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AUTHOR NOTE: This is the final post to this short story. There will be a sequel to this story in the near future as Vicki will be starting a new job out in California. I hope that you have enjoyed this short fanfic. If you're a little older, you may recognize characters Jack Stewart & Steve Sloan from Diagnosis Murder. Take Care! :D


BALLADEER: "Uh-oh, y'all. It looks like Vicki has made her Decision reguarding her future. I think that Chickasaw County has just lost a deputy, probably for good too as it looks."

About a week later...At Vicki's apartment in Chickasaw...

"Are you sure about this?" Katie asked Vicki as she watched the redhead pack her last suitcase.

"Yeah, Katie. I want to do this. Besides, Jack wanted me to go back to California with him when he leaves later today. He called his friend detective Steve Sloan that I was coming out there to meet with him."

Vicki sighed loudly, as she shut her suitcase.

"I can't believe that you're leaving here for good," Katie said as she sat down on her best friend's bed. "What did Hughie Hogg & Ed Little say about what you're about to do?"

Vicki walked over to the window and looked outside. "When I told them yesterday, they weren't too thrilled about it. Especially Hughie. Our relationship goes back 15 years. Hughie & I met well before Bo & I even thought about dating."

"Yeah, I remember how wild you were back in those days. I'm glad that you've changed for the best," said Katie.

"I guess I have." Vicki said, looking outside as Jack & Coy were walking up the sidewalk. "It is now time for me to start another chapter in my life. Even though I have lost Bo to Diane for good since our divorce is now final, I am now ready to move on with my life."

******THE END******

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