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Everything posted by rebel_17268

  1. look people i'm going to take some words from a t-shirt i own and wear proudly "if this flag offedns you, you need a history lesson" . this flag has been missused and missunderstood soo much over the past 144 years since it was made. general forrest of the confederate army started the klu klux klan as a confederate veterans gentlemans club type of association but some jerks got in there and made it a hate group so that damn falg may have been used at on time in history yes but that is not what the hell it means. i am a confederate re-enactor and i carry that flag during the battles i respect it with all my heart because i respect what those men did for their beleifes. what they did was suscide and beleive it or not more black people fought for the south than in the north the only reason people deny it is because it is recorded in the north because they were segregated in the north until vietnam so if any flag is a sign of racism it is our own american flag because look at all those things that happened in america with all the blacks were killed during the segregation period. i think people who see the confederate flag as a sign of racism should do some research before they open their mouths and start in with stuff because i have already done that and i know what the hell im talking about. so if warner brothers doesnt put the flag on the general lee what the hell is the point of making the damn movie if you cant even get every thing right? oh and one more thing look where the slaves came from, look at who the white man bought them from, any body know? they african americans actually sold us their slaves so if its anybodys fault for the slavery issue its the blacks. im not being racist but hey look at the facts!!!
  2. speaking of hazzard in hollywood does anybody know where i can find this movie? i thought it was a good movie and i would love to buy it so any information would be appriciated
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