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This might be a stupid question, but i was wondering if they ever mentioned Bo, Luke, and Daisy ages as their charactors.

I know that when the show stard that Tom was 27, Cathy was 25 and John was 19, but what about the charactors?

Does anyone know?


I had heard in an interview, the Bo was to be in his mid twenties. I also, remember from the happy b-day general, that daisy started the story, saying that luke was just home from the marines, and bo was just out of high school. Considering that Vietnam ended in 1975 (we assume he was in Vietnam, given the timeframe, there is no proof), that would mean that Luke was about 23, (if he was 27, when the show started in 1979), With Bo being just out of high school, he would be 17-18. The general was registered in 1976, (look at the licence plate), and Bo would had to have been 18-19. This was also 1976. He would had to have been 18, to be tried as an adult, for the shine running rap, and this was a year before the show started, (this is where it gets hazy again, in the first episodes, the boys were on probation for about a year, but in the happy b-day general show, they were just starting their probation which makes 3 years earlier again). So lets say they were on probation for a year, this would make 1978, so he was actually, 21 or 22. Confusin' aint it.


The normal probation for running shine is 3 years, (don't ask how I know). I have a hunch that it ended, when the boys joined the nascar circuit. (If they werent allowed to leave the county, then why when they came back, they didn't get violated.) Either that or it was a very liberal probation, but why would Boss let that happen. Or if it was for the full seven, they may have had more than one offence.


If it was for the full seven, somethings like this , them leaving the county and not getting busted coming back, would be one of the many things that don't seem realistic in a t.v. show. Another great example of this would be the General Lee immune to being wrecked jump after jump after jump....etc. Things like this I don't really worry about. I know that almost anything I see on a fictional t.v. show is just fiction, and not in reality. I just enjoy the show for what it is, and try not to worry too much if such events don't quite make sense.

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