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CMT DoH Institute VP (Slick) is a Disgrace

The General

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CMT and Great really did a piss-poor job of hiring a VP. The guy they picked, "Slick" is a fictional character who didn't even understand that CMT was hiring someone for this position not electing them to office. Apparently CMT didn't understand the promotion either.

His campaign platform as stated by his website included:

Making Daisy Duke shorts mandatory uniform for girls in public high schools.

Legalize prostitution.

Refer to all handicapped and mentally challenged people as "Cooter"

So when he isn't hitting on high school girls, or with a prostitute, he has fun by calling handicapped people "Cooter"?

What an embarrassment.

His music that he promoted on the website was just as questionable. My favorite is his song "Sex Booze Drugs" where he talks about diversifying his investments by cooking meth and having a stable of whores. I didn’t know CMT was looking for a pimp and a drug dealer to representative the show. I'm shocked that Ben Jones went along with this.

The worst part about all of this is that 2000 very dedicated fans applied for this job, and this is who they pick. What a kick in the face to the true fans of the show.

He has taken his website down but you can still get to his music


This guy is a disgrace to the show!

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I'll cut him some slack on the fictional character approach. Even though I didn't care for the character. The "Slick" character got him noticed online, and gave him a degree of notoriety. Even if you didn't like "Slick" you managed to remember him.

From what I hear tell, it was the application itself with some promotional suggestions that made him the winner. Not the character or the webpage. Both were dismantled rapidly. ( But if they had to be dismantled, how could this represent the "winning entry" if it was that objectionable? I'll never understand the media as long as I live.)

Personally, I'm a little disappointed that they only interviewed 3 people out of 2000. And I don't recall anything in the application looking for "ideas." They were looking for a dedicated fan, was the impression I had. If any of us had known they were looking for ideas, the other 1999 of us would have approached the application a little differently.

If it's any comfort, the winner was strolling around DukesFest in his CMT baseball cap and over-large sunglasses, and from the brief observation I had....was being largely ignored by everyone. I also saw him gawkin' around in the hotel lobby, and despite the number of Dukes fans that were staying in the same digs, nobody rushed him there, either. Ah, fickle fame. Maybe after he's had his face on a few more CMT promos, he'll be better recognized.

On the positive side, this guy really is a Dukes fan, and he has some creativity. He might do a good job, so we'll have to wait and see.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Ya know, back when I posted the friendly, "good for him" message above, there....and put the congratulations in our newsletter...I didn't know what I do now.

I've been struggling with whether or not to post any more about it. I started a topic on the VP controversy a couple weeks ago, but I've been holding back. Would stirring things up do any good? No. Is it going to change anything? Nope. Will it be any consolation to the folks who applied and didn't get so far as a simple phone interview? Heck no.

Will it make a buncha folks irritated, if not mad as hell? You betcha.

Not to mention, such an editorial foray could be easily written off as "sour grapes" by those who support the VP selection. (Which, at last count, was at least six people.)

Most importantly... do I wanna create any bad vibes between CMT and HazzardNet? No, no no no no. (We're on good terms with 'em and I'd love to keep it that way.)

Yet....HazzardNet's first and foremost purpose and obligation is to the FANS. Not to the media. We have served the media in various capacities over the years, but our day-to-day reason for bein', is right here, with y'all. HNet wasn't built to please some corporate muckety-mucks.

Of course, the corporate muckety-mucks could squash us like a bug. To protect HazzardNet from any strife, I've even considered resigning from the site and putting up an independent blog about the whole issue. Naturally, I hated that idea, so I figured I'd just shut up, drop the subject, and carry on.


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Ya know, back when I posted the friendly, "good for him" message above, there....and put the congratulations in our newsletter...I didn't know what I do now.

I've been struggling with whether or not to post any more about it. I started a topic on the VP controversy a couple weeks ago, but I've been holding back. Would stirring things up do any good? No. Is it going to change anything? Nope. Will it be any consolation to the folks who applied and didn't get so far as a simple phone interview? Heck no.

Will it make a buncha folks irritated, if not mad as hell? You betcha.

Not to mention, such an editorial foray could be easily written off as "sour grapes" by those who support the VP selection. (Which, at last count, was at least six people.)

Most importantly... do I wanna create any bad vibes between CMT and HazzardNet? No, no no no no. (We're on good terms with 'em and I'd love to keep it that way.)

Yet....HazzardNet's first and foremost purpose and obligation is to the FANS. Not to the media. We have served the media in various capacities over the years, but our day-to-day reason for bein', is right here, with y'all. HNet wasn't built to please some corporate muckety-mucks.

Of course, the corporate muckety-mucks could squash us like a bug. To protect HazzardNet from any strife, I've even considered resigning from the site and putting up an independent blog about the whole issue. Naturally, I hated that idea, so I figured I'd just shut up, drop the subject, and carry on.


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Isn't it hard to bite your tongue and hold back knowing you are in the right. It takes a good person to do that.

You looked at the "big" picture and did the right thing as an admistrator to this site.

Just don't change. I love your little sarcastic or should I say caustic(is that too strong of a word) and your use of the English language on subject matters. :wink:

I will definately sit down and BUY you a few beers at Dukesfest next year..



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Isn't it hard to bite your tongue and hold back knowing you are in the right. It takes a good person to do that.

You looked at the "big" picture and did the right thing as an admistrator to this site.

Just don't change. I love your little sarcastic or should I say caustic(is that too strong of a word) and your use of the English language on subject matters. :wink:

I will definately sit down and BUY you a few beers at Dukesfest next year..



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