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Everything posted by AlexJackson

  1. *Says nothing and does nothing as Garrett does the tying, though the urge to snap his neck is strong...then turns to listen to Brian* Youre going to trust Chet's brother.. yeah whos going to need the luck here Brian, me or you? And considering you cant even walk a straight line upright...*shakes head* I think youre under estimating Daniel and over estimating MaryAnne...But go on, go ahead and have your showdown, just remember Chet got your title from MaryAnne and hes not going to let it go without a fight...
  2. *Gives Daniel a thumbs up* Perfect! *watches as Daniel walks out then sits back down with Brian and Garrett lighting a fresh cigarette...*
  3. *also digs out some twenties and hands them to Daniel* Well lets hope its enough to get Chet out and away from MaryAnne... *turns and walks him to the door* We'll be waiting, and if anyone asks about that horse, deny everything!
  4. *Sighs thinking a moment* Aww man thats a good question.. *strokes chin a moment* Well...maybe a few hundred dollars...*he reaches into his pocket to see how much money hes got...*
  5. *returns the gesture then gives a nod..* Yeah thinks are all right...*glances at Brian a moment then back to Daniel* Daniel we need you to do something for us. We want you go to the courthouse and bail out Chet Duke. Both Brian and I are afraid he might do something to hurt her...*steps closer to Daniel and motions him aside...voice drops as the two men step aside* Bring him here... but you better be damn careful, I recommend that you tie him up as soon as you can. We have his brother, that might be a reason for him to cooperate but you never know. Just be really careful, okay?
  6. *the door to the cabin opens, giving a grin* Hey Daniel...*Steps aside and waves Daniel in...Brian and Garrett are still sitting around the table...* Glad you saw the smoke and found this place okay.
  7. *Gives a nod and stands up.. tucks smoke between lips and goes over to the fireplace... theres a rusty metal bucket filled with tattered papers and he crouches down andbegins to wad them up and put them in the grate* Wont be a problem with this stuff, looks ancient! *theres some equally dusty and spider web covered logs and picks up a couple and puts them among the paper...finally takes lighter out and flicks it to flame and touches it to the paper...after a moment they catch...*
  8. *has a drag on the smoke and turns head to blow it out giving a nod* I think if you really want to get Chet's attention, we have the two biggest things he cares about in our possession, the horse and Garrett... *tapes ash a moment* I dont know if Daney would get his attention as much...
  9. *cocks an eyebrow at the plans* Youre right I dont like it! Brian...*sighs* You can't even stand up straight! Youre going to meet up with Chet? Who is unfortunately way too healthy right now! He knows exactly what he did to you and is going to use that!
  10. So now that we've escaped town, what are the plans? *As they get to the cabin door, stops a moment looking at the somewhat battered door, then looks the rest of the cabin over...opens the door and takes a few cautious steps in, leaning on one foot to make sure floor can support his weight, waits a moment holding still to see if floor will crash in or not...* Well so far so good... *turns to Brian and Garrett and waves them inside*
  11. *glances at Garrett, getting no reply.. a moment later the road curves around again, a small cabin coming into view* Well theres Hotel Hideout, doesnt look too bad, might even hold up in a high wind... *pulls up to it and shuts the engine down* I think Chet probably does know of this place so it might be a good idea to keep Garrett nice and secure...
  12. *sees where Garrett is looking and turns Diablo in that direction, heading for the wooded area* Well lets hope its not in too rough a shape, some of these Dukes hideouts are probably falling apart by now...
  13. *After Brian and Garrett get into the car, the blond man puts the big Impala in gear before anything else happens or MaryAnne shows up... heads out of Hazzard Square...glances at Brian in the passenger seat, and then at the rearview mirror to see Garrett...* So now that we made it out of town, where to? *glances at Brian*
  14. *lets Brian go and nods* all right just be careful... *eyes Garrett, giving him a silent look as to not try anything as he heads for the door... goes outside and down the porch steps. Diable is still parked there and opens the driver door, gets in and starts it up, then glances at the door waiting for Brian and Garrett*
  15. *helping Brian move then watches as he talks to Garrett, giving a nod as to using Garrett as a hostage...*
  16. *turns and gets Brian's jacket hanging on a hook and helps Brian slip into it...then moves to stand next to him and puts an arm around the waist* Lets get out off this table...just lean into me... *helps Brian get from the table to the floor*
  17. *looks at Doc as Brian speaks, nodding in agreement...* Yeah Ill get you out of them... *he looks around and goes to the medical cabinet and opens the door, searcing around finding a pair of surgical pliers and goes back to the cuffed Coltrane...leans over and uses the pliers to bend open one of the chains on the cuffs...though Brian is cuffed he's no longer attached to the rail* There... *sets the pliers down* Yeah I think its time to go...
  18. *gives a nod then looks down at the well-secured Duke* you might have been things to do tough guy, but as for now you arent going anywhere...
  19. *scoffs at Daney* If Chet tried to escape, he would be the one who would be hurt, not MaryAnne...*turns to Garrett* Hoodlums huh? *Gives a nod* Whats the matter tough guy, scared?
  20. *chuckles* A rectal exam to check on his brain?
  21. *gets up fast and goes to the table, with Luke having pinned Garrett down, the straps on either side of the table are lifted, slipped over Garrett's arms and secured...does the straps on the left side of the table then quickly rounds it and straps down the right side of the table, making sure Garrett is secure before stepping back* Okay Luke you can let him go now...hes not going anywhere...
  22. *Gaze bounces between Doc and Garrett then looks at Brian* Violating her medical oath huh? Hmmmm must be something juicy, whatd you have in mind Brian?
  23. *nods in agreement to Brian* Of course we wouldnt hurt the horse...*hears what Brian says next and grins* Ah, a worthy substitute for Garrett!
  24. *grins at the touch to the knife* I like the way you think Daniel...*but then the smile fades and give a sigh then glances at the bed with Brian in it* But unfortunately MaryAnne locked him up so I dont think she'll approve of a scalping... *nods in agreement to Brian* yeah and we dont want you in trouble Daniel... *hears Brian's question* Thats easy, his horse...
  25. *sitting in the chair next to Brian's bed and looks up at the knock, hearing the voice and grins* Daniel! *waves him inside*
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