HotHillbilly Posted September 21, 2005 Author Posted September 21, 2005 The doctor moved Luke up to the ICU where they could keep a better eye on him. â€It’s still unsure what exactly happened. We’re going to try to figure out what type of drug was slipped into the drip, but so far he’s stable.†The doctor told the Duke family. All of the Dukes and Maria stayed the night at the hospital. Bo couldn’t sleep much, he moved restlessly around the room, watching the heart rate monitors lines move sharply up and down on the screen. Maria woke up in the middle of the night, and when she looked around she couldn’t find Bo. She sat straight up in the chair she was sleeping in and quietly shook Daisy.“Daisy..wake up. Have you seen Bo? He’s not here.†Maria whispered.“Wha?†Daisy yawned, “What about Bo?†she opened her eyes.“He’s gone!†Maria whispered.“Gone?! What? Well where’d he go?†Daisy sat up.“I don’t know. I’m going to go try to find him. You stay here and if I’m not back within an hour call Enos. He can get a hold of Rosco and maybe we can try to find him.†She said and quickly left the small room. She moved down the quiet hallways, peeing into waiting rooms and vacant rooms here and there. As she entered outside she looked around for the General, but it was no where to be seen. “Great, he took General, who knows where he could be then…†she sighed and got into her Jeep and headed down towards the farmhouse. When not finding him there, she checked Cooters but he said he hadn’t seen Bo for a day or so now. As the time crept by Maria was starting to grow worried, her mind was racing. “Was he forced to go? Or did he just leave for a drive? Or is he by the side of the road somewhere?†she whirled down the back roads, and as an hour and a half past she had almost given up hope when she thought of one last place to check; the place where Luke had crashed. She jerked the car around and sped off towards that spot. When she arrived she was hoping to see him, but nothing, it looked like no one had been on that road for days. She stopped the car and stared around her. Looking up to the stars, she prayed he was all right.Well, Bo was all right, resting against a branch up in a great Oak tree him and Luke use to hang out in when they skipped school. They had built a small platform where they could sit on but since then had started to rot away. He heard nothing but a crickets chirp and an occasional hoot of an owl. His legs hung over the side and his cheeks scratched against the bark. He sighed and rested his eyes, leaning against the back of the tree.“Yeah, she’s been gone for about an hour and a half now Enos. I’m really getting worried, please call Rosco and I’ll be in town in about twenty-minutes, then we all can start searching.†Daisy hung up the phone and went back to where Uncle Jesse was sitting in his chair. “We’re going to go out looking for them, you stay here with Luke. We’ll check in every hour.†Daisy tried to smile as she kissed uncle Jesse and ran out to her car and headed off for town.“What what what?†Boss barked into his phone.“It’s me Boss, Rosco.â€â€Rosco, what are you doing calling me at two in the morning!†He snapped.“Well I thought’d I let you know that Enos just called me and-“â€I don’t care!â€â€But it has to do with Cooper and Jimmy!†“Cooper and Jimmy!†boss gasped, “Tell me!â€â€Well you know how Luke Duke got in that horrendous car crash last week? Well the Dukes think it was these two guys named Cooper and Jimmy because they tried to kill Luke again, and then tried to kill Bo and Cooter two days ago, and-“â€Kill? Wait! This is great!! Hahaha. This is great!!†Boss laughed.“Not really Boss, you see Luke just got transferred to ICU and he’s out like a light I tell you. And Bo’s missing and Daisy thinks that it was Cooper and Jimmy who-“â€Not about THAT!! I mean that means they’re still in Hazzard and that I can still get my money back!!†Boss cried. “Now you go and find Cooper and Jimmy and get my million dollars back… then I’ll have twice as much when the insurance money comes!!†he laughed.“But what about Bo and Luke?â€â€Huh? Oh yeah them. Well Lukes a vegetable now, but Bo. Well send Enos out for him…but you go get my money!!!†he cried. Quote
Guest Posted September 22, 2005 Posted September 22, 2005 Balladeer : Friends Luke is sure out like a light the Dukes still don't know why but fortunetly Luke is still stable which is a good thing but unfortunetlyhe may not wake up since the drug that Beth gave him lasts for 2 days..Meanwhile in Luke's room he was still out like a light , his heart monitor was going up and down fast and Uncle Jesse was sitting their praying for Luke to wake up soon make some sorta sign that he is okay but sadly friends that may not happen for awhile but Uncle Jesse wasn't gonna give up so he picked up Luke's hand he said ' Luke i need you to wake up boy c'mon please you was just starting to get better now your back to where you was you have to wake up Luke Bo is missing ", Meanwhile in Hazzard : Bo was still sitting up on that tree wishing he knew what was so important in that suitcase that Luke had to be killed over he then started to think possibly boss did it for money ", somewhere in town Cooper and Jimmy was getting ready to pick up Luke tomorrow he said " you know this is going so easy that Dukeboy is gonna be so confused he won't know what to do "? Jimmy said " Cooper what if this don't work he could very well wake up remember us and identify Beth but then again Beth did say that his memory is not goodThen Cooper replied " Yeah that way he won't suspect a thing since he is gonna be out of it and confused he won't remember anything ", Meanwhile back at the Hospital Beth was getting ready for tomorrow since she is gonna take Luke out to their car while he is still rather confused. Cue : Dixierose00 Balladeer : If you thought it was hot before it's gonna get a heck of alot Hotter. Quote
DixieRose_00 Posted September 22, 2005 Posted September 22, 2005 Maria was driving down the road and suddenly remembered one place that Bo had told her about, where he and Luke liked to go and sit and turned off the road and went into the bushes, sighing in relief when she caught sight of the General. She slid out of the jeep and walked over to the tree. "Bo!" She called, softly, looking up into the tree. She jumped when someone grabbed her around the waist, pulling her behind the tree. She started to scream but was stopped when a hand clamped over her mouth. "Sssh, Maria it's Bo!!" His voice said gently in her ear. She sighed and sank back against him. "Why'd you grab me like that?" She asked. "I think someone's watching us!!" he said, peering back around the tree and into the darkness. "Who?" She asked. Bo turned back around and placed a finger to his lips. "I don't know!! I thought I saw a car pull in them bushes over there." He said, pointing.(cue anyone) Quote
Guest Posted September 23, 2005 Posted September 23, 2005 Balladeer : Things are sure heating up for the Dukes i sure hope they can find out who is behind this mess before Luke get's any worse.So Early the Next Morning at the Hospital Luke was still asleep and the doctor still was puzzled about what type of drug Beth gave to Luke but unfortunetly friends it ain't over yet since Beth is planning on sabatoging Luke while he is still sleepy but that won't be until later today ", So as that was going on Bo and Marie were still wondering who was watching them in the car parked in the bushes as it turned out it is none other then Rebecca lynn a nurse who also works over at the hospital wondering when to contact Cooper and Jimmy to tell them when to get Bo , Cooter , and Marie out of the way so they won't be in their when they get Luke but they won't get him until they get back from South Carolina with George and Mary who are gonna fit into the plan later.While them bad dudes was plotting on how to destroy Hazzard plan was going on Bo was asking Marie how did you find me ?" She said " Well i just remembered this place on accont of you and Luke used to come here and Bo i know your worried about him but he is okay don't worry i bet the doctors are gonna find out what happend to Luke soon since now he is in the ICU they can keep an eye on him their ", Bo says " Honey i can't stand to be in that hospital room seeing Luke like that this is all my fault baby if it wasn't for that dane suitcase ", Then marie said " Bo what exactly was all in the suitcase that someone may want to have ?", then Bo said " Well um just a bunch of stuff like my clothes , some things i brought back with me from my visit with Jimmy , and some Money ", Then Bo thought of something " Wait a minute they could have wanted that suitcase cause of the money i got a feeling that Boss Hogg is involved in this someway.Balladeer : if that don't hit the nail on the head since Boss is the reason this is all happening to poor Luke.Cue Hothillbilly Quote
HotHillbilly Posted September 23, 2005 Author Posted September 23, 2005 Bo and Maria had driven back to the hospital where; after checking in with Daisy, talked in the parking lot for a bit, trying to figure out what was going on. “I’m just not exactly sure Maria. I couldn’t have had more then ten dollars in that suitcase. Why in the heck would someone want to kill someone for ten bucks?†he wondered. “I don’t know Bo. It does seem pretty dumb, for ten bucks I mean. Maybe later on in the morning we can go find Boss and ask him,†“not that we’ll get anything out of that pig.†“Hogg you mean?†Maria laughed as her and Bo headed back inside to go join Daisy and Uncle Jesse. When they got to the room Luke was in Enos was there, talking softly with Daisy and Jesse. Poor Luke hadn’t changed a bit since they’d left. “I’m real sorry y’all, to see Luke like this and all.†He mumbled, playing with his hat nervously in his hands. “Thanks Enos.†Daisy smiled and hugged him. It was almost five in the morning now and Enos left to report to town. “Well I guess we ain’t moving for a while then.†Bo sighed and sat down in a chair in the corner of the room with Maria sitting next to him. Cooper and Jimmy had driven to Charleston South Carolina to grab George and Mary, some old time friends of theirs to help execute their plans. Once back at the hideout they ran through the plans again.“So basically you want me to distract, uh what was his name?†Mary asked.“Bo, he’s a tall blonde, drives a bright orange car with 01 on the side and the confederate flag on top. Impossible to miss.†Jimmy said.“Right, Bo. Then George will get their Uncle out of the way, but what about the girl?â€â€œWe’ll take care of her and that mechanic guy, along with Bo’s girlfriend. Now once your done with Bo you need to double back to the hospital where Beth will be in the car. You need to help her with Luke, just in case. You two head back to the house and we’ll meet up from there.†Cooper smirked. “That Hogg won’t have a dime left to his name when we’re through with him.†He laughed.Meanwhile the Dukes were still sitting in the hospital, hoping for some improvement. But there was little improvement; except that his heart rate was starting to become a little bit normal but not by much.“Boss?†“What is it?â€â€œI was wondering if them two guys, Jimmy and Cooper have been caught yet. Luke’s in an awful state.†Enos asked.“Enos! You leave them Dukes alone, and they don’t even know if Jimmy and Cooper were the ones who did it-““Oh but Mr. Hogg, they saw them with their own eyes when they tried to kill Luke…†“Enos, why don’t you go patrol the streets, see if you can find them yourself.†“Oh, I will Mr. Hogg, but there was a call while you out for breakfast from the insurance company about that million dollars that was stolen from you. Shouldn’t I be helping look for the crooks who-“ “Uh… Enos not now!†Boss barked and Enos quickly left the room. Quote
Guest Posted September 23, 2005 Posted September 23, 2005 Balladeer : Well friends things are starting to heat up but it gonna get better though in the end.Well Bo , Daisy, Uncle Jesse, and Marie was hoping Luke would make some sorta improvement just when they was about to give up Bo heard a moan he looked over here it was coming from Luke he walked over he said " Luke your awake oh my lord i thought you never would ", then Luke looked at Bo with a confused look said " Who are y'all , why am i here , and who is Luke ?", then Bo said " Luke you don't remember us where your family and this is marie my girlfriend are you saying you don't know who we are ?", Luke said " I don't know who you is but wh... then Luke fell back to sleep Bo just looked at him said " Shoot he his asleep again dane what are we gonna do y'all ", Then Daisy said well why don't we go look for those crooks who hurt Luke.So then Bo and Daisy left to go find them crooks Bo was just driving along in the General Lee on the road that Luke had his wreck on but little did he know that he was being followed by Mary who pretends to have car problems so Bo would stop so she pulled over to the side of the road then 20 minutes later Bo shows up sees her he says " what seems to be the problem miss "? she says " Well my car just quit on me ", so then Bo started checking it out as he was under the hood she pulled out a gun said okay plowboy put your hands up don't move ", then she shot the General's tires and pulled out the CB she then took off back to the hospital to help Beth with Luke while her friend was gonna get Jesse.So Meanwhile out on the Highway George was calling on over to the Hospital to talk to Uncle Jesse so then the phone rang in Luke's room Uncle Jesse picked it up so he said " Hello this is Jesse Duke ", George said " Mr. Duke your other nephew Bo has gotton into a wreck unfortunetly he is in a hospital about 20 miles outside of Hazzard ", Then Uncle Jesse said " Okay i'm on my way ", then George laughed called Cooper and Jimmy said " it is all taken care of he is on his way ", Then Cooper repiled " Good work George now head on back to the Hideout ",Meanwhile Cooper and Jimmy was now in action to get Daisy and Cooter out of the way so they figured to put Cooter in jail for stealing money from the Boars Nest ", for Daisy to tell her about Bo's wreck so as they were pulling into Cooter's garage Cooper was teling Jimmy to get Cooter while he goes and get's Daisy so Jimmy got out he said " You is under arrest Cooter for stealing money from the Boars Nest ", which Cooter said you can't be serious "? Then Jimmy pulls out his gun he says " you wouldn't want to die before your time ?" So then Cooter followed him then they took off to the County Jail .Meanwhile over at the Boars Nest it was hard to get Daisy out so he said " look i didn't wanna tell you this but your Cousin Bo is in the hospital about 20 miles away so she hurried on out of the Boars Nest ", then Cooper met up with Jimmy at the county courthouse he said " you know this plan is working like a charm now all that is left to do is for the girls to get Luke which is gonna be easy since he is Zonked out ",Meanwhile Mary had just pulled into the back of the Hospital went into to find Beth so that she could help her get Luke out of the hospital before his family shows back up wonders what happend.Cue Hothillbilly Quote
HotHillbilly Posted September 24, 2005 Author Posted September 24, 2005 Bo was sitting on the hard ground with his back scratching against the back of an old chair. He was blindfolded, gagged, and ankles and hands tied behind him. He heard commotion outside. “Let go of me!†a muffled sound of a young womens voice came through. “Daisy! They’ve gotten Daisy!†Bo thought and tried to stand up, “Hold it right their plowboy. Don’t move, you feel this barrel right here,†George snapped, pointing the barrel of the gun to his head, “If you move an inch your cousin gets it.†Bo slumped back against the chair, unable to do anything.Uncle Jesse, not knowing it was being followed by Jimmy who wasn’t exactly the best trailer. He was trying to follow him somewhere a little more quiet but Uncle Jesse was cutting through Hazzard Square, and he’d never be able to get the old man with so many people around. Uncle Jesse didn’t even notice, he was just trying to hurry to the hospital where Bo was supposedly at. Jimmy tried to catch up with Jesse but after taking a few back dirt roads and taking a split junction, Jimmy lost him. Jimmy cursed and slammed on the brakes. “Coop? It’s me… I’ve lost the old man.†He said. “Jimmy! You idiot! How could you loose him!? Well forget about it for right now. Just get back here!†Cooper growled as George tied and gagged sweet Daisy up next to Bo. “Mary called, she’s at the hospital right now. Rebecca’s is getting’ the doctor to switch him out of the room, and she’s going to wheel him right out of that hospital. They ain’t gonna know what even hit them!†George smiled as him and Cooper walked outside to wait for Mary and Rebecca and Beth. “Daisy?†Bo tried to talk with the gag. “Its Bo.†He said muffled. “Bo!†Daisy coughed. “Shh. I’ll think of something†he managed to muffle out. “I hope she got that.†He thought to himself.Meanwhile Uncle Jesse had reached the hospital George had told him to go to, but not finding Bo he was starting to get a sinking feeling about what was really going on. So he hurried on back to Hazzard to see if Cooter had heard anything of him or Daisy. But he couldn’t find him either, so he went to the courthouse to see if Enos had seen anyone and was surprised to see Cooter behind bars. “Cooter! I’ve been looking for Bo, I got a call saying he was in the hospital, but he wasn’t there. Have you heard from him? And why in the world are you behind bars?†“Sorry Uncle Jesse, I haven’t heard from Bo for a while now. And these two guys with guns came and told Boss here that I had stolen from the Boars Nest, but they aren’t listening to me.†Cooter glared at Boss. “J.D. HOGG! YOU LET COOTER GO THIS INSTANT!†Uncle Jesse boomed. “You know as well as I do Cooter ain’t stolen no money from the Boars Nest, and I know that someway you are involved with this Cooper and Jimmy guys. And that’s why Luke’s in the hospital and my family is missing! Now LET HIM GO!†he growled. Boss stammered with words and frowned, “Well I-“ he stopped. “We don’t have enough ev-idence to keep you Cooter so I guess you can go for now.†He threw his hands in the air and shuffled into his office. “Come on Cooter, we’ve got to find Bo and Daisy and then go back to make sure Lukes okay.†Uncle Jesse said and the two headed out from the courthouse. At the hospital Rebecca had gotten the doctor to agree that Luke was stable enough to move him out of the ICU and down into a standard room. He was unhooked from everything but his IV. With Beth’s help she and Rebecca said they’d wheel him down into his new room and get him settled, since the doctor had an emergency on another floor. In the elevator instead of going up to the regular rooms, they went down a floor. Where the entrances were and quickly wheeled him to the stock room. “Grab me a few cotton strips there, and the tape. We need to take this IV out.†Rebecca ordered Beth. “Here, now cut the circulation off from his upper arm. Yeah, hold his arm real tight right there. Now I’m going to pull the IV out, and once I do make sure you put all the pressure you can on his arm or else this could get dangerous.†She warned. “Now!†she said as she pulled the IV out and tapped down the cotton strips. “Okay, good.†That’ll do for right now. Now grab that bag right there, I put a bunch of stuff in it. You know just in case something goes wrong. Now let’s hurry up. Mary’s in back.†She said and her and Beth wheeled the half-conscious Luke out into the back where Mary was. They swung him into the back seat and sped off towards the hideout. “You got him?†Cooper asked excitedly. “Yup, now help us carry him in. We didn’t have enough room for the wheelchair.†Mary told Cooper, Jimmy, and George. “So it went okay then?†Jimmy asked as the three guys carried Luke into the house. Bo and Daisy were still sitting there, not knowing what was going on. “Yup, the doctor was easy to overcome. I took out his IV but I need to make sure it’s okay. If it doesn’t work properly it could be real nasty in a little bit.†Rebecca said and they brought Luke into a back room where Rebecca finished up with Luke. “How long will Luke be out of-“ “Hush! His cousins are right there..†Jimmy warned nervously “Oh please. They’ll be dead in a few hours anyways. Who cares!†George smiled.Balladeer: Friends, this ain’t looking to good at all. Not good at all. Quote
DixieRose_00 Posted September 24, 2005 Posted September 24, 2005 Jesse and Cooter were surprised when a jeep squealed to a halt in front of the courthouse and a tall blond young woman jumped our, running across the sidewalk, her steps quick and panicked, wide blue eyes full of fear and worry, as she reached them. "They got Luke, Bo and Daisy!!!" She cried frantically. Jesse grabbed her shoulders and looked into her frightened eyes. "Now wait a minute!!! Who's got em?" He asked. "That nurse Rebecca Lynn and a coupla other gals. I was going to the hospital to see how Luke was doing and saw them wheeling him out to a car. I hid and when they left the parking lot I followed em right back to their hideout and took a look around. They have Bo and Daisy too and they're gonna kill em!!!" She cried. Jesse and Cooter exchanged glances. "Maria did you see any sign of the General?" Jesse asked. Maria nodded. "It's got a coupla flat tires and the Cb is ripped out!!" She said, looking over at Cooter as she said this. Cooter nodded. "All right....Let's you an me go out there and get the General going and I think Uncle Jesse is gonna go have a talk with Rosco and Enos!!!" Cooter said, looking at Jesse who nodded. "You two go on ahead an' we'll meet you out therte." He said. Cooter and Maria nodded and ran for cooter's truck. "Maria!!!" Jesse called after her. She stopped and turned back around. "You realize you and the General are the only hope now?" He asked. Maria nodded. "Be careful." He said and went back up the steps as Maria and Cooter climbed in the truck.Balladeer: Maria's sure got a lot riding on her shoulder's!!! I sure hope she can live up to it!!! Quote
Guest Posted September 24, 2005 Posted September 24, 2005 Meanwhile in the front of the hideout Bo and Daisy was still sitting their totally unaware of the fact that Luke is now out of the hospital being held for ransom also even though he is not doing so hot since he is still somewhat affected by that drug that Beth gave him when he wakes up he is gonna be totally confused and lost since he doesn't remember a thing.Meanwhile Uncle Jesse and Cooter was searching high and low for Luke , Bo , and Daisy but they is having no luck since they ain't got the slightest idea of where Bo and Daisy is and not realizing that Luke ain't in the hospital no more so then Uncle Jesse told Cooter to just head on over to the Hospital since we ain't having no luck in finding Bo and Daisy.Meanwhile back over at the hideout Luke was still out of it while Rebecca was checking his IV seeing that it looked okay only now Luke did look a little pale so she said ' Well he maybe losing some blood ", So she got her bag and pulled out a cotton ball some tape put it on the site where the needle was then she said " Well that should hold it for now the stuff should be wearing off in about 2 weeks so we could when he wakes up he won't remember a thing which will work fine for what we have in mind for him and his Cousins.Meanwhile Uncle Jesse and Cooter had arrived at the hospital Uncle Jesse walked up to the front desk asked if he could see his nephew Luke the nurse said " Well Mr. Duke Luke was just moved out of the ICU in a new room on the 2nd floor so you can go visit him ", then Uncle Jesse and Cooter made their way down to elevator about few minutes later they arrived on the 2nd floor made their way into room 110 were suprized to see Luke wasn't their but a blown up dummy was.Balladeer : I tell you friends this is gettin' down right rotton. Quote
HotHillbilly Posted September 24, 2005 Author Posted September 24, 2005 While Jesse and Cooter were at the hospital Luke had woken up again. He was propped up in an old rickety bed. He moaned and looked around. “Good Lord, my head hurts.†He moaned and slowly stood up and looked in a reflection of a mirror at himself, surprised to see bandages and scrapes all over his face and his right arm in a cast. “What happened?†he mumbled and slowly crept out of the room. As the door creaked open Cooper and George jumped up. “Luke!?†they both gasped.Luke looked around him, “Luke? Who’s Luke?†he asked “Well boy you are. You’re Luke uh... your Luke James.†Cooper quickly said. “Don’t you even remember your own big brother Luke boy?†he sneered. “Wait, you’re my brother?†Luke asked confused and sat down in a chair. “Wow. I don’t. I’m real sorry. What happened?†he mumbled. “Oh. Yous was in a horrible car crash but your okay now. Your sisters will be here in a little while. Why don’t you go back into the bedroom and sleep a while. You’ve had a long week.†Cooper smiled and lead Luke back into the bedroom. “Whatever you say brother.†“Cooper. Cooper’s fine.†He said as he closed the door to the room and turned around to George. “Worked like a charm.†He smiled.Bo was trying to work the cords loose on his hands but it wasn’t working too well. They’d taken his knife away so he couldn’t cut them either. He thought he heard someone’s voice in the other room but he couldn’t quite make it out. Daisy wasn’t having much luck either. An hour passed and Beth showed up to watch everything while Cooper, Jimmy, George and Mary headed to the second location where they were going to move Luke, Daisy and Bo. Beth was getting board so she went outside and read a book. Luke turned over in bed and opened his eyes again and every muscle in his body ached. Slowly he got out of bed and walked into the room conjoining to his. “Cooper?†he called hoarsly. “Cooper are you here?†and when he didn’t’ find him he shuffled to another door and opened it, but it was pitch dark inside. “Cooper?†he asked and flicked on the light. Well Cooper wasn’t in there but he saw two people tied up and blindfolded. He looked at them with a quizzical look on his face. He bent down and with his good arm started to undo the knot of Daisy’s gag. She spit it out and tried again to get her hands undone.“Luke! Luke is that you?†she gasped. He quickly stepped backwards, “um… yeah.†He said, “why are you tied up in my closet?†he mumbled. “Luke! Untie Bo so we can get out of here.†She pleaded. “Who’s Bo?†Daisy just sat there for a moment, “Luke, you know your cousin Bo…†she said. “I have a cousin?†he said. “Yes, and I’m your-“ but she was cut off by a gunshot. “Okay pretty girl. Unless you want your cousin to be shot to smithereens I suggest you stop talking to poor Luke here.†Beth sneered and redid her gag and lead Luke out of the closet. “Luke, you can’t talk to them. You see they are bad people. Very bad people.†“Then why do we have them?†he asked, sitting down on the couch. “Uh. Well, we are um. We’re holding onto them until the cops get here. Now save up your energy and don’t talk to them again! They’re trying to confuse you, saying that you have a cousin. You only have your brothers Cooper and Jimmy, I’m your sister Beth and your cousins George and Mary.†She smiled. “Oh.†Luke said, and held onto his head, and drifted off to sleep on the couch.Cue: anyone Quote
DixieRose_00 Posted September 24, 2005 Posted September 24, 2005 Maria and Cooter drove out to where the General was and got out of his truck, walking around the General and Maria climbed up and slid through the window as Cooter went back to his truck and got a couple of tires to replace the shot out ones. Now Maria had learned quite a bit about electronic work from the boys and Cooter so while Cooter was fixing the tires Maria rehooked the wires and got everything ready to go. As soon as she had it fixed she grabbed the Mic to try it. "This is Pretty Rebel calling Deptuty Enos Strate! You got your ears on?" She asked, grinning a moment later when Enos' voice came over the radio. "This here's Enos Maria!! do you have the General ready to go yet?" He asked. Maria looked out the window at Cooter, who stood up and gave her the thumbs up. "Yep!!! We're ready and rarin' to go!!" She said. "You be careful!!" Cooter said as she started the engine. She nodded and waved as she put the car in gear."Enos!! Don't forget you're not to come in unless I give the signal!!" She said as she drove slowly to the hideout, praying that she got there before something bad happened to Bo, Luke and Daisy. "Now you be careful out there Maria!! We all know what these fella's are capable of!!" Jesse's voice said firmly over the radio. "Don't worry Uncle Jesse!!" Maria said as she turned the big orange car down the road to the hideout she'd found earlier and after parking a short distance away she climbed out and dropped to the ground, then leaned back in the window and grabbed the bow and arrows with dynamite that were in the backseat. She moved as close to the house as she dared get and placed an arrow on the bow and let it fly, watching as it flew through the air and hit a stand of trees, causing a loud explosion. She grinned watching as three men and two women ran out. "What's going on?" Cooper yelled, just as another arrow flew through the air and hit nearby.Maria ran into the house already having another arrow ready. Rebecca Lynn jumped to her feet when the blond with the bow and arrow walked through the door. "Back off Sugar or this whole place is gonna go up in smoke including your friends outside!!" Maria threatened, just as Mary walked out of the bedroom holding Bo by the arm and keeping a gun pointed at his head. "Now you don't want me to hurt pretty boy here so just drop the bow and arrows and ain't nobody gonna get hurt!!" She sneered at Maria, who's blue eyes darkened angrily. Maria knew if she wanted any chance of getting the others back safely she had better work a good shuck and jive. "Oh don't shoot!!! I just faint when I see a gun!!" She moaned and pretended to slump to the floor, still holding the bow and arrow. Mary took the gun off Bo and knelt to check Maria, who's eyes snapped open as she brought the bow back up. "Drop it!!!" She demanded. Mary sighed and let go of the gun. Maria rolled back to her feet and went to Bo, cutting his cords with her knife. Bo grabbed her hand. "They've brainwashed Luke!! Let's get Daisy and get out of here!!! We'll get Luke later!!!" He said, pulling her into the bedroom and closing the door. He quickly untied Daisy and the three climbed out the window and ran into the woods, back towards the General. "You realize we ain't gonna be able to outrun them in your jeep!!" Bo tossed back to Maria. She laughed. "I ain't driving the jeep!! I'm driving the General!!" She said. "But the General's...." Bo stopped when they came within sight of the big orange car. "Here!!" He finished as they all scrambled in and roared away from the hideout.Balladeer: Maria sure does a good shuck 'n' jive!! She learned from the best!! Quote
HotHillbilly Posted September 24, 2005 Author Posted September 24, 2005 “Dangit!†Rebecca cursed as Cooper, Jimmy, and George came back into the house. “That girl took Bo and Daisy!†she growled. “I swear I’m going to ring her neck when-“â€Shut up!†Cooper snapped, “Now we have Luke. We’ll get them later. Let’s move to the second location. Get Luke and lets go!†he barked and Jimmy ran outside and started the car as Geroge and Cooper ran out back to grab another car they had stowed away. Mary, Beth, and Rebecca woke up Luke and told him to get into the car because they were going somewhere. Without knowing better he got in the back and Jimmy roared off down the road to another hideout they had staked out. Rebecca, Beth, and Mary all jumped in with Cooper and Jimmy. “What are we going to do now? They known we’ve got him and no doubt bring in the law.†Mary wailed. “Would you be quiet? Its fine, we’ll just have to change are plans a bit. Here, hand me the CB would you?†Cooper told George. “Mr. Hogg this is someone I think you might know. Cooper. We’ll listen up fat-boy and listen up good because I ain’t repeating myself.†“What? Who’s this?†Boss called into the CB at the Boars Nest. “This is Cooper Mr. Hogg, you know the one you hired to-“ “Hush up would you! Well what are you doing calling me?†he barked “I think you know of a Luke Duke don’t you?†“Yeah. I know the Dukes, what about him?†“Well he’s right here and if I don’t get a million dollars in exactly six hours he’s going to be the late Luke Duke. You got that?†“A MILLION DOLLARS!? But…†“A million dollars, at 7pm sharp! You got it? I want you to hand deliver it to me on the corner of Old Willow and Harper road you got it? Come alone, and don’t think about brining any police involved into this or else Luke here is going to have a nice date with a few bullets up in his head. You got it?†“But I…†“Good. See you then Hogg.†Cooper laughed as he turned off the CB. “Uncle Jesse! Did you hear that?!†Bo cried. “Yeah, I did. Uh, well lets go talk to J.D. right now, meet us down at the courthouse.†“But what about Luke?†“Well they aren’t going to kill him now.†Uncle Jesse grimaced and took off towards town.cue: anyone Quote
DixieRose_00 Posted September 24, 2005 Posted September 24, 2005 In town the General squealed to a halt in front of the Courthouse with Uncle Jesse's truck and Cooter's tow truck right behind. Bo slid out the driver's side window and helped Maria out as Daisy got out the other side and waited on the sidewalk as Jesse and Cooter joined them. "Are y'all okay?" Jesse asked, looking at his niece and youngest nephew. Bo nodded and wrapped an arm around Maria pulling her close. "We sure are!! Thanks to Maria!!" He said with a grin. kissing her gently on the cheek. Maria blushed at the attention. "It was nothing!!" She mumbled. Bo grinned. "You sure worked a good shuck an jive there!!" he said, making her redden even more. "I just learned from the best!!" She said sweetly, looking him in the eye. Bo reddened. "Let's get in there and talk to JD!!" Jesse said, marching to the door followed by the others.Boss looked up as the door to his office opened up and Jesse Duke walked in followed by Bo, Maria, Daisy and Cooter. They all crowded around him, all of them talking at once. "Just hold it!!" He yelled, raising his hands in the air. Bo kept talking his face red with anger until Jesse's stern look silenced him. Bo stepped back with Maria, Daisy and Cooter as Jesse moved forward. "Okay JD!! What are you intending to do about this?" he asked.Cue anyone Quote
HotHillbilly Posted September 25, 2005 Author Posted September 25, 2005 Boss stood up and looked sheepishly at all of them. “What do you mean?â€â€œBoss don’t you try to act like you don’t know! We know that you know!†Bo fumed. “About Luke! You’re going to give them the million dollars!†he demanded.“Now wait a minute. I didn’t plan any of this. Those double crossing-back stabbers gone and stole my money. I didn’t know they were the ones who’d hurt Luke. Honest! I was just going to have them bring me the money and then I’d get the insurance on it, but..†“J.D how were they suppose to give you the money?†Jesse asked slowly, starting to put things together. “Was it in a suitcase?†“Yes and they were going to bring it to me out at the old grits mill where…†“It was your fault Luke almost died!†Bo yelled, “He must have gotten the wrong suitcase! Those goons almost killed him Boss! It’s your fault!†“Now wait a minute! I didn’t tell them to take care of Luke! I couldn’t help he took the money.†Boss said sheepishly. “Boss Hogg I’m going to-“ Bo started but was cut off by Jesse “It doesn’t matter anymore. Luke isn’t dead, but JD if we don’t figure out a plan Luke will be dead.†Luke was sitting in the back seat while Jimmy was driving and he looked at him. “So you’re my brother Jimmy?†he asked. Jimmy turned and looked at him, “Um. Yeah I’m Jimmy Porter and your Luke Porter.†Luke sat and wondered, “but I thought I was Luke James. That’s what my brother Cooper said.†Jimmy cursed under his breath. “Oh well um…†he stumbled. “Hey look we’re here. Welcome home Luke.†He quickly pulled the car to a stop behind an old abandoned house, at least over 100 years old. Luke stepped out of the car and was hustled by Jimmy inside.Cue: anyone Quote
DixieRose_00 Posted September 25, 2005 Posted September 25, 2005 Boss stared at Jesse and the others for a moment before nodding in agreement. "What do y'all have in mind?" He asked. Jesse looked at his youngest nephew. "I'm working on an idea but it's gonna take all of us with Rosco and Enos' help too!!" He said. Bo stared at his Uncle. "What's your plan Uncle Jesse?" He asked. Jesse smiled. "Bo I need you, Maria and Daisy to take the General and go out to the farm and collect all the arrow's with dynamite you can find and you girl's may wanna get your bows too." He said. Bo nodded. "We know them fella's are gonna come after y'all again so we're just gonna be ready for em!!" Jesse continued. Bo nodded and grabbed Maria's hand and pulled her out the door followed closely by Daisy.Bo got behind the wheel of the General as Maria and Daisy got in the other side. They headed out to the farm to get what they needed for Jesse's plan to work so they could get Luke back safe and sound. "I sure hope Uncle Jesse's plan works!!" Bo said sadly. Maria gently squeezed his arm. "Don't worry Bo!! We're gonna take care of this!! All of us!!! Together!!" She said, glancing over at Daisy who smiled and squeezed her free hand. Bo nodded. "Thanks Darlin'!!" He said and leaned over kissing her quickly on the lips. Quote
HotHillbilly Posted September 26, 2005 Author Posted September 26, 2005 "Now JD. I wan't you to get that money and put it in a bag you got it?""But I don't have a million dollars..." he protested."Then put what ya got in there. You'll get your money back for goodness sakes." Jesse rolled his eyes."Enos I want you to send a message out into Capitol City and request that they send a few plain- clothed men pronto. Ya got that? But after that, can you go around in plain-clothes and try to find where they are keeping Luke? It's going to be somewhere abanonded no doubt. So try all the old mills, coffin works, cotton works, grits factory..everything. Me and Rosco will go look through the woods. Okay?""Yes sir Uncle Jesse sir." he smiled and ran off."Rosco, you come with me and I'll tell you what you need to do in the car. JD, get that money and have your driver drive you out to the farm. We'll all be waiting." he said and with Rosco in tote, left the courthouse.At the farm, Bo, Daisy, and Maria had gotten all their bows and arrows and all the dynamit they could find. "Shepeard calling Lost Sheep and Bo Peep, come in.""Yeah, rigth here Shepeard.""Me and uh.. Hound Dog here have found tire tracks that lead from hideout #1 and head south on Old Pilot Road. That leads only to the woods. So how about y'all take Dixie, Genearl, and Pretty Rebels car and scan the woods. Me and Hound Dog will take north. Lost Sheep, take south. Dixie take east and Pretty Rebel take west. Enos is coming on up later too.""YEs sir Shepeard." Bo said and all three scattered out to their cars."This is Crazy C coming at y'all. What can I do?""Crazy C, you come and follow with teh rest of us. Just look throughout Old Hollow and Old Pilot and hollar if ya see anything." Bo said."I'll have my eyes peeled and my ears on, Crazy C over and out."Meanwhile down in the woods, no one had any idea of what was going on. Luke was in a small room and it was pretty dark considering there was no lights. Mary, George, Cooper, Jimmy, Rebecca, and Beth were all out in the main room laughing ang talking. Luke sat down on an old cot and rubbed his head with his good arm. He looked down at his cast again and felt the stiches on his face. "What really happened?" he wondered and leaned against the wall and stared out the window.cue: anyone Quote
DixieRose_00 Posted September 27, 2005 Posted September 27, 2005 Maria climbed behind the wheel of her jeep, stopping when she felt Bo's hand on her arm. "Be careful and if you find anything call for help and don't do anything till we get there!!" He said. Maria nodded and smiled. "Don't worry Bo!! I ain't gonna go rushing in there before help gets there!!" She said, leaning forward and kissing him on the lips before starting the engine. Bo squeezed her arm gently before releasing her and turning to go to the General. Maria smiled slightly knowing Bo really didn't want her going off by herself but she knew that in order to cover more ground they needed to do it that way. She waved at Daisy as she followed Bo out of the yard. They headed off to the woods and split up, each one going to a different section of the woods and parking their cars, leaving them facing the road in case they needed to escape in a hurry.Maria grabbed the walkie talkie sitting on the seat and her bow and arrows with dynamite from the back as she stepped out. "This is Pretty Rebel to Lost Sheep and Bo Peep!! I'm headed into the woods now!!" She said. "You be careful Maria!!" Bo's voice came back to her. She smiled. "Don't worry Sugar!! I'm gonna radio you if I find anything and you better radio me an' Daisy if you find anything and not rush in there trying to be a hero and rescue Luke by yourself!!" She said, speaking gently but firmly. "That's right Bo!! Uncle Jesse would be furious if he found out that you tried something like that so don't even consider it!!" Daisy's voice came through to them. Bo sighed. "Don't worry if i find anything I'll call y'all!! Just please be careful!!cue anyone Quote
HotHillbilly Posted September 27, 2005 Author Posted September 27, 2005 Bo anxiously crept through the woods, jumping at the sound of anything. He reached a small creek that flowed through most of the woods and he headed north on the bank.Daisy had droven out and headed in west, but she didn't find much because a forest fire a few years back had basically burnt most of the trees, and now they were all dead.Maria moved in deeper into the woods and came to an open valley. She could lightly detect the sent of smoke. "Lost Sheep? Bo Peep? Any of y'all out there?" but she got no answer. "Lost Sheep, Bo Peep come in y'all. I think I smell smoke!" she called and still no answer. "Darnit, I must be out of range." she whispered. She started to return to the cars, but then what if Luke was out there? So she decided to keep on going."This is Bo Peep calling Lost Sheep.""Yup, Lost Sheep here." Bo said."I think I'm going to head back. THere isn't anything but dead trees here. No place for them to hide Luke." she said."Okay, head back to the car. We'll meet you there okay Pretty Rebel?" Bo called into the walkie talkie, but no one answered. "Pretty Rebel are you there?" he called again."Don't worry Bo. I"m sure she's just out of range. Let's head back towards the road. Maybe she's up there." Daisy said.But back in the hideout, George had over heard that they were closing in. "Dangit! They're going to find us for suer." he growled. "Wait. I think i've got an idea. Didn't that pretty lady say there was nothing but dead trees where she was?" Cooper said"Yeah," Jimmy said."Well there was that big patch of dead trees when we came in. I bet she's out there. I've got an idea how to take care of her and her cousin." Cooper smiled evily. "come on George." he snapped and the two flew off i their car.Now sweet Daisy was walking back the way she came when she heard a thunderous roar. "Bo is it going to rain?""No... " he said."Then how come I..." she stopped as she smelt smoke. "Bo, I smell smoke." she said nervously."smoke? BUt..." he started but stopped realizing that that part of the woods would light up faster then sweet Daisy could get out. " Daisy! I think it's on fire. Get out of their now!!" he ordered.Daisy's heart skipped a beat and she turned around and could see smoke rising from the south end of the woods where she was. She quickly took off running back towards the car.Maria had slid down a hill and the smell of smoke was even more dominant. She slowly walked around a small hill and sure enough there was an old shack with lights barely glowing inside. Her heart skipped a beat and she smiled but remembered Bo had told her not to do anything. So she took off running the way she had come.But neither Maria, Daisy, nor Bo had known that George and Cooper and lit matches and were dropping them out the window as they stopped in the dead-treed area. They’d be lucky if all of them got out of that woods without their tail ends getting scorched. cue: anyone Quote
DixieRose_00 Posted September 27, 2005 Posted September 27, 2005 Maria started to cough as she pulled the walkie talkie up again. "Pretty Rebel to Lost Sheep and Bo Peep come in please!!" She begged, coughing between words. She was struggling to breath as she kept moving forward. "Maria, this here's Bo!! Where you at Sugar?" She heard his voice finally come over the Cb though it sounded raspy. She looked around her, feeling fear race through her body as smoke closed in around her, making the area almost unrecognizable. "I...I don't know Bo!! There's so much smoke!!" She cried, as she kept walking forward. She cried out suddenly as she ran into something knocking herself down. "Maria is that you?" Daisy's voice asked, sounding relieved. Maria got to her hands and knees and then stood up. "Yeah Daisy it's me!!" She said, going to her friends side, not really understanding how they'd found each other, other then the fact that the smoke from the fire had gotten them turned Around and headed towards each other."Maria are you okay?" Bo's voice came over the radio. Maria grabbed the walkie talkie. "Don't worry Bo!! I'm fine!! I just found Daisy!!" She said. "You two try to make it to Dixie and I'm gonna try to make it to the General!! Don't get seperated!!" He said. Daisy and Maria exchanged glances and agreed. "Don't worry Bo!!" Maria said and linked arms with Daisy as they made their way to what they hoped was the edge of the woods.Bo took off towards where he'd left the General, hoping the girls got out not really wanting to drive the General through the fire to get them out but already intending to if they didn't get out.Balladeer: I sure hope they all get outta there!! Quote
HotHillbilly Posted September 28, 2005 Author Posted September 28, 2005 Daisy grasped Maria's hand and dropped to the ground. COughting, the two girls crawled on.BO was on the otehr side of the fire watching as the flames aate away at teh woods. He had to fight every urge within him not to head into the fire and try to find the girls. But he knew taht he'd never find them now, so he kept on going towards teh road. When he got tehre he was suprised to see uncle Jesse and Rosco."Where are the girls?""They're in there. Together, I talked to them not but ten minutes ago." Bo said nervously."We called the fire department, they're on their way.""I need to find them. They'll never get out in time!" Bo grimnaced and ran into the firey woods."Bo! don't!" jesse yelled, but Bo was already gone.Back at the hideout the gang was packing up. Poor Luke was even more confused now, wondering why everyone was running around and yelling and throwing things into teh cars. He wondered outside and saw the smoke get closer. He walked closer towards the woods. "Luke! get in the car!" George yelled but Luke kept on walking. "LUKE!" he yelled and ran after him and grabbed his arm. "Get in the car stupid!" he yelled and pushed him towards the car. Luke looked at him sceptically and stumbled towards the car. George pushed him into the backseat and tore off. "dangit. This is going to change our plans." Cooper cursed and flew out of sight of the small farmhouse they'd been hiding in. Luke looked back over his shoulder and that was the last thing he saw, as he drifted into a light sleep.cue: Quote
Guest Posted September 28, 2005 Posted September 28, 2005 Marie and Daisy was trying to make it out of the fire to Dixie but unfortunetly everytime they would try some more smoke would come their way they would get more lost and more worried about Luke ",Daisy was trying to calm Marie down " Honey don't " Cough" worry were gonna get out of this fire i " Cough" Luke is o..kay ", then Marie said " Daisy do you think those bad dudes that hurt Luke to "Cough" blame for this fire to keep up us from finding Luke ?", Daisy said " I bet th..ey are honey ", suddenly they came upon a clearing made it out to Dixie .Balladeer : Their goes plan a i sure hope Bo can think of something better or else Luke is never gonna get home.Bo was trying to find the girls he found them by a pile of dead trees he held out his hand for Marie to grab only she couldn't see him because of the all the smoke so he said " Marie it's me Bo grab hold of my hand okay ?", then Marie coughing said " O..kay Bo ", so she grabbed onto Bo's hand he hurried her over to the General and then he said " The fire truck is on it's way darlin' so stay here okay i'm gonna go back in to get Daisy ", so Bo went back in and as the hours went on the fire grew Daisy was laying down on the pile of leaves due to the fact that one of the brances trapped her legs luckily 15 minutes later Bo happend to come across she said " Bo i need help my legs are caught on this branch ", So Bo said " Okay Daisy i'll lift it off then we have to hurry out of here before this fire get's too big ", so Bo lifted the branch off then they ran out to the General and Daisy climbed into the passenger seat and Marie got into the back they left to meet up with Rosco and Uncle Jesse not realizing that Luke was already out of the fire not trapped in their which is Bo's biggest worry.But meanwhile out on the road the firetruck had shown up Bo said ' the Fire has become huge Y'all have to put it out quick then go in and get my Cousin Luke who is trapped inside the buliding Unconicous ", then one of the firemen thanked him made their way on over to the fire they had trouble getting it out since it had become an inferno ", but they had finally gotten it out one of the them made the way into the building to see if they could find Luke but nothing was their to be found since them bad dudes had left took Luke with them ", so Unfortunetly the firemen had to report to the Dukes that Luke was nowhere to be found. Cue HotHillBilly Quote
HotHillbilly Posted October 1, 2005 Author Posted October 1, 2005 Daisy looked frantically at Bo, “do you think he got stuck in the fire and-“ she gulped. Bo looked over at Daisy, “I-I don’t think so.†He said looking unsure himself. “I don’t think Luke’s out there. I saw a small farmhouse down about 15 minutes from here and there was faint lights coming out from the windows. I don’t think nobody lives there. It must’ve been the people holding Luke.†Maria quickly sputtered. “Do you think they took Luke with him?†Rosco askedâ€Of course Rosco. They’re holding him for ransom!†Bo cried.“Oh-well-you…†he squinted.“Y’all we’ve got to find out where they’re hiding Luke.†Maria said,“Now wait a minute. You three have been in that smoke for a long time and-“ Uncle Jesse started.“Sorry Jesse, but I’m going to go and help find Luke no matter what you say.†Maria protested and looked over at Bo, his face streaked with soot and grime.“Then I guess we’ll all take separate cars and start looking.†Jesse sighed as Daisy got into Dixie, Bo and Maria in the General and Jesse in his pickup. “Maria, take the wheel I’m going to sit on the hood and see if I can find any tire tracks.†Bo said.“Luke honey. Wake up.†Beth coaxed him, “We’re here.†She smiled and shook his shoulder a bit. Luke looked up at her and slowly lifted his head. “Where is here?†he asked. â€Why home of course silly.†She smiled and helped him out of the car. “Our homes at a grits factory?†he looked skeptical at her. â€Luke, now our daddy worked hard- all the way to his death bed to give us a nice home. It might not look like much, but it was homey at one point. Now is that all ya got to say?â€â€Shucks Beth, I’m sorry. I don’t remember any of this.†Luke rubbed his head and the two walked in through the back door.“Luke honey, now I’ll be right back. Don’t go no where’s ya hear?†and she went back outside to the car.“Sister number two here, I’ve got brother two here with me. Y’all copy?†Beth said.“We got ya sister two. We’re on our way.†Cooper called back.â€Boss Hogg. I hope you’re listening, because I’m only going to say this once. We need that money and we need it now! I want it delivered in one-hour ya hear? Down on the corner of Old Willow and Harper road you got that? Not one minute past the hour!â€Maria frantically grabbed the CB, “Where’s Luke? Is he alright? Put him on!†she hollered.“Sorry little lady. Can’t do.†Cooper sneered. â€Dangit. They got out.†He thought for a minute. “they’re going to be in that orange clunker. Jimmy and George, take the other car and go take care of Bo and that chick, now!†he barked and Jimmy and George jumped into the other car which was waiting at the old girt’s mill in the shrubs.Bo was sitting on the hood with a flashlight in hand, “I can’t find no tire tracks Maria. Let’s check the south side. We’ve still got some time. Call uncle Jesse.â€â€Pretty rebel calling Shepard, me and Lost Sheep #1 are heading to the south part. Over and out.â€cue: whoever Quote
DixieRose_00 Posted October 1, 2005 Posted October 1, 2005 Maria sighed as she drove the General along the dirt road slowly so Bo could see any tire tracks. It wasn't long before she heard a sigh from him and he motioned for her to stop and then jumped off the hood and walked around to the driver's side. "We'll try again tomorrow! Let's go home and get some sleep!" He said, as she moved over so he could get in behind the wheel. She nodded. "I'm sorry we haven't found anything yet Bo!!" She said softly. Bo looked over at her in surprise. "It ain't your fault Sugar and we ain't giving up till we get Luke back!" He said and headed for home with a heavy heart.Maria sighed and rested her head against his shoulder and was almost asleep when bright lights appreared behind them and then they were jolted hard as someone struck them from behind. Bo clenched his teeth as he fought for control of the car, knowing that if they went off the road they were gonna be in trouble and he didn't want anything to happen to Maria.Maria turned and reached into the back for her bow and arrows that she had put there as soon as she'd gotten in. She leaned out her window and took careful aim behind them and released an arrow. She watched as the car swerved off the road and went into the bushes. Bo smiled at her. "Nice aim for it being so dark!" He commmented. She nodded and crawled back through the window, releasing a sigh.cue anyone Quote
HotHillbilly Posted October 1, 2005 Author Posted October 1, 2005 “Dangit Jimmy!†George barked at him as he slammed his hand on the dashboard. “Cooper’s going to skin your hide when he finds out you let them go.â€â€Ah George, it ain’t my fault.†He guiltly looked over at him and tried to get the car to back up, but it wouldn’t budge. It was sunk deep in a muddy ditch. “Best call Cooper.†He sighed and called Cooper over the CB.Once Cooper got to the place where they’d wrecked he gritted his teeth. “We only have half-hour until the fat man is brining us the money. We’ll be fine, because I don’t think they have any idea where we are. So let’s just lay low, you got that?â€â€œYes sir.†Jimmy nodded as George elbowed him.“Jesse Duke! Jesse Duke come in!†Boss called over the hazzardnet to uncle Jesse.“What is it JD?â€â€œThey just called again, them guys who want my million dollars!!†he cried.“What’d they say JD?â€â€They want the money in thirty minutes or else Luke is…â€â€œIn thirty minutes?! Well we’ll be right there. You just sit tight. Lost Sheep, Pretty Rebel, Bo Peep…y’all got your ears on?â€â€Yes Uncle Jesse, we’re here.†Bo and Daisy called back, “and I’ve got Pretty rebel with me too.†“Them guys who have Luke want the money in a half hour, so y’all get over to the courthourse and we’ll talk about what we need to do you got that?â€â€œYes sir.†Bo said and turned the car around and headed for the courthouse, along with Daisy.Luke walked inside the grits mill and looked around. Everyone had gotten up and left, except from Beth who was outside by her car. He wandered through old wooden parts that had gathered cobwebs over the years. “Hey Luke. How ya feeling?†Beth asked as she came up behind him.“Um. We’ll I guess I feel fine.†He said.“Oh. Good, well I-“ she looked to the ground, “I’m real sorry about this, but Cooper told me to do this…†she sighed and revealed ropes and a gag. â€Wait, what do you need that stuff for?†Luke asked, stepping back a pace.“It’s what Cooper wants, and if you don’t cooperate he’s going to be real mad, please just.â€â€Beth. No, really why does he want to do this. I’ve felt funny ever since y’all brought me home the other day. What’s really going…â€â€Luke dangit would you just hush up!†she yelled and without thinking shoved him backwards, sending Luke falling to the ground. “Oh my gosh. Luke!†she gasped and knelt down and picked up his head. “Oh my gosh!†she gasped and ran outside to her car.â€Coop, get home now!!†she cried.Balladeer: Poor Luke. This just ain’t his week is it?cue: anyone Quote
Guest Posted October 1, 2005 Posted October 1, 2005 So as Cooper was making his way back over to the hideout to find out what went wrong with Luke he is hoping that it ain't something that will mess up the whole plan since everything is going so great now ", Meanwhile over at the courthouse Bo , Daisy, Uncle Jesse, and Boss was thinking of a way to get the money their in half an hour not a minute late so they brainstormed for about 15 minutes until Uncle Jesse said " Bo you will be the Decoy while JD is gonna give them bad people their money but um be careful Bo cause i don't want nothing happening to Luke ", Then Bo said " Don't worry Uncle Jesse i'm gonna make sure they don't hurt him",Y'all is probably wondering what Daisy and Uncle Jesse are gonna do well they are gonna stake out the Courthouse incase them two bad dudes call.So as that was going on Luke was lying down he ain't moving due to the fact that he hit his head once again he is unconsicous and unfortunetly friends this may complicate the plan some since Luke ain't breathing due to the fact that when he fell he had the gag in so he is really in a pickle. Cue Dixierose00 Quote
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