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My DOH Fanfilm is coming....I hope


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Hi, I'm a newbie, pretty much just recently got into the Dukes, but already I would consider myself a pretty big fan. But anyway, my friends and I have yet to see the Dukes movie, which comes out this next weekend here in my town. A couple weeks back, two friends and I were out and about, being bored as usual, and we saw some little kids on bikes trying to ramp off some dirt piles.

I'd been bombarding them with my new 1st season dvd set, so my friends probably had the Dukes on the brain. :D Anywho, knowing that I write short stories, just finished my first original screenplay, and am planning to go to film school, they mentioned, jokingly, that we should do a Dukes short using bikes. Well I, being the type of guy who takes any idea I like and blows it full-scale, started planning out an entire 45-minute short fanfilm based on the Dukes.

My friends were blown away and immediately recognized this as a really great idea. We started working out all the bugs and I finished the first draft a couple days ago.

Having heard about the new Dukes movie, but not having seen it, I took it as my cue to give my own spin on the Dukes, part-parody, but mostly true to the tv show source, which I've heard the new movie has a bit of trouble doing at times.

This aside, I don't want to do anything that's not up to par in terms of really being like the Dukes. Our no-budget abilities and lack of any spare Chargers lying around lol ( ;) ) has led to me putting the Duke family, and Rosco and Enos, on bicycles, chasing the "Crappie Bandits," who've been selling fake fishing licenses and then robbing the daylights out of the poor folk of Hazzard County while they're out fishing (and getting in trouble with the game warden)

I didn't know quite where to post this so I figured this was good as any, just wanted some opinions on even just the concept of people doing a Dukes fanfilm, and my storyline, which does have (because i'm working with immature 15-18 year olds) some sexual innuendo and some more comedic elements to it (no drugs or language though).

Thanks for listening to my rambling and I hope you all (y'all) might lend me a hand as I try to do this.

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