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The following morning, The Dukes were up bright and early to gather the evidence they needed to present their case to the courts. Uncle Jesse set off to confront Betsy-rae's daddy. As for Betsy-rae, she was thrilled that the Dukes were doing so much to help her. And so they had no problem convincing her to testify when and if the time came. Boy, I hope it all works out.


Uncle Jesse pulled into the Beaudry's driveway and parked. Getting out of his pickup, he looked around the property before making his way to the door. The yard was cluttered with old car parts, bit's of copper wiring and piles of assorted trash in general. The house ahead of him looked ramshackle and dilapidated The windows were adorned with dirty, torn sheets in place of curtains. Shaking his head, wondering how anyone could live under such filthy conditions, he walked briskly to the door, stepping around piles of junk along the way.

He knocked sharply on the door. After a short wait, a man opened it and stepped out onto the porch. He was of medium height, about 5' 9". He was dressed in a red plaid shirt and blue denim overalls. A cigar dangled loosely in his mouth and some ashes were sprinkled through his long, unkempt, scruffy looking, brown beard. He wore a disgruntled expression on his face and didn't seem at all pleased to be disturbed. Uncle Jesse regarded the man briefly and stated his business.


"Mr. Beaudry, I have yer daughter over at my place. I think we need ta talk."

"I have nothing ta talk ta ya about. And ya can just tell Betsy-rae ta get her hide back here!" Mr. Beaudry replied in a menacing tone. Uncle Jesse glared at him, he kept his voice in a controlled, even tone as he spoke, the anger in his own voice evident.


"Benjamin Beaudry, you heathen, what in tarnation makes ya think I'm gonna let ya get yer hands on that poor girl? We's seen her back. I don't care what that girl has done. How could ya do such a thing ta a child, and yer own flesh at that?"


"How I's goes about disciplining my own brat is my business. That girls a disgrace ta this family. She deserves what she gets! When I's gets my hands on her, she's gonna get it again too!"

Mr. Beaudry's words don't settle right with Uncle Jesse. In fact, they infuriate him even more. He can't believe how much hatred he can hear in the man's voice as he talks about his daughter and the fact that he shows no remorse for how badly he has hurt the girl. Uncle Jesse shouts angerly back at Mr. Beaudry


Benjamin Beaudry, let me tell ya, you's lower than a snake's belly. In all my years I have never understood anyone doin' harm ta a child, any child, let alone yer own! I tell ya, it takes a real coward ta hurt a youngen like that. And if ya thinks she's such a disgrace to ya, I'll be happy ta take her off ya hands. There's plenty of room at my's farm!"


"You have no right ta tells me how ta raise my kid, Jesse Duke! I need that brat ta do the work 'round here. She's mine and ya got no rights ta intafere in my family affairs. Ya just get that brat back here!"


"Mr. Beaudry, the only way yous gettin' ya hands on that girl again is over my dead body!" After this last statement, Uncle Jesse fixed the man with a menacing glare and then turned abruptly, not waiting for a response, and walked back to his truck, getting in and slamming the door.


Uncle Jesse pulled out of the driveway and headed back towards home, CB'ing the boys and Daisy on the way asking them to all meet him back at the farm so he could see how much evidence they had managed to collect, and figer out their next move in taking their case to court. A short while later, Uncle Jesse arrived home, stepping out of his truck, he walked over to the picnic table where the other's were waiting for him.


"Not so well, Luke. That Beaudry's has got ta be the meanest......", Uncle Jesse, stopped as he realized that Betsy-rae, was listening. He would never say anything behind anyone's back, that he wouldn't say to their face, however, he didn't want to say what Mr. Beaudry had said about his daughter in front of her. The way he saw it, that girl had been through enough. There was no sense in hurting her more by recapping the entire conversation in front of her, although he wouldn't be a bit surprised if she had heard it before.


"Well, now kids, that's not important. What is important is that we keep this young lady safe and do all we's can ta make sure she ain't harmed no more. Now, what have we got fer evidence?"


Luke clasped his hands together and rubbed them against each other vigorously for a moment and took a deep breath as he prepared to speak.

"I think we got enough to present a darn good case and win, Uncle Jesse. Betsy-rae here, has agreed to testify. Doc. Appleby says he will gladly testify as an expert witness about how her injuries could have occurred. Bo and I also found a couple of her school teachers whom was concerned about her showing up at school with fresh bruises to many times to count, and they are willing to testify as well. We also have the pictures of her back."


"That sounds good Luke. I think we'd better head inta town and have a visit with J.D."

"J.D. Hogg?!" exclaimed Bo, looking a little surprised. Uncle Jesse fixed Bo with a no nonsense look as he replied.

"Yes, J.D. Hogg. Now, I know he's crooked as a sidewinder and yes, he has a good deal of faults, but even J.D. has his limits. Now I knows in my heart, that J.D. won't stand fer that child bein' abused like that no how. Not only that, J.D's prrretty good at gettin' things done and gettin' it done quick when he wants ta. And the sooner we's get this settled, the better fer everyone."


"That's right, Uncle Jesse, we need to get this taken care of as quickly as we can." Daisy agreed.

As this conversation transpired, Betsy-rae sat quietly and listened. There was a trace of a smile on her face. The Dukes were actually helping her. In fact, it seemed as if they were going out of their way to help her. Her! Betsy-rae Beaudry! No one had ever done that before. She wasn't sure how it would turn out, but just the very fact that someone was actually trying to help her, someone was actually looking out for her, the fact that someone actually cared....that alone was enough. It felt sooo good.


"Well, what are we waiting fer? Let's go." Uncle Jesse said with authority.

Bo and Luke hopped into the General as Uncle Jesse, Daisy and Betsy-rae got into Dixie, they drove quickly toward the Boars Nest anxious to see Boss Hogg and get things settled once and for all. Shortly, they arrived at their destination. Climbing out of their vehicles and bracing themselves for the task ahead of them, they walked together into the bar and went directly to Boss Hogg's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Boss Hogg sang out from behind the door.

The Dukes, and Betsy-rae entered the room and stood facing Boss.


"Oh, it's you." Boss Hogg said in a mocking tone. "I'm busy, what do you want."

Uncle Jesse, ignored J.D.'s rudeness as he began to tell him of the situation at hand.

"J.D. we have a problem and we need yer help. Now this young lady here," he motions toward Betsy-rae as he speaks,"She's in a lot of trouble. Seems her daddy abuses her somethin' awful, and that scoundrel ain't none to sorry about it neither. We's got proof she's been abused and we'd like ta get a court order grantin' us guardianship of her."


As Uncle Jesse finishes his statement, he has Betsy-rae turn his back toward J.D. and lift her shirt so J.D. can see the large bruise and cuts and lashmarks which were there. He then goes on to explain about Betsy-rae's and Doc. Appleby's willingness to testify as well as the other witnesses which they had gathered.


"Oh my! You poor girl. Of course I'll help, Jesse, Oh my, that's terrible. I'll issue an order for a trail to be held first thing tomorrow morning, and I'll have Rosco arrest Mr. Benjamin Beaudry and keep in him the slammer tonight just to make sure this poor girl here is safe until the trail tomorrow. You will be keeping her at your place again tonight, won't you, Jesse"

"Yes, J.D., she will be at my place fer tonight, and permanently after the trail tomorrow, God willing."

"Oh, of course, Jesse, of course."

"Thank you J.D. we'll see ya bright and early in the mornin'"


Now ain't that something? Even J.D.'s willing to help out. I bet Betsy-rae's ssuuurrrreee is glad she's livin' in Hazzard, now, what with all these nice folks around to help her and all.

The next morning the Dukes and Betsy-rae sat in the courtroom, nervously waiting for the trail to begin. They watched as everyone arrived and took their places. Soon, J.D. arrived and sat behind the bench, pounded his gavel and called court to order. He called Luke to the stand first. After swearing him in, J.D. questioned Luke about his and Bo's encounter with Betsy-rae at the still site.


As Luke testified, Mr. Beaudry, whom had been led into the courtroom by Rosco, in handcuffs, could be heard cursing under his breath as he sent menacing glares toward his daughter and the Dukes. When Luke had completed his testimony, Uncle Jesse was called to the stand. the people present in the courtroom all shook their heads in disgusted disbelief as Jesse recounted the conversation which had taken place between himself and Mr. Beaudry the previous day and presented the pictures which they had taken of Betsy-rae's back. Again, Mr. Beaudry was observed giving evil glares and cursing under his breath. This behavior went on throughout the trail, witness after, witness. First, Luke, then Jesse, a couple of Betsy-rae's old school teachers and Doc. Appleby.


When Doc. Appleby finished his testimony, it was time for Betsy-rae to take the stand. The girl walked nervously to the bench and was sworn in. She deliberately kept her gaze off her father as she testified. Although, he was handcuffed, he still frightened her. J.D. smiled warmly at the girl and spoke with as much kindness in his tone as he could muster as he questioned her.


"C---cause, it's awful at home with my folks." Betsy-rae starts to stammer a bit as her father's cursing becomes louder, and frightens her even more. Seeing that the girl is afraid and knowing the reason why, Boss orders Rosco to remove Mr. Beaudry from the courtroom while Betsy-rae testifies. This being done, he continues his questioning with the young girl.

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