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I'll loan you some money but you'll never pay it back

Cause I'll give to you for a price

Would you like some new guns to continue your fun

Or perhaps some new clothes would be nice

I'm Credit

And I'll kill for a price

Yeah I'm Credit

Takin sides in a fight

I'm Credit

I make everything all right

Yeah I'm Credit

And I'll kill for a price

You could buy thing with cash and they would be yours

Then you could owe not even a dime

But I won't be happy

Unless you're in obver your head

By buyin everything on time

Cause I'm credit

And I kill for a price

Yeah I'm Credit

I make everything all right

Yeah I'm credit

And I kill for a price

You don't have the cash

Well don't sweat it friend

Fair trade is not what I'm after

I thrive on your debts

Fine you into tears

A delight in potential disaster

Oh I'm credit

And I kill for a price

Watch me I'm Credit.

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