countrygirl1986 Posted January 20, 2003 Posted January 20, 2003 **Special Note: This is a story being done by both kristy and myself. Don't expect it to go very fast though or to be posted on frequently. We both have other stories we are doing so this will be slowly written prabably. Kristy's characters are used with her permission in my posts, and she has permission to use any characters which belong to me that show up in this fic._____________________________The RansomThe sun was hidden behind clouds as the rain fell from the skys in Hazzard County, Geogia. A few kids who were walking with their parents defiantly played in the puddles. It had been pouring on and off all day. The sheriff's department was busy writing tickets like they normally were. The only difference was they were speeding tickets, although, no one was on the roads, expecually the dirt roads because they were mud. There weren't many parking tickets because Rosco, Enos, and Cletus didn't feel like standing in the sopping wet weather. The garage was a little busier than normal too. The rain had made things slippery, so people were going off into ditches a little more.Boss Hogg had no mercy though on Rosco Coltrane and his deputies. Each time one of them came in to get a warm cup of coffee from the pot or drop off an accident report, JD yelled up a storm because they hadn't given out any tickets, which meant no new cash in his wallet. He looked at his watch eagerly though as Enos Strate left the Booking Room. Sheriff Rosco was due to be in any moment. They had fifteen minutes before their meeting with their newest associates.Rosco never showed up. His patrol car had run into a muddy ditch. The bad boys though showed up early. Having heard Rosco's distress call, he told the sheriff that the meeting would be held then, that he would fill him in later. Boss figured that he could more easily swindle the sheriff out of his share that way.What no one counted on though was Miss. Kristy Duke comming in through the soaking wet rain. She had forgotten her purse. They hadn't even been aware of her comming in. Bits and peices of their conversation caught her attention. She moved towards the door and listened closely."So, when can you boys rob my bank?""Soon as this blasted rain stops. We don't want to risk loosing control of the car and getting caught Hogg." One of the three said."Understood. Now, if you give me half of the money, I'll garentee the sheriff stays out of your hair and you get clean passage out of the county.""Sounds good to us.""Wait a minute..." the third man started to say then noticed Kristy by the door. "Get her!" he yelled. The young Duke woman scurried out of the office and did her best to run out to the curb. She wasn't going to have time to get into Silver Bullet, her black '01 Silverado and get him started. Right then, right when she needed it most, a teal '68 shelby mustang pulled to the curb. The woman driving could see the three men running out cursing at the girl on the curb who looked to be running from them."Get in! If Boss Hogg is after ya, it's good enough reason for me to help you," the blonde girl said to Kristy."Thanks Ma'am," she told her as they pealed away. "My names Kristy Duke, I haven't been down here too long," she told her."You're the one going out with LB, and Bo's sister, Luke's cousin." She said. "I've heard about you, and LB never shuts up about ya." Kristy raised an eye brow and giggled a little."Nice to know how much he loves me.""He's nuts over you... by the way, my name is Hilery Davenport, I'm Cooter and LB's second cousin. I work at the Hazzard Garage with them, but I haven't been around much sadly because I have been really busy." the young woman said keeping most of her attention on the road due to how wet it was. Quote
Kristy_DUke Posted January 21, 2003 Posted January 21, 2003 Kristy smiled appreciatively at the driver before returning her glare out her side window to watch a black sports car on thier heels. Wearily she sighs as she thinks of all that she had heard while returning for her keys. Hogg has always been rotten with greed, but this has gone too far, robbing the bank to point the finger at her brother and cousin. It won't be the first time, but these guys he is now working for is known gun men who rob banks across Georgia, and whom is not afraid to use thier guns. She sighs in worry at the thought of anyone getting hurt due to Hogg's greed, especially her younger brother and cousin."Thanks," Kristy says again, "they probably would have caught me by now in my ol' truck.""Hey it's no problem," the young lady smiled back at her, "I enjoy some car chases once in a while. That Hogg can sure get annoying, can't he?""Tell me about it," Kristy answers as Hilery peals herself out from under the cement road and onto a dusty dirt country road. Silence returns into the front seat of the car before Kristy looks forward to see a wide creek come into view as Hilery takes her car off the road. "What are you doing?" she asks nervously thinking of her brother and cousin's favorite tricks."Gonna jump it," the young lady smiles wildly at Kristy who frowns worriedly at hte thought of having to jump another creek with someone she just meant, "hey relax, it was that brother and that cousin of yours that taught me how to do it. It'll be fine. This way we are sure to loose them.""Yeah, hopefully," Kristy mutters as she holds onto the dashboard tightly as the car is thrown air born for a long moment. Kristy sighs thankfully as the car lands harshly on the ohter side of the creek."See? That wasn't bad," Hil laughs as Hil and Kristy simutanously glares back into their rear view mirror to find the men slamming on their breaks only to fall nose first into the creek. Hilery busts out laughing besides Kristy as two grown men climb out of their sports car and hope on top of thier car to avoid the cold water. Quote
countrygirl1986 Posted January 23, 2003 Author Posted January 23, 2003 "Yep, their okay," Hilery smiles. "C'mon, I'll take ya back to where you, ya kids, ya bro, and my cuz are stayin', and we'll have Cooter take Silver bullet back for ya." The young Davenport woman said as they pulled away."Thank you, Hilery." Kristy told her."No problemo." They talked for a few more minutes until they arrived at the older Davenport farm. Both girls climbed out of Jumper and walked inside quietly."Thin's sure don't change much 'round here." Hilery said looking at the wall paper."Used to come up here to play when i was a teenager." She whispered. "Missed commin' up here.""Well, why don't you just come up here to see LB everyonce and a while so you can see the place?""I work with him, so I see him daily anyway," Hilery giggled and sat down at the kitchen table. Old memories were flowing through her mind of when she would slip out without her cousin's knowledge and explore around the old place."Want anything to drink?""Sure, you got any RootBeer?" "Yeah, here," Kristy said giving hil a bottle of it. "Last one."About fifteen minutes, LB walked in, and boy was he shocked to see his cousin there. He and Cooter were there to drop the truck off, then they would have to go back to work."HILERY!?" LB said seeing her."Hello Cousin." She smiled. "Surprise. . . . thanks again for you and Cooter giving me the day off." She told him, still grinning. Quote
Kristy_DUke Posted January 24, 2003 Posted January 24, 2003 Kristy smiles seeing the tall lanky and thin Davenports standing in front of the closed doors. His crazy brown eyes are enlargen in bewilderment at the sight of young woman that she just meant. "LB," Kristy smiles walking up to him and he hugs her tightly, kissing her thick strawberry blond hair, "your home early today.""Yeah figured why not," he grins, "what she doing here...uh I mean Hilery.""She drove me home," Kristy says growing silent for a long moment at knowing LB's over protectiveness for her, "Uh, LB, I over heard something at work today that I wasn't meant to hear, and well I got chased out by Hogg's new thieves. Hilery is the one that saved me. Silver Bullet is still parked at work.""That . . .that over grown marshmellow!" LB yells, his temper flairing in his eyes."Calm down, LB. I am fine," Kristy sighs knowing this would be his reaction, "I really am, just settle down. I just need for someone to retrieve my truck for me.""Yeah, but think of what could have-""But didn't happen," Kristy gently reminds him leading him into the living room, "What are you hungry for?" Quote
countrygirl1986 Posted January 24, 2003 Author Posted January 24, 2003 "I don't know, maybe just a sandwhich i guess," LB said, glaring at his cousin. He hadn't been expecting to see her there. The Davenport went to the window after he heard a car engine. He shook his head and went over to the table and sat down. "I can't see the car yet," He said. It didn't take too long though before the clear distinct sound of rock was heard over the engine."I think it's Garrett coming home," Kristy said. "Who else do we know who listens to rock mostly?""I don't know, but I can't stand the stuff," Hilery told her sipping her drink. "Why don't someone invite Cooter in anyway?" She asked sitting bakc in the chair, letting it lean back on two legs and her feet on the table."Git your feet off the table!" Hilery put the chair back on all fours quite fast, so fast she nearly fell out of it."Oh hi cuz," Hilery said sheepishly, getting up to get a rag to wipe the table down from kristy."I'm home!" A males voice rang from the living room. Garrett had decided to come in the other door. He walked into the Kitchen and was surprised to see Hilery. "Hello," he said to her and looked at Kristy, LB, and Cooter."Garrett, this is Hilery, she's my second cousin," Cooter said introducing her. "Hilery, this is Bo's twin brother Garrett.""Nice to meet ya Garrett. I've heard 'bout ya." Hilery said shaking his hand. Quote
Kristy_DUke Posted March 21, 2003 Posted March 21, 2003 Garrett smiles friendly at the the young woman before noticing the anger shooting from LB's light brown eyes and t he spacey look in Kristy's soft greenish brown eyes. "What's going on here?" Garrett asks sarcasticly glaring at Cooter who remains silent, "Y'all get in a fight or something? Over what?""No we didn't get into a fight Garrett, but I bet you would like that," Kristy snaps glaring up at him.Stepping back Garrett says, "Well, in fact, I wouldn't like it.""That's how come you always nit picking at everything we do don't like him. . .or perhaps that we are together and that you are single!" Kristy glares at him taking a deep breath."Relax hon," LB sighs stepping forward to rub her back, "we'll get this taken care of.""What taken care of?" Garrett asks grabbing a bottle of beer from the refridgarator."She overheard some punks in Hogg's office saying something that she wasn't suppose to hear," LB says with his voice coated thickly with anger, "chased her out til my cousin helped her out...guess she is worth somethin' after all.""Hey!" Hil yells from her seat, "They's big guys too, with guns and anger and hatred coating thier dark eyes.""Hogg has now sooped to a new level!" Garrett says, anger filling his smokey grayish blue eyes. Quote
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