If you have a General Lee, or a Hazzard County patrol car, or Daisy's Jeep, or Cooter's tow truck or Uncle Jesse's pickup, Cooter wants YOU. And your Hazzard car, for the 3rd annual Hazzard Run, October 1st and 2nd. The deal is this: You pay $30 to participate, and you drive your car from Cooter's Place in Nashville TN to Cooter's Place in Gatlinburg TN, in a convoy. In return you get public adoration from spectators, a dash plaque, a t-shirt, and some amusements at Cooter's Place. Rick Hurst and Ben Jones will be attending. Great opportunity to hang out with other car owners and blow your own Dixie horn. Here's a spectator view supplied by one of our members last year:
If you don't have a Hazzard car (don't feel bad, most people don't) you can still watch the cars parade into Gatlinburg and enjoy the car show, meet and greet Ben Jones and Rick Hurst, and hobnob around. There's no charge for gawking. For more info, click on one of the ad links we've got about Cooter's atop the Forums page or home page. Or call and give the store clerk somebody to talk to at 615-872-8358.