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Note: please tell me what you think even if you don't add to the story this will be my character around the forum.

It's one of them nice spring days in Hazzard,the trees are a gettin their leaves and the flowers are a blooming. Well lookie yonder there comes somebody looks to me like a stranger to town let's take a closer look. Oh that ain't no stranger that there pretty little filly is 22 year old Brandy Lou Davenport or B.L. for short that's L.B. Davenports little sister.

B.L. pulled into hazzard square by the movie theater wondering if anybody besides her cousin Cooter would remember her. It had been a while since she'd been to Hazzard having gone off to college to become a veternarian. Stepping out of her midnight blue 1969 cougar with the field of stars on the hood and star gazer scrawled under them. Taking a deep breath she looks around smiling to herself. Saying to noone in particular and not really loud enough for others to hear "well I see not much has changed around here either same as home." Grabbing her purse and readjusting the gallous of her overalls B.L walks across the square toward Hazzard Garage anxious to see her cousin again.

cue anyone


B.L stops just inside the garage door watching Cooter under the hood of a green sedan. Suddenly grinning mischeviously she drops a nearby wrench on the floor with a clang causing Cooter to jump and bang his head on the inside of the sedan's hood raising up rubbing his head he grins as he sees B.L "Mother dog girl you scared the daylights outta me. How you been?" hugging B.L. "How's that brother of yours and your Mama?"

B.L. returns the hug chuckling"I been doing just fine Cooter. Oh Mama's ok and L.B. is as busy as ever at the garage. How 'bout yourself?" Cooter shrugs "can't complain I reckon." Cooter pulls up an extra chair by his desk "take a seat so we can catch up." As B.L. sits down in the offered chair she looks skeptically at the car with the raised hood inclining her head toward it." Don't you gotta finish somebody might need their car." Cooter regards the car shaking his head as he sits in his desk chair, "Nah ol' Homer won't mind a slight delay."

Cue anyone


So for over an hour Cooter and B.L. talked about everything from what was going on currently in Hazzard to B.L.'s schooling at Georgia state and her vet internship at Doc Weatherbee's at home in Coreyville (the hazzard county seat we learn in duke of duke). Looking at her watch B.L. stands saying "I'd better go I want to start looking for a place to live and a place to open my vet clinic.

Cooter gets up to go back to working on Homer's car "Alrighty we'll see ya around don't be a stranger now ya hear." Waving as she exits the garage B.L. calls "I won't and you come see me when I get a place to hang my hat." Cooter calls back as B.L. is ready to step into the streed "We'll do."

Cue somebody

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