HotHillbilly Posted September 16, 2005 Posted September 16, 2005 Balladeer: Now y’all might be wondering why the Generals flyin’ and there ain’t nobody chasing them, and it’s not Saturday night so it ain’t women. Well it’s because Bo’s coming home today after being gone for two weeks visiting his old buddy Jimmy.“Luke, now you’d better just slow down. You know that Rosco’s going to show up ‘round here somewhere.†Daisy warned from shotgun in the General. Uncle Jesse, Daisy, and Luke were all riding into town to pick up Bo. As the General flew into Hazzard Square, the six o’clock bus was just pulling up.“Bo!!†Daisy cried and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek. â€Well howdy their ma’am.†Bo teased and hugged her back. â€Nice to have you back. The General was actually startin’ to feel safe.†Luke laughed.“Haha, funny Luke.†Bo smirked and the foursome walked back to the General and tore off back to the farm.Later on that night, after Uncle Jesse’s crawdad soup, Bo went out to the Genearl to grab his suitcase. â€Hey Luke?†“Yeah?â€â€Did you bring my bag inside?â€â€Nope, I didn’t see nothing in the General.†â€Goldarnit, I musta left it at the bus stop. Shoot.â€â€œLuke, how ‘bout you go and see if its still there, if not go over and ask Rosco if anything was turned in.†“Yes’sirâ€â€What about me Uncle Jesse?†Bo asked,“Now you’ve had a long trip, you go on inside and get some shut eye. ‘Sides, Luke’ll be back in a minute.†â€Don’t wait up..†Luke waved as he drove off into town.After finding the brown suitcase sitting peacefully on the curb, Luke headed back towards the farm. He turned on the radio as he was driving through the darkened roads. Suddenly, a black car came flying up in front of him and with an ear-shattering snap the windshield broke into a million tiny pieces. Luke yelped as glass flew into his face, and instinctively stepped backwards, hitting the gas hard. He flew off the road and came to a sudden halt as the General tried to fly right through a tree. With a final groan, Luke collapsed on the steering wheel, blood trickling down his face.( dramatic... Cue anyone...) Quote
Guest Posted September 16, 2005 Posted September 16, 2005 Balladeer : What a Horrible Crash i sure hope somebody shows up soon or O'l Luke is just gonna be a memory .So as Luke was laying over the Steering Wheel Unconicous , coated with Blood , " Who should happen to Show up but Cooter when he saw the General totaled he said " HOLY SMOKES " So Cooter hightailed it over their when he saw what a horrible state someone left Luke in he couldn't believe his eyes " OH SHOOT LUKE !!!!! Balladeer : Let me tell you friends it ain't pretty site ",Meanwhile over at the DukeFarm : Uncle Jesse was wondering what was taking Luke so long with Bo's suitcase since he should have been back then Uncle said " Lord i hope Luke is alright he should have been back by now ", Unfortunetly Luke wasn't doing so hot if he makes it will be a miracle since he is bleeding like a stuffed pig on Thanksgiving ", So Cooter was trying to wake Luke up but unfortunetly he wasn't having much luck Luke was colder then a dead samon he ain't lookin' so hot !!! ", lady luck must have been lookin' down on Luke cause Rosco had been on patrol that night when he saw the General Lee he was totally shocked then he saw Cooter he said " Cooter what in the heck happend ", so Cooter said " Oh Rosco thank heavens your here Luke got into an horrible wreck he is in really bad shape he is bleeding like crazy ", Then Rosco said " I'll CB over at the DukeFarm and i 'll tell them about it ", So Then Rosco called on over to the Dukefarm he said " This Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane calling the Dukes do y'all have your ears on ", Bo just happened to be standing by the radio when he heard the message he said " You got Lost Sheep two here Rosco what do you want if it is to arrest me and Luke you can forget it ", Then Rosco said " Bo i ain't callin' you about that Luke has gotton into a terrible crash over on Millpawn ",then Bo said " Oh My Lord Rosco I'm on my way call the Ambulance for me okay and uh i'll let Daisy and Uncle Jesse know on what is happening.Cue Anybody Quote
Canadian_Country_Cousin Posted September 17, 2005 Posted September 17, 2005 "Huh....?? Wha..??" Luke mumbled as he struggled to open his eyes through the intense light. "Just relax son. Go back to sleep." A voice replied. "Yes sir." Luke whispered, drifting back into nothingness and darkness.The amubulance rolled along, lights flashing and sirens blaring. Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane's patrol car lead the way to the tri-counties emergancy room. Daisy Duke's saddened tear-filled voice came over the CB radio, "Rosco?? Are you sure?? I jus..." Her voice faded away, some one had taken the radio away from Luke's hysterical cousin.Balladeer "Now folks, you know it ain't good if Daisy is getting antsy!"The Dukes burst into the hospital, "Where is he?? Where's my nephew?" Jesse Duke demanded. "Just relax Uncle Jesse." Bo coaxed putting a hand on his uncle's shoulder. Jesse shrugged Bo off, "Relax?? How can I relax!!!"Bo shook his head. Jesse walked over to the front desk, where a pretty nurse was sitting, "I need to see my nephew!" The nurse looks up with a scowl, "Sorry Jesse, Boss Hogg said I wasn't to tell you!" "Why that!!!" Jesse shouted as Daisy and Bo pulled him away."Just sit down Uncle Jesse, I have an idea!" Bo whisperd as he help Jesse sit. Her took daisy by the arm and whispered in her ear, "I'll distract her, you find out where Luke is." Daisy nodded. Bo stood up straight, undid a button on his shirt, run his hands through his thick blonde hair and took a deep breath. He sauntered causually over to the desk and leaned his arm on it. He raised an eyebrow and smiled, "Hey Sandy! How's it goin'?" The young nurse looked up to see Bo staring at her, smiling. She raised ans eyebrow and giggled, "Hi Bo!" She giggled agian and twirled her hair around her finger. Bo watched Daisy out of the corner of his eye as she snuck up behind Sandy, searching for Luke's room number. Sandy went to turn her head, Bo reacted fast. He put his hand under Sandy's chin, holding her gaze in his. He smiled again.Daisy whistled as she snuck back around to sit with Jesse. Bo winked at Sandy, "I've gotta go!" He stood up and walked over to his family, they rushed off into the hospital to find Luke. "Call me Bo!!" Sandy cried as he left. She rested her head in her hand watching Bo like a love sick puppy. Balladeer "That boy sure can work a good shuck and Jive!!" Quote
HotHillbilly Posted September 17, 2005 Author Posted September 17, 2005 Meanwhile, the driver of the black car had doubled back and had stopped down by Mill Pond road to find the General still there, banged up as ever. “Jimmy, now you go on and grab the suitcase. I’ll take care of this ol’ clunker.†The driver told him. â€Yeah, but Cooper what about the driver…where’s he?†“I heard some sirens a bit ago, I’m guessing to the hospital.†Cooper glanced quickly out of the door to see if anyone was coming. “No body in site. Later on, we’ll go to the hospital and finish him off… just incase he might be able to identify the car, which could be easily traced back to me.â€Cooper and Jimmy both dashed over to the General, and after snatching the suitcase, Cooper opened up the gas tank, “did you get the suitcase?†“yup.â€The two thugs ran back to the car and as they were flying past the General, through a match into the gas tank, sending the General up in flying colors.Balladeer: Now friends, that’s like insulting a family member…“Luke?!†Daisy cried hysterically as she saw her poor cousin Luke hooked up to all sorts of mechanical contraptions. â€Daisy, you’ve gotta keep quiet.†Bo held her by her shoulders, turning a bit pale himself at the site of his cousin, who looked deader then he did alive. Uncle Jesse was standing at the foot of his bed and looking down at his nephew tears started to swell up in his eyes. “Now Bo, you stay in here with him and Daisy. I’m going to find Rosco and get this whole mess straightened out!†And with that, Uncle Jesse stormed out of the room. Finding Rosco, he slumped his hat onto his head once again and walked right up to him, “Now Rosco, you tell me everything you know or I swear…!†Uncle Jesse warned.“Woah, hold on there Uncle Jesse,†Cooter stepped in, “I’ll explain to you what I know.†As he took the elderly man aside, and after telling him what he knew he plum said he was sorry. “Now I’m going out to get the General and try to find what’s went wrong, call me if anything changes.â€Back in the hospital room, Luke was slipping in and out of consciousness. Daisy was in a teary state on the foot of his bed, and Bo was sitting right beside him, listening to the beeping of the machines talking back and forth with each other. Poor Luke’s face had cuts and gashes, his arm was in a sling and his head had gotten pretty banged up.Balladeer: Ya’ll do realize that this whole mess started off with just a simple thing like forgetting a suitcase?(cue: whoever gets here first) Quote
Guest Posted September 17, 2005 Posted September 17, 2005 Well as the night went on things were getting more worse then better seeing as how Luke is still out cold he hasn't made any improvements as Luke was lying on his hospital bed Bo was talking to him about his visit with Jimmy , Daisy was trying to be brave but she was having a hard time unfortunetly two tears had escaped from her she quickly wiped them away so Bo wouldn't see them but she felt so helpless and afraid that Luke would die ",Balladeer : Whoever caused Luke's wreck sure did a bang up job since he is pretty much out of it .Bo still was trying to get Luke to wake up but he was having not much luck since Luke has a serious head injury and just to matters worse his face is half covered with bandages when O'l Luke wakes up he is gonna be really sore ", as Bo was sitting by Luke's bedside holding his hand he was praying that he would wake up but sometimes fate has other plans ",So as Bo and Daisy was in Luke's room trying to get him to wake up Uncle Jesse was sitting in the waiting room trying to think of why Boss didn't want him to see Luke he was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't hear the phone ring at the front desk until the nurse said " Mr Duke Phone " , So then Uncle Jesse said " Hello Jesse Duke speaking ... Hey Cooter what are you calling about ?", Cooter said " Well Uncle Jesse i though i would call you to let you know that uh the General is pretty much bent out of shape and it is gonna take alot of late nights to get it up and running again " Then Uncle Jesse said " Cooter i'll let Bo know that he may wanna come over and help since that would help get his mind off of Luke", So then Cooter said " Uncle Jesse i ...... hope that Luke wakes up and recovers from this i sure would like to know what it happend though the other thing i wanted to let you know is that Bo's suitcase is missing .Balladeer : Friends I sure hope they get to the bottom of this soon cause by the way Luke is doing he maybe only a memoryCue : HotHillbilly Quote
HotHillbilly Posted September 17, 2005 Author Posted September 17, 2005 Luke could faintly hear Bo and Daisy in his head, the beeps of machines all around him. “Oh lordy, where am I?†he thought to himself. He tried to get himself to open his eyes but it felt like someone was weighing his eyes down with a sack of bricks. He slightly moved his hand and mumbled.“Luke?! Luke, can you hear me?†Bo quickly jerked up as Luke’s hand flinched, but Luke didn’t say anything back to him. “Daisy go get Uncle Jesse.†Bo quickly told her. Daisy jumped up and took off down the hall to the waiting room.Meanwhile, while poor Luke was still lying in the hospital, Cooper and Jimmy were making tracks as they doubled back to the hospital. “Now listen Jimmy, I want you to see if you can find where that guys room is, say that you’re kin of his. I’m going to see if I can find some clothes to put on, then meet me back in the waiting room so we can find ‘em.â€â€Okay.â€Now as the two thugs pulled up and parked their old black car by the front entrance way of the hospital, Uncle Jesse was standing by Luke’s side talking to him and Bo was holding poor old Daisy.“Ma’am!! brother, I heard he was in a car wreck… just an hour ago! Please where is he?! Is he dead? Oh please say my baby brother ain’t dead..†Jimmy cried to the lady in the front office. â€Oh, you mean that banged up young fella? The one Sheriff Rosco brought in? He’s down the 26.†She pointed down the hall. â€Thank you!!†he called as he ran down the corridor. He stopped by the waiting room where Cooper was all decked out in scrubs and booties. “Room 26,†Jimmy whispered and the two walked down the corridor together. â€Wait, there’s someone in there…†Cooper stopped, “you stay out of site ‘till I come out and get you again you hear?†and Jimmy strolled down the way a bit. â€Excuse me,†Cooper said as he came into Luke’s room, “I need to run a few tests on the boy.â€â€Oh, er…yes of course. We’ll be right outside Luke…†Uncle Jesse patted his hand before leaving the room with Bo and Daisy. “Is he going to be okay Doc?†asked Bo, “I ain’t sure yet son, I have to run some tests. Now y’all have to leave now.†He said and watched as the three Dukes walked off. Cooper walked out in the corridor, “Jimmy?†he whispered hoarsely and the two of them went back into Lukes room. When Cooper knew the coast was clear he exposed a pistol in hand, ammo in the other, ready to end Luke’s life right there.Balladeer: Poor Luke, it looks like he’s going to see them pearly gates a lot sooner then he expected.Cue: anyone. Quote
DixieRose_00 Posted September 17, 2005 Posted September 17, 2005 Meanwhile while the Dukes were waiting in the hallway for the man to get done running tests on Luke one of the doors down the hall opened and a pretty young woman, stepped out her eyes falling on the Dukes down the hall. Her eyes widened and she walked towards them.Balladeer: Now this young lady is Maria Johnson. She's Daisy's best friend and lives with the Dukes seeing as how her parents were killed and Jesse couldn't see her going to an orphanage as her parents were good friends of his, she also seems to be dating Bo....ain't she pretty?Bo caught sight of the blond as she approached them. "Ria." He cried, sweeping her into his arms when she reached them. "What;s going on y'all?" She asked, looking frantically from one face to another. "There was an accident and Luke was hurt pretty bad." Daisy cried, wrapping her arms around her friend as Bo released her. Maria nodded. "I know Rosco told me. I wanted to know why you all are standing out here and not in there with him." She said. "The doc came and told us they had to run some tests." Jesse said. Maria shook her head. "I just had myself a look at Luke's chart. He ain't scheduled for no tests." She said, and started for the door to Luke's room. Bo's eyes widened and he followed her.Cooper got ready to pull the trigger just as the door burst open and a tall blond young man entered followed by a pretty blond girl dressed in a candy striper's uniform. "Get away from my cousin." Bo yelled as Jesse and Daisy and Rosco spilled through the door. Cooper and Jimmy looked at each other and then dodged the angry Bo and the others in the room and ran out the door. Maria hurried to Luke's side and checked for his pulse and sighed with relief. "They didn't get a chance to hurt him. But I think we better put a 24 hour watch on him at all times." She said. Bo nodded. "I'll stay." He said. Maria nodded. "I'm gonna go change and then I'll be back." She said and left the room followed by Daisy.Balladeer: Now Cooper's and Jimmy's plans may have been messed up this time but I just know they're gonna try again. I sure hope ol' Luke wakes up soon. Quote
HotHillbilly Posted September 18, 2005 Author Posted September 18, 2005 Bo jumped up from his chair at the sound of a strange noise, Maria had left him a note saying that she had to go and she’d stop by later to check on Luke. A low groan came from Luke and he was barely mumbling above a whisper. “Luke! Luke, can you hear me.†Bo quickly slid to his cousin’s side, “uhhh, wha? Where am I?†Luke moaned his eyes still shut tight. “Luke, it’s me! Bo, you know your cousin? Come on Bo, you gotta remember me.†Bo inquired hopefully.“Bo?†he hoarsely whispered and slowly he fought the urge to fall back asleep, “wha??†“Now you just stay right here…don’t go no where’s. I’ll be right back, I got to go call Uncle Jesse!†Balladeer: Now how is Luke supposed to get up and leave anyways?Within another twenty minutes Uncle Jesse and Daisy were there. Daisy was almost to tears she was so happy. “Oh Luke, you had me worried sick!†Daisy cried as she hugged Luke, and seeing him flinch in pain she quickly let go. “Now Daisy, just take it easy around him. Has the doctor came and seen him yet Bo?†“Yup, he said that he was doing a whole lot better, but said that they need to keep him here another few nights just to make sure everything’s alright and all.â€Quietly, Jesse took Bo aside, “did those men come back?†“No sir, it was pretty quiet night.†Uncle Jesse sighed as he looked over at the state poor ol’ Luke was in. “I still don’t understand, why would anyone want to hurt him, and why take your stuff…I mean you didn’t keep nothing valuable in there.†â€I just don’t know Uncle Jesse.†Bo sighed, “I just don’t know.â€Meanwhile Cooper and Jimmy were hiding down back behind Boss Hoggs old coffin works. “Cooper, we’ve got the money can’t we just leave here?â€â€No, especially not now all of those people in there got a good look at our faces. We’ve got to get ride of that driver for one thing, and that blonde haired guy at least. I don’t think the others got quite as good as look as they might have. Did you get the name of the guy?†“Yup, the chart outside of the said Lukas Duke, I guess Luke.â€â€Well then I guess we’ll just have to pay Luke a little visit when he gets home.â€He looked pretty banged up. Are you sure you didn’t shoot him?†Jimmy asked nervously.“I’m positive, I just broke the windshield and you see everything is going to work out. Now quit your blubbering and make sure it’s all in here you got it?†Cooper snapped as he pulled out another huge stack off 100-dollar bills out of the suitcase.Balladeer: So that’s why they wanted that suitcase so bad. Quote
Julieduke Posted September 18, 2005 Posted September 18, 2005 Now a nurse with Rebecca Lynn came into Luke's hosptial room and she had seen everybody there and they all noticed she was there and they notice that was holding something. Bo didn't remember no nurse at the hospital with name of Rebecca Lynn, and he is wandering and she come up to hm. Rebecca Lynn says " Bo, don't you remember me I used to live at the orphanage but you used to call me Becky then and you used to tease me then."Bo says " Sorry , but I don't remember you Rebecca Lynn.cue AnybodyWho is this Rebecca Lynn gal that just came in? Quote
DixieRose_00 Posted September 18, 2005 Posted September 18, 2005 Maria walked into Luke's room just as Rebecca Lynn was leaving and gave her a sideways glance, full of curiousity. She didn't remember ever seeing her there before and she knew all the nurses and doctor's because she'd been volunteering there since she was seventeen. Bo smiled at her when he cxaught sight of her though she could tell it was forced. "What's wrong?" She asked. Bo shrugged. "I ain't rightly sure!! That gal that was in here said that she was in the orphanage and I knew her as Becky and that I used to tease her, but I don't remember no Becky." He said. Daisy walked through the door and hugged Maria when she caught sight of her. "How you doing Sugar?" Maria asked as she hugged her best friend. Daisy smiled weakly. "I've been better." She said and looked at Bo. "What are you two planning?" She asked.Maria smiled and looked at Bo. "I promised I'd give Bo a ride to the house to change and then we're gonna go back to Cooter's and see what we can do about fixing up the General." She said. Daisy nodded. "Now you two be careful. Whover caused that accident might still be around." She warned them. Maria hugged her again and joined Bo in the doorway. "Don't worry!! I brought along the extra set of arrows with dynamite and another bow." She said. Daisy sighed and sat down next to Luke's bed. "Get better soon Luke!!" She whispered.cue anybody Quote
HotHillbilly Posted September 18, 2005 Author Posted September 18, 2005 With Maria driving in her Jeep, and Bo in deep thought, it was a quiet ride to the farm. Maria stopped the car and looked at Bo and leaned over and kissed him and rested her head on his broad shoulders, “What’s on your mind sweetie? If it’s about Luke-you know he’s going to get better, he’s got a Dukes will of life.†She smiled. Bo looked down at her and kissed her head, “I know he will. But I just feel so helpless, I don’t know who’s trying to kill him and it’s killin’ me. It’s my fault he’s in that hospital, if I didn’t leave my stuff out at the bus stop he’d never had been out there to get hurt.†His eyes started to water, Maria quickly grabbed his hands “Bo, this is not your fault!! You can’t blame yourself, if it was anyones fault I bet it was those two guys in the hospital room. You blamin’ yourself ain’t going to help Luke get better anytime soon.†She looked into his eyes but he turned away and slid out of the car and headed for the farmhouse. As he swung open the door to the farmhouse he heard a click and through the corner of his eye he could see a barrel of a shotgun shinning right by his head, “Come on cowboy, if you go quietly then that pretty little gal out their ain’t going to be hurt.†Bo’s fist clentched, “You don’t lay one finger on her!!†he said through gritted teeth. “’Atta boy, now how about you go and sit down over there and wait for the old man to come home with the girl. Then we’ll have ourselves a nice little family get together, ain’t that right Bo Duke?†Cooper snarled as Jimmy gagged and tied Bo up to the chair. Back at the hospital Luke was in and out of consiousness, but the doctor said that he was getting stronger and should be back in full consiousness within a day or so. Back at the hospital Luke was in and out of consiousness, but the doctor said that he was getting stronger and should be back in full consiousness within a day or so.Poor Maria, feeling pretty depressed was sitting outside in the Jeep waiting for Bo. When he didn’t come out after five minutes she started for the front door…Cue: anyone. Quote
DixieRose_00 Posted September 18, 2005 Posted September 18, 2005 Maria felt something inside, maybe it was her sense of something wrong that she'd learned from Bo and Luke, but anyways something told her not to go in the house right away and to go back to her jeep and get the bow and arrows. She silently snuck around and against her better judgement picked up the Cb. "Crazy C, this here's Pretty Rebel are you there?" She asked softly. "This is Crazy Cooter coming at you Miss Maria!! What can I do for y'all?" Cooter's voice said. "Cooter I think something's happened to Bo here at the farm and I'm here alone." She said. "Now you just hang tight there Maria. I'm on my way!!" He said. Maria replaced the Cb and grabbed the Bow and arrows with dynamite and headed for the back of the house.Balladeer: I just hope ol' Cooter gets there soon. Cause Sweet little Maria ain't sittin' tight.Maria peered through one of the windows and released a soft gasp when she saw two men standing over Bo, who was tied and gagged to a chair in the kitchen. She quickly ducked as one man glanced towards the window and as she got a quick glimpse of him her eyes widened. It was one of the same men that had been in Luke's room. She slipped towards the door =, placing an arrow on the bow and aiming it directly at the door, just as one of the men came in. "Hold it right there Sugar!!! You tell your friend in there to release Bo or your gonna be one sorry man!! " She said, grinning when she saw Cooter slip through the shadows and go to a window out of sight of the other man.Cooter shoved the window up softly and climbed through quietly sneaking up behind the Cooper and tapping him on the shoulder. Cooper whirled around to see an angry Cooter. "Jimmy!!" He yelled, as Maria walked through the door, prodding Jimmy along with her arrow. Cooper shoved Cooter back against the wall and then grabbed Jimmy's arm, pulling him away from the startled young woman. "You may have us beat this time Duke!!! But we'll be back!!" Jimmy said as Cooper shoved Maria aside and they ran out the door. Maria ran to untie Bo. "You Okay?" She asked, pulling the gag from his mouth. Bo nodded and pulled her to him, thankful they hadn't hurt her. He looked up at Cooter. "Let's go get the General fixed. Cause I have a feeling we're gonna need him!!" He said.Cue Anyone Quote
HotHillbilly Posted September 18, 2005 Author Posted September 18, 2005 Daisy had fallen asleep next to Luke’s bed, her head resting by his side. Uncle Jesse had gotten a call from Cooter and had taken off to discuss about what was going to happen next, after the attack on Bo and Maria. Luke stirred, and his pulse became a bit quicker. Slowly he began to come back into it. Groggily he opened his eyes and the room came into focus. He couldn’t move his neck easily with all the bandages on them but through the corner of his eye he could see sweet Daisy sleeping at his side. He slowly moved his lower arm and hand, which gave Daisy a start. “Luke!†She cried and stood straight up. Luke groaned, “hey Daisy..†he cracked a faint smile, “what’s going on?†he mumbled as he looked around the room. Now poor ol’ Lukes memory wasn’t doing to well either. Glancing at himself, his arm in a sling, arms full of gashes and hooked up to every machine he could think of he looked back at Daisy, “Did Bo get us into a car wreck?†he asked. Daisy couldn’t help but giggle and told him what she new. Balladeer: Well looks like Luke ain’t going to them pearly gates quite yet…“Uncle Jesse, those two men that tied me up were the same ones in the hospital room. They said they were going to do you and Daisy in too, and now I bet Maria and Cooter. One was called Jimmy, and the other Cooper. I don’t know what they were doing, but they knew who we were. †Bo said as he sat down in Cooter’s garage, “I bet that Boss Hogg has something to do with this..†he mummbledUncle Jesse looked down at the ground, “ Now Bo, we can’t jump to conclusions. Besides, no matter how much he wants to see you boys in jail, he’d never purposely try to end your lives. We just have to make sure Luke gets better, then I think we might have to play low for a bit. Maybe we could move into your grandpa’s place for a spell Maria.â€â€Grandpa wouldn’t mind that one bit Jesse.†â€Hey y’all, why don’t you take that car I’ve been working on, just incase they know Uncle Jesses truck and Dixie. I’ll have the General humming before tomorrow morning.†Cooter said and threw Bo the keys to the dark blue car parked outside.Meanwhile, at the Sheriff Department Boss Hogg had just gotten a phone call. “ROSCO!! Get your hind end in here!!†He barked.“Yes Boss?â€â€All my money!! My precious money!! It’s gone… stolen!!†he cried, cigar in hand. “ You know how I was suppose to get that insurance money from Captial City?â€â€Yup, one million dollars!! Kuh kuh kuh. I love it I love it, and I get 50% of the 50% of the 50%. Kuh kuh kuh.†He smiled.“Wrong!â€â€œWrong?â€â€yes wrong! You don’t get nothing unless I get my money back. Cooper and Jimmy were suppose to be here last night to drop off my money…but they never showed up!!†he cried. “They skipped out on me!! You send out a pb on hear?? Then you and Enos go out and try to find them dirty-two-timing-low-lifes!!†he cried and Rosco ran out of Boss’s office saying, “oh I love it I love it.†Quote
Guest Posted September 18, 2005 Posted September 18, 2005 Balladeer : Man if Old Bo didn't strike paydirt that dirty O'l Boss Hogg he is gonna be madder then a wet hen when he finds what those two crooks he hired did to poor Luke he is gonna make them pay.Meanwhile over at the Hospital Uncle Jesse had just come back into Luke'sroom and told Daisy the news about them two bad dudes that hurt Luke are now after Bo , Marie , and Cooter their names are Cooper and JimmyLuke has been slipping in and out of Conicous during all of this he said in a sleepy voice " Unca Jesse wha.... happend my head hurts , i can't move my neck because of all these bandages how did i end up here ", then Luke's head started hurting he moaned some then Uncle Jesse said " Luke why don't you go and close your eyes rest up don't worry about Bo ", Then Luke said " BO what happened to him he is okay right ?Uncle Jesse didn't know what to say so he just said " Luke you don't need to waste your energy right now on worrying just rest okay boy ",So Then Luke fell back into a peaceful sleep then Uncle Jesse said " Sweet Dreams Luke you'll be better in no time ", so as Luke was sleeping Uncle Jesse had stepped out into the hallway to ask Daisy about if she thinks Boss has anything to do with this she said " Unca Jesse i know Boss has always wanted the boys back in jail but i don't think he would do anything that would cost them their lives we have to find those bad guys before they do more harm to Luke.Cue Anybody Quote
HotHillbilly Posted September 18, 2005 Author Posted September 18, 2005 Bo and Maria decided to go down to see if they could find out anything about this Jimmy and Cooper at the Sheriffs. Just as they pulled in, Enos and Rosco were pulling off and zoomed past them. â€Now where are they headin’ off to in such a hurry? Usually it’s to find me and Luke…†Bo thought outloud.Maria and Bo walked into the Sheriffs office and looked around through a few papers. “I don’t see anything.†Maria sighed. “These are just old wanted and missing adds, nothing present.â€â€Well maybe… wait what’s this?†Bo said as he held up a piece of paper, “These here are who we’re looking for. Both have been in and out of jail for fifteen years!†he showed Maria the add. “But what are they doing in Hazzard?†Maria asked, “Good question, but the only dirt that’s associated with Hazzard County is with Boss. Come on we’ve gotta find Enos and see what he knows.†Bo said and the two ran out to their cars and tore off in the direction of Rosco and Enos.Daisy and Uncle Jesse decided to leave the hospital for a while and go grab some lunch down at the Boars Nest while a real doctor was examining Luke and doing some final tests. Jimmy and Cooper we’re getting aniser then a jitterbug. “We shouldn’t have done that, because they seem to have people comin’ out of the woodworks!†Jimmy cried. “Jimmy, now you just hush. We’ll lay low for a few days, and once that Luke is out of the hospital we’ll get rid of every single last one of the Dukes…and any of their friends.Balladeer: Well then I guess Jimmy and Cooper are planning to blow up Hazzard county then. Boy, I’d hate to be in Hazzard ‘round now.Cue: whoever gets here first Quote
DixieRose_00 Posted September 18, 2005 Posted September 18, 2005 Maria drove the blue car that they borrowed from Cooter, her attention on the road ahead of her, though her mind was on something else entirely. She was worried about Luke and the fact that since those men knew Bo and had tried to kill Luke she knew that they were involved in that accident somehow and would probably try again and now she and Cooter were mixed up in the whole mess. She wasn't really worried about herself though, she was more worried about Luke since he was the one hurt and laid up in the hospital."Hey!" Maria jumped and turned to look at Bo in surprise, not even realizing that he'd been talking to her until that moment. She smiled at him. "I'm sorry Bo!! What was it?" She asked. Bo looked at her, his blue eyes full of worry. "Are you okay?" He asked. She started to nod and then shook her head. "Bo, I'm scared." She admitted. Bo looked at her. "Maria I ain't gonna let nothin' happen to you." He said. She laughed causing him to stare at her. "I ain't scared for me, I'm scared for Luke and what might happen to him." She said. Bo grinned. "We're gonna take care of em Maria!!! Ain't nobody gonna get to em and no one else is gonna get hurt if I have anything to say about it!!!Balladeer: I sure hope he's right cause I just hate it when anyone gets hurt!! Especially them Dukes!! Quote
HotHillbilly Posted September 19, 2005 Author Posted September 19, 2005 (later onfthat night)Bo, Maria,Cooter and Uncle Jesse sat in Luk room. Daisy had gone to find Enos, because it seemed that Boss Hogg had just dissapered. Balladeer: Really, he was just hiding from them slezy double-crossers Cooper and Jimmy.“Well, how I see it,†Cooter said, “Is that they’ve got something against ol’ Luke. They must have been following him and at the right time tried to…well you know.†â€Yeah, but that don’t explain why my suitcase is gone, and why Boss is missing, and for once Rosco ain’t chasing me!†Bo sighed.“Well, for now we just got to keep all our own skins safe, and make sure Luke gets better. Then we’ll worry about what to do when the time comes.†Uncle Jesse said, looking over at Luke.Bo drove Maria home. He looked over at her, “Your aqfully quiet tonight,†he said and leaned over and kissed her forehead.Cue: anyone. Quote
HotHillbilly Posted September 19, 2005 Author Posted September 19, 2005 Maria smiled and kissed Bo back, “I’m sorry sweetie. I’m just pretty tired.†She ran her hand along his jaw line, tracing his jawbone. “Do you want to come inside for a while?†she asked as she stepped out from the car. Bo went around to the other side of the car and wrapped his arms around her waist and started to kiss her neck. “If you promise not to worry anymore about nothing.†He smiled. Maria led Bo inside and after Bo started a quick fire in the hearth she snuggled up next to him on the couch. Bo softly stroked her arm and Maria fell asleep in his broad arms.At the hospital Uncle Jesse stayed the night this time. Luke woke up for a few minutes here and there and asked how Bo and the General and Daisy were, but was still weak and slept a lot of the time. Poor Jesse hated to see Luke like this. He got out the bible that was sitting next to Luke’s nightstand and started reading scriptures and praying for poor Luke and whoever did this to him would be sorry, he vowed.Daisy had early on caught up with Enos, who said that he hadn’t seen Boss Hogg for a day now. “I overheard him and the Sheriff talking about money though. It sounds like Boss’s lost a whole lot of money.†He said. Daisy drove over to Cooter’s place and waited for Bo to come by so the two could drive home, but when he never did show up Cooter let her sleep up in the spare room of the garage.Now Cooper and Jimmy had left Boss Hogg’s old coffin mill and moved down into an old still site where there was a small shack, hidden safely behind trees. While Hazzard was resting, they were planning on what to do next. Quote
HotHillbilly Posted September 20, 2005 Author Posted September 20, 2005 Bo slowly opened his eyes the next morning, and there was Maria, contently curled up next to him on the couch. He bent over and kissed her lips and Maria stirred, “shh.†Bo whispered, “I’ll see you later.†He kissed her once again and slid off the couch. He quietly shut the door behind him and sighed. “Another day, another day not knowing whose trying to kill Luke†he thought to himself. He walked out to Cooters blue Sudan he had borrowed and drove off to Cooters garage. “Oh no! Daisy!†Bo moaned. “I totally forgot about her!†He sped off. Once he got out, there was Daisy sitting on top of the General Lee’s hood. “Forget something Bo?†she said, staring straight at him.“Daisy I’m real sorry. I totally forgot!†he gave her his best smile.“Well thanks to Cooter here, I had somewhere to sleep last night.†She broke in a small smile. “Now come on. The General’s purring and we need to go and relive Uncle Jesse.†She said and slid off the hood. “Thanks Cooter! We owe you!†Bo called as he tossed him the keys and spin off in the General, with Dixie close behind.Down at the hospital Luke was awake again for about ten minutes, long enough to say hi to Bo and Daisy. “How is he Jesse?†Bo asked anxiously.“Well he got up a lot last night, no more then for two minutes at a time. He was extremely restless, and the doctor said he might be coming down with a fever because his temperature is rising. Dr. Norman said that it’d be at least another two days minimum before he could be released from the hospital, but he’d be put on bed rest and a nurse would have to come by every other day to check on him. He won’t be able to do nothing physical either, plus with a broken arm he wouldn’t be anyways.†Uncle Jesse sighed. “Well then we’ll just have to make sure he gets better mighty quick so we can get him out of the hospital!†Daisy said and hugged Bo good-bye as she drove Uncle Jesse home.“Psst!! Rosco!! Over here!†Boss whispered. “Boss? Is that you little fat buddy?†Rosco asked. “why aren’t you in your little chubby white suit?â€â€œDon’t you little fat buddy me!! I’m trying to hide from Cooper and Jimmy that’s why!! Have you found anything of those two crooks?†Boss Hogg asked from behind a bush where he was pretending to be a lawn worker. He had a trucker hat pulled over his eyes, a plaid button up shirt and a pair of jeans on.“That’s a negative little fat buddy. But Boss, you remember when I told you about Luke Duke?â€â€œWhat about him?â€â€œWell you see. Bo, Jesse, Cooter, Daisy and Maria all saw them with their own eyes and identified them in the wanted add.â€â€œWhat?! You mean that Cooper and Jimmy we’re the ones who tried to…†Boss eyes widened.“That’s a big 10-4.†Rosco said.“Well… um… I…†Boss stumbled over words.“You do know that this your fault Boss right? I mean if you wouldn’t have hired them two crooks to get that money, Luke would never have been in the hospital on his death bed…â€â€œDeath bed! Oh no no no!†Boss cried, “Rosco you find Jimmy and Cooper and find my money!!! They’re going to have to talk to me!! Theres going to be no killing in my county… bad publicity.†“That’s a 10-4!†Rosco exclaimed“Howdy Sheriff! Why are you talking to that bush?†Enos asked.“Enos! You dipstick!†Rosco scuffed, “Don’t you go around sneakin’ up on me like that!â€â€œSorry Sheriff. Daisy was here last night, she wanted to know if you had found Cooper and Jimmy yet.â€â€œDoes it look like I have Enos?â€â€No sir.â€â€œThen I don’ts got them! Geez!†Rosco rolled his eyes and the two walked off. While Boss quickly got into a dark green car and drove off.Balladeer: Now friends, this is becoming a bigger mess then National Pie Throwing Day.[wow. sorry so long!!] Quote
Guest Posted September 20, 2005 Posted September 20, 2005 Balladeer : Things ain't lookin' too good for the Dukes since Luke is getting worse by developing a fever , them two bad dudes still around if it wasn't for Boss's greed the Dukes wouldn't be stuck in this mess.Meanwhile over at the Hospital Bo was sitting by Luke's bedside while Luke's Doctor had just finished checking on him then he told Bo " Bo your cousin probably will be able to go home Wednesday since he has to stay in the hospital until his fever has gone down ", Bo then said " I know Doc my Unca Jesse told me about it and the fact that Luke was restless last night ", Then Doctor left the boys alone while Luke was in a deep sleep caused by his fever Bo just looked at him praying that he would be okay soon on acccont he really feels bsd for Luke he wants them bad people that did this to him to pay every red cent he is gonna make sure of it.So as Bo was keeping Luke Company Daisy was driving Uncle Jesse back to the farm and poor Uncle Jesse was awful worried about Luke he wishes he knew why this had to happen but he has no idea if only he knew that Boss is behind but don't worry he'll find out eventually Unfortunetly Daisy's own worries were showing to she said to Uncle Jesse " Unca Jesse do you think Luke will ever get better i mean he looks so banged up , tired and now he has this possibly fever i don't want him get anymore worse ",Then Uncle Jesse said " neither do i Daisy but we are gonna make sure he get's better soon i hope he get's better soon the good news is that the doctor said that he is only gonna have to stay in the hospital for a few more days then he can come home but sadly he'll be on bed rest ", a couple minutes later they arrive at Dukefarm Jesse is getting out Daisy says " Unca Jesse i'm gonna go on over to the hospital to help Bo out with Luke so that he can get a break ", then Uncle Jesse said " I'll probably be by later Daisy i need to get something to eat first . Cue Dixierose Quote
HotHillbilly Posted September 21, 2005 Author Posted September 21, 2005 Daisy drove to the hospital and walked through the plain pestilential white walls until she reached Luke’s room. There was Bo, standing and staring out the window in deep thought. She sighed and entered the room and went over and kissed Luke on the cheek first, but he gave no response to anything. Bo looked over and smiled faintly at her, “Hey Dais. You going to stay with him tonight?†“Yeah, you can go home. Uncle Jesse will need you tomorrow with finishing those fence posts and all since Luke can’t…†she stopped. “Yeah I know.†He said and after hugging Daisy left for the farm.THE NEXT MORNING“You got it Beth?†Cooper gruffed into the phone.“Yup. Tonight.†The small girl quickly hung up the phone and walked back down the hospitals hallway.“Hello Daisy.†Dr. Carter smiled, “Luke’s fever has went down since last night. Much better. He should be ready by tomorrow to go home, but he must stay inside and in bed.†He warned.“Oh thank you Dr. Carter.†Daisy cried and hurried off to tell Uncle Jesse the good news. When she returned Luke had woken again and was a lot more alert and aware of things. “Hey Daisy.†He half smiled. The doc had taken most of the bandages off, besides a few stitches on his forehead and chin his face wasn’t too bad. “Oh Luke!†she gasped and ran over to him and lightly kissed his cheek. “How are you feeling?†“Like a car ran into me.†He chuckled a little bit. “How’s everyone?†he briefly asked and Daisy filled him in and after about fifteen minutes he fell back into a peaceful sleep.Bo had to work in the fields all day with Jesse, and Maria was in town working for Daisy at the Boars Nest. Boss Hogg, well figuring that Cooper and Jimmy had skipped town with his money he came back out from hiding. “Thanks right, my money was stolen from my office! Yes, five minutes after delivered.†Boss cried into the phone, “oh, a million dollars you say? Why that is just oh so very kind of you, helping a poor lil ol’ thing like me. Yes, my finest officers are out looking for those, I mean that crook right now. Thank you, you too. Buh bye now.†Boss laughed greedily as he hung up the phone. “Did you hear that Rosco? One million samollians are coming my way! All thanks to Jimmy and Cooper!†he cried.Well while Boss’s little eyes were seeing green, so were Coopers and Jimmys. “So what did the doctor say?†Cooper asked Beth.“Tomorrow afternoon he’ll be ready to check out. I heard Daisy talking to her uncle about when to pick him up, about 12:30 after Daisy gets done with her shift at the Boars nest.†Beth smiled“Great, you know what to do?†Cooper asked her,“We’ve been over this a hundereds of times!†Beth sighed, “I’ll slip him the sedative tonight and his heart will be crazier then you.†She teased Cooper. “Anyways, then it’ll look like he’s dying. That’ll give you enough time to go back home and get George and Mary(friends of Cooper and Jimmy). Then whenever Luke gets better we’ll take him with us, and you’ll kill the rest of them. Yes yes yes.. I know!!†she sighed. “Good,†Cooper smiled. “Very good baby sis.†He laughed evily.Cue: DixieRose_00 Quote
DixieRose_00 Posted September 21, 2005 Posted September 21, 2005 Maria locked up after she was done with work and walked out to her jeep feeling chills race through her as she nervously glanced around the dark parking lot. She started to slide behind the wheel just as someone grabbed her wrist and yanked her out of the jeep, throwing her roughly to the ground. She screamed as she tried to scramble back to her feet, just as a loud roar of an engine cut through the air and the General roared into view. Cooper released Maria and took off running into the darkness as the General slid to a halt next to the frightened young woman and Bo slid out running to her side. "You okay?" He asked, pulling her up to her feet and pushing her over to the General.Maria nodded shakily as bo lifted her into his arms and helped her through the window then ran back around to the driver's side and slid behind the wheel and sped out of the parking lot. "Who was it?" He asked, glancing over at her. Maria shivered. "It was one of them fella's that we think hurt Luke." She cried. Bo slammed his fist against the steering wheel. "That's it!! You ain't leaving my sight until this thing is taken care of!!" He said.Cue anyone Quote
Guest Posted September 21, 2005 Posted September 21, 2005 So After Marie got calmed down enough Bo told her to get over to the Boars Nest on accont of Daisy needs help over their he said that he would be by later since he has to help Uncle Jesse around the farm plus Bo is stuck doing Luke's chores also since he can't at the moment", Anyway before Marie pulled out of the farms driveway she said " Okay Bo i'll see you later at the Boars Nest but i really hope that we get those guys soon on accont of i'm worried about what they have planned to do next Luke what if they really do kill him, Then Bo said " Honey ain't no gonna hurt Luke again while i'm around besides Luke will be safe here at the farm with us so you don't have to worry ", Then Marie said I sure hope your right Bo ", then she made her way on over to the Boars Nest .Meanwhile over at the hospital Luke was still sleeping from this morning he was looking better though but he was still rather weak and tired thankfully his fever went down unfortunetly though he is gonna be facing a close call later tonight he ain't gonna remember anything about ",Meanwhile in the medical supply room that nurse that claimed to know Bo is actually part of the Cooper and Jimmy gang she is their sister unfortunetly later tonight she is gonna slip Luke an Sedative which is gonna make his heart go crazy and also it is gonna make Luke look like he died when he really is just in a deep sleep .Balladeer : Oh Lordy friends if the Dukes only knew that their worst fear is gonna be coming true tonight. Cue HotHillbilly Quote
HotHillbilly Posted September 21, 2005 Author Posted September 21, 2005 “Howdy Maria!†called Daisy as she took up another order at the Boars Nest. Maria smiled and nodded and went into the back room to change and then came back out and helped Daisy, explaining what had happened earlier. “Oh! Don’t you worry Maria, you’re safe here with so many people around.†Daisy smiled and hugged her friend.Bo was busily helping Uncle Jesse with some fence posts and just odds and ends around the farm. It was starting to get dusk, and Bo and Uncle Jesse decided to go back to the farm house and change before going to pick up Daisy and Maria so they could go see Luke one more time before they could take him home in the morning.But, little did they know that Beth was in Lukes room at that moment. She looked around outside in the hallway and quickly locked the door. Luke stirred and opened his eyes and started to cough “wha?†he mumbled. “Shh. It’s okay, umm…the doctor told me to give you this pain medicine, so that you can feel better at home.†Beth quickly said and stepped past his bed and over to the IV drip and shot a surgine full to the brim with a sedative. Luke looked at her and his eyes widened for a second but his head dropped to one side and his heart monitor started buzzing like crazy, picking up beats and getting faster and faster. She undid a machine, so that no sound came out of it but the lights flashed.Luke went really pale and he slumped down in bed. Beth quickly ran out of the room and down the hallway. â€Jimmy? It’s Beth, yes everything’s taken care of. They should be here within about ten minutes so I’m going to leave. Iâ€ll keep an eye on him…no it’ll be about another two days before he wakes up. Yes, his memory will be gone for a while… maybe two weeks minimum? Yeah. Okay, bye.†Beth hung up the phone and quickly left the hospital to meet up with Cooper and Jimmy.“I’m so happy we get to take Luke home tomorrow.†Daisy smiled as the Dukes walked through the hospital, Maria had decided to stay home with another friend while they went alone. “He was doing so much better this morning Uncle Jesse, I wish you could have seen him. We talked for at least twenty-minutes before he slept again!†Daisy sighed.As the Dukes entered the waiting room, Uncle Jesse stopped to talk to the assistant about everything they needed to do for Luke and Bo stopped with him to talk to Sandy real quick. Now sweet Daisy walked down to Lukes room and as she pushed open the door her jaw dropped and she let out a scream. Bo jerked up and dashed down to his room and quickly grabbed Daisy who was leaning against the doorframe, balling.“What’s wrong?!†Bo asked out of breath.“He’s…he’s…he’s DEAD!†she burst into tears. Bo couldn’t believe her words he let go of her and stared at Luke, who looked dead in the hospital bed. His skin was about the same color as the white walls, his limbs hung loosely at his side, and machines were flashing crazily. But then all of a sudden they just stopped and everything was slow, and extremely quiet. Bo looked pale and took a step forward to his bed. Uncle Jesse had come up by now and he stood holding Daisy who was crying on his shoulder, he took off his hat and stood there, unable to comprehend what was going on. Bo looked at Luke, his eyes starting to water and he put his hands on the end of the bed and bit his lip. “I never thought it would be like this… I always figured I’d be right there next to you.†He whispered under his breath and closed his eyes. “This is all my fault.†He whispered and tears started rolling down his face. Quote
Guest Posted September 21, 2005 Posted September 21, 2005 Balladeer : Poor Luke he is sure suffering but the Dukes don't know that he ain't dead he is just a comatosed sleep state what them bad people have in store for him next only time wilil tell.Meanwhile in Luke's hospital room Bo was trying to wake Luke up having no such luck " Luke , Luke , Luke , c'mon cuz please , then Bo checks Luke's pulse he sees that he still has one only it is weak he says " Y'all i don't know what happend here but Luke is sure in a mess ", by that time Daisy had stopped crying she said " Unca Jesse what are we gonna do ? i bet them people that caused his wreck are the ones responible for this ",Then Bo turned to look at Daisy and said " You know Daisy you might be right they have gone too far this time and it .......... never would have happend if that suitcase hadn't been missing this is all my fault i ... i should have gone to get the Suitcase not Luke then i would be here ", Back in Hazzard Marie was pulling up to the hospital parking lot she wasreally hoping that Luke is doing better so he can come home tomorrow anyway she spots the general so she walks over she notices that Bo left his wallet in the front seat so she picks it up carries it into Luke's hospital room she notices that all Dukes are standing around Luke's bed looking sad so she walks over to Bo she says " Bo honey you forgot your wallet so i brought it in for you what happend ?", then Bo says " Well uh .... Luke's condition just got worse he ain't doing so good he won't wake upit's like he is in a comatosed state only i don't know why ".Then Marie notices all the machines are off she says " Oh My Lord somebody must have come in here messed with Luke's machines then she notices a needle by his IV she says " Hey someone must have put something in hs IV he ain't dead Y'all. Then Bo said What the heck happend then to him if he ain't dead "? Then Marie looked at him curiously and said " Well Bo i don't know cause we wasn't here so maybe someone gave Luke some type of drug he looks to me like he is just asleep only in a deep sleep but i don't know what they gave him so can't tell y'all when it will wear off . Then Bo got this serious look on his face said ' I'm gonna get to the bottom of this i bet Boss is behind it in someway and i'm gonna make him pay.Cue : Hothillbilly Quote
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