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mike bull

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Everything posted by mike bull

  1. Well I've been trying- really I have- but a few episodes into my series 5 DVD set, and I've all but given up on them. I remembered the dread C&V period being on TV here in the UK, but man, I didn't remember them as being THAT bad. Okay I know a lot of it was out of their hands, but at the end of the day, they are both so wooden, it just kills it stone dead. Gotta admit I skipped on to 'Welcome Back Bo & Luke', and my God, the immediate difference!
  2. However, WILL there be a series 5 DVD set? They've rushed the others out due to popularity and the new film, but presumably they can expect sales to fall for a series 5 set- so, are we going to get a full run of the Dukes?
  3. However, WILL there be a series 5 DVD set? They've rushed the others out due to popularity and the new film, but presumably they can expect sales to fall for a series 5 set- so, are we going to get a full run of the Dukes?
  4. Nice model.
  5. HI there, can anyone please advise me re. the Dixie horn? I know the JC Whitney one,and the correct number ofr it etc etc, but it would cost me a lot ot get one shipped over here to the UK. Ebay UK has a lot of more reasonably priced horns that seem to be made by 'Fisa'; can anyone please advise as to whether these are any good, and if they play the correct 12 note tune? Many thanks! Mike
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