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Upon arriving at the farm, Luke and Bo helped Betsy-rae out of the car and walked her into the house. Once inside, Luke pulled Daisy aside and briefly explained about their encounter with the girl at the still site, and added that he wasn't sure what was going on but he was certain that she was in some kind of trouble and he reckoned, from the looks of her, that whatever was going on, that she hadn't had a change of clothes or a chance to clean up in a few days. Daisy nodded, understanding what Luke wanted her to do. She looked over at Betsy-rae and then went to her room and searched through her clothes and found an outfit that she figured would fit the young girl. Then she went to Betsy-rae and smiled at her, taking her by the hand, Daisy explained to her that she could get a nice hot bath and change into some clean clothes. Betsy-rae smiled gratefully and followed Daisy to the bathroom.


While Betsy-rae bathed and changed her clothes, and Daisy prepared dinner, Bo and Luke filled in Uncle Jesse about finding Betsy-rae at the still site and of he brief conversation that they had with her. Uncle Jessie agreed that it definitely seemed as if the girl was in some sort of trouble and needed help. They would have to see if they could get her to trust them and let them know what was going on so that they could help her. They decided that they would try and get the information from her after dinner.


After soaking in the bath for about fifteen minutes, Betsy-rae begin to feel the intense gnawing hunger again. Remembering that Bo and Luke had said that she could have dinner there, she climbed out the tub, hoping that it was ready. She dried off and dressed quickly. Using the things which Daisy had provided her with, she brushed her hair and pulled it back from her face, clasping it at the nap of her neck with a large barrette. Then, glancing at herself in the mirror and being satisfied with her reflection, she cautiously made her way out to the kitchen.


he Dukes smiled at Betsy-rae as she entered the kitchen.

"Oh, you look nice, sugar. Supper is just about ready. You can sit right here next to me. Are you hungry? " Daisy motioned to the seat next to her as she spoke.

"Thanks", Betsy-rae replied, "and yeah." She walked over to the chair by Daisy and sat down. Uncle Jesse regarded the girl briefly before speaking.

"Well young lady, sounds like you've had a bit of a rough day from what I understand. Is there anything that you would like to tell us?"


Betsy-rae looked away and mumbled, "N--no sir", she replied, but she sounded unsure of herself. Uncle Jessie could tell there was something on the girls mind, but he decided to let it go for a while so as not to intimidate the girl.

"Do you like fried chicken?" Uncle Jesse asked, smiling kindly at Betsy-rae.


"And cornbread, along with homemade mashed taters and gravy?"

"Yeah, I like all of that stuff." Betsy-rae replied to Uncle Jessie, smiling slightly. Returning the smile, Uncle Jessie replies, "Well, then young lady, you are in fer a treat, because when it comes to fried chicken and cornbread with all the fixins, my Daisy here cooks the best in all of Georgia."

Daisy, blushed slightly at her uncle's words and giggled. She replied. "I don't know Uncle Jesse, I think it's a close second to yours if you ask me."

Everyone laughed.


After dinner, the Dukes led Betsy-rae to the living room where they could all sit and talk. Uncle Jesse looked kindly upon the girl and spoke gently. "Now, young lady, suppose you tell us what ya was doing at our still site." Betsy-rae immediately looked down at the floor and spoke in a voice that was barely audible. "I.....I was just sleeping." she stammered. Luke placed his hand gently on the small of her back as he spoke.


"We knows ya was sleeping, sweetheart, but why in our shack? How come you didn't go home?" As Luke's hand touched the girl's back, her face constricted into a look of pain and she jumped slightly. Bo, Luke, Daisy and Uncle Jesse caught this action and looked to each other questionably and then back to Betsy-rae. Betsy-rae continued to look at the floor as she spoke. "I don't know." She said. "I just don't wanna go home is all."


Betsy-rae, come here a minute."

Uncle Jesse said, gently but firmly in a no nonsense tone that no one could disobey. Betsy-rae stood up and walked cautiously to Uncle Jessie, slight fear showing in her face.


"It's ok, honey. I'm not gonna hurt ya."

Uncle Jessie said as he watched the girl slowly make her way toward him. When she got to him, he had her turn around and he lifted the back of her shirt slightly to have a look at her back. Upon doing so, he revealed a huge purple bruise accompanied by several criss crossed cuts and lash marks. Bo, Luke, Daisy and Uncle Jesse all gasped in horror at the sight. Composing himself quickly, Uncle Jesse told Betsy-rae to go and sit back down.


"Who did that to ya?"

Bo asked in a firm but gentle tone. Betsy-rae did not answer, tears were starting to form in her eyes again and her body started to shake with sobs. Luke put his arm around Betsy, careful not to touch the sore spot, and pulled her close to him. Holding her close, he rocked her gently back and forth while she cried. Patiently waiting for her to get it out of her system before any of them spoke again.


After a while, when the girl's crying had quieted and she seemed to have calmed down a bit, Uncle Jesse spoke.

"Betsy-rae I understand if ya's scared. But ya have ta let us know who done that to ya so's we can help ya."


Betsy-rae thought about what Uncle Jesse said. She really did want and need help. But would these people really help her? No one had ever wanted to help her before. However, the Dukes had been so nice since they had found her at their still site earlier that day. Perhaps they really would help her, if that was even possible. Perhaps her prayers had finally been answered. She wasn't sure, but in the end, she decided she had nothing to lose by talking to them and letting them know of her problems. She took a deep breath and prepared herself before answering Uncle Jesse's question and the other questions which she was sure would follow.


"My daddy did it."

Uncle Jesse felt a sense of alarm and anger run through him when he heard the girl's answer. He could remember a number of times when he had to take one of his own kids out to the barn as they was growing up, fer a good switching, but he would have never caused them the kind of harm which this girl had suffered. He couldn't understand anyone that would hurt their children like that. He didn't even want to. Children were a blessing from God and aught to be cherished.


"Is that the truth, child?" Uncle Jesse asked Betsy-rae in a firm tone which demanded nothing less than honesty, as he looked her directly in the eyes.

"Yes sir, it's true." Betsy-rae answered softly.


Uncle Jesse wouldn't stand for a child being abused if there was anything he could do about it. Just the thought that someone would hurt their own preciouses children was enough to make him so mad that he could chew nails.

"Betsy-rae, you will stay with us tonight while we figer out the best way to help ya." Uncle Jesse then turned his attention to Bo, Luke and Daisy and continued to speak.


Daisy, Betsy-rae will share yur room. Luke...Bo, you two go and fetch some of Daisy's old toys from the attic, this little lady here might want something to play with. When yer done with that, I want ya to meet me outside."


"Yes sir." Bo, Luke and Daisy, all responded to Uncle Jesse in unison. They were just as horrified as Uncle Jesse at what they had found out from Betsy-rae. They all felt for the girl and hoped that they would be able to help her.

When Bo and Luke met Uncle Jesse outside, Uncle Jessie instructed them to find out everything they could about what went on at Betsy-rae's home. Bo and Luke agreed and headed off into town.


Later that night, as Betsy-rae was sleeping peacefully in Daisy's room, the Dukes sat in the kitchen quietly discussing the girl's plight. Bo and Luke had found out through a number of sources, such as neighbors which the girl had, various school teachers and a number of other people that the girl had definitely suffered a great deal of abuse in her short life, most of it at the hands of her father.


"I want ta adopt that girl" Uncle Jesse said, determination ringing in his voice. "That girl needs love and there's plenty of that in this here family ta go around."

"There sure is." Daisy agreed. "But how can we adopt her? She's not an orphan."


"Well that's great." Replied Bo, "but how do we get proof?"

"I have a few ideas." Luke stated in the authoritative tone which he gets when he's about to explain one of his plans. "We will need to get pictures of that bruise on her back for starters. Then if we could get Doc. Appleby here in the morning, to examine her, he could provide us with expert testimony. Then if we could talk her into testifying for herself, that should seal the deal."


"That sounds like a good plan Luke." Uncle Jesse complimented his oldest nephew. "I'd like to have a talk with Mr. Beaudry myself first, but just in case that don't work, Daisy, why don't you sneak in there and see if you can get those pictures while she is sleeping? Then lets all git ta bed cause we's gonna need ta be well rested fer tomorrow."

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