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Jake Duke

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Everything posted by Jake Duke

  1. also according to jessica simpson, dolly parton was offered the role of the mother but turned it town. but there was never a mother on the show. that proves that you cant trust anything that dumb blonde says
  2. i dont think you people should complain to much. at least this movie didnt move in the same direction as movie adaptations. like for example: in the daredevil comics Kingin is a big white guy- in the movie hes a black man. the same goes for the new honeymooners. in the original show they where white and now they change races. now dont take this the wrong way, im not racist or anything, im just saying that im glad they didnt make a drastic change like these examples in the dukes move
  3. i cant wait for this to come out. ive been told it will have a free movie ticket in it
  4. Im new here and i just wanted to say hi. but the question I have is this: who do you want in the dukes movie? now this could have been posted before but i am new so dont hassle me My cast is this: Luke: Josh Hartnett Bo: Paul Walker Daisey: Eliza Dushku Uncle Jesse: Willie Nelson Roscoe: I think it should be Kris Kristofferson cause he's the last living highway man that doesnt have to do with the Dukes Boss: Blenden Gleeson Cooter: Jack Black Enos: i think steve zahn would be good even though his hair is blondish but that could be fixed
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