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Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things was great. Favorite episode of the series to this point.

Funny moment: "You have your journal, I have mine" LOL =)

I like how the writers have given each brother a different issue to deal with addition to having lost their parents.


I first started watching Supernatural here about a month or two ago, even though I don't have the CW or even the WB back when it was on there so my viewing was minimum till I got the season one set. When Supernatural first came out I'd have to say I wasn't at all interested in it but then a friend of mine told me to check it out because of how good it was so I decided, eh I'll give it a go.

What can I say? After the first few episodes I was hooked on it. No one could tear me away from it. I now am able to watch season 2 which so far I'm finding very well written and entertaining, full of drama and excitement. Something that I always liked.

And heck the car is great. I like the Impala about as much as I like the General Lee. Sometimes even more. And Jensen Ackles(Dean) and Jared Padalecki(Sam) do a great job at playing their characters. All in all it's a great show and I love it

  • 3 weeks later...

I fought the Supernatural....

Not literally.....

But I refused to watch it. Shook my head, crossed my arms, stomped my foot and refused. For months. For the entire first season.

My lovely friend.... who's post is right up there above mine..... convinced me to watch it. I'll admit however. I've never seen an episode on TV. I've watched on youtube.com.

I watched the entire first half of season one in less than twenty four hours. It was addictive. I couldn't tear myself away from it. I HAD to find out what the next episode would bring.

Part of why I enjoyed it so much, is the chemistry between the brothers. It's entirly believable. I mean, if I had a brother, I could imagine behaving somthing like that. Anyways..... staying on topic is not a strong suit of mine.

They manage to keep the show comedic, at the right moments, without smacking you on the head with it. In a show that revolves around death, bashing things and shootin stuff (with that infamous sawed-off shotgun) they can't stick with that and that alone. People would OD on drama.

"Name one kid that you even know.."

*Dean thinks. Thinks. Thinks.*

*Sam walks away.*

*Dean thinks more.* "No wait! I'm thinking...."

:lol: Good fun. Don't hurt yourself there pal....

Oh and for the record... the car is the star.


Amanda, you're right about the humor. This show has plenty of it. In between all the angst there's always some unexpected quip or a lighter moment.

One of my favorite examples of that, is the time Dean stuck a plastic spoon on the end of Sam's nose, while he was napping, then snapped a picture of it with his camera phone. Dean managed all this while he was driving the Impala and Sam was snoozin' in the passenger seat. What's more fun than a road trip with family, eh?

Tonight's episode, "The Usual Suspects" , had it's share of chuckles. Without taking time to cover the whole plot, all I can say is I had a feeling how Dean's "confession" was going to go with the cops before he opened his mouth.

Hearing Sam and Dean call each other by X-File names cracked me up. Though there was some debate on who should be Scully.

I'm waiting for those two to start in with the Dukes of Hazzard references. In the future of this show, there has to be some run-in with it eventually. C'mon Dean, give us a "Yeeehaaa!" just once behind the wheel of that Impala. I know you want to.....

In fact, my one disappointment with tonight's ep, is that it was without the Impala. And maybe I'm nuts, but the whole show felt just a little "off" without it.

For my money, I'd love to see more action scenes with the car. One of my favorite episodes is "Route 666" , due to the car chase. Dean is fleeing from a phantom truck. It's on a narrow country road at night, the road is wet, and while Dean is driving for his life, Sam's elsewhere on the cell phone with him, trying to tell him where to turn next, taking a wild guess on what might might stop the evil truck. Dean finally holds his ground with the Impala, letting it rumble in idle, while the phantom truck's headlights stare him down. Suddenly the truck roars forward for the head-on kill..... and man, if you don't already watch this show, yer missin' some good stuff.

HEY CW! Commercial balance remains at decent intervals. Thank you! Of course I always wish there were fewer commercials, but at least the interruptions are minimal.

Next week's ep looks wild n' creepy. Dean finds himself at a literal crossroads to make his own bargain with a demon. Doesn't seem like a good idea, does it?



I have to say tonight's episode was fantastic and full of it's usual suspense. I could see what it was doing to Dean, having to deal with the guilt that his father had given his life up for his. I felt bad for what Dean must have been going through.

I'm looking forward to more new episodes this season but unfortunately we have to wait two weeks before we get to see a new one. December 7th is when the next one airs

  • 2 weeks later...

watched last night's episode and I'd have to say it's my favorite so far this season. The action and suspense in it had me hanging on throughout the whole thing and kept me wanting more. I can't wait to find out what the big secret is that John told Dean in the end of the season premiere. The writer's do know how to keep everyone coming back for more.

There of course were some good lines delivered by Dean as well as some good brother moments. I can't wait till Supernatural returns in January. From what I hear it will be the 14th.


:o Last night's episode was soooo good! It had everything Supernatural should have, even a 180 from Dean in the good ol Impala. I think I squealed on that one, to completly honest. But... in the interest of good reveiwing skills.... (Im trying, honest.)

Ye old brothers Winchester, were on the hunt yet again (what else do they do besides drink beer?), following one of Sam's premonitions (sp). Now, This is the first episode of the new season that I have seen, so I had to fill myself in along the way... but I think I got the jist of it.

Dean's tired of hunting, chasing things, worrying about when his brother's gonna die.... which would be hard on anyone. But they come across life and death situations every day, that would be taxing.

(Is it just me or does this look like I'm making a big fat mess? Yes... ok... I'm sorry.... :( )

But, back to the story, Dean made a promise to their dad before he died, protect Sammy. And he's holding up his end of the bargain. I don't really want to say to much to give away the episode.... but... long story short. THe boys travel to a small Oregon town and discover a possibly demonic virus being transmitted to the residents through blood to blood contact.

There's a story, a legend about a demon known as Croatoan (correct me if I am wrong) The story says that in town much like River Grove Oregon, where Dean and Sam find themselves in this episode, was wiped out completely, everything was destroyed overnight, the only thing remaining, the word Croatoan carved into a tree.

But Im not telling you what happened! :p Hehehe

The most memorable lines:

"My neighbour, Mr. Rogers..."

"You have a neighbour named Mr. Rogers?"

"Not anymore..."


  • 1 month later...
I can't wait till Supernatural returns in January.

Great episode!

If they took suggestions from viewers: Wouldn't mind the boys trapped inside a lighthouse... not able to use any new technology, weapons, Roadhouse assistance trip.

  • 2 weeks later...

The Thurs 01/25 ep looks good, comin' up. Here's a synopsis:

Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) investigate a string of robberies with a disturbing pattern, in each incident a trusted employee holds up the bank then commits suicide.

I saw a preview of this ep. Sam and Dean were trapped in a bank, surrounded by a SWAT team. Need I say more.

On an aside, thanks to CW's screwing up of every show handed to it by WB, it looks like the fate of Supernatural is in doubt. Whether or not a third season will be bankrolled remains to be seen. The show's ratings have dropped since CW's takeover - but frankly all of WB's shows have dropped since CW's takeover. Supernatural, however, may be too edgy for mass-market appeal, and therefore not profitable enough in attracting advertisers.

Personally I think that's baloney, but often those who decide the fate of a show, are those who've never seen an episode. It's all about ratings and revenue. (and even that win-win combo didn't save the Dukes from cancellation after season 7.)

The jury is still out for Sam and Dean. The February ratings will have a lot to do on whether or not Supernatural creeps into a third season - or becomes its own ghost.



Just a quick note, last week's ep, "Night Shifter" ROCKED. The beginning was a little slow. But once the main chaos kicked in, it kept getting more intense by the minute. This ep combined weirdness with a cops n' robbers shoot-em-up, and the effect was a double-whammy of action and suspense.

If this show doesn't make it a third season, it won't be the writer's fault.


  • 2 weeks later...

"Born Under a Bad Sign" is the new Supernatural episode airing tonight. In this one, Sam is freaking out and turning evil, though his memory blacks out and he can't recall his actions. What's not to like?

Meanwhile, I keep hoping for more car chases. Last week's ep had a brief, but cool car chase. The combination of angst, drama, spookifyin' special effects, gun shootouts and squealing tires is a helluva mix. Supernatural might be finding a plot formula for long success.

The CW execs, however, are the biggest boogeymen Sam and Dean will ever face.

Hey, CW! Can you keep the promos for "Everybody Hates Chris" from taking up half the airtime of other shows? You're not endearing me to "Veronica Mars" either despite shoving it down our throats 5 times an hour. How about leaving room for commercial endorsements that actually make you money? Then maybe we can see more of the program we're trying to watch in the process.

TIVO!! I must get Tivo before CW drives me insane with the curse of the repetitive commercials!



Unforuntatly, because I decided to take the evening shift at work( 4am wakeups were not working for me), and Thurs off are rare. And I can't afford Tivo right now either. I've completly dropped off the Supernatural circuit. Still love the show. Still keeping up with what's going on via websites, but I'm going to have to late until the DVD comes to watch the episodes.

Rumors going around Jenson Ackles will be in the next Resident Evil movie, for all you horror and cult film nuts like myself.



"Tall Tales" was the most bizarre and silly episode to date. I'm not sure yet if I liked it or not, but I did find some moments pretty damn funny.

It's also amazing to think about the list of enemies the Winchesters are earning. Feds, cops...then, other evil-hunters.....and now, they've run afoul of a demigod?

Where do ya go from there?

And as important as this time of the year is, for ratings...why is Supernatural relying on reruns again until March 15? Granted I don't watch a lot of TV and maybe this is more common then I think.

On another note, March 15 brings in a guest star from the Sci-Fi channel. A sign, perhaps, of things to come? Will CW drop Supernatural and Sci-Fi pick it up? Early speculation, but it would seem a more suitable fit in some ways.

As long as we're not going to see that "probed by aliens" joke run into the ground.


  • 1 month later...

Oh man... Was it just me, or did ya feel like you were watching 'Old Yeller' at the end of the episode.

Warning it is a tear jerker and will make you choke up at the end. No we weren't bawling like a baby but it was so sad to watch Sam come to realization that sometimes his 'job' of hunting demons is going to run him down a difficult road. We already have seen this kind of dilemma with Dean but now Sam is faced with the challenge of 'wasting' something that he has grown to have affection, or 'love' as you would call it for.

I'm not going to tell you how this ends and ruin it for you, but I tell you to make sure you have a box of tissues with you.

On another side note, the steamy love scenes were pretty well done for a show that probably carries an 'R' to 'PG-13' rating, depending on the episode. Boy does Jared (Sam) have arms... Mmmmm... *shakes head slightly at the mental image* Ahem... any who... It was a good episode in my mind.


  • 2 weeks later...

If you missed the episode "Hunted", where Dean is captured by an enemy hunter, who is using him as bait to bag Sam - don't miss it again! It's on Thursday, April 5th on the CW.

This episode, like dang near all of them, is chock-full of angst and suspense. Well worth the hour.

As Val mentioned, a prior ep called "Heart" was filled with unexpected twists and romance and....well, some steamy moments, to put it bluntly. So far, though, the Winchester boys do about as well as the Dukes when it comes to keeping a serious romance going.

Anyhow! While digging around for SuperNatural stuff - I found a link about somebody's visit to the set. Has some pics too.



  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

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