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The sun had just gone over the barn it was about time for Luke and Bo to come home from school. Daisy had to work the late shift Jessie was very prode of her she real did have a good head on her shoulders. But Daisy wasn't who Jessie was worred about today was the day he was going to tell Luke the truth he know he should have never agreed to keep the truth from him but he had promised, and he never went back on a promise's but this one he had to after all it had been many years, but the thing was when Jessie did tell Luke the truth he could lose him forever and alot of people in hazzard's lifes would never be the same. Jessie was lost in his own thoughts when Bo and Luke drove up and up out of the general lee

Bo: Hay Uncal Jessie what's up?

Jessie: Nothing

Bo: Are you sure you seem lost

Jessie: Ye just fine

Bo: Ok Bo and Luke started to the house

Jessie: Luke before you go in i real need to talk with you

Luke: Can it want Uncal Jessie i have homework

Jessie: No luke it can't Luke tround to Bo

Luke: I'll see you later

Bo: Ok he ran into the house

Luke: So watch what to talk about Bo was doing his home work when he heard Luke scream no then heard the general race away he came runing out of the house

Bo: What was that all about?

Jessie: About losing Luke

Bo: What? Uncal Jessie just tround and walked into the house Bo stood there confused as to what happened

Balladeer: friends there's goin to be trouble


Dinner was a quite one just Bo and Uncal Jessie Luke had never came back after his talk with Jessie watch worried Bo

Bo: Uncal Jessie

Jessie: Ye

Bo: Why was Luke so much in a herry to get out of here what did you two talk about?

Jessie: Something that should have been told a long time ago


Jessie: You never mind just finish your supper Jessie got up and walked out unto the porch the night air had a nip in it Jessie was felling might low just know but he couldn't guess how Luke was right know It had to be done, althought right now Luke would disagree but he would soon or later come to understand he hope Daisy was cleaning a table when she looked up and Luke came in very drunk

Daisy: Luke are you ok?

Luke: Ye just fine let go of my arm

Daisy: Does uncal Jessie know where your at?

Luke; I dont gave a crap what the old man knows

Daisy: Now Luke Duke why are you acting so mean

Luke: Oh like you dont know

Daisy: I dont

Luke I bet you and Bo and Uncal Jessie have just been laughing at me for years.

Daisy: Luke your not making a scens

Luke: Whatever he got up and stubbled out

Daisy called home

Jessie: He what? Ok Daisy do your best to hold him there he hung up Let go Bo

Bo: Ok but Uncal Jessie what is wroge with Luke

Jessie: You'll find out the two of them ran out of the house

Balladeer: Friends when Uncal Jessie runs out of the house there's trouble


As Jessie drove into town to get Luke he was remenber that day 18teen years ago his sister Annie told she was pragnant he had been shocked but when she told him that she was leaving town with John K and wasn't going to tell the father that had real mad Jessie mad he couldn't belive that his sister would up and leave town and not tell the father. Annie told him who the father was and why she thought she had to do what she had to do. Annie had Jessie that the baby would still have the Duke's last name John understood that. Jessie had tryed everything to get her to stay and tell the father but Annie wont do that, then came the day he got the news Annie and John had been killed in a car crash little Luke was sent to live with him Bo and Daisy Jessie thought i would be hard to raise Luke but sence his father didn't know about him it was that hard.

Bo: Uncal Jessie watch out!!

Jessie: What he swired just in time

Bo: Ok that's it you just about got us killed tell me Uncal Jessie what's wroge

Jessie: I wish i could

Bo: What do you mean

Jessie: I dont know where to start

Bo: Try from the start

Jessie:Bo you wont understand

Bo; Try me

Jessie: I'll tell you what when we find Luke i'll tell you the truth

Bo: What truth it can't be that bad can it?

Meanwhile Daisy was doing he best to try to keep Luke locked up in the bathroom

Rosco: Daisy what in the world are you doing girl

Daisy: Trying the keep Luke Here

Rosco: Well let him out

Luke: That's right Daisy you heard the man let me out

Daisy: But uncal Jessie Rosco gave her a look ok i'll let him out

she opened the door and luke stumble out

Luke: Well well if it is'nt Rosco

Rosco: Boy you need to go home a sleep it off.

Luke: I dont have to do what you say Rosco grabbed his arm let go of me he pulled out hand and hit Rosco so hard he fell to the ground On looky i hit the shiriff or should i say my daddy

Daisy: What? jessie and Bo came runing in just at that time

Daisy,Bo, Rosco what?

Balledeer: Now friends someone had alot of exsplaing to do.

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