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DVD's - Return To Hazzard - Georgia 1 & 2, California


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Does anyone on here have the DVD's from Travis Bell (president of the North American General Lee Fan Club) . He has a few DVD's he made..

1. Return To Hazzard - Georgia

2. Return To Hazzard - California

3. Return To Hazzard - Georgia 2

These are documetaries on the filming locations an what they look like now. I am looking for a any reviews of these before I get them. They look good to me, but would like some Dukes fans opinions..

So if anyone has seen them please review them.



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Does anyone on here have the DVD's from Travis Bell (president of the North American General Lee Fan Club) . He has a few DVD's he made..

1. Return To Hazzard - Georgia

2. Return To Hazzard - California

3. Return To Hazzard - Georgia 2

These are documetaries on the filming locations an what they look like now. I am looking for a any reviews of these before I get them. They look good to me, but would like some Dukes fans opinions..

So if anyone has seen them please review them.



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Darrel, I've actually traveled to Georgia to see the filming locations. They consist of the Covington town square, a rural junkyard, a general store that has since been remodeled, a former police dept building, the original Boar's Nest, and what used to be the Duke farm.

I can tell ya that nothing on the CD is probably worth your hard-earned cash. While the locations are of historical note to any die-hard Dukes fan, I almost wish I'd never seen the original Boar's Nest building, back in 1999. (It had not been actively used as a bar for many years.) To see the state of virtual abandonment and disrepair it was in, was depressing.

The general store that had been used for a scene in "Mary Kaye's Baby" had been remodeled enough, that you really couldn't get a sense recognition from the place.

The Covington town square is neat, as the courthouse is the most timeless element of the original area. But I'm not sure how much can be said about a few locations that were used in a handful of episodes. In some cases, yer better off with the fantasy than the reality.

Tho' if you're burnin' with curiousity and the CD's are cheap enuff, go ahead. T-Bell sells a lot of Dukes related merchandise on ebay. He does ship merchandise as promised...though some of his merchandise is unofficial in it's orgin. (Not like he's the only one who peddles homemade Dukes stuff. Just an FYI, buyer discretion is advised on ebay as a whole.)


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Darrel, I've actually traveled to Georgia to see the filming locations. They consist of the Covington town square, a rural junkyard, a general store that has since been remodeled, a former police dept building, the original Boar's Nest, and what used to be the Duke farm.

I can tell ya that nothing on the CD is probably worth your hard-earned cash. While the locations are of historical note to any die-hard Dukes fan, I almost wish I'd never seen the original Boar's Nest building, back in 1999. (It had not been actively used as a bar for many years.) To see the state of virtual abandonment and disrepair it was in, was depressing.

The general store that had been used for a scene in "Mary Kaye's Baby" had been remodeled enough, that you really couldn't get a sense recognition from the place.

The Covington town square is neat, as the courthouse is the most timeless element of the original area. But I'm not sure how much can be said about a few locations that were used in a handful of episodes. In some cases, yer better off with the fantasy than the reality.

Tho' if you're burnin' with curiousity and the CD's are cheap enuff, go ahead. T-Bell sells a lot of Dukes related merchandise on ebay. He does ship merchandise as promised...though some of his merchandise is unofficial in it's orgin. (Not like he's the only one who peddles homemade Dukes stuff. Just an FYI, buyer discretion is advised on ebay as a whole.)


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Thank you for the info about the locations.

And what you said is so true about being bette off with fantasy than reality, sometimes things are better left as memories. Most of the time it just doesn't seem as good as you remember it.

There are 3 different DVD's that he has listed and they are a lot of money EACH. I was hoping to see if they were worth it. Anyway there are a few good websites that have pictures of Covington and Conyers, GA as thery werer during the filming of the first 5 episodes and how they look currently..


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Thank you for the info about the locations.

And what you said is so true about being bette off with fantasy than reality, sometimes things are better left as memories. Most of the time it just doesn't seem as good as you remember it.

There are 3 different DVD's that he has listed and they are a lot of money EACH. I was hoping to see if they were worth it. Anyway there are a few good websites that have pictures of Covington and Conyers, GA as thery werer during the filming of the first 5 episodes and how they look currently..


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