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OK, I kinda thought this would be fun: My boyfriend and I recently spent a week in Bradenton, FL with his family. While there, we spotted a General Lee that, well frankly, didn't quite make it as a General. (It was more of a Corporal Lee or something.) In his words, "It was General-Lee bad." (Pun intended. :lol: ) We're talking an early seventies vehicle of an undetermined make and model, definitely not a Dodge nor a Charger. The orange was all wrong, and the "01" was stenciled on the side in an ugly light blue. But, it's the thought that counts!

Now, my idea is to see how many people out there have spotted similar incidents of "General Posers," those that try but, just don't quite make it. I think every small town around the country probably has one! So, post 'em if you got 'em! Photos would be great. And, let's not be mean, folks! This is just for fun!

Catch ya later!

Emma :D

PS - To the owner of that Florida General, if you're out there somewhere: at least we recognized what you were trying to do!


A few years back I spotted a mid 80's Monte Carlo with the "01" on the doors and the car was a rather subdued orange color (or badly faded. LOL). Anyway the "01" was the correct font but...alas.... LOL

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