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what do you all thank about the story it's seat in the late 70s

The Sun was coming over the bank. It was just another beatiuful day in Hazzard the birds where singing and every things was right or was it.

Rosco seat at in his car when a car came up beside him. The plates where out of state and the car was hot the only time Rosco had every see a car that good was maybe those Duke Boys car, he watched as it drove down the street.

Rosco: Hay little fat buddy do you have your ears on

Boss Hogg: What do you want and it better be good.

Rosco: Well huh well

Boss Hogg: Rosco you pea brain i dont have all day what is it?

Rosco: I just saw this fance car came throw town

Boss Hogg: And

Rosco: Well i just thought i would let you know.

Boss Hogg; Rosco i dont pay to watch car's you git your butt out to the duke farm now.

Rosco: Ok Im gone.

At the farm Jessie was cooking breakfest and having a hard time geting Bo and Luke up.

Jessie: Boys!! it's time for breakfest no answer this was the second he had called them. Jessie grabbed the pan of water he had been using to wash the eggs. He opened there door and throw the water at them

Bo: Hay

Luke: What was that for?

Jessie: get up now it's breakfest time and after words you two have chores to do get up

Bo and Luke: Ok we'er get up

Bo: Just once i would love to sleep in

Luke: Well if you wont stay out all night you wouldn't need to sleep in.

Bo: Ok but why did you sleep in?

Luke: Never you mind from the other room Boys

Bo and Luke: We'er up

Jessie seat the table Daisy had all ready gone to work. She seemed to be the only with her head on her shoulders, Jessie looked out the window to see a car caming up

Bo: Man i can eat a horse

Jessie: Well there's no time for that now.

Luke: Why?

Jessie: Becuase we have vistors Jessie and Bo , Luke went outside just as the car pulled up.

Bo: Wow look at that car.

Luke: She's a real looker

Bo: I bet it can't beat the general

Two guys got out of the car Rosco seat a mile away in same trees

Rosco: Calling little fat buddy.

Boss Hogg: Rosco this better be good im busys.

Rosco: That car i was telling you about it's at the Dukes

Boss Hogg: Well watch them and find out what they want

Rosco: Ok little fat buddy well do ten four and out

Balledeer: Now you know this is going to be trouble

so want do you thank


Bo and Luke was awful curious as to why these two gentlemen was doing here so Luke was the first to ask.

Luke : What bring's Y'all to Hazzard County ?

Bo : Maybe Me and Luke could help Y'all ?

Starsky : Well um Luke we was brought here due to a cold case being reopened you see the man who killed you boy's parents is being parolled .

Luke : What He Can't be let out of jail he was given a good Jail sentence for up to 15 years he killed my Mama and Daddy i don't want to see him he is no good he brought me nothing but pain and misery and :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

Hutch : Luke we know how you feel we made that point clear but he want's to tell you boys his side of the story he feels bad for the pain he caused you boys.

Bo : I ain't forgiven him he broke my and Luke's heart's he don't deserve nothing in return and i don't care what he has to say i ain't listening to him.

Starsky : At Least you boys had your Uncle Jesse when it happened he took Y'all in he raised you from little boys to young men don't you think you boys is jumping the gun a little bit i mean wouldn't you like to know the story .

Luke : :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:( It ain't fair my parents never saw me grow up they only saw me as a little baby and i miss them he can't take it back :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: and i want him to pay.

Bo : Uncle Jesse tell me this ain't happening i don't want this to come true.

Uncle Jesse : I'm sorry boy but you ain't dreaming this is true why don't you boys go start collecting your eggs.

Meanwhile Luke was still somewhat trying to pull himself together he was having a hard time cause he never want's to remember that day.

Luke : Unc...le Jesse i wanna go back to bed please so i can dream that this ain't happening .

Uncle Jesse : Luke don't you want to see the man who did it cause you boys never saw the person who killed your parents .

Luke : Uncle Jesse all the pain of losing them again will come back and i can't take it.

Meanwhile Rosco was in his patrol watching it he couldn't believe his ears .

Rosco : Boss you ain't gonna believe this but the man that killed Bo and Luke's parent's is being parolled.

Balladeer : I can tell you i didn't see this coming did y'all ?


Jessie watched as the boys walked to the barn

Starsky: We are real sorry Mister Duke we didn't mean to start something

Jessie: Oh that's ok boys it had to happen someday would you to like to come in for a cup a coffee

Hutch: No we real have take to much of your time

Jessie: So what know?

Starsky: We'll it's up to Bo and Luke

Jessie: If they do somehow agree to meeting Micheals then what?

Hutch: We of course will come with him so they wont be alone

Rosco: Boss Micheals whats to come here

Boss Hogg: Here? Oh my

Rosco: Boss what wroge?

Boss Hogg: Nothing you dipstick just leave the Duke Farm and get back here

Rosco: Ok my fat little buddy im gone

Balledeer: Do you'll smell trouble

Luke stood by the barndoor watch as Starsky and Hutch left

Bo: Are they gone?

Luke: Yes

Bo: So what you thank?

Luke: About what?

Bo: Meeting Micheals

Luke: Are serious there is no why in this world i would meet him

Bo: But Luke he has done his time

Luke: Ye so he killed are mom's and dad's and there anet no way i would forgive him Luke walked out of the barn

Balledeer: There folks goes one anger young man.


As Luke walked into the Farmhouse mad as hornet Bo was stuck in the barn stacking the hay barrels and wishing that Luke would agree to go meet him "even though Bo knew that convincing Luke to go see this man ain't gonna be easy", So meanwhile Luke was laying on his bed in their room wishing that this day never happened on accont of he was still deeply hurt from the pain that man brought him and Bo to meet this man just made all that pain that he felt when they died come back he was too little at the time to understand really what was happening but he remembers that day like was yesterday and it hurts now more then ever.

Luke began to feel sleepy so he decided to take a snooze so he fell asleep

as he was sleeping he was dreaming about the day his and Bo's hearts got broken also a day he wishes he could forget on accont it brought him so much heartache , confusion, and sadness



Kathleen Duke and Kenneth Duke was taking their 2 month old son Luke over to Kenny's brother Jesse's house so he would babysit him while him and his wife go with Charlene , Carl Bo's parents to the movies unfortunetly they would be facing a close call later that night.

Anyway over at Little Bo's house his parents was sitting Bo in his carseat taking him over to Uncle Jesse so he could watch Bo while they go out for night an also so Bo and Luke can meet get to know one another so then they get into the car head on over to the Dukefarm Jesse was sitting out on his frontporch enjoying a nice cup of coffee when he saw a car pull up he walked on over he realized that it was his brother Kenny with is wife and little boy so he said ' Kenny how is you doing why ain't seen ya since the day Luke was born how is he anyway ?" Then Kenny said " Well Luke is asleep right now but we was wondering if you could watch him while me and Kate go out for the night he said '" sure i loved to watch that little tyke he is always welcome here i don't mind at all ", So then Kenny said " thanks Jesse we should be back around 11:00 or later depends on when the movies over .

Then little Luke woke was crying , screaming , then Jesse said " Well sounds like Luke is awake ", Then Kenny said " He alway's get a little cranky when he is first waking up", then he went over to the car he opened the backdoor he unbuckled Luke's seatbelt he picked him up from his carseat he was crying some still he said " shh , shh , shh , it's okay then he carried Luke over to Uncle Jesse he said " Luke you remember your Uncle Jesse don't you ?", but Luke just kept crying then Jesse said " Can i hold him ?" then Kathy said " sure you can Jesse even though i doubt Luke would remember you since he is only 2 months old ", then Kenny put Luke in Jesse's arms he looked down at Luke he said " well you is just the cutest little baby and i'm your uncle Jesse can you say Jesse "?

Luke just giggled he then quit crying then Kathy and Kenny said their goodbyes but before they left they handed Jesse Luke's diaper bag then they left then Luke said " Da Da , Mama then he started crying then Jesse said " they'll be back c'mon let's go in you can play with some of the toys ".

Then a few minutes later Bo arrived Jesse had just put Luke down in his playpen to play with his toys he told Luke " Be good now i'll be back ", then he went out to see Bo and his parents he said ' well Carl you is a site for sore eyes oh and this little one must be Bo ", then Bo giggled he said " uncu Jesse Bo being only a little baby still he couldn't talk yet neither could Luke for that matter ", then Carl said " Jesse me and Charlene are gonna meet Kathleen and Kenny now over at the movies we was wondering if you could watch Bo while we is at the movies we'll be back later tonight", then Jesse said " sure that would be fine Luke's already here so now he'll have a buddy to play with ", Then Carl went out to the car to get Bo's diaper bag he said " Jesse if Bo happens to fall asleep before we get back then you can just leave him ", then Jesse said " Well I kinda have a feeling that both my little boys ain't gonna be up when you get back so they can sleep here if they fall asleep before y'all get back",

Then they got into their car they left Bo started crying and screaming he said " MaMa , DaDa come back ", then Jesse said " Shh , Shh , Shh , Shh, you'll have fun here Luke is here too you two is gonna have a ball c'mon let's go see your cousin ", So then they went into the farmhouse to see Luke who was playing with his teddy bear then Jesse brough Bo over he said " Luke you got a buddy look it's Bo remember him he is your cousin", then he set Bo down with Luke he said " Now you two be good i don't wanna have to give you boys a whipping ".

Then Later on that night around 10:55 little Luke and little Bo started getting pretty sleepy and they started :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: crying , crying , crying , and screaming then Jesse said " well it's beddybye time little ones ", Luke was hysterical as Jesse lifted him out of the playpen then he carried Luke into the nursery he layed him down in his cradle " You is gonna sleep good Luke here is your teddy bear sweet dreams ", it took Luke awhile to stop crying but he eventually stopped he fall off to dreamland but unfortunetly he is gonna have a rude awakening.

Meanwhile out in the den Jesse was just carrying Bo into the nursery who was crying also then as he was laying Bo down in his cradle he said " you sleep good now okay don't let the bedbugs bite ", then he handed bo his stuffed sheep then he went over to the door he turned out the lights shut the door then went to bed himself ", " sadly later on that night Luke's and Bo's mama and Daddy's was leaving the theatre unaware that they was a total nutcase on the road so as Luke's daddy was driving them home from the movies he noticed this looney who was drunk on the road he said " what's up with this clown he looks like he wants both sides of the road then before Luke's daddy could do anything this looney came crashing into him then it was lights out sadly friends they was hurt bad crtical bad .


END OF FLASHBACK .......................................


Luke was woke up by the nock on his door

Luke: Came in Jessie opened the door

Jessie: Luke can we talk

Luke: Sure but your not going to change my mind uncal Jessie

Jessie: Im not here to do that Luke got off the bed and walked over to the window.

Luke: You know Uncal jessie i was a baby and i dont remenber my mom and dad but Micheal's did take a part of me and Bo

Jessie: I know Luke but that was so long ago and Micheal's has sirved his time. He's payed for what he did.

Luke: I dont Uncal Jessie the man murder mine and Bo mom and dad i dont care if he found god when he was in prison a murder is still a murder

Jessie: Know Luke I know you dont what to meet him but i rasied you to be fare.

Luke: yes Uncal Jessie you did but in this case i will'nt

Jessie: I'll tell you what i'll give you time beside Det Starsky and Det Hutch sead they would be with Micheal's the hole time. I got it back outside just thank about it ok Luke

Luke: Ok Uncal Jessie walked out of the room. Luke looked around We'll if he's coming here then i'm out of here he sead out loud

Balladeer: Now friends I real dont like the sound of that.

Meanwhile in town Starsky and Hutch seat at local diner wanting to hear from Jessie not knowing that Rosco was watching them

Rosco: Little fat buddy you have your ears on

Boss Hogg: What is it Rosco it better be good

Rosco: Those two Detective's are still in town

Boss Hoss: Any sign of Micheal's

Rosco: No

Boss Hogg: Good

Rosco: Hay little fat buddy how do you know Micheal's

Boss Hogg: Rosco you never mind you just keep you eyes on those two detective's and let me know when Micheal's comes ok.

Rosco: Ok over and out little fat buddy im gone

Balladeer: Friends i real dont like this between Luke not whating the see Micheal's and Boss not whating to see Micheal's i sure do smell trouble

  • 2 months later...

"Hey Hutch! Ya spose we can get a cheap tune up in that joint?" Starsky asked nodding his head towards the Hazzard County Garage. Hutch just shrugged and replied, "Let's hope." Starsky took a long sip of coffee as he flipped through the pages of the Hazzard Gazette, "Where is that fella?"

Luke shook his head stubbornly, "I ain't gonna meet with 'im! No way." Bo frowned and creased his brow in frustration. "Why not?" Luke looked up at Bo from the piece of fence he was mending. Luke stared at his cousin shooting lightning bolts at him, "We're not talking about this anymore."

(more to come later, I can't think any more now!)


Then Bo said " Luke i don't understand why your being so Stubborn about meeting Michaels he must have some kind of reason for Killing them and you ain't the only one who is hurting here but i think it is fair that we give him a chance to tell his side of the story then we can tell ours ?",

Then Luke looked at Bo :( Bo it hurts too much all the pain of losing them will come back and i can't face him because i'm afraid i might say something i would regret later i don't care if he served his time a Murder is still a Murder i ain't never gonna forgive um Bo ",

Balladeer : Well so far friends Bo ain't gotton that far in convincing Luke to meet up with Michaels but Bo ain't about to give up yet !!!

Meanwhile in town Starsky and Hutch was over at Cooter's to see if he could give them a nice tune-up Cooter happened to working on a car at the time and so Starsky said " Mister could you come and take a look at our car it needs some work done ?" Then Cooter turned his head said " What brings you fella's into Hazzard ?", Then Hutch said " We are here because of a Cold Case being reopened it has to do with the death of Bo and Luke's Parents the man who killed them is being parolled", Then Cooter said Well what can i do for y'all ?", One of them said " We need a tune-up ", Then Cooter said " I'll get right on it ",

Meanwhile Bo was still trying to get Luke to listen to reason to meet Michaels but he wasn't getting far ", C'mon Luke please he served his time why can't you just come to the diner with me and Uncle Jesse ", Luke said " Bo i really don't wanna talk about it okay i feel bad enough that he is out their not in jail where he should belong i ain't forgiven him he killed our parents i don't think it is fair to have a 15 year jail sentence for Murder",

Bo said " Luke you do realize that it happend a long time ago we was just little babies when it happend and i know you feel heartbroken Luke can't you try to be a little fair about meeting him ", Then Luke said " Bo i don't wanna meet him if you wanna go on then fine i never wanna talk to him.


"Just drop it Bo!" Luke cried, "I don't want to disscuss this anymore!" And with that Luke stormed off into the house, slamming doors as he went. Bo just watched his and sighed pondering what to do next.

"Lost Sheep calling Starsky and Hutch!!" Bo said into the CB in the General Lee. "Yeah we got ya Bo! Come back?" Hutch's voice replies. "Uh...are ya'll still plannin' on meetin' with...well ya know?" Bo asks. "Yeah! Are ya'll comin' into town?" Starsky replies. "Well sir I am, Luke ain't! I'll see you shortly." Bo threw the radio into the car as he slid in through the window.

"Luke?" Jesse's voice came from the other side of the door. "Go away!!" Luke shouted back angrliy, not mad a t Jesse, but at himself. "I ain't goin' away!" Jesse said as he pushed the door open. Luke was standing next to the window gazing out over the Duke farm. "I'm sorry Unca Jesse..." He started but Jesse cut him off, "Now don't be sorry, Bo told me all about this. I think it's good that yer followin yer heart." Luke looked hurt at first, "Bo told you?" He asked. Jesse nodded. Luke looked back out the window, "Probably for the best."

Bo pulled the General Lee over to the curb and Bo climbed lankily out of the window, and saunterd towards the garage. "Hey Bo!" Cooter called, "Ya looking for them two city dudes? They're in the cafe!" "Thanks Crazy C!" Bo called back with a wave, turing on the heel of his boot.

Bo hesitated at the front door, his hand on the handle, he could not open it. Something didn't feel right. Bo knew that he if was here, Luke should be too, or neither. It couldn't be one, it had to be both or none. Bo turned back as quickly as he had come and ran back to the General, sliding in with ease.


So Bo began his drive back to the farm he was trying to think of a good way to get Luke to come with him which ain't exactly gonna be easy on accont of Luke is still trying to come to terms with it ",

about 15 minutes later Bo is pulling up to the Farm's doorstep meanwhile inside the farm Luke was still looking out of the window in the boys room while Uncle Jesse was just finishing his lecture up with Luke " Luke i know how you feel boy it is not surprizing since this man took a part of you and Bo you made the right decison so don't feel bad even though this Michael fella has served his time he wants to seek forgiveness he still hurt you and Bo very much so if you don't wanna meet him then i won't force you",

Meanwhile in the Kitchen Bo is taking a drink of coffee while he is waiting for Luke as he sitting their he is thinking about how he has treated Luke he wishes he could take it back since he can tell that his Cousin is hurting now but he didn't know how to fix it without making it worse ",

About this time Luke had calmed down enough to come out of their room Luke jumped some when he saw Bo he said " Hey I thought you was meeting Michaels cuz ", Bo said " Well Luke i felt kinda funny going into the diner myself i figured it would be better if we both went uh that is if you wanna go ?", Luke said " Bo i don't really wanna see him cause it will only bring me back that pain and my heart hurts even thinking about it so i can't okay i just.... can't meet him cuz ".

Bo just looked at Luke like :-? then said " Luke you ain't got nothing to worry about them detectives said that they would be with Michaels the whole time so it ain't like we is gonna be alone with um so uh you wanna go i came back to tell you that i'm sorry for giving you hard time about this since you are having a harder time dealing with this news then me then Luke looked at Bo said ' Bo i'll come with you it's just i'm afraid that he may do something to us and hurt us like he did our parents you promise me that we ain't gonna be alone with him cause i can't be ".

Cue : CCC

  • 4 weeks later...

Bo nodded, "Luke, have I ever broken a promise to you?" Luke looked at his younger cousin their blue eyes meeting, "No...never." Bo just looked back at his cousin, his eye reassuring Luke that he would be true to his word.

"Well the hell is that kid Starsk.." Hutch asked as he emptied his coffee mug and waved to the pretty young waitress for another. She smiled back, and strolled over, slightly taken aback by the two big city fellas sitting in the cafe. Hutch grinned up at the redhead, watching as she walked to their table, "Can I have another coffee sweetheart?" She smiled and took his mug back to the counter.

"Hutch...they're back...the Duke boys." Starsky cried as he nudged his partner with his elbow. Hutch didn't notice, he didn't even notice when Bo and Luke sat down in the booth across from him. "Hutch!" Starsky hit his partner harder, "Quit lookin' at that girl an do yer job!!" Bo's head snapped to look at the redhead, but he too was smacked by his cousin who was muttering something like, "Dangit Bo, always lettin' girls distract ya...there's a time fer that..."

(cue anyone!)

  • 1 month later...

After Starsky and Hutch finished their coffee they made their way over to the boys table Starsky was the first to speak " Well hello Boys..... you ready to meet Michaels ?", then Bo said " Well i am but i don't know about Luke since he is afraid that he is gonna hurt us like he did our parents then the detectives sat down beside them Hutch said " Luke i just want you to know that you have nothing to worry about were gonna be here with you boys for the whole time that boss Michaels is here okay.

Then Luke said " Well i feel like my worst fear is coming true all the pain that i felt when they died is coming back and my heart is breaking again i wish he was still in jail not out i ain't forgiving him ", Starsky said " Luke

we know how you feel we tried to make that point clear but he wants to clean the slate so to speak since he feels bad for the pain he caused then you boys can finally put this to rest and hopefully be happy again.

Meanwhile over by the police station Rosco was watching the detectives with Bo and Luke just waiting for the right moment to tell Boss when Michaels is here even though Rosco was still puzzled about why Michaels is coming to Hazzard for which i hope it ain't to hurt the boys lilke he did their parents even though they was just little babies when it happend.

Cue JuileDuke


Uncle Jesse had heard what Bo and Luke was doing today, and he gave his advice and he had told them that was in the past anyways. Luke still didn't trust that Micheals guy, and he trying to convince Bo to do the same as him. Starsky and Hutch had said they would be around them anywasy and that there nothing to worry about. But Luke had it in the back of his mind what he did his parents and that doesn't change with time no matter what people say or do.

Uncle Jesse was expecting his niece Julie to come in from Cleveland, Ohio that all he needed. Well, atleast her four brothers weren't coming as well they could find trouble so easily.

Cue anybody

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