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Posts posted by Julieduke

  1. Daisy said "Clay is in the ICU fighting off a virus he caught from Salena..but they dont think hes strong enough to beat it"

    Julie looked at her brother and Says "So sorry it will take time for Daisy to accept you as her brother and not her cousin now she does the same with our oldest brother as well Bo."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  2. Daisy was sitting at the station then started feeling a little light headed

    Uncle Jesse walked and found her typing on her laptop and felt her forehead and looked at his Great-Niece and Says "Cassidy you got a fever or why don't you work on that speech another day and lie down for a while now as well."

    Cassidy looked and Says "I've been wanting to Uncle Jesse but I'm dizzy can you help me out a bit right now as well."

    Uncle Jesse help Cassidy lay down after she undid her shoes and she apparently more tired than she had thought and she looked at her Uncle and Says "You the last time I had seen Salena she looked sick maybe I have the same as her as well." He waited she was asleep and called Doc Rob and told him that Cassidy had a temperature and that she was dizzy and tired and that she was resting as well. Just as he was done on the phone it was her parents at the door and they had somebody watching the rest of the kids right now as well and he looke dand explained how Cassidy was feeling and how he had just called the docter as well. Uncle Jesse Says "If she has the samething as what Luke and Lizzy was told about Salena, you might not want to bring your younger children here and just let me take care besides I nursed plenty of kids back to health as Well Bo and Shannon. And Besides I was thinking she could finally work on that speech of hers but I don't she might not be able to deliver it now as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  3. Daisy said "kinda...and everone else is just fine..and yes i got your letter"

    Julie Says "You like the picture I think Drill Sargent Brian Davenport likes me as well, we swapped pictures a couple of days ago Daisy. Oh he is the Army by the way I wonder what Bo is going to says now and Tracy said to wait 4 to 5 years and patients and a bottle."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

  4. Daisy laughed "he called my daughter a future Drill Sargeant...how does he know? shes only a day and a half old"

    Julie Says "He also she is cute as well, did my letter to you come yet Daisy. How Lizzy and everybody else doing as well Daisy and is she still mad at Cooter for having her go as well."

    Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

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