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    DJ, Producer, BG Actor

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  1. Here is one of Burt as Boss Hogg. I will be posting my pics on here soon!
  2. The movie should be out in late July 2005.
  3. Yeah, I was actually a driver in the interstate scene on Saturday in Baton Rouge. I got a lot of inside information that I am going to share with everyone here. First off, there are not going to be hardly any computer animated (CGI) scenes for the jumps. The car is being jumped with a super fancy Nitrogen system, alot like the one used on aircraft carriers to launch/propel jets for take offs! I saw this thing in action Saturday and it is wild! I was a driver in a scene where they launch the General off of an on-ramp and it jumps over cars to land on the North bound lanes of traffic. We did 2 takes (because the first time, the car hit the pavement at a bad angle and veered hard right into the railing.) The 2nd one was perfect! Then, they filmed the car jumping again, off of a ramp going 60 mph - which is probably the scene poseidun had seen. They did about 10 rehearsals to get the speed and camera position correct and the jump was successful. I heard the car bottom out hard on the pavement, which was cool to see just how much damage 1 jump can do to the car. It was still drivable, but was making noises from what the stunt driver was saying over the radio. I also qualified Sunday to be a driver in a January scene that will be filmed in the Wharehouse district of New Orleans. I will post that info. up also, along with my pictures as soon as that is complete. Personally, I don't think this movie is going to be as bad as a lot of people are saying. The stunt team is a very skilled and professional group, so at least the stunts are going to be very good in the movie! As for the plot, I really don't know much but I do know that this is not going to be a comedy like the Starsky & Hutch movie was. I was told that it is as serious (if not more serious) than the original series was as the storyline goes. Well, I will be posting more info up for you guys as I get it! Later MoonDuke
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