Julieduke Posted October 5, 2005 Posted October 5, 2005 Cooper and Jimmy and the two girls that were helping him wasn't aware of what happen to poor old Luke. Rebecca Lynn had walked in the house where they had him and had seen what happened she had went to fix it. she didn't want anything to happen to him she felt bad enough for Luke alreadry she really did used to live Hazzerd but Bo and Luke didn't remember her. But she had remembered them, she even remembered their Uncle Jesse as well too bad they didn't know who she was. Rebecca was tired of what her partners that had tricked her into helping them with their plot, she had untied Luke and woke him up and she had made sure they got into her car. But where would she go, then she thought right infront of city hall. So Rebecca and Luke was going to the Hazzerd Square and she started up her car and took off, before Cooper and Jimmy knew she was gone.Cue Kitty. Quote
Guest Posted October 9, 2005 Posted October 9, 2005 About 15 minutes later she was pulling into the Hazzard county courthouseshe looked over at Luke she said " Well c'mon let's go inside maybe someone can help us get to the bottom of this mess ", even though Luke was not at all aware of what is going on he did want some answers so he made his way into the courthouse still confused didn't really know where he was and who he was for that matter also which is a total shame.Balladeer : and Unfortunetly the rest of the Dukes ain't come close to finding a clue as to Luke's whereabouts but they better find something soon or they are gonna be in heartache city.So O'l Bo and Marie was driving around looking for clues tire tracks , footprints , anything that would lead them to Luke suddenly Bo heard a pop he looked so that the General had gotton a flat Bo said " Oh Dangit General now we ain't never gonna find out where Luke is at now ", Marie said " honey were gonna get this tire fixed then we will search more ", Bo said " I sure hope we find him before them bad dudes do cause i know they threatend to hurt Luke if they don't get their money in half an hour.Speaking of Luke he was walking around the inside of the courthouse but nothing seemed to spark a memory of any kind so he said " Rebecca why in the world did you bring me here ?", then she said " So you can be safe they won't hurt you more then you are and also to see if you can remember anything your memory will be coming back soon since your Amnesia is all part of a drug that Beth gave you when they kidnapped youCue Hothillbilly. Quote
HotHillbilly Posted October 9, 2005 Author Posted October 9, 2005 “Rebecca!†Cooper yelled out the door. “Where’s Rebecca and Luke?†he barked.“She was here a few minutes ago…†jimmy said.“Dangit, that dumb girl must have taken him and left. Come on. She couldn’t have gone far.†Cooper yelled and George and Beth took one car and Mary and Cooper took another. “You go towards the Dukes place. We’ll head for town.†He yelled and sped off towards town. Luke glanced over at Rebecca and skeptically looked at her. “huh?†“You don’t understand yet but you will soon.†Rebecca smiled softly. “Now I’m going to-“ “Luke! Why, where have you been? Everyone’s looking for you!†Enos gasped as he came into the courthouse. “Huh? Who are you?†Luke asked as he spun around to face the deputy.“Aw Luke. Come on don’t be playing games now. Everyone’s looking for you, that wasn’t a funny joke to be playing on everyone like that. You scared poor Daisy to tears.†He frowned. “Who’s Daisy?†Luke asked and looked over at Rebecca. “Well she’s-“ Rebecca started but was cut short by a gun shot.“Well Rebecca, looks like we’ve found you. Now come on sweetie, let’s get Luke here and lets go.†Cooper sneered, holding a gun to Luke’s head.†“Now mister, that ain’t no way to talk to a lady-“ Enos interrupted. “Shut up! Or else I’ll put a bullet into all of your heads. Ya hear?†he snapped, “now get in the car Rebecca, and don’t try no funny business or else Luke here is going to get a rude awakening.†Poor Luke was feeling sick in his stomach and his head was starting to beat. “Cooper…†he started but Cooper dragged him out of the courthouse. “Now deputy, if you would give me your gun and get in that cell there and hand me the keys would ya.†“Mister you ain’t going to get away with…â€â€shut up or else Luke is going to get it!†he growled and shoved Enos into the cell. “come on Mary, we’ve got to get that money and leave. This town is getting to friendly.†He sneered and dragged Luke out of the courthouse.cue: anyone Quote
Guest Posted October 9, 2005 Posted October 9, 2005 So Mary , Cooper , Rebecca , and Luke made it out the car Luke was tossed into the back then they made their way to get the money Luke was still so confused , feeling sick to his stomach , and sleepy then Luke's headwas starting to hurt again the pain made him fall into an endless slumber.So as Luke was asleep unaware that his life was on the line Cooper and Mary was asking Rebecca why she took Luke away she said " Because i couldn't stand helping y'all destroy him and his kin he didn't deserve this i mean your killing him all for a suitcase filled with illegal money ", Then Cooper said " Well that's too bad on accont of after we get the money we are gonna dump Luke someplace where his Cousin's won't look ", Meanwhile Bo and Marie had arrived back at the Dukesfarm where Beth , George was keeping them hostage so they can't get in the way even though Bo wasn't listening which made George put a blindfold over Bo he said " Now you can't see a thing ", Then Bo said " I know why y'all are here my cousin Luke picked up the wrong suitcase when he was looking for my suitcase now y'all want him to pay for something he ain't even got anymore so why can't y'all just let him go ?", Then Beth said " Well let him go just as soon as hogg gives us the ransom which he better or else. Unfortunetly O'l Luke ain't holding up too good what with a upset stomach, head injury he is gonna be doing alot sleeping when this is over .Cue Hothillbilly Quote
HotHillbilly Posted October 9, 2005 Author Posted October 9, 2005 Maria faught against Beth who was trying to fix a blindfold on her, “let me go!†she screamed and kicked at Beth.“Calm down!†beth hollered and brought the back of her hand across her face. Maria stopped suddenly in shock and stared up at her. “Now stay quiet, or else trust me… George isn’t going to take kindly to you acting up.†She said as she started to tie a blindfold on her. â€Maria. It’s okay…just stay calm.†Bo soothed from the other side of the room.“Now you just hush up over there!†George called from the kitchen. “Beth, I’m going out to the car to CB Cooper again. Watch them!†he said as he walked out of the farmhouse. “Hey Beth, I hate to be a burden but can you please untie me. I really have to go to the bathroom to take care of some…feminine issues.†Maria squirmed and tried to adjust her wrists. Beth looked out the window at George, “well. I guess, but don’t try nothing. I’ll be standing right outside the door.†She said slowly and took off her blindfold and undid her feet bindings. “What about my hands?†Beth grumbled and undid her hands and pulled out a gun from her coat pocket. Maria quickly saw the gun and started walking towards the bathroom. She locked herself in and turned on the water and started rummaging through the bathroom. Finding some of Daisy’s perfume she snatched it and walked back to the door. “I hope this works..†she thought to herself and threw open the door, catching Beth off guard and doused her eyes with the perfume, making her scream and drop the gun as she covered her eyes. Maria quickly grabbed the gun and shoved Beth into the bathroom. She dashed over to Bo and undid hid bindings. “come on. George is bound to be in here in a second. I don’t know how long that stuff is going to blur her vision…†she panted and the two ran out the back door. George had ran into the house and finding Beth on the bathroom floor moaning, cursed as he heard the general speed off. “What’s wrong with him?†Mary asked as Cooper stopped the car infront of the meeting point where Boss was suppose to bring him his money in exactly five minutes. “I don’t know. He’s just sleeping I guess…†Rebecca whispered and lightly shook his shoulder. “Well it don’t matter anyways. He’ll die peacefully then.†Copoer smiled at Rebecca. “Wait! You promised the Dukes you’d give them Luke if Boss gave you the money!†she shirked. “I never promised the Duke’s I’d give them Luke…alive.†He sneered. “Cooper you can’t!†Rebecca yelped and threw herself at him, but Cooper backhanded his gun against her head and she fell to the ground. “That double-crossing tramp will learn not to play me like that.†He huffed under his breath.“J.D. we have five minutes until they want that money. Where are you?†Uncle Jesse called over the CB line, but no one responded. Cooter looked over at Uncle Jesse and shrugged. “Should we look for him or should we go to the meetin’ spot?†“Well-“ Jesse started, “I don’t know what to do anymore Cooter. I just don’t know.†He sighed.cue:anyone Quote
Guest Posted October 9, 2005 Posted October 9, 2005 Poor Luke is sure suffering now he ain't got a clue as to what is about to happen things sure took a turn for the worse.So anyway Luke was still asleep in the backseat from the pain in his head which is only about to get worse now that Cooper has his hands on him which ain't good and i still ain't sure yet what Cooper has in mind for Luke but it ain't pretty and i sure hope somebody shows up soon ", and Cooper was getting pretty anxious for that money to get here and unfortunetly once that money comes Luke will in bad shape.Cooper was trying to think of a good way on how to get Luke out of the way before his family showed up then it hit him " I Know i'll drag him out out of the backseat and dump him somewhere they won't be none the wiser ", then he drags Luke out of the backseat puts him in the frontseat over the steering wheel to make it look like Luke was driving once Luke was in place he pushes the car down the ravine then he watches it go down then as he is walking behind some bushes to get another car he says " Well he is good as dead now all i need is the money ", Balladeer : I tell you friends that money better show up quick cause Luke ain't gonna be take much more since he is now hurt worse then before.Speaking of the money Uncle jesse and Cooter was still thinking of what to do next so Cooter said " Unca Jesse do you wanna go find Bo , Marie , and Daisy or do you wanna just go and give them bad dudes their money?Then Uncle Jesse " I don't know Cooter i think now i just want Luke back i'm plum scared out my wits though since Luke's life is on the line and if we don't get that money to them in half an hour Luke is gonna be a gone. Cue Hothillbilly Quote
Guest Posted October 9, 2005 Posted October 9, 2005 Poor Luke is sure suffering now he ain't got a clue as to what is about to happen things sure took a turn for the worse.So anyway Luke was still asleep in the backseat from the pain in his head which is only about to get worse now that Cooper has his hands on him which ain't good and i still ain't sure yet what Cooper has in mind for Luke but it ain't pretty and is sure hope somebody shows up soon ", and Cooper was getting pretty anxious for that money to get here and unfortunetly once that money comes Luke will in bad shape.Cooper was trying to think of a good way on how to get Luke out of the way before his family showed up then it hit him " I Know i'll drag him out out of the backseat and dump him somewhere they won't be none the wiser ", then he drags Luke out of the backseat puts him in the frontseat over the steering wheel to make it look like Luke was driving once Luke was in place he pushes the car down the ravine then he watches it go down then as he is walking behind some bushes to get another car he says " Well he is good as dead now all i need is the money ", Balladeer : I tell you friends that money better show up quick cause Luke ain't gonna be take much more since he is now hurt worse then before.Speaking of the money Uncle jesse and Cooter was still thinking of what to do next so Cooter said " Unca Jesse do you wanna go find Bo , Marie , and Daisy or do you wanna just go and give them bad dudes their money?Then Uncle Jesse " I don't know Cooter i think now i just want Luke back i'm plum scared out my wits though since Luke's life is on the line and if we don't get that money to them in half an hour Luke is gonna be a gone. Cue Hothillbilly Quote
HotHillbilly Posted October 9, 2005 Author Posted October 9, 2005 “Bo where are you going?†Maria asked.â€I’m trying to get into town. Maybe Uncle Jesse is there, and we’ve only got twenty minutes until we have to bring that money to Cooper and them…†Bo said as he looked at the clock.He flew into town square and parked infront of the courthouse. “Boss you here?†he called into the jailhouse. “What? Who’s that?†He grumbled as he came out of his office. “Oh, It’s you Dukes. What do you want?†“Boss, we only have twenty minutes- do you have the money yet?†“Maybe…†he put his cigar in his mouth and walked back into his office. “Maria, go call Jesse. Tell him to come down here-“ Bo said as he went in after Boss.“Pretty Rebel calling Shepard. You out there? Please come in.†“This here is Shepard. Where are you two?!†“We’re at the courthouse- get here as quick as you can. Pretty Rebel out.†“Well then I guess we better get going.†Jesse said and turned his truck towards town and tore off. “JD what do you mean you aren’t going to give them the ransom?†Jesse demanded when he reached the courthouse.“The plan isn’t going to work. If it was schemed up by you Dukes then it’s bound too fail, and I don’t want my money to be taken by-““Boss we have made up hundreds of plans to stop your crooked schemes and look- me and Luke are still here. So you better shush up and-““Bo, now just cool it.†Jesse eyed him sternly, “JD now you made a commitment to this. You’ll get all your money back you dressed up marshmallow you. Now we are going to get my nephew back if it’s the last thing I do. Do you understand?†Luke had sailed down the hill Cooper had pushed him off of and had ran into a rock, sending the car sideways towards a tree. With a loud crash the car stopped on its side, Luke sprawled between the drivers seat and passenger seat. Moaning he stirred for a second and then stopped and just lay in pain.“Now JD I want you to get the money now and bring it to the meeting point. Bo will be hiding in the backseat and Cooter, Me, Daisy and Maria will be riding close by. Give them the money and we’ll cut them off after we get Luke alright?†Jesse said and all of them split up. Bo going with Boss, Maria riding in her car, Daisy in Dixie, Uncle Jesse in his pickup and Cooter in his tow truck.“Enos. This is Daisy now did Jesse CB you where to meet me?â€â€œYes Daisy, I’ll be there mighty quick Daisy. Over and out.â€â€œCooper, what are we going to give them then? They won’t give us no money without a trade off for Luke.†Mary asked nervously.“We’re going to give them her. Wrap her up in them blankets back there. By the time they unwrap the blankets and find out it’s just some girl. We’ll be gone with the money.†He smiled.Balladeer: This is getting worse by the second. I hope poor ol’ Luke is gonna turn out okay. He’s gonna have a nasty headache for days after this ordeal…cue: whoever Quote
Guest Posted October 10, 2005 Posted October 10, 2005 Luke was sure in a heck of alot pain but unfortunetly he couldn't do a thingsince he was stuck in the car and couldn't move at the moment and with the way things are going now their ain't no way in telling how this will end.Meanwhile at the hideout Mary was wrapping Rebecca up in the blankets that Cooper told her to even though she didn't think it would work but she did it anyway hopefully the Dukes won't fall for their little scam",Meanwhile Bo and Boss was making their way over to the hideout with the money that Boss was worried he wouldn't get back but he knew that if he didn't do as Cooper said Luke would be a dead Duke so he drove alonguntil he reached the enterance into the hideout he said " Okay Bo now stay down don't get up until it is time ", Bo replied " Okay Boss just remember hand them the money so we can get Luke back .Meanwhile back over at hill where Cooper , Mary was wondering why Boss is taking so long in getting them the money.Luke meanwhile was still trying to wake up but he was having a hard time since he took another blow to the head when he crashed into the tree not that Luke was driving to begin with unfortunetly he don't know that which is a shame on accont of the rest of the Dukes are gonna think he is dead "But hopefully Luke's pain won't get any worse but unfortunetly his memory loss on the other hand maybe more messed up then it was.Balladeer : Lordy Luke is gonna be sleeping like an Angel when this is over. Quote
HotHillbilly Posted October 10, 2005 Author Posted October 10, 2005 With Bo in the back seat, Boss drove up to the old Grits mill with the money in tow. Jesse, Daisy, Maria, Cooter, Enos and Rosco were all at their stations, waiting for Coopers gang to run. “Hello?†Boss called into the darkened mill. It was nearly seven o’clock and was to dark to see very far. “Hogg. Nice of you to come. Why don’t you come in here for a moment.†Cooper grinned as he appeared out of the darkness. “You brung the money right?†“Yes yes. Here’s the money. Now where’s the Duke boy?†“Hold on a second Hogg, let’s make sure all the money’s in here.†He said and dumped the bag on a table and started counting the bundles of money. Boss turned pale at the site of his money being counted by Cooper. “Well Hogg, you did good. Nice doing business with you.†he smiled and started to walk away. “Wait- where’s the Duke boy?†he barked. “Oh yes, him. He’s in there.†He said pointing to a door.Bo had been lying low, waiting for the right moment to attack when he heard this hissing sound. “What in the world?†he thought and cautiously peered over the side of the car. There was a young woman letting the air out of the tires. He ducked back into the Cadillac, thinking about what to do. Slowly he pushed himself up with his hands and jumped out of the car, tackling the woman to the ground. She shrieked as Bo came flying on top of her…“how do I know you ain’t lying?†Boss scowled.“Here- see. He’s sitting right there.†Cooper pointed as he opened the door. “Nice doing business with you Hogg.†He sneared and dashed out of the hideout and into a car waiting in the back. â€Mary! Where are you!†he yelled. “Dang fool.†He huffed and sped off without her.“Where’s Luke?†Bo demanded as he held Mary down.â€He’s inside- now would you let me go!†she snapped and kicked at him. Bo let go of her and she scampered off in to the bushes. â€Bo what are you doing out of the car?†Boss huffed as he poked his head out of the door. “Get in here. We’ve got to get Luke and get my money back!!†he exclaimed and disappeared into the Grits mill again. Bo rolled his eyes and followed him into the hideout. “Where are you Boss?†he called into darkness. “In here boy. Now come on.†He called. Bo came into the small room and waited a second to get use to the darkness. “Where’s Luke she said he was-“ he stopped as he saw the bundle of blankets. “LUKE!†he gasped and kneeled down by the person in the blankets. “Luke- it’s me Bo and Boss and-“ he stopped as he took off the first blanket to unveil a young girl. “This isn’t Luke-“ he stopped and looked up at Boss who was paler then a ghost.cue: whoeva Quote
HotHillbilly Posted October 13, 2005 Author Posted October 13, 2005 "Jimmy, George, Beth. This is cooper. George go back to the place when them dukes are gone and pick up Mary. She somehow got left behind. Now i'm going to head out of hazzard. Meet me in the next county over where I brought y'all in on. Understand?""Yes sir." "Yup." "got it." came back.Bo quickly unwrapped the young women and lightly shook her, trying to wake her up. He touched the back of her neck where blood had dried from a nasty gash in her cheek. "Ma'am. Hey. Are you okay?" he shook her lightly again."Boss i'm going after them. Stay here with the girl until uncle jesse gets here and tell him to bring her to the farm." bo todl him as he ran outside and jumped into Boss's cadillac. "Uncle Jesse. This is Bo. Them guys didn't give us Luke. i'm goign after them. Get to the old grits mill now and boss will be here and tell you whats going on. Over and out." he cried and shot off down the road. He cut across country, figuring they'd try to leave the county as soon as possible. He had the CB on when Jimmy came over the Cb, talking to cooper. "yes. I'm closing in on him." bo grinned and reared on."What's that?" Cooper cursed as he could see a car coming up in the far distance. "Dangit. It's boss's cadillac." he looked at Beth, who was sitting next to him after he picked her up. "what are we going to do?!" Beth asked nervously. "hey, i got it covered. Take that bag there, and throw the clothes out. Yeah- the blue plaid shirt and jeans. That'll stop him for sure." he smiled evily.Bo sped along but stopped suddently when he saw something in teh bushes. "Luke!" he gasped, seeing a piece of his plaid shirt. he jumped out of teh general and ran over to the bushes and grabbed the shirt and jeans and looked off to where the car had driven off too."Hey Duke boy. Come in." cooper growled."Where's Luke!?!" Bo yelled into teh CB."Now you've gone and done it. I told you to stay away. Now you ain't got no cousin!!" he sneered."Your lying-" bo cried hysterically."IF you want his body, why don't you go down to these swamps up here and start looking. Have fun trying to find him!" Cooper laughed.Bo couldn't believe it. He stood stunned and watched the horizion sink. Total darkness had fallen around him, and tehre he stood with Luke's clothes in his hands. He stood there for a few minutes and got back into the general and slowly started back towards the farmhouse, bursting into tears on the way. He pulled into the dirt path and stopped the general. His eyes red and puffy. Daisy came running out. "Bo! where's Luke?!" she cried. but Bo didn't say anything, just held out his clothes and looked up into Uncle Jesses sad eyes. "he's gone y'all." Balladeer: Now remember folks- Luke ain't dead!!Cue: whoever Quote
DixieRose_00 Posted October 13, 2005 Posted October 13, 2005 Maria had come out in time to hear the last part of what was being said and her eyes widened in shock and anger. She ran down the steps and went to Bo, knowing he needed her more then he'd ever needed her before. Bo wrapped his arms around Maria and buried his face in her long blond hair his tears spilling down his cheeks and into her hair. Maria's own tears slid down her cheeks as she held Bo close. "Maybe he ain't dead!" She whispered softly. Bo pulled back and stared at her. "What do you mean?" He asked. Maria pulled back and smiled slightly placing her hand over her heart. "Don't you think if Luke was really dead that you'd feel it here?" She asked gently.Bo stared at her for a moment and then nodded. "Yeah you're right!" He agreed and leaned against the hood of the General thinking for a moment. Maria watched him, her eyes wide. "What is it Bo?" She asked. He suddenly stood up and grabbed her arm. "Let's go to the swamp!" He said. Maria nodded and walked around to the passenger side of the General and grabbed the edge of the door and pulled herself up sliding through the window as Bo started the engine and sped out of the yard.(cue anyone) Quote
Guest Posted October 15, 2005 Posted October 15, 2005 Meanwhile back in the Swamp Luke was trying to wake up but it felt like his eyes weighed 10 pounds so he just layed their unaware that the car was filling up with water somebody better do something quick cause with all that wildlife Luke could be breakfast for a alligator.Fortunetly O'l Bo was on the trail along with Marie who was hoping they would find Luke in time he won't be dead like Cooper said ", Bo meanwhile was so full of worry that he couldn't think straight so he started coming up with the worst things that could happen then Bo said " I hope we get their in time since i don't want my...worst fear to come true and find that Luke is gone cause i don't know what i would do ", Marie looked at Bo with a sad look on her face she said " Bo we ain't gonna let that happen okay so c'mon let's hurry and get to the Swamp.Meanwhile Cooper and Beth was laughing about how their plan was going so good and for the fact that Luke was out of the way finally but sadly they ain't gonna get far cause when Bo finds what they did to Luke he is gonna make sure they pay for good .Cue Hothillbilly Quote
HotHillbilly Posted October 15, 2005 Author Posted October 15, 2005 The half in, half out of water car was gaining water by the mintue. Poor Luke lay half in the drivers seat, half in the passanger seat. He could feel the water starting to soak through the car like it was sponge. He moaned and forced his eyes open and slowly tried to move himself up to a sitting position. He pushed against his right arm and his whole right side had this horrible shooting pain run down to his feet. He groaned and fell back to the seat. His right arm hung limp at his side. He looked around in a foggy daize. Slowly he let his head drop so it was resting on teh headrest and closed his eyes again. His head hurt so bad. He wanted to remember so badly but he just couldn't quite reach it yet. All he knew is that he had to get out of this car. He slowly opened his eyes again and shoved his weight to his left and slammed into the door but it wouldn't budge. The only thing he could do was go through the window he thought. Closing his eyes he brought his fist up and jammed it into the window, sending broken glass everywhere. He yelped in pain as glass striked his face and shattered in his lap.Trying so hard not to put any pressure on his right arm he tried to manuver himself out the window. He managed to pull his body so he was sitting on the frame and turned to look what was behind him. Nothing but swampy mush. Taking a big breath he fell backwards into the mucky water. As he did the whole car dunked under and started to bubble as it half was up and was sinking slowly. Luke used the rest of his energy to swim towards the opposite side of the bank and passed out on the muddy bank.Bo had stopped at the swamp and him and Maria were looking for any sign of Luke. "BO! I found some car tracks!" maria cried and headed down a steep hill where Cooper had sent Luke on his "joy ride". "I think we might-" she gasped and stopped as she saw what was lying behind."BO! OH MY GOD BO!!" she gasped and turned away in horror. There she saw the end half of the car slowly seep away into the mucky water. Bo had run to her side and stood aghast at the site. "LUKE!" he yelled. and ran to the side of the marsh and desperatly looked around. Maria had broken down crying and started trembeling. "Luke.." she whispered and looked up at Bo who had tears running down his cheeks. "Come on Maria. We better go back to the farm and tell Jesse." he said through gritted teeth."I should have been faster getting here. I can't believe it..he's really...really gone." Bo whispered in a trembling voice as him and Maria drove slowly back towards the Dukes Farm.Cu:whoever Quote
Guest Posted October 17, 2005 Posted October 17, 2005 Don't worry Y'all Luke ain't dead he is just passed out at the moment sincehe just suffered another car wreck and is more weak then before meanwhile Bo and Marie is making their way over to Duke Farm to tell Daisy , Uncle Jesse the horrible news that Luke is gone for good not realizing that they is wrong he is okay just banged up some more now.Meanwhile back at the Swamp Luke was trying to wake up but the pain in his head was making it hard since it felt like his head was throbbing and he could also feel this shooting pain on his right side that went down to his feet ", he managed to open his eyes some Luke tried hard not fall back asleep but he was having trouble since his body ain't well yet as his eyes started closing again he tried fighting it but unfortunetly Luke lost in the end he ended up unconicous again on the Muddy Bank .Balladeer : This just ain't been Luke's week y'all nothing has gone right.Anyway Bo , Marie , Daisy, Uncle Jesse, and Boss was talking about the horrible news Then Bo said to Daisy " i never saw a sign of Luke at the Swamp neither did Marie for that matter ", so i guess we have to go back and look again maybe i missed him. Quote
HotHillbilly Posted October 17, 2005 Author Posted October 17, 2005 "Bo I don't see how you could've missed him." Daisy quivered. Uncle Jesse was sitting in a chair by the fireplace, his face pale and his hand holding up his head. "Bo, I don't think today-" he stopped as tears rolled down his cheeks. "I don't think today you can do nothing. Tomorrow have Cooter go down and pull...pull the car out of the swamp. Tonight lets just..." he stopped and stood up. "I'm going to go to bed." he said and shuffled off into his room. Daisy put her hands in her face and cried and Maria put her arms around her. "Shh Daisy..it's okay just let it out." Maria trembled as Daisy cried in her shoulder. Bo turned around and walked into his and Lukes room and leaned against teh door frame. "Dangit Luke. I never thought I'd loose you... not at least with me going with you. Why'd you got to go?" he whispered as he looked over the room where Luke had left his old shirt, his car magazines laying around, his old navy uniform hanging in the cornor. And Bo put his forehead on the frame and cried. In total silence the whole house sat for fifteen minutes until the phone broke the silence like a hot knife through butter. "This is JD Hogg. Where's my money you Dukes?" he barked at the otehr end. "Boss- this is...this is Daisy." "Well Daisy where's my money?" he grummbled. "Boss, we couldn't get it-it back. Lukes-Lukes.." she tremebled. "What about Luke?" "He's dead.."she whispered. cue: dixierose Quote
DixieRose_00 Posted October 18, 2005 Posted October 18, 2005 There was silence on the other end of the line and for a moment Daisy thought Boss had hung up. "I...I'm sorry to hear that Daisy! Why don't you and Maria take the next few days off from work with pay!" He said and then hung up before Daisy could say anything. She held the receiver away from her and stared at it like it was gonna bite or something. "Daisy what is it?" Maria asked. Daisy looked over at her friend her eyes still wide. "Boss just gave us time off from work with pay!" She mumbled. Maria's mouth dropped open but before she could say anything bo walked back into the room, his eyes red from crying. The girls turned to look at him and for the first time noticed he was pulling on a jacket. "Where are you going?" Maria asked. "I'm going back to the Swamp to look around!" He said.Maria walked over to him. "Not without me you ain't!" She said and grabbed her coat off the back of the chair and a flashlight out of a drawer and followed Bo out the door to the General. Bo didn't argue with her because he knew it wouldn't do any good. She was too Stubborn. They got in the General and headed for the Swamp.When they reached the Swamp and the wrecked car they split up and started along the bank. Maria suddenly tripped and fell over something that felt like a log at first but when she turned around and shone her light on it a scream filled the air and brought Bo running. He stopped short next to Maria, where she was kneeling on the ground. She looked up at him and managed a small smile. 'It's Luke and he's still alive!" She cried.(cue anyone) Quote
Julieduke Posted October 20, 2005 Posted October 20, 2005 Daisy and Maria was trying to wake up Luke, by this time that drug he been given was starting to wear off now. Luke had woken up and asked where am I right now? Daisy says "Your in the Hazzerd Swamp, how are you feeling Luke?'Luke says " Like I don't know has happened the past two days to me, but only knowing that Rebecca Lynn has been helping me out. She is still in danger from those two guys did you bring the General, mind if I drive."Maria says "Luke your back to normal you had us all worried Boss gave some paid time off becuase everybody thinks your dead right now."I know you mean well, but you can't drive in your condition Luke, and how did Rebecca Lynn help you out. Oh, Rebecca did grow up in Hazzerd but she was blonde at the time and everybody called her Becky. I guess nobody would remember that she used to have braces and that she is thinner now.cue anybody Quote
HotHillbilly Posted October 28, 2005 Author Posted October 28, 2005 “Luke. Now you need to take it easy for a while. Here, we’ll take you back to the farm.†Bo said, “Uncle Jesse is going to be so relived.†He smiled. Maria on one side, Bo on the other Luke limped back to the General, and after slowly easing Luke in Bo drived carefully back towards the farm. Daisy was sitting in the living room, looking at the fire crackling in the fireplace. Uncle Jesse, still in his room. Bo came in first, “Uncle Jesse, could you come in here for a minute?â€. Daisy looked up, “What is it Bo?†she sighed painfully. “I want to show you something.†He tried hard not to smile. Daisy wrapped an arm around Uncle Jesses shoulder and Bo left the room, “Maria…†he said and she came in with the limping Luke. Daisy looked like she was about to faint, Uncle Jesse had a single tear rolling down his cheek. “Luke…†he whispered. “Oh my gosh… Luke?!†Daisy gasped and quickly stood up and ran over to him and rapped her arms around his neck, making Luke flinch a bit. “Oh my good Lord I thought you were…†she swallowed hard as tears started to trickle down her cheeks. â€Naw Daisy I’m… alive and somewhat kicking†he winced in pain. “Luke,†uncle jesse started but was interrupted by a loud bang and a horrendous crash. He looked outside to find…cue: anywho Quote
Julieduke Posted November 3, 2005 Posted November 3, 2005 That somebody had crashed into Uncle Jesse truck and he went out to see who that was not noticing his truck there. It was Rosco as usual but he seemed a little not himself as if there was something in his car right now. Maria and Bo went out to see what was wrong with Rosco. There was a Smoke bomb inside his car and he still okay, but very week and apparently his car was full of smoke right now.Cue Anybody Quote
HotHillbilly Posted November 5, 2005 Author Posted November 5, 2005 "Rosco!" Jesse called and quickly got the sickly sheriff out of the car. "You okay?""Jesse? Your under arrest for..." he slurred."Rosco?" Maria shook his hand. "What's wrong with him Jesse?""I don't know. Here lets lay him down. Bo, you make sure Lukes okay."Bo went into the bedroom where Daisy was sitting next to the sleepy Luke."He's okay Uncle Jesse, so is Daisy. I wonder what happened to Rosco." he shrugged and went out to the car to investigate. As he bent down to pick up the thing sitting in the front of the seat something hit him hard in the back of the head and he crumpled to the ground."Sorry Bo, had to do it." Rebekah whispered and slowly but the car in nuteral and started to push it backwards. "George and Mary and Cooper arn't going to get away with this-" she said and once she was sure no one could hear the car she started the cop car and silently drove away from teh Dukes farm. "I'm goign to find them...I think they said they went north." she muttered to herself.George, Mary, Jimmy , Cooper, and Beth, all thinking that Luke the only wintess was long gone and dead by now so they stopped in Oldsalem County (about 60miles from Hazzard) for the night to divey up the money.cue: whoever Quote
HotHillbilly Posted August 7, 2006 Author Posted August 7, 2006 George, Cooper, Jimmy, Mary and Beth all decided they were okay, and out of danger to spend the night in a cheap, run-down motel in the neighboring county. "Thanks for leaving without me." Mary glared at Cooper as she sat on in a chair in their room."Hey, I hollered for you, but you were off getting yourself caught by that Duke." he snapped. "Now we're going to leave bright and early tomorrow morning and head on back to your place George in South Carolina. We'll divvy the money up there, then we can burn the car, and the rest of the evidence, and me and Mary will try to find a place close by so we can figure out what we're going to do with Boss Hogg.""I say black-mail him into giving us money for hiring illegal thugs, and in a way causing the Duke guys accident. We'll have him squealing like a pigglet by the time we're done." George laughed.Cue: Kitty Quote
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