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Daisy sighed as she watched Howard pull out of the driveway and turn the corner. Bo had seen it coming, so had Luke, Uncle Jesse, Cooter, and Enos, heck, even Roscoe and Boss Hogg had seen it coming, but had she listened to them? No, for once, she hadn’t listened to the 5 men in her life that meant everything to her. Roscoe and Boss didn’t count because A.) Roscoe never counted and B). Boss Hogg was her well…Boss. For once, she had gone and done something stupid with her life and now her two cousins didn’t even want to talk to her, she knew. She had called a year ago, Uncle Jesse had answered...............


“Hello?†Was it just her or did Uncle Jesse’s voice seem even older then it used to?

“U-Uncle Jesse? I-It’s Daisy†Daisy had stammered nervously

“Daisy! It’s great to hear from you, how are you and Howard?†Uncle Jesse asked, even though he still felt like Howard had stolen his little girl away from him, he wanted to sound polite.

Daisy fought back a few tears as she said “Well, Uncle Jesse, I’m expecting a baby, how’s that for how were doing?â€

“A baby?†Uncle Jesse seemed even happier then she was at the news “When's it due?â€

“October†Daisy said “A-Are Bo and Luke there?†she asked “I kinda wanta to tell them about the baby myself.â€

“Bo’s here†Uncle Jesse said “I’ll put him on.†Daisy heard Uncle Jesse get up and walk into a different room, after a few minutes Daisy heard “I’d love to talk to her, she cumin’ home?â€

“Not from what she’s told me, but she has…..â€

“I don’t want to talk to her then.†Was the immediate response.

“Bo…†Uncle Jesse tried to reason with the stubborn blonde.

“You know what Uncle Jesse?†Daisy said, taking care to talk loud enough for Bo would hear her “I don’t have to tell him about the baby, he can just wonder what’s been going on in my life until he grows up enough to get over my moving out.†And with that she slammed the phone down. Tears were streaking down her cheeks as she struggled to control her rage.

Bo and Luke could be so dog-gone stubborn sometimes, then again so could she, she knew it.

Daisy jerked back to the present as Jenna started crying inside. Daisy turned and went back inside; she needed to find the blanket she’d been looking for when Howard had left. Daisy walked into the house preparing a list of things she needed to get 1. A better job 2. A sitter, But first, before any of those, she needed to find a pink blanket. Jenna came first on her list and always would.

Please PM me any feed back you've got, I'd appariciate any and all reviews you can send my way. I'm actually nearly done with writing this, but I want to know if ya'll like it or not.


I can see people are reading this, so I'll post the next chapter.

Chapter 2:

5 years later, Lulu Hogg was having car trouble, and although what she DIDN’T know about cars could fill the Hazzard County public library, she knew enough to know that it would cost a lot more then JD wanted to pay. Well, it’s a dang good thing JD ain’t here with me she thought as she walked to the nearest payphone and dialed her home number. Thankfully the answering machine kicked on, JD was apparently in his office.

“Hi JD, It’s Lulu, I’m just calling to say that there is a little problem with the car, but I’m having it fixed and then I’ll drive back to Hazzard tomorrow. Bye.†And Lulu hung up.

She walked down the street and found a small café. “Excuse me, but is there a garage close to here? My car broke down.†She asked the hostess.

“One of my waitress’s sifts is done in 10 minutes, she has a car in the shop, and I’ll have her walk you to the closest one.†The hostess said “While you wait do you want something to eat?â€

“Yes, I’d just like a glazed doughnut.†Lulu said, looking at the chalk board where it announced the prices of the various kinds of doughnuts.

“All right.†The hostess said, got Lulu a glazed doughnut and went in the back.

“Hey Daisy!†Lulu heard the hostess say “There’s a woman here who needs you to walk her to the garage as soon as your done with your shift okay?â€

“All right.†Daisy said, after finishing up her shift Daisy walked out to the front of the café.

“Lulu?†Daisy gasped, she couldn’t believe it someone from home was there in her café.

“Daisy!†Lulu said happily, they hugged and Lulu asked “Why haven’t you come down to Hazzard? Uncle Jesse would really like to see you.â€

“I’m sure he would, I’ve been meaning to go down...†Daisy started.

“Especially now that he’s so sick….†Lulu continued. “He’d really like to meet the new little one in the family. Although I suppose they wouldn’t be new now would they? Jesse said you were expecting over 5 years ago…..â€

“Uncle Jesse is sick? Why didn’t anyone tell me?†Daisy asked. “I knew Bo and Luke were mad at me, but I didn’t think they were that mad!†she cried, tears filling her eyes.

“You…You didn’t know?†Lulu asked, surprised. “I was delivering something for Uncle Jesse when Bo came in, picked up the phone, and announced he had to call you to tell you about Uncle Jesse’s illness.†She said.

“Bo did call.†Daisy remembered. “He left a message on my machine a few months ago saying He, Luke, and Uncle Jesse would like it if I came down for a visit, but he said for me to come alone, I can’t get a babysitter for Jenna for an unknown length of time so, I called back and said if I couldn’t come alone, I wasn’t coming at all.†Daisy said “I never thought Uncle Jesse would be sick, I'll go down, but I guess I’ll bring Jenna with me.†Daisy said.

“Uncle Jesse has also wanted to meet your baby.†Lulu added “I’m sorry you had to find out about Jesse’s illness this way.â€

“I’m just glad I did find out about it. Ooooo, now I’m so mad at Bo, why didn’t he say in his message that Uncle Jesse was sick? I thought they just wanted me to come down for a visit, they didn’t tell me Jesse was sick.†Daisy fumed. “I couldn’t exactly pull Jenna out of school, for a simple visit to Hazzard.†She sighed, “But if Uncle Jesse is sick, I can pull her out for that.â€

Daisy decided. “Besides, it’s nearly spring Break, it’s not like she’ll miss much.â€

“I have to get my car fixed,†Lulu interrupted “We can drive back together tomorrow after getting it fixed.â€

“That sounds great. Lets go.†and Daisy quickly headed for the café door.


Here's Chatper 3 hope ya'll enjoy it!!!!!

“Mommy! I saw a sign that said Hazzard!†Jenna said, pointing out the window.

“That said ‘Road Hazzard’ honey.†Daisy said “That means something is in the road up ahead that shouldn’t be.â€

“Oh,†Jenna said. “How long until we get into Hazzard?†She asked for what felt like the millionth time.

Daisy was about to say “I’m not sure Jenna†for the millionth time When Lulu said “We’ll be getting in about an hour Angel.â€

Thank you Daisy mouthed to Lulu. Lulu just nodded Your welcome she mouthed back.

"How long is an hour?†Jenna asked. Jenna was in kindergarten and still hadn’t learned how to tell time yet.

“An hour is two episodes of Full House†Daisy said. Jenna loved watching Full house, it was her favorite show.

“Okay.†Jenna said. She looked out the window “Are we there yet?†she asked.

“No.†Daisy said, gritting her teeth, she could tell that, next to labor time this was going to be the longest hour of her life.

A very long hour later, Daisy’s Jeep pulled into the Duke farm after dropping Lulu off at her house.

Daisy got out and walked around to Jenna’s car seat. She undid the seat belt and let Jenna down “Is this the Duke farm?†Jenna whispered.

“Yes, this is where Mommy grew up.†Daisy said.

“Cool.†Jenna said. “Can I grow up here too?†she asked.

“We’ll see.†Daisy said.

They walked up to the front door and Daisy knocked on the door. She heard somebody get up and go to the door. The door opened and there stood Luke.

“Hi Luke.†Daisy said, shyly. “C-Can I come in?†she asked. “I came to see Uncle Jesse.â€

“Yeah.†Luke said, then he asked “Where’s Howard?â€

“Ummm Howard left when Jenna was a baby.†Daisy said taking Jenna’s hand, “I have full custody of Jenna.†She explained.

“Howard what?†Luke asked, his eyes darkening as he quickly thought of torture techniques to inflict on Howard.

“Howard left.†Daisy repeated. “I was too proud to call and tell you guys about it.†she admitted. “I’m sorry.â€

“How are you doing?†Luke asked concerned about Daisy.

“I’m good; I’ve got a good job and Jenna’s in school.†Daisy said.

“I’m in Kindergarten.†Jenna spoke up from next to Daisy.

“You are?†Luke knelt down next to her and said “How old are you?â€

“I’m 5.†Jenna said, holding up 5 fingers.

“You are?†Luke said, pretending to be surprised. “You look older then 5.†Luke said.

“I do?†Jenna asked smiling “How old do you think I look? 7? 8?†she asked, grinning.

“9†Luke said, a serious look on his face.

Jenna gasped and smiled “Really?†she asked.

“Well, maybe 8 ½ but you look about 9 years old.†Luke said, still serious.

“Who’s out there Luke?†a voice called. Another man got up and walked to the door.

“COOT!†Daisy cried she hugged him and then pulled back and hugged him again. “How are you Coot?†she asked.

“Good, just going over something with Luke here, how are you?†Cooter asked.

“I’m good, how’s Uncle Jesse by the way?’ Daisy asked.

“He’s good, he hates being sick, but he’s resting in his room right now.†Luke said, he’d barely gotten the sentence out when Daisy pushed passed him and walked to Uncle Jesse’s room.

“Uncle Jesse?†Daisy quietly walked into the room. She closed the door quietly, but it woke Uncle Jesse and he looked at her in shock.

“Well, Daisy, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes…†Uncle Jesse said, slowly, Daisy couldn’t help but think he looked like he’d aged 15 years instead of 5.

“Hi Uncle Jesse.†Daisy said, she sat next to his bed “How ya feeling?†she whispered.

“Fine, Bo and Luke don’t want me to be up and around all day now.†Uncle

Jesse nearly growled the words. It was obvious he didn’t want to stay in bed.

“Bo and Luke didn’t tell me what you’ve got.†Daisy said. “What is it?â€

“They didn’t tell you?†If Uncle Jesse was angry about having to stay in bed before, now he was downright furious.

“No.†Daisy said, “Bo called a few months ago and asked me to come home to Hazzard. I couldn’t take Jenna out of school though.

“You could have left her with Howard.†Jesse said, again nearly growling the words to show his distaste for the man.

Daisy sighed. “Howard left when Jenna was 6 months old.†She explained.

“Oh, I could hunt him down and….†Uncle Jesse started.

“Don’t,†Daisy interrupted “I don’t know where he is now, but good riddance to him is all I can say, he just up and left one day.â€

“Yeah, good riddance.†Uncle Jesse agreed, his voice was getting stronger as the talked.

Daisy was about to say something else when Luke poked his head in to Uncle Jesse’s room. “Daisy, Bo just got home.†He said.


“Who are you?†Daisy could hear Jenna asking as Daisy walked out into the living room. She entered as Bo turned to face Jenna, so, as a result he didn’t see her come in.

“My name’s Bo, what’s your name?†Bo asked, kneeling to Jenna’s eye level.

“My name’s Jenna, my Uncle’s name is Bo.†Jenna said. Then she saw Daisy “Hi Mommy!†she said cheerfully.

Bo turned to see Daisy in the door way “Daisy!†he cried and got up and gave her a big bear hug. “How are you?†he asked, pulling away.

“I’m fine.†Daisy said, pulling him back for another hug as she motioned for Luke to get Jenna out of the house.

Luke looked slightly confused but he quickly guided Jenna out of the house while asking her if she wanted a tour of the Duke farm.

“Sure,†Jenna said, “Is this really where Mommy grew up?†she asked as they both left.

“Yep, Bo and I grew up here too.†Luke said, as the screen door slammed shut behind them.

At this point Daisy had had enough of hugging Bo; as soon as the screen door slammed shut she pushed him away. “Beauregard Duke, I’ve got a bone to pick with you!†she cried before punching his shoulder with her fist.

“I…I†Bo wasn’t sure what to be more surprised at, the fact that Daisy had hit him, or the fact that she had called him by his full name.

“Dang it Bo...†Daisy said, about to go into why she was so mad at Bo.

“What?†Bo asked, trying to figure out why she was mad at him for.

“When you called to tell me that Uncle Jesse was sick, A. You didn’t tell me that, I thought you just wanted me to come down for a visit.†Daisy said, “And B. Uncle Jesse was sure to have told you about the baby. Jenna’s in school now, I can’t randomly bring her out of school to go visit family.†Daisy said “And since she’s five, I can’t let her stay home alone and I don’t have the money for a babysitter.â€

“Okay, but couldn’t Howard watch her?†Bo asked.

Uh oh, so that’s what had happened. Daisy hadn’t called when Howard left because she was too proud to admit that Howard wasn’t the angel she used to see him as. Since she hadn’t called they hadn’t known he’d left and they had thought Howard would watch Jenna until she got back. It was all her fault that she hadn’t come sooner. “H-Howard left, when Jenna was a baby.†Daisy admitted. It had been hard to admit that to Luke and Uncle Jesse, but it was even harder to admit that to Bo, he and Daisy were practically twins they were so close.

“What?†Bo said his usually happy face growing dark with anger.

“Howard left when Jenna was 6 months old.†Daisy repeated it was getting easier to say each time she said it.

“Oh I swear if I get my hands on him I cannot be held responsible for my actions.†Bo muttered to himself, forgetting Daisy was in the room. “Daisy, why didn’t you tell me?†Bo asked, softening.

“I don’t know.†Daisy said, sitting down in a kitchen chair “I guess I was too proud.â€

“Too proud of what?†Bo asked, sitting in a chair next to her. “You’re the victim, you’re the one he did wrong.â€

“I didn’t want to admit that Howard wasn’t the angel I used to see him as.†Daisy said, looking down at her hands.

“You’re home, that’s all that matters.†Bo said, pulling Daisy into a hug.

“Just until the end of next week.†Daisy corrected “Jenna’s got school; I can only pull her out for so long.â€

“Why not move out here?†Bo asked. “The schools are good and you’d be here for Uncle Jesse.â€

“I can’t, Jenna’s got all her friends, and she’s got school and I’ve got my friends and my job and I’m going to college part time, so I can get a better job.†Daisy said.

“Just think about it Daisy.†Bo whispered, still hugging her, “That’s all I ask.â€


Here's Chapter 5, hope y'all enjoy it. please PM me if you have any reviews for this story.

Chaper 5:

“That’s the entire Duke farm.†Luke said, finishing his tour of the farm with Jenna.

“It’s kinda small.†She said.

“We like it like that.†Luke said, “Why don’t we go in and see if your Mom and Bo are done talking.†He suggested. It seemed weird referring to Daisy as “your mom†but he guessed he could get used to it.

“Okay.†Jenna said, she took Luke’s hand and they walked into the house with him.

It was funny, Luke had known Jenna for less then an hour, but already he was wrapped around her little finger. He’d do anything for her.

They both crept in the house, not wanting to interrupt anything.

“Your mom’s in with Uncle Jesse.†Bo’s voice told them from the living room.

“I’ll take her in to see him.†Luke said.

“Uncle Jesse took care of you, Mommy and Uncle Bo when you were my age right?†Jenna asked.

“Yeah, and he’s sick now.†Luke said “And we’re taking care of him like he took care of us.â€

“What does he have?†Jenna asked.

“He had this thing called gall stones.†Luke said “It’s very painful and he had surgery to remove them, but now he’s just getting better after the surgery.â€

“Oh.†Jenna said.

“Let’s go in and see him.†Luke said, he opened the door and guided Jenna into Uncle Jesse’s room.

“Luke, who is this young lady?†Uncle Jesse spoke from the bed.

“This is Jenna, I was just telling Uncle Jesse about you.†Daisy said “Come say hello Jennie.†She motioned for Jenna to come and stand next to her.

Jenna stood next to her and said quietly “Hello.â€

“Hi Jenna.†Uncle Jesse said, smiling at her. “How old are you?â€

“I’m 5.†Jenna said quickly.

“Do you like school?â€

“Uh huh.†Jenna said, quietly nodding.

“I’m not going to hurt you.†Jesse said, still smiling at her. “Your mommy said you’re more talkative then a parrot. Why are you so quiet?†he asked kindly

“Mommy’s also said I’m not supposed to disturb people when they’re sick.†Jenna said.

“Well, I’m not sick, I’m better now.†Uncle Jesse said “Your Uncle’s Bo and Luke are making me stay in this bed.â€

“Why? If you’re all better now….†Jenna started.

“He’s not all better; he still needs his rest for another couple of weeks.†Luke interrupted.

"Oh." Jenna said, but she still looked a bit confused.

"This is like when you were sick with the flu." Daisy said "Remember you had to take the medication even after you got better?"

"Yeah." Jenna said,

"Well, resting in bed is Uncle Jesse's medicine; he still needs to take it even though he's better now." Daisy explained.

"Oh." Jenna finally understood. "I'll keep Uncle Jesse company. ‘Cause I was really bored when I was sick and I bet Uncle Jesse is too." Jenna decided, she scrambled up onto the bed and sat next to him. "How old are you?" she asked, looking up into his kind face.

"Jenna!" Daisy cried, she couldn't believe her daughter had asked that question.

"That's fine" Uncle Jesse told Daisy "Why don't you go help Bo and Luke with dinner and I'll get to know this pretty gal right here." Jesse said in the voice that never got ignored.

"Okay." Daisy said, she turned and left the room.

They walked into the kitchen and Bo asked, "What's Jenna's favorite food? We'll make it especially for her."

"Crispy Chicken and Corn and ice cream." Daisy said.

"Okay, I'll make it." Bo said, "Luke, why don't you go into town and get some corn to fix, we ran out last night."

"I'll go, I want to see town again anyway." Daisy offered.

"Daisy, you're a guest..." Luke started

"No, I'm not, I'm family." Daisy retorted back. "Family's work together, that includes making dinner, I'm going." Daisy grabbed her purse and left before Bo or Luke could protest any further.

Bo sighed. Daisy was just as feisty as before, more if truth be told. But then he suddenly had an idea. "Hey, Luke, get Enos on the CB would ya?"

"Sounds like you have an idea cousin." Luke said, picking up the CB “Care to tell me what it is?"

"You'll see." Bo said mysteriously as a smile crept up his face.

Half an hour later when Daisy drove up the Duke driveway, she barely noticed the police car in the drive way, she'd seen some of her friends in town and was thinking about them. She was halfway into the house when she finally noticed it. "Not 2 minutes back and Boss is already sending Roscoe to ask me to take my job back." she muttered as she brought the corn and ice cream into the house.

She was barely inside the door when Bo took the corn and ice cream "Why don't you go sit in the living room? You may be family Daisy, but you're still a visitor, you're not cooking."

"Fine." Daisy said, she went into the living room and stopped short, there on the couch was Enos!

"Enos!" Daisy squealed.

Enos' eyes bugged out "Daisy! he said happily, they hugged and Enos blushed a little as he said "You haven't changed a bit."

"I've changed plenty" Daisy said, "I had Jenna, and I still haven't lost all the baby weight from the pregnancy."

"Weight doesn't matter Daisy, you're beautiful, no matter what." Enos said bashfully.

Daisy blushed at that, it'd been a long time since any one had called her beautiful. Well, anyone who wasn't 5 years old anyway. "Thank you." Daisy said, smiling at him.

There was an uncomfortable silence until Daisy said "I have a daughter, Jenna, do you want to meet her?"

"Yeah, I would." Enos said Daisy led him to Uncle Jesse's room; Jenna and Uncle Jesse were still talking. "I nearly broke my ankle last year...Hi Mommy!" Jenna said, grinning at Daisy "I love Uncle Jesse, he's fun." she said "Who's that?" she asked noticing Enos behind Daisy. Daisy moved and Jenna saw Enos' police uniform “You're a policeman? I like policemen."

"I am a police man; I'm also one of Dai-your mommy's friends, my name's Enos."

"I've heard about you." Jenna said "Uncle Bo said you were coming for dinner."

"I am staying for dinner." Enos said "Would you like that?" he asked.

"Uh huh." Jenna nodded "I like police men†She repeated, “What are we having for dinner Mommy?" Jenna asked.

"Your favorite, Crispy chicken, corn and ice cream." Daisy said.

"Awesome!" Jenna cheered, "I get a new family, a new friend" Jenna looked at Enos for a moment "And my favorite dinner." She said happily. "I like this house."

"I like it too Jenna." Daisy said, as Jenna yawned, apparently all the excitement was getting to her.

"I'm getting sleepy, Uncle Jesse, can I take a nap here?" Jenna asked.

"Sure." Uncle Jesse said, he pulled up the blanket and tucked Jenna in. He motioned for Daisy and Enos to leave the room. "She'll be fine." he mouthed to Daisy.

After the adults left, Jenna said sleepily. "Uncle Jesse?"

"Yeah Sugar?" Jesse answered.

"I love you." She said before falling asleep.

"I love you too Darling.†Jesse whispered back. “Welcome home.â€


Here's Chatper 6!

After dinner, Jenna went to lie down again and was soon asleep, Bo and Luke shooed Daisy and Enos out of the house "Go catch up." Bo said. He took the plates and went to the sink to wash them off.

Daisy could see that they weren't going to let her help them, she went out onto the porch with Enos and sat down on the swing.

They talked about the town and how it had changed since Daisy left, finally though, they lapsed into an uncomfortable silence. Enos started to say something, but backed down several times, finally Daisy said "What Enos? I know you have something to say to me."

“I-I just wanted to tell you I’m sorry Howard left.†Enos stammered nervously. Daisy’s eyes widened a bit, she knew she hadn't told Enos Howard left, but before she could say anything, Enos kept talking. “Before you got back from town, I asked Bo where he was and he told me he left. I’m sorry.†Enos repeated.

“That’s okay…†Daisy started.

“No, it’s not.†Enos interrupted. “He left you with a baby to care for; you don’t deserve someone like that.â€

“Well, who do I deserve?†Daisy found herself asking.

“Someone who would stay.†Enos said. “Someone who would take care of both you and Jenna, not Howard. Not someone like that, you deserve….â€

Daisy stopped him by putting a finger to his lips “Someone like you?†she asked quietly. As Daisy looked at him, she couldn’t quite figure out what he was feeling, Nervous? Of course, he always was when she was around. Scared? Daisy wasn’t so sure. Apprehensive? Maybe.

Daisy was trying to decide what to do when Bo suddenly came out onto the porch and said “Do either of you want hot chocolate? Luke and I are making some.â€

They both jumped to opposite sides of the porch swing as if they were teenagers caught on the couch kissing. “Yes please.†Daisy said blushing.

“I-I better be going.†Enos said, getting up, “It’s getting late. I have work tomorrow, so I need my sleep. Bye Daisy, nice seeing you again.†He quickly went down the porch stairs nearly tripping down them in his hurry. He got into his police cruiser and left the Duke farm.

“What was that about?†Bo asked Daisy “Looks like you scared him off.â€

“I’d rather not talk about it.†Daisy said Enos would be too embarrassed if Bo or Luke knew what He had said to Daisy and what he had been implying.

“Okay.†Bo said he knew there must be more to the story, but he also knew Daisy was stubborn enough not to tell him unless she wanted to. “I’ll go tell Luke you want some hot chocolate.†Bo went back into the kitchen and left Daisy to her thoughts.

Enos was halfway home, but he was already mentally beating himself up for chickening out with Daisy, he’d wanted so bad to agree with her about him being the one who wouldn’t leave. Something had told him to not say anything, though, but he’d been so close to ignoring that something, but then Bo had interrupted. She’s not going to stay around forever; I’ve got to tell her soon, before she leaves. I can’t go another 5 years without telling her how I feel. Enos thought. But then he thought about Jenna, how would she react when he told Daisy how he felt? Would she like him? She seemed too. But maybe that was because he was just one of “Mommy’s old friends.â€

Jenna was a doll and Enos adored her, but just because he adored her didn’t mean the adoration was returned. I’ll just have to take a chance. He thought grimly to himself as he pulled up to his apartment.

Later that night, as Daisy lay in her old bed, she had a dream she hadn’t had since Howard had left. It wasn’t really a dream, but it was more like a memory Daisy was in grade school again, she was in Kindergarten and she was trying to climb the big monkey bars, Luke and Bo who were in 2nd and 4th grade had already done it, but Daisy hadn’t been able to.

As she neared the top, Daisy looked down it was so far, she hadn’t realized the top would be that far up. As she froze, the bell rang, it was a loud bell and Daisy lost her footing in surprise and fell to the ground. She landed with a thump right on her bottom, of course Daisy started crying. She sat there crying for a few minutes and then she felt someone wrap their arms around her and say “It’s okay Daisy, you’ll be okay it’s just a little fall.â€

Thinking it was Luke or Bo; Daisy wrapped her arms around the body and sobbed into him. “We’ll do it together after we eat our lunch okay Daisy?†the voice suggested, Daisy looked up and was surprised to find it that it was, not Luke or Bo, but Enos Strate. Enos was in 5th grade and to her he was a giant, but right now Daisy didn’t care about that.

“Thank you†she said, still hiccupping “Thank you Enos.†She said, still crying. “Why aren’t Bo or Luke here?†she asked, getting up.

“They had to stay in during recess.†Enos said. “Luke came out long enough to ask me to look after you; he knew you were going to try to reach the top of the monkey bars today. He thought you might fallâ€

“Thank you.†Daisy repeated. She finished standing and glared at the monkey bars, "You think you've gotten the best of me, but you haven’t.†she said fiercely, before heading into her classroom.

Daisy rolled over in her sleep, muttering the word “Enos†quietly.


Hope ya'll like this chapter, please send any and all reviews to my PM box! Chapter 7:

Jenna smiled as she ate breakfast, it had been nearly 2 weeks since she and Mommy had come to Hazzard, and for the past couple of day’s Mommy hadn’t even mentioned going back home. Of course, Mr. Enos had helped with that; he was over so much Mommy didn’t have time to talk about leaving. Jenna had spent a lot of time with Uncle Jesse; it seemed that every time Mr. Enos came over either Uncle Bo or Uncle Luke shooed her out of the room so “Mommy and Enos can talk.†Yesterday though, Enos had invited both her and Mommy to go on a picnic.

Jenna was very excited, she liked Mr. Enos in fact Jenna had had a dream about him. It had been a very nice dream because Mr. Enos was a very nice man.

Jenna finished eating and she quickly brushed her teeth, she was going out and she wanted to look nice. Jenna remembered that Mommy had brought some of her make up. She wandered into the kitchen where Daisy was. “Mommy?†Jenna asked. “Can I use some of your make-up?â€

“Make-up’s a big girl toy, you can’t use it.†Daisy said, moving around the kitchen and getting some food for the picnic ready.

“I want to be as pretty as you.†Jenna pouted.

“You already are.†Bo said. “Here, I have proof.†He grabbed a photo album and took Jenna into the living room. She sat on Bo’s lap and looked at the photos “I look just like you Mommy.†Jenna said, turning pages. “Does that mean I’m going to look as pretty as you when I get old?†she asked.

Daisy fought back a laugh as she said “You’re going to look even prettier Jenna, I promise.â€

“Ooooo, I like that idea.†Jenna said, still turning pages. “Uncle Bo?†she asked, looking at a picture of Daisy in a waitress costume. “Who’s this boy right next to Mommy? He’s handsome.†She said, looking at the little boy in a mini police uniform.

“That would be Enos.†Bo said “Luke and I had chicken pox one Halloween and Enos took your Mommy trick or treating.†He said.

“That’s Mr. Enos?†Jenna asked “He’s still handsome.†She looked up from the photo album “Don’t you think so Mommy?†she asked innocently.

Daisy didn’t answer; she was too busy getting food ready for the picnic. Since Enos was working that day, Daisy had offered to take care of the food.

“Mommy?†Jenna slid off Bo’s lap and walked into the kitchen “I asked you a question.â€

“You did? I didn’t hear you Sweetie, I’m sorry, what was the question?†Daisy asked, turning to look at Jenna.

“I asked if you thought Mr. Enos was handsome.†Jenna said, still innocent.

Daisy couldn’t help but smile as she answered “Yes, Jenna, I think Mr. Enos is handsome.â€

“Is that why you’re always smiling when he comes over?†Jenna asked.

“Yes Jenna.†Daisy said, “Why don’t you go brush your hair, It looks like a rats nest.â€

“Okay Mommy.†Jenna said, she left the kitchen and went to the bathroom to get her brush.â€

“So….†Luke was still in the kitchen finishing up his breakfast, he made his voice sound casual as he said “Does ‘Mr. Enos’ know you think he’s still handsome?â€

Daisy gave Luke a look before continuing to get the food ready. “I’m not sure what my feelings for Enos are.†She finally said. “I want to have a relationship with him, but I don’t want to seem to forward with Enos, besides, for all I know, these feelings I have may just be because I know he’s available and I know he wouldn’t hurt Jenna or I. They may not be genuine, if they aren’t and I get into a relationship with him, I don’t know if I could end it because it would hurt Enos so much.â€

“Well, you never know unless you try.†Bo said from the kitchen door.

“But by trying I might hurt more then Enos.†Daisy said.

Just then Jenna ran in “Momma does my hair still look like a rats nest?†she asked.

“No, you look beautiful†Daisy said enthusiastically. “Why don’t you go put the brush away and then we can pick out some games to take on the picnic?†she suggested.

“Okay!" Jenna ran out of the room again.

“Jenna adores Enos, it would hurt her too.†Daisy said quietly.

It seemed like an eternity before Mr. Enos came but he finally did, they got into his police cruiser and they all went to the park. When they got there, Jenna immediately went to the playground while Enos and Daisy talked and set up Lunch.

“When are you going back to the city?†Enos asked. He still hadn’t told Daisy how he felt but he figured time was running out.

“At the end of the week.†Daisy said, she put the plates and silverware out and started getting the food out.

“So soon?†Enos said, he was surprised Daisy was leaving so soon well, you can’t expect her to stay around forever He thought bitterly.

“I’ve kept Jenna out of school long enough, if I keep her out any longer, she might need to repeat Kindergarten.†Daisy said.

“That wouldn’t be good.†Enos said. “How’s she doing in school?â€

“She’s doing great, she loves it.†Daisy smiled. “She keeps trying to reach the top of the monkey bars at the playground. Whenever I pick her up she shows me how much higher she can climb on them.†Daisy was still smiling as Jenna raced up.

“Mommy! I can reach the top of the monkey bars here!†she said, breathless with excitement.

“You can?†Daisy asked. “Can you show us?†She asked.

“Yup!†Jenna said cheerfully, she ran back to the playground andDaisy and Enos followed her. She scrambled up the monkey bars and managed to reach the top of them before she looked down.

“I’m on top Mommy!†she said smiling. Then, she let go of one bar so she could grab another one and lower herself. However, Daisy said “Be careful honey.†which distracted Jenna enough to miss the bar she was reaching for. She missed that bar, and every other bar on the way down to the ground.

“Mommy help!†she cried as she fell. Enos jumped though the monkey bars, and managed to catch her before she hit the ground. However, Jenna’s sudden weight made Enos himself fall backwards where he hit the back of his head against one bar. He landed on the ground with a sickening thud.


“Enos!†Daisy cried she climbed though the bars to get to where Enos lay. “Are you okay?†she asked. However, Enos didn’t move. Jenna started shaking Enos “Wake up Mr. Enos.†She said, he stirred but didn’t wake.

“Jenna†Daisy ordered. “Go run to the general store and get Mrs. McGreevy to call for an ambulance, okay? Tell her Enos State is hurt.â€

“Okay Mommy.†Jenna said, she got up and ran as fast as she could. She ran down the street in record time, and into the general store.

“Help!†she said. “Enos Strate it hurt, we need an ambulance!â€

A woman behind the counter said “I’ll call an ambulance honey, you sit and rest.â€

Soon, Jenna heard an ambulance driving by, shortly behind it was the General. Jenna had contacted Bo and Luke on the CB and they had agreed to come pick her up. All three of them went to the park where the medics were now putting a still unconscious Enos onto a stretcher. Daisy was getting into the ambulance to accompany Enos to the hospital when they ran up. “Pick up the picnic things then come to the hospital†was all Daisy said before the door were shut and the ambulance was pulling away.

The three of them started picking the stuff up and putting it into the basket, they were nearly done before Luke noticed Jenna was fighting back tears. “Hey, cutie, Enos will be okay.†He said, putting the plates away.

“I made him get hurt.†Jenna sniffed. “I hurted Mr. Enos.â€

“It’s not you’re fault.†Bo said.

“Yes, he got hurt on the monkey bars; he caught me as I was falling. I hurted him.†Jenna started crying now.

“Jenna†Luke stopped working and he picked Jenna up, she wrapped her arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder “I hurted my friend.â€

“Shhh,†Luke said, he patted Jenna’s back while she cried he knew that Jenna would stop crying soon, so he just held her until she did. “Mr. Enos isn’t going to be my friend no more.†She said, before launching into another long sob.

“He’s still going to be your friend, Enos has been through worse.†Luke said as Bo finished picking up the picnic stuff. They put it into the back of the General and started to drive to the hospital. However Jenna kept saying “I hurted my friend, I hurted Mr. Enos.†so Bo and Luke finally took her back to the farm so Uncle Jesse could calm her down.

Bo and Luke both that knew once Jenna calmed down, she would want to visit Enos, so they sat down in the living room and started talking as Jenna cried in Uncle Jesse’s room.

“Do you think Enos has told Daisy how he feels? I mean before he got hurt.†Luke said.

“Probably not, but Daisy’s going to leave soon, so he’d better do it soon.†Bo said. “Maybe being hurt will knock some sense into him.†He suggested.

Luke grinned before saying “We can only hope, I think Daisy and Jenna are the only ones who don’t know how Enos feels, even a blind man could tell.â€

“Jenna knows, or at least she has an idea.†Bo said. “Yesterday she was asking me why Mr. Enos kept coming over and she said it looked like Mr. Enos liked Mommy.â€

“What did you say to her about that?†Luke asked.

“I said Mr. Enos was her mommy’s friend and that he sure as heck liked her as a friend.†Bo said “I didn’t want to raise her hopes up in case Enos didn’t tell Daisy how he felt.â€

“Understandable.†Luke said, he cocked an ear out, listening for Jenna, “Sound’s like she’s not crying any more.†He said. Both Bo and Luke quietly entered Uncle Jesse’s room. Jenna was curled up on the bed sleeping; apparently she’d cried herself to sleep.

“Why don’t you go to the hospital to visit Enos?†Uncle Jesse said. “I’ll keep an eye on this one; I don’t think she’ll be visiting the hospital anytime today.â€

“Yeah.†Bo and Luke agreed and they quietly went out to the General.

Meanwhile at the hospital, Daisy was sitting with Enos, he’d been taken care of and he was now in a hospital room. Daisy had decided she was going to sit with him until he woke up.

“Oh Enos,†Daisy whispered. “I’m glad you’re not hurt too badly.†Daisy’s fingers gently touched Enos’ hair; then she let her whole hand slide through it before she realized what she was doing. If Enos were to wake up he’d be scared off for good, “I- I don’t know what I’d do without you Enos, You’re my best friend.†She said, she knew she didn’t make any sense, but she just wanted to tell Enos this and it was so much easier to do while he was unconscious.

“No, you’re more then my best friend†Daisy corrected herself. “At least I want you to be. I know you care for me, but I just don’t know how to ask you how much you care.†Daisy gazed into his face and weakly asked “Any suggestions?†she gave a short, half-sob, half-laugh before continuing. “I know Jenna would like it if we started dating, she adores you, at night it’s Mr. Enos this, Mr. Enos that.†Daisy sighed. “She really needs a man in her life and I can’t think of a better one then you.†She gazed at Enos’ face again before whispering. “I love you Enos Strate.â€

Enos’ eyes fluttered open as he whispered “I love you too Daisy Duke.â€


Daisy’s eyes widened as she heard Enos speak. “Enos?†she whispered, as if not sure whether he had really spoken or not.

“I love you too Daisy.†Enos repeated.

“Oh Enos, I’m so glad you’re all right.†Daisy said as she gave him a hug.

“You don’t know how glad I am to hear you say that you love me.†Enos said, smiling at her. He looked like he’d just won a million dollars. “I’ve always loved you.â€

“I know Enos,†Daisy said “and I’ve always loved you too. I just never realized it.â€

It wasn’t until then that Enos took in his surroundings “What happened?†He asked, just now realizing he was in a hospital room.

“You got hurt when Jenna fell off the monkey bars, you caught her.†Daisy gave him a quick version of what happened. She wasn’t alarmed that he didn't remember. The doctor had said he might not remember what had happened right away, he’d remember everything else, just not that.

“Oh, now I remember.†Enos said. They were silent until Enos asked “Where’s Jenna?â€

“She’s with Bo and Luke.†Daisy said. “I sent her to the general store to get an ambulance; Bo and Luke picked her up I thought they’d be here by now.â€

“You can go out and check.†Enos said. “I’ll be fine on my own for 2 minutes.†He said when Daisy started to protest.

“I’ll be back soon.†Daisy promised before hurrying out of the room and to the waiting area, she got there just as Bo and Luke were talking to the receptionist.

“Bo, Luke!†she called. They turned and jogged over to her. “How’s Enos?†Luke asked.

“He just woke up.†Daisy said “The doctors want to keep him in for a night to make sure nothing’s wrong. But other then that, he’ll be okay.†Daisy said both Bo and Luke gave sighs of relief.

“Good.†Bo said “Can we go see him?†he asked.

“Yeah.†Daisy said.

“Great, we’ve got something to tell him.†Bo said. He and Luke had talked on the way over to the hospital and they had decided together that unless Enos himself revealed his true feelings for Daisy they were. Little did they know that Enos had already done so.

The both walked into Enos’ room and sat on either side of his bed. “Hey Enos, how are you feeling?†Bo asked.

“Like I got hit in the back of the head with a monkey bar.†Enos said.

Both boys laughed and Luke said “Daisy said that you only have to stay overnight, that’s good, you’ll be able to see her before she goes back to the city.â€

“Yeah.†Enos stopped smiling at that point. “I will be able to.â€

“You know, she’ll probably stay if she had a reason too.†Bo said, trying not to grin.

“Jenna’s school is in the city, and so are Daisy’s friends and job, I couldn’t ask her and Jenna to leave all of that for this.†Enos said.

“I’d leave in a heartbeat.†Daisy said from the doorway.

Enos looked like he’d won 2 million dollars. “Really?†he asked. Daisy walked over to the bed and sat in the chair next to it, she hadn’t even realized that Luke had vacated the spot 3 seconds before. Enos and Daisy were so busy talking that they didn’t even see Bo and Luke leave the room.

“I-I love you Enos.†Daisy said “Why wouldn’t I leave?â€

“You’re home is in another city.†Enos said. “Jenna’s school is there, all her friends, your job and your friends.â€

“There are good schools out here and she can make new friends, Boss will give me my job back at the Boars nest.†Daisy reasoned. “I’ve been thinking of moving back out here anyway.†Daisy added she took Enos’ hand “This just gives me another reason.â€

“But earlier you said you were going to go back to the city.†Enos said.

“So Jenna can finish the rest of the school year.†Daisy explained. “I don’t want to pull her out of that school unless I know which school she’s going to go to; there are 2 here in Hazzard that I can pick from.â€

“Oh.’ Enos said. “Have you told Jenna yet?†he asked.

“No, I was going to tell her while we were on the picnic.†Daisy explained.

“Sorry I messed up your plans.†Enos said.

“That’s okay, I’m just glad you’re not seriously hurt.†Daisy said she let her hand stroke his cheek. “I don’t know what I’d do.†She whispered.

Just then, Luke stuck his head in “Daisy, Bo and I are going to go to the cafeteria for some food, do you want me to bring you back some?â€

“Yeah, some Mac and Cheese.†Daisy said then she turned back to Enos. “I’m going to tell Jenna when I get back to the house after visitors hours are over.†She told him.

“I’m glad that I’ll be able to see you every day again, I never could quite get used to not seeing you driving Dixie around town.†Enos said.

“I never got used to driving Dixie around Atlantic City.†Daisy said, she was laughing as she said. “It never really was home for Jenna or me.â€

Bo and Luke soon brought Daisy’s Macaroni and Cheese, which was when Daisy told them she was moving out to Hazzard after Jenna finished Kindergarten.

Bo gave an ear splitting “YEEEEEEEHAAAAAAA!â€

Daisy and Enos both started laughing and as Bo and Luke joined in, Luke couldn’t help but notice that Daisy and Enos were holding hands. Good He thought they need each other.

A few hours after dinner, the three of them had to leave, but as Bo and Luke walked out of the room, Daisy leaned over and gently kissed Enos. “Bye Enos.†She said.

“B-B-Bye Daisy.†Enos stammered, looking like he’d just won another million dollars.

“I love you.†Daisy said, as she backed out of the room.

“I love you too Daisy.†Enos said, still grinning at her as the 3 Dukes left.


Daisy slowly woke as she heard Jenna laughing, “Uncle Bo! Put me down!†Daisy smiled as she thought of how much Bo and Luke loved Jenna. Both of them spoiled her, they bought her candy, and brought her flowers from the shop in town. They would always stop what they were doing to play with her if that’s what she wanted.

“No! Not until you say the magic words!†Bo teased, from the sounds of it; Bo was holding her up off the ground and tickling her. Daisy got up out of bed put a bathrobe on and padded out to the living room to see what was going on.

“Please!†Jenna cried.

“Nope, guess again.†Bo said.

“Pretty please?†Jenna begged.

“Guess again.†Bo said in a sing song voice.

“Stop!†Jenna laughed.

“Nope, not even close.†Bo laughed with her.

“I gotta go potty!†Jenna cried.

Bo set her down instantly “That’ll work.†He decided.

Jenna grinned up at him. “Just kidding.†She said and took off out the front door.

“You’re gonna pay for that Jenna!†Bo called, running after her.

Just then Luke noticed her in the door way. “Those two didn’t wake you up did they?†he asked.

“Yes, but it’s time I got up anyway.†Daisy said, she glanced at the clock then did a double take it was nearly 10:00 am. “It’s late.†She realized.

“We thought we’d let you sleep in.†Luke said.

“Thanks. How long has Jenna been awake?†Daisy asked, stifling a yawn.

“Before us, she was watching TV when we came out here at 6:00 to do chores.†Luke said.

Daisy smiled “Wow.†Was all she said before sitting down at the kitchen table.

“When were you going to tell Jenna about you and Enos?†Luke asked.

At this Daisy blushed a little. “I’ll tell her at lunch, I was going to take her to get some new school clothes and go out to lunch. I know I haven’t spent a whole lot of time with her since we got here. I wanted to make it up to her.â€

“That sounds like a good idea.†Luke said.

“I’ll call her in now; it’ll take both of us a few minutes to get ready.†Daisy said. She went to the front door just as Jenna ran by with Bo not far behind. “Beauregard Duke what have you been doing to my daughter?†Daisy asked.

“I was chasing her because she stole my bacon at breakfast.†Bo said, suddenly realizing how childish this chase seemed.

“He gave it to me and now he’s mad.†Jenna told her side of the story. She pouted and looked at Daisy, the look always worked with the boys but it didn’t work with her.

Daisy however laughed and said “Well, then, I’m just going to have to take Jenna away from here to make sure she’s not tempted to steal any other food.â€

“Mama!†Jenna cried. She was obviously surprised that her mom was taking Uncle Bo’s side of the story.

“We were going to go any way.†Daisy told her, “I’m taking you shopping for some school clothes.â€

“School doesn’t start until September Mommy, that’s….†Jenna tried to figure out how long it was until September but after a few moments she finally said “A long time from now.â€

“You’re going back to school.†Daisy said “You need to finish kindergarten or you won’t go to the first grade.â€

“Okay.†Jenna said both Jenna and Bo went inside the house.

Daisy directed her daughter to the bathroom, “Go get ready.†She said.

½ an hour later, Daisy and Jenna were in Dixie and were driving towards the mall that was now in Hazzard.

“Jenna, guess where you’re going to school next year?†Daisy asked.

“Kensington Elementary.†Jenna said naming off the school she went to in Atlantic City. Daisy noticed she said it like she wasn't looking forward to going back to school.

“No.†Daisy said. “You’re not going there next year.â€

“Where am I going Mommy?†Jenna asked, a bit confused.

“You are going to go to one of the school’s here in Hazzard.†Daisy said, smiling.

“Oh Mommy! Really?†Jenna said eyes wide.

“Yep, you and I are going to move back out here at the beginning of summer.â€

“Really and truly?†Jenna asked.

“Really and truly.†Daisy confirmed, she looked at Jenna in the review mirror and suddenly decided that it was worth the extra money to move out here. Jenna loved it here, and so did Daisy.

“Let’s go tell Mr. Enos!†Jenna said excitedly, Daisy started to go to the hospital, but about halfway there Jenna said “Mommy?â€

“Yes Jenna?â€

“Do you think Mr. Enos hates me?â€

“Why would Mr. Enos hate you?†Daisy asked.

“Because I hurted him.†Jenna said looking like she was about to cry.

“You weren’t at fault Jenna.†Daisy said “Mr. Enos doesn’t blame you.â€

“How do you know?†Jenna asked putting on a good pout.

“Mr. Enos told me.†Daisy said, okay so technically he hadn’t, but Daisy knew Enos, he know he wouldn’t blame her for his injury.

“Oh.†Jenna said.

They soon arrived at the hospital, and walked in just as Enos was walking out. “The doctors said it’s all right if I drive again, as long as I’m careful.†Enos said as Daisy approached him.

“That’s great.†Daisy said, she hugged Enos and Enos shyly kissed her cheek.

Daisy smiled as he did that, Enos could be so sweet.

“Mr. Enos?†Jenna said.

“Yes Jenna?†Enos asked, bending down to her level.

“I’m sorry I hurted you.†Jenna said.

“You didn’t hurt me, the bar did." Enos said. "Hey." He suddenly had an idea "We should go back and punish the bar, a spanking sounds good, what do you think?†Enos suggested.

Jenna giggled, but then frowned “If you spank the bar you might hurt your hand.†She said.

“That wouldn’t be good, Well, if we're not going to go punish the bar, why don’t we go and get something to eat?†Enos suggested “I haven’t had breakfast yet.â€

“You can go shopping with us.†Jenna suggested.

“You girls were going to go shopping?†Enos asked.

“For new school clothes.†Daisy explained.

“I’m going to be going to school out here next year, Mommy and I are going to move here from Atlantic City.†Jenna said.

“I heard.†Enos said. “You’ve wanted to move out here haven’t you?†he asked.

“Uh-huh.†Jenna nodded excitedly.

“Why don’t we talk about this over some food?†Daisy suggested. “I know you must be hungry Enos.â€

“Okay.†Enos said, Daisy took Jenna’s hand and they went back to Dixie.

As Daisy helped Jenna into her car seat, Jenna whispered. “Mommy, do you love Mr. Enos?â€

Daisy smiled “Yes, Jenna, I do.†She said.


The next day, Daisy forced a smile on her face as she pulled up to their house in Atlantic City. "We're home!" she called cheerfully."

"No we're not, Hazzard’s home." Jenna mumbled.

"I know you don't want to come home, but I want you to finish Kindergarten here.†She explained.

“I could finish it just as well in Hazzard.†Jenna said. Daisy could tell the girl was going to be a lawyer someday.

“You’re finishing it here.†Daisy said in a firm voice.

“I know.†Jenna said, she unbuckled herself and got out of the jeep. “But if you’re waiting for me to be happy about it that’s not going to happen.†She said icily.

“I didn’t ask you to be happy about, just do it.†Daisy said she knew that was all she was going to get out of Jenna, so she didn’t press the issue.


Hours later, after they had both gone to bed Jenna quietly got up and crept outside her room, she knew she wasn’t supposed to leave home like this, but she wanted to see Uncle Jesse. She missed him.

She quietly opened the front door and slipped out into the night.


Howard Morgan couldn’t seem to sleep; maybe he was just nervous, he wasn’t sure. But then again it’d been nearly 5 years since he’d seen Daisy or Jenna and here he was in town again. He’d gone over to the house earlier but apparently, they’d been out of town, a neighbor had said that both Daisy and Jenna would be back in the next few days or so.

So, he’d gotten a room at the nearest Motel and was now having trouble sleeping. He decided to go get something to eat; he got in his car and drove to the nearest McDonald’s. He was pulling up to the drive through window when the sight of a little girl stopped him, she was about 5 years old and had dark brown hair, Just like Daisy’s hair He couldn’t help but think.

Instead, he pulled into a parking slot as he saw her walk into the McDonalds. He followed her in. The little girl was wearing a pair of Jeans and what looked like a pajama top.

“Can I help you?†The cashier said as he looked at the little girl’s outfit.

“Can I use restroom? I gotta go potty.†The little girl said.

“Sure, it’s around the corner.†The cashier said. The little girl left and he looked at Howard “You get all kinds of people in here.†He said “What do you want?†the cashier then asked.

“A chicken Mc Nugget Happy Meal and a Mc.Flurry.†Howard said.

A few minutes after Howard sat down, the little girl came out, now that Howard could see her face better, he could tell that she was related to Daisy. She looked exactly like Daisy, except that her eyes weren't Daisy's blue-green, they were his Hazel Green.

"Jenna?" the little girl stopped in her tracks as she heard a strange man call her name. "How do you know my name?" she asked quietly.

"I know your mommy." Howard said. "Do you want to help me finish off this happy meal? I'm getting full."

"Mommy's said I shouldn't take food from strangers." Jenna said, but she walked up to the booth Howard was in anyway.

"I'm not a stranger." Howard said. "My name's Howard Morgan."

"Morgan's my last name too." Jenna said "I'm Jenna Morgan. Since we aren’t strangers any more, I can eat the happy meal." she said. Howard pushed the remaining portion over to Jenna "Thank you." she said, before picking up one of the Mc. Nuggets.

"Where are you going so late at night?" Howard asked.

"I'm going to Hazzard." Jenna said. "Mommy and I were there earlier today, but Uncle Jesse's sick so I'm going to go visit him again."

"I could drive you." Howard offered.

"I'm not supposed to take rides from people I don’t know very well." Jenna said.

"It’s okay." Howard said. "You're mommy and I are very good friends." he told her.

"Like Mommy and Mr. Enos?" Jenna asked.

"Yeah, like you're mommy and Mr. Enos." Howard said.

"Mr. Enos and Mommy love each other." Jenna said, as if sharing a big secret. "I wish Mr. Enos was my daddy." she said.

"Don't you have a daddy?" Howard couldn’t believe that Daisy hadn't mentioned him.

"No." Jenna said. "Mommy's never said anything about me having a daddy." she said.

"I could be you're daddy." Howard offered. Jenna shook her head though.

"No, I'd rather have Mr. Enos."

"Does Mr. Enos know that you want him to be your daddy?" Howard asked.

"No" Jenna said "I didn't have the chance to tell him before we left."

"Why don't you come spend the night with me in my hotel room and I'll drive you up there in the morning." Howard said.

"I'm not supposed to go with..." Jenna started but Howard grabbed her by the arms and took her outside.

"I don't give a crap about what you are or aren't supposed to do." he hissed as he set her down. "I'm your father and you are going to do exactly as I tell you, got it?"

Jenna was so surprised that all she could do was nod as tears fell from her eyes.

"Now get in my car." Howard ordered. Jenna cast a scared glance back at the McDonalds and got up and walked to Howard’s car. He opened the door and Jenna climbed inside.


Enos Strate usually woke up early, 5:00 but today, he was woken up even earlier. Not by his alarm clock, but by the phone. It rang at the heathen hour of 3:00 am.

Enos picked the phone up and groggily said “Hello?â€

“Enos!†Daisy’s voice was shrill over the phone “Jenna isn’t with you is she?†She asked desperately.

“No Daisy, she isn’t†Enos said, he was a light sleeper and he was sure he would have heard if anyone had come in while he was asleep but he still got up and walked around his small apartment just to make sure. It yielded no positive results. “I’m sorry, but isn’t she with you?â€

“No! I got up a few minutes ago to use the bathroom and I glanced in her room to make sure she was all right and she wasn’t in her room, I’ve looked around the house twice, I’ve turned on all the lights, she’s not here.†Daisy was near tears. “Enos if I’ve lost her....†She started, but she couldn’t finish she was too choked up.

“Don’t worry Daisy we’ll find her.†Enos said. “Call you’re local police and tell them everything that you’ve told me. Okay?â€

“Okay.†Daisy said.

“I’ll be over as soon as I can to help search.†Enos said. “I’ll bring Bo and Luke with me too.†He told her.

“Thank you Enos.†Daisy said. They hung up and then Daisy picked up her phone again and dialed her local police.

2 hours later, Enos pulled up to Daisy’s house behind him was the General Lee carrying Bo, Luke and Uncle Jesse. Bo, Luke and Enos had all tried to convince Uncle Jesse to stay in Hazzard but Uncle Jesse had told them in no uncertain terms that he was going to follow them if they left him behind. So, they grudgingly brought him along after making him promise that he’d rest on Daisy’s couch while they were there.

Daisy was outside along with several police officers looking for any clues. Daisy watched the police car and the General Lee pull up and she went out to meet them, she instantly threw her arms around Enos who hugged her back.

“They’ve sent out an alert to all the police in the surrounding counties.†Daisy said.

“We heard on the radio.†Enos said. “Has anyone been out looking for her?†he asked as Bo Luke and Uncle Jesse walked up.

“They have a few patrol officers looking around the neighborhood, given her age; they don’t think that she could have gotten very far.†Daisy said. She started to say something but decided against it at the last minute.

“What?†Luke asked, he put a hand on Daisy’s shoulder “What is it Daisy?â€

“I had my neighbor bring in my mail while I was in Hazzard, when I went to pick it up yesterday, she told me a man had been asking around about me and Jenna, she thought it was a man from my work so she told him when we’d be back.†Daisy said. “She described him to me and it sounds like the man who was asking about Jenna and I looked a lot like Howard.†Daisy said her eyes filled with tears again.

“If he’s taken her, I’ll kill him.†Luke muttered.

“There was no forced entry though;†Daisy said “It makes no sense; Jenna wouldn’t have left the house with a stranger no matter what he said or did. She knows not to talk to strangers.†She said. “But there was no forced entry, so he couldn’t have gotten in by himself.†Daisy said.

“Well.†Luke said “Jenna didn’t want to leave the farm, so maybe she left voluntarily to try to come back to Hazzard.â€

“We’ve thought about that, and there are police out looking for her.†Daisy said tears fell from her eyes as she buried her head in Enos’ chest and quietly cried.

“We’ll find her Daisy.†Enos said as he wrapped his arms around her; he wasn’t sure who he was trying to comfort, himself or Daisy.

“Mrs. Morgan.†One of the police officer’s came out. “We have a lead about where you’re daughter was last seen.â€

Daisy and Enos hurried into the house followed by Bo, Luke and Uncle Jesse.

“It’s a cashier at the Mc Donald’s down the road.†Another officer said as they all hurried in.

“Are you guys talking about the McDonalds’ nearly a mile up the road?†Luke asked. “That seems a little far for a 5-year old to walk.â€

“We’ve walked there before,†Daisy said “Several times actually, I’m not surprised she was able to get that far.â€

“Well, the cashier said that Jenna stopped in to use the potty and a man came in right after her, he thought they were together and didn’t think anything of it when she sat down at a table with him.†The cashier said he had to go in the back for a moment, and when he came back out they were gone. He didn’t think anything of it until he heard the alert for Jenna.†The officer said.

“What time was that?†Daisy asked.

The police officer checked his notes. “11:00 or 11:15 pm.†He said. “The cashier wasn’t too sure about the time.â€

“We have another lead; a motel owner said he saw a man coming into his motel with a little girl who fits Jenna’s description. We’re following up on that lead, and the one from the McDonalds.†The police officer said.

“All right, what do we do know?†Daisy asked.

“Sit and wait.â€

It was nearly an hour later that they got some more news. “The cashier at McDonalds gave a positive ID to Jenna’s picture.†The police officer said. “We’re still working on the motel owner.â€

Daisy sighed and leaned against Enos’ arm. She hated waiting for anything, and waiting for Jenna to be found was torture, she hated not knowing where Jenna was, or if she was safe.

Enos could tell Daisy need some reassurance, so he wrapped his arms around her again. “We’ll find her.†He whispered in her ear.

“I hope so.†Daisy whispered wrapping her own arms around Enos as tears filled her eyes.

A few minutes later the same police officer came back into the house “We got another positive ID with the motel owner.â€

“Has Howard checked out yet?†Daisy asked.

“They are checking it out as we speak.†The police officer said.

A few minutes later, he got another update. “Howard was still in his room, but he made a run for it when we got in there. He left Jenna behind though; one officer stayed behind and is going to bring her back right now.†The police officer said with a grin.


Jenna sat in the back of the police car and tried not to cry, the man who kept telling her he was her daddy was gone, but she was scared. The man had also said that Mommy didn’t love her anymore. Jenna was trying hard not to believe him, but why would he say something if it wasn’t true?

Just then they pulled up into the driveway and Jenna saw Mommy come out of the house. She slowly got out but stayed close to the car as Daisy came toward her. “Jenna.†Daisy cried. She made a move to pick Jenna up but Jenna backed away from Daisy and looked at her. “Jenna what’s wrong?†Daisy asked.

Jenna was quiet for a moment before saying “The man who took me said you didn’t love me anymore.â€

“Oh, Jenna, that’s not true, I love you more then anything.†Daisy said, her voice caught and she had to wipe away a couple of tears.

“He said you were angry with me, and that’s why you didn’t love me anymore.†Jenna said, tears filling her own eyes.

“I’m not angry with you Jenna, I’m not angry you left.†Daisy said. Jenna still hadn’t moved and Daisy could tell she still didn’t quite believe her. “I’ve missed you Jennie†Daisy said, using the special nickname that Jenna had been called when she was younger.

Jenna’s eyes spilled over as she ran forward and gave her Daisy a big hug. “I was so scared.†Jenna cried as she hugged Daisy.

“I know baby, I know. There’s no need to be scared now, I’ll keep you safe.†Daisy whispered as she hugged her daughter. “I won’t let him take you again.†Daisy promised.

It was a few minutes later that one of the police officers came up to Jenna and Daisy. “Mrs. Morgan, we feel it’s not safe for you to stay here in Atlantic City at the present time. Howard is still at large and he could try to kidnap Jenna again.†One police officer said. “You said you were going to move out to Hazzard at the beginning of the summer, correct?â€

“Yes, we are going to move out there.†Daisy said. “Jenna, why don’t you go inside so I can talk to the policeman, okay? There’s a surprise waiting for you.†She said. Luke, Bo, Uncle Jesse and Enos had all stayed inside to give Daisy and Jenna some time alone. Jenna looked hesitant about going inside alone so Daisy said. “I’ll come with you. But then I’ve got to come back outside with the policeman." She went into the house and Jenna instantly caught sight of Enos “Mr. Enos!†Jenna ran forward and gave Enos a big hug.

“We think it would be wise if you moved out to Hazzard as soon as you could, you obviously know the police force out there and you might be safer with family close by.†the police officer said once Daisy was back outside.

“I’ll get to packing right away.†Daisy promised, "I’ll have Jenna out to Hazzard by tonight while I finish things up here.†She said.

“That would probably be best.†The police officer said. “We’re gathering everything up and leaving as soon as we can to give your family privacy.†The officer said.

“Thank you.†Daisy said.

“It would also be a good idea to have her checked out by a doctor to make sure she hasn’t been hurt in any way.†The police officer said.

"I'll take her right away." Daisy said.

"That would be best." The police officer said.

"We're all done and were ready to leave." Another officer said, he tipped his hat to Daisy and they all left. Daisy went into the kitchen and found Jenna was still hugging Enos she was hiccupping into his shoulder. "I was scared that I wouldn't see you again." she said.

"He's not going to take you again." Enos promised. “I'll make sure of that.†He whispered.

  • 1 month later...

WOW it's been a long time sicne I added on, I better keep adding chapters! sorry it took me so long, I've had finals and such to keep me busy. However, I just had my last final earlier today so I can add on as much as I want.

Here's the next chapter:

Chapter 14:

“Mommy, why aren’t you going to go to Hazzard with me?†Jenna asked for what seemed like the millionth time.

“Because I’ve got to finish up packing our things here.†Daisy explained again.

“Why can’t take me to Hazzard tonight and drive back here tomorrow?†Jenna asked.

“Because it would take too much time.†Daisy said. “Jenna, I’ve really got to finish packing these books, why don’t you go into your room and we can pack your things next, this way you won’t be leaving any of your things behind when you go to Hazzard later today.â€

“I don’t want to go to Hazzard! I want to stay with you!†Jenna said, she started crying and ran into her room.

Daisy felt someone take the books out of her hands. She turned to face Enos “I’ll finish packing this box.†He said. He didn’t have to say anything more; Daisy knew he was doing that so she could talk to Jenna.

Daisy went into Jenna’s room and found her sprawled out on her bed, crying.

She picked Jenna up and held her for a minute. Why are you so scared of going to Hazzard Jenna? Yesterday you couldn’t wait to go back.â€

“Yesterday†Jenna was still crying but she managed to get the words out. “I….hadn’t….. been taken….. by….. that man.†She burst into a fresh wave of tears and she tightly wrapped her arms around Daisy’s neck.

“You’re afraid he’s going to take you again aren’t you?†Daisy asked when Jenna had quieted down some.

Jenna nodded “I know I’ll be safe with you mommy.†She said.

“I promise you’ll be safe, Jenna, you’ll be going to Uncle Jesse’s farm, Uncle Bo and Luke will make sure you’re safe.†Daisy said.

Jenna looked at Daisy “Mommy, please don’t make me go to Hazzard alone.†She said, tears still running down her face. She started crying again and she buried her face in Daisy’s shoulder.

“All right.†Daisy said “I’ll go to Hazzard with you. I’ll make sure you stay safe.â€

Jenna tried to stop crying as she gave Daisy another hug “Thank you Mommy.†She said.

“You’re welcome.†Daisy said. She hugged Jenna back and set her on the bed. “I have an idea, why don’t you take a bath and then you can lay down and rest for a couple of hours before we all go back out to Hazzard. Okay?â€

Jenna nodded and hiccupped “Okay.†She said.

An hour later as Daisy came out of Jenna’s room the phone rang, Enos picked it up. “Hello?†he asked. “It’s Bo and Luke.†He told Daisy. Daisy quickly got onto the extension and listened in. Bo, Luke and Uncle Jesse had left a couple of hours before to try and find Daisy an apartment to live in after she moved back to Hazzard. So far they hadn’t had any luck. “Luke’s found a couple other apartment complexes a few blocks away, we’ll check those out and get back to you afterward.†Bo said.

“Okay Bo.†Enos said

“Thanks guys.†Daisy said.

“No problem Daisy.†Bo said. “And don’t worry, you’ll have an apartment by the end of the day, or my name isn’t Bo Duke.â€

“Great!†Daisy said, they hung up and Daisy collapsed on the couch, completely worn out. “I haven’t felt this tired since Jenna had colic.†She groaned.

“When did Jenna have colic?†Enos asked, taping another box closed.

“When she was 4 months old and again when she was 8 months old.†Daisy said “Her worst case was when she was 4 months old tough, that’s what I’m thinking of.â€

Enos came and sat down on the arm rest of the couch. “Do you want me to pack some more boxes for you and then make dinner?†he asked.

“You do the boxes I’ll make dinner we usually eat at this time.†Daisy said, she started to get up but had to stop because she wrenched her back on accident. “Owwww†she then she breathed in through her teeth “Ohhhh, that hurts.†She said.

Enos was immediately concerned “What’s wrong Daisy?†he asked.

“My back.†Daisy said, she reached behind and tried to touch the spot that hurt the most. Her arm wasn’t long enough so she just said “It really hurts right above my hand.â€

“Here.†Enos sat down behind her and started to rub the spot she’d gestured too. “Does that feel better?†he asked after a couple of minutes.

“Yeah, a lot better.†Daisy said. “Forget police officer Enos you should be a masseuse.â€

“I love the law too much Daisy.†Enos said.

“I know.†Daisy said she stayed where she was until Enos stopped rubbing her back. “I feel so much better now. Thank you Enos.†She said. She gave him a hug and leaned her head against his shoulder.

“You’re welcome Daisy.†Enos said. He held her like that for a few minutes, before trying to get up but Daisy didn’t move so he had to sit back down again. He couldn’t see much of Daisy’s face but he could tell that she was nearly asleep. He hated to wake her up but he had to. “Daisy, I’ll go make dinner; you just stay here and rest okay?’

Daisy was so tired she just nodded and she laid back down on the empty couch and was asleep within seconds.

It was about an hour later that Jenna wandered into the kitchen. The sound of Enos dropping a pan had woken her up. “When are we going to go back to Hazzard?†she asked, yawning.

“In a couple of hour’s honey†Enos said unaware that he’d just called Jenna ‘honey’.

“Oh, what are you making?†Jenna asked. She dragged a chair over to the stove and climbed up onto it so she could see what Enos was doing.

“I’m making an omelet.†He said. “Have you ever had one?â€

“I think so.†Jenna said. “Do you put onions and cheese and ham in it?â€

“Yep.†Enos said.

“Then I’ve had one.†Jenna said yawning again. “Mommy made some at her restaurant.â€

“Did you have a nice nap?†he asked. “I’m sorry if my dropping the pan woke you up.â€

“It did wake me up, but that’s okay.†Jenna said. “I was waking up anyway.â€

“I’m surprised that your mom isn’t in here, if the pan was loud enough to wake you up, it should have woken her up as well.†Enos said.

“Mommy’s said that she’s a heavy sleeper. I guess that means it takes a lot to wake her up.†Jenna said.

“Oh, I’m glad she didn’t wake up, she seemed awfully tired.†Enos said.

They were both silent as Jenna watched Enos make the omelet for a few minutes. “Mr. Enos, when did you meet Mommy?†she asked.

“Well,†Enos had to think for a moment, he’d known her most of his life so it was a few moments until he remembered exactly when they met. “I was your age; your Mommy had come to live with Uncle Jesse and Aunt Martha.â€

“Aunt Martha’s Uncle Jesse’s wife, she died a long time ago huh.†Jenna said.

“Yeah, your Mommy was only 6 months old when she came to live with Uncle Jesse.†Enos said, “I met her then.â€

“When did you start loving her?†Jenna asked.

Enos sat down at the kitchen table and thought for a moment, this time he didn’t have to think for so long. “The first time I saw your Mother after I got out of the police academy, I fell in love with her. She looked so beautiful. I saw her at a barn raising, Old Man Pettigrew’s barn had collapsed and about half the county was there to help him re-build it. Daisy was there serving drinks to all the workers. I fell in love with her then.†Enos said. Hey there Enos, did you just get back from the police academy? I bet you were the best student there. Enos faintly remembered 13-year-old Daisy saying.

Daisy stood outside the kitchen, out of sight of both Jenna and Enos, she smiled she was remembering the time that she fell in love with Enos. “It’s okay Daisy, you’ll be okay it’s just a little fall.†She could remember 10 year-old Enos’ voice telling her after she fell from the monkey bars. Daisy smiled as she thought about how much she loved Enos. Somehow, she loved him more then she loved Jenna, if that was even possible. She just wondered if she would ever be able to put into words how much she loved Enos.

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