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weve all heard of people on the internet exchanging songs, TV shows, movies on DVD and movies in theaters through p2p programs like Kazaa or winmx. With this ive learned to buy my music or media off of Kazaa (yes, you can buy music off of Kazaa).

However, alot of trailers and such can be found on kazaa that have been video taped in theaters (movies as well i guess, which is very illegal to do - so dont download anything you shouldnt!). bottom line, i think the easiest/most conveinent way for any of us with little time on our hands (if you want to risk it) is TRY to download the DOH Trailer that was aired on Television instead of the one projected in theaters through Kazaa, etc.

Reguardless, if any one of you guys can aquire the trailer LEGALLY if it is not posted on the new dukes movie website but has aired on television I'll host it for the lot of ya (just email it to me). unless the good ol boys here at hazzardnet beat me to it. :wink:

im gone.


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