on his chest; she could hear his heartbeat and catch his scent. She felt his arms around her chest, and she fell asleep.

Next morning, Bo and Luke wake up, and, jawning, entered in the kitchen, where uncle Jesse was cooking breakfast.

Bo and Luke looked at each other, surprise; in fact they were used to see Daisy cooking breakfast every morning. Luke asked:"Where's Daisy?"

Uncle jesse smiled:"Last night we talked a bit, and I went to sleep at 2 o'clock. So I think that she's still sleeping in her bedroom"

At that moment, Daisy went out Enos's bedroom, jawning:"Enos is still sleeping. It's normal after our meeting".

Uncle Jesse and the boys looked at her, and they seemed puzzled.

Daisy realized that her words could be misconceived, and she blushed.


"Nothing happened, i fell asleep in his room, we talked last night thats all"

Uncle jesse smiled he realised what the talk was about.

"So what did he say?" Uncle jesse asked. Bo and Luke just stood in bewilderment.

Daisy smiled and almost blushed "he said he would stay in Hazzard".

Bo and Luke beagn to catch on.

"You mean you two are an item?" Bo asked.

"Yes you could say that" Daisy replied.

Jesse smiled and Luke added "great news Daisy"

Everybody was handing round congratulations when Enos woke up and entered the kitchen.


Everyone looked at Enos, smiling, and he blushed.

He thoght:" Did Daisy tell everything to her family?"

He didn't know what to say.

He feared uncle Jesse's reaction, 'cause he thought that uncle Jesse wouldn't have accepted him as Daisy's boyfriend, but he would have preferred someone better..

He feared Bo and Luke's reaction; they were his best friends, but would they have accepted that their best friend was their cousin's boyfriend?

And he feared his colleagues in L.A., and Turk in particular; would they have understood his decision to stay in Hazzard?

But when he looked at Daisy, he knew that she was the only thing he needed in his life, and that he would have died for her, if it was necessary.

So he took a deep breath. "Uncle Jesse, Bo, Luke...... I........ well.... I've decided to stay here in Hazzard and to leave L.A. police. Me and Daisy.... I love her, and I can stay away from her", saying that words he blushed more and more.

Daisy moved closer to Enos. "And I love him".

Bo and Luke hugged Enos:" Good news, buddy. You are the best man for her"

Then uncle Jesse shook his hand, smiling:" Take care of her, Enos. I know you can do it". Enos was touched by uncle Jesse's words 'cause he needed his approval as if he was his father. In effect the Dukes were as a family for him.


Next for Enos was the hard part.

He was back at his apartment. His excuse was that he needed some clothes because Daisy insisted that he carried on staying at the farm. Really he was just sitting there. Thinking. What was he going to tell Turk, more importantly though, how. Turk had been his best friend in L.A, even like a brother to him. He was about to call when someone burst into his apartment. The lack of force made Enos realise that it was his Gran, Iris. Enos stood and smiled.

"Daisy told me you'd be here, i am so glad you two are together" she said in typical Granny fashion.

Enos smiled.

"don't i get a hug" she said.

Enos hugged his gran. then out of nowhere she gave him a play slap. His gran Iris always did that, it provided amusement for the rest of the family. It was his gran's way of showing how worried she was or had been.

"Why didn't you tell me that you had come back"

"Gran stop it!"

Enos's gran had raised him, his father had left when he was young and his mother had died when he was 8. Enos and his gran never talked about it, it wasn't pretty, lets just say it became Enos's sole reason for joining the police force.

"I have been worried sick about you!"

"gran i have had an accident, i don't think the doctors would be pleased with you hitting me"

"I wish you would tell me, thats all , all i have done the past 2 years is worry about you, in L.A. Dangerous job, murder capital of the country" she turned to Enos " do you know that?"

"Yes gran, i am not going back, i am staying with Daisy"

"good you need a woman"

Enos sighed

"and Daisy is wonderful"

Enos nodded in agreement. "do you mind if i take a call in my bedroom, please gran?"

"Not at all, i will make us a drink" she smiled. Enos realised that arguing would get him nowhere, she had raised him and she wasn't going to stop doing things for him now.

Enos reached his room and dialed.


The phone on Turk's desk rang, and Turk answered:" Hello. This is officer Adams"

Enos said:" Hi, Turk. It's me, Enos"

Turk smiled:" Hey, Enos. Glad to hear you. What about your headhache?"

"Pesky. But I feel better", then Enos paused: "Listen Turk. I've to tell you something" Another pause :" .... well......"

Turk stopped him:" You've decided to stay in Hazzard, right?"

Enos was surprised:" How do you....?"

Turked sniggered:" Well, Enos. We've worked together for two years. You aren't able to hide anything to your friends. I saw your face in hospital when I told you we had to return to L.A. And I saw how you and Daisy looked each other. Did she tell you she loves you?"

Enos blushed, even if it was alone in his bedroom:" Yeah. Are you not angry?"

"Angry? Why?"

"Somehow, Turk, I thought you wouldn't approve"

"What? What are you saying, Enos? Between love and work, You've chose love. What's the problem? Anyway, you are a cop and you'll be a cop forever. Maybe not in L.A., but you are an Hazzard's deputy, right?"

"Yeah, Turk. I hope Boss and Rosco let me to be a deputy again."

"Of course. They like you, even if they pretend the contrary"

Enos smiled:" Yeah. You're right.... And Lieutenant Broggi?"

Turk sighed:" Don't worry 'bout him. You know, he likes you. Everyone here likes you, and everyone will accept your decision, even if... well.... we'll regret your absence"

Enos whispered:" Thanks, Turk"

"Hey, Enos, we're waiting for your wedding. You'll invite us, right?"

Enos blushed again" Of course. I mean... if ... well...."

"Oh, Enos. You'll marry her. Stop stuttering. Now I have to work. Sorry. Call me when you want"

"You too, Turk. Call me. Bye"

Gran Iris called him: "Enos. Your hot chocolate won't be so hot anymore if you don't hurry up"

Enos shook his head, smiling:" Gran, stop it. I'm not a child anymore"

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