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Summary: Dusty returns to Hazzard County in time for the Tri-County Derdy. Dusty is reunited with her family and a love that she thought she lost. But a secert follows her back to Hazzard. A person that both the Dukes, Rossco, Enos, and Boss Hogg know very well. It's none other than Hewie Hogg!

Prolog: Another entery in the Tri-County Derby!

The air was cool and fresh as a slight breeze blew through Hazzard. A lone car was beating up dust as it ran the course for the Hazzard County Tri-County Derby. The Blue, Red, and White car with Confederate Flag on top was doing just fine. "Well Ridge Runner, you sertainlly are moving in your turns. If you can keep that up for the race we will have it made." The driver said.

Rossco was at his usual speed trap, when the Dodge Charger flew past him. "Ohh, Some body speedin! Oh Goodie Goodie Gum Drops! Hot Pursuit! Khee Khee! I love it I love it!" Rossco said as he through the patrol car in drive and took off after the car.

Un be knowest to Rossco, he kinda didn't know who was driving this Dodge Charger that looked exactlly like the General Lee! The driver of the General Lee Look a like was a woman. And not just any woman, it was none other than Dusty Rose Duke. She was moving back to Hazzard. And she was just in time for the Derby. Lucky for her, she mailed in her regerstration form for the Derdy to Boss Hogg.

The was going on for 5 miles. Neither Rossco or Dusty were about to give up the lead. Dusty pulled an old Bo and Luke trick and hind away from Rossco. She lost him. Rossco turned and went to the Boar's Nest with his tail tucked between his legs. Dusty was headed there to. She wondered if they readin the names for the people in the Derby. She was almost to the Boar's Nest, so she didn't miss much.

As Dusty pulled up to the Boar's Nest, she spotted Rossco's car. She climed out of the car window and walked into the Boar's Nest. As she entered she heard Boss read the last driver. "And the last driver for the Derby is... Sly Cheyene?" Boss said with a confused look on his face. "Actually," a voice said from towards the enterance, "Thoughs are my nicknames, My really is Dusy Rose," she paused for effect, "DUKE!" She excliamed. Jesse let out a whoop as he ran over and hugged his oldest niece.

Everbody was gathering around. Rossco was in shock. He hadn't seen Dusty since she left Hazzard. Everybody was glad to see her back. "Cuz do me a favor?" Bo said. "What's that Bo?" Dusty asked. "Please don't move away again!" Bo stated with a grin. "That's a big 10-4 cuz!" Dusty said. She looked over Bo's shoulder and saw Rossco.

"If y'all would excuse me, I have someone I need to see." Dusty said as walked over to where Rossco was sitting. "Mind if I sit here?" Dusty ask. "Go a head. Free country." Rossco said in a gruff voice. As Dusty sat she looked at Rossco and shook her head. "Rossco, if I'm goin to sit here, at least you can do is be sevill to me?" Dusty said. Rossco looked at her than and grined. "Ok! Welcome home Blaze!" Rossco said as he used her nickname that he gave her and leaned in towards her. "Why thank you Sheriff! It's good to be back!" Dusty said as she leaned in towards him and brought her mouth towards his.

An: Let me know what you think!



Dusty Rose's little sister Julie Ann Duke that had just turned twenty-One had walked in Boars Nest as well. She had seen Bo and Luke standing there she was all glamoured up, and they last time she had seen she was in her tomboy faze and she always getting yelled at Uncle Jesse for getting her clothes dirty all time as well. Daisy had seen Julie and said "Our you old enough to be in here, Julie and just smiled."

Julie says "Ya, I sure am you know when you are Dusty Rose's little sister you sure hold up quite a responiblity Daisy. You know Next month I am going to California and being in a Calvin Klein fashion show, and guess what I've been chosen for a one of his new Bikinis for his brand new line.

Daisy says "Well, don't tell that part to Uncle Jesse he still sees you as little Julie Ann Duke always getting in the dirt."

Julie says " Ya, I know that will probaly never change around here."

cue Dusty Rose Duke.


Dusty and Rosco were still lip locked as they stood so they could pull each other close. Locked in Rosco's tight embrace, she pulled her lips from his and turned to see her baby sister. "Julie Ann, the day you are responsible fro my hide, is the day you get smug." Dusty said to Julie Ann with grin. Luke, Rosco, Enos, Bo Cooter and everbody else in the Boar's Nest laughed.

Cue Julieduke


Julie says

"Ya, but at least Jimmy in California looks better than Rosco. And I'm not taking that back not one word of that Dusty besides you never treat me like a grown up. You know I am twenty-One years old and entitled to say whatever come to my mind sister. And one more thing Yuck."

By now Daisy and everybody else had seen this exchange between the sisters and wandered what Dusty did to tick off Julie everybody knew she spoke her mind when something was bothering her.

Cue Dusty Rose Duke


Dusty was surprized that her little sister would be mad at her. After all she was only joking. Dusty looked at Daisy who was Enos's arms just like she was in Rosco's. They shared a nod. "Honey, what's wrong with Lil Juice? I thought you two always got along?" Rosco aske Dusty. "Suga I don't know. She was never this way me before. execpt..." Dusty stopped. When she snapped sher fingers. She had figured it out. "Wht is it Baby?" Rosco said. "It's nothing sweety. Listen I'm going to talk to my sister and I'll be right back ok." Dusty said as she gave Rosco a kiss goodbye went over to her sister, grabbed her by the arm and dragged her outside so they could have privaticy. "Ok! I think I know what's bothering you. Hewie Hogg sent me another note didn't he, you read it, and now you think the only way to protect me is to yell at me. Let me tell you something sweetthing, that may work California, but not here in Hazzard County. We got family here to help me including Rosco." As soon as Dusty said Rosco she saw Julie role her eyes.

Cue Julieduke


Julie says " I am concerned about the letter that Hewie Hogg sent you, and why don't you tell Rosco about he is a Sheriff after all."

Julie and Dusty was talking outside for quite a while and then they walked back into the Boars Nest.

In the meantime he knew he had something over Dusty, and that she was back in Hazzerd again. He had wondered where her and Julie could be at right now, that little sister of Dusty could be a little spitfire when she was mad or worried about something or someone at the time. He had hoped that Julie had read the letter that he had sent to Dusty he wanted to get her all upset and them not getting long, he would be so much easier to get between them then.

Cue Dusty Rose Duke.


Dusty and Julie walked inside the Boar's Nest. "Julie one last thing," Dusty said as she took Julie in her arms and gave her a big hug. "I'm sorry for yelling at you outside Julie." Dusty said to Julie. Julie did make make Dusty mad some times but she was still her baby sister and Dusty loved her.

Dusty walked over to Rosco and took his hand and brought him over to where her family was. They laughed and talked but didn't noticed a figure walk in. Hewie Hogg sat at a table close to the Dukes. "Rosco, Uncle Jesse, boys I got this letter today. Julie read, but I already know what it says. Rosco honey." Dusty stopped to Kiss Rosco passiately. "Hewie Hogg is after me." Dusty said as she stopped for a moment. "THINK HE'S TRYING TO KILL ME!" Dusty said as she whispered fiercely. Then she took into crying. Dusty was just plain scared.

Cue Julieduke


Julie looked at Hewie Hogg, and she looked back at her family and she scared for her big sister. Besides there parents were gone and what was the fun of not having a big sister to argue at times.

Hewie Hogg was watching the sisters as they was talking to there family and he was wandering how his letter effected Dusty and Julie right now and he was hoping they both scared stiff.

Cue Dusty Rose Duke.


Dusty fell into Rosco's arms. "Oh Rosco what am I going to do?" Dusty cried. Rosco had an angry expression on his face as he held Dusty tight. "Don't worry suga, Hewie is not going touch you!" Rosco said through cluched teeth.

Hewie never saw Rosco this angry before and made a beeline for the door for a quick exit.

Cue Julieduke


Rosco couldn't believe Boss's nephew would stoop this low to threatn Dusty in letters knowing that her little sister would get upset. Julie had known that Rosco was mad at Hughie Hogg now and she was glad right now. Bo and Luke couldn't believe this as well, he had just gone to far with there cousin now.

Cue Dusty Rose Duke


Dusty was still crying when she heard Rosco's angry voice. "Honey, I know you love me but please don't make any trouble for me. Hughie will do somethin to me if you did." Dusty said as she put a hand on his arm to try and calm him down. Rosco spun on Dusty, madder then a roaster in a **** fight. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DUSTY ROSE DUKE. I CAN'T BELIEVE THE WOMAN I LOVE IS WILLIN TO LET THAT LITTLE PIP SQUEEK GET AWAY WITH WHAT HE'S DOIN TO YOU!" Rosco yelled at her. "WELL ROSCO WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO ABOUT IT?" Dusty yelled back. "DO SOMETHIN THAT SAYS YOU'LL FIGHT FOR YOURSELF!" Rosco said taking a step closer to her. "WHAT YOU WANT ME TO GET ON MY KNEES AND CLAWRAL TO HUGHIE AND BEG TO MAKE HIM STOP." Dusty yelled back at him again. This time standing toe to toe with him. "BECAUSE LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHIN ROSCO P. COLTRANE, THAT IS LAST THING I'D DO. WOULD BE TO GO TO HUGHIE HOGG AND BEG. I DID THAT ONCE, BUT IT DIDN'T DO ANY GOOD, BECAUSE THE LITTLE MUNCHKIN STILL RAPED ME!!" Dusty screamed at Rosco with tears in her eyes.

It then dawned on Dusty what she had said. She told everybody at the Boar's Nest that Hughie Hogg had raped her. Dusty put her hand over her mouth and ran outside. Rosco was in shock. Ran after Dusty. Now Rosco had a reason to after Hughie. Rosco wasn't going to hurt Hughie, no, that would easy on Hughie, no, Rosco was going to KILL HUGHIE HOGG! Rosco was going to make Hughie pay for Dusty's sake.

Cue Julieduke


Dusty was in tears. SHe embrassed that she told everbody in the Boar's Nest that Boss Hogg's nephew raped her. She took off towards her car just as Rosco was coming out to talk to Dusty. Rosco had decided to change out of his uniform into a blue jean shirt, black jeans, and black cowboy boots. He didn't bring his patrol car. He brought his black Trans-Am. The doors on it were welded shut. He climed through the window and took off after Dusty. "Dusty this is Rosco, Honey pull over. You're in condiction to drive." Rosco said into the cb. "Leave me alone Rosco. I need to leave." Dusty said through her tears. "Leave, but Baby you just got here." Rosco said. He stopped his car watched Ridge Runner go towards Hazzard Lake. "Com'on Johnny Reb let's go catch Dusty." Rosco said as him and Johnny Reb went after Dusty. "Bandit calling Julie Anne, Bandit calling Julie Anne, you got your ears on com'on?" Rosco said.

Cue Julieduke


"Bandit this is Julie Anne, I know about Hughie Hogg chasing my sister but she won't tell me what is bothering me right now and this concerning me greatly. She just gets in these moods where she just wants to go be by herself. I will be in my Chevelle you can't miss it and I will meet you by the old indain caves later. Whatever Hughie Hogg did to my sister it really effect her even Uncle Jesse noticed the change in her Rosco."

Cue Dusty Rose Duke


Dusty was still crying when she made it to the Chipapawa Indian Caves, where Dusty, Luke, Bo, Daisy, Enos, Cletus and Rosco all used to play hooky from school. And it's where Rosco and Dusty declared their love for one another. Dusty on the ground and leaned her back against the cave wall, brought her legs up to her chest, placed her arms on her knees and cried. "OH HUGHIE HOGG I HATE YOU! YOU DEICITFUL LITTLE PIPSQUEEK, YOU RUINED MY LIFE!" Dusty screamed. Then she cried as if her heart was broken.

Cue Julieduke


Julie had got her cousin on the cb and she told them what happened and if they had heard quite yet. Uncle Jesse had answered and told her he heard everything and that Rosco was mad at Hughie Hogg for raping Dusty, he couldn't he did that to her.

Julie tells her Uncle on the cb that was the first time she told somebody besides me since it happened. Uncle Jesse understood what was bothering her now since she got here, and he told his niece that it will all work out and Hughie won't get another chance.

Cue Dusty Rose Duke.


Dusty was still crying. She didn't hear the sound of foots steps come up behind her. She felt arms wrap around her waist. Dusty screamed and started struggle. "Well little darlin now that I got a holf of you again I'll think I'll just hang on." Hughie said with a laugh. "NOOOO!" Dusty screamed as she tried to get away. She kicked him in the shins and ran for her car. She was nearly to Ridge Runner when Hughie's arms wrapped around and started to drag her to his car. All of sudden she saw a black Trans-Am came towards her. "ROSCOOOO!" Dusty screamed as Hughie tried to drag her away.

Cue Julieduke


Rosco pulled his Trans-Am up just in time to see Dusty struggling with none other than Hughie Hogg. "ROSCOOOO!" Dusty screamed for him. "DUSTYYYY!" Rosco screamed back. He was to late to stop Hughie from taking Dusty. "Bandit calling all Dukes, Bandit calling all Dukes. If your out there I'm only goin to say this once. Hughie as Dusty I repeat Hughie as Dusty. Hughie just pilled her in a Blue Plymonth Fury. ANd they haedin south toward Cheroke crossing. Now if you want to help, please follow me thater. I'm down and gone!" Rosco said as he took off after them. He was going to kill Hughie Hogg with his bare hands if Bo, Luke, Uncle Jesse, Daisy, Enos, and Juie Anne weren't there to stop him when he catched them.

Cue Julieduke


Julie Anne had knew I few shortcuts , and she had took them she got the Indain Caves before her cousins and everybody else she behind the bushes and see what happened she didn't want Hughie Hogg knowing she was watching. She decide to come out after Rosco came out and that he was glad to see, she pull her car out of from the bushes. Rosco asked her how long have you been there Julie and she had said "Long enough to see Hughie snatch my sister, and I didn't want him know I was there as well so I just stayed behind those bushes Rosco. I pretty mad at Hughie for what he did to my sister and that I imagine you are as well, right."

cue Dusty Rose Duke :lol:


Dusty was strugglung with Hughie. "Well I see my fun will soon happen again boys." Hughie said as he laughed. Then he watched Dusty break down into tears. Dusty saw only one clear chance. When the car rounded a sharp turn, Dusty opened the back door and jumped out. Hughie didn't notice, execpt his dark haired henchmen. He smiled as he saw that Dusty was alright. Dusty started walking down the same road that Rosco and the Dukes and Cooter and Enos were coming down.

Cue Julieduke


Dusty was trying to get there attention and then she had seen her cousins and Enos and Cooter as well she was so glad they was there. One of Hughie's henchman said there was another behind the bushes at where you grabbed Dusty maybe you can turn around and get her and then Dusty will come to you Hughie.

Balladeer: Oh Boy, Julie doesn't know how much trouble she is in right now on what Hughie and friends are talking about. I sure hope Rosco does something to stop this from happening.

cue Dusty Rose Duke

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