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Everything posted by basktqase

  1. Nah, THe boys are back in town and Highway to Hell would have been too cliche. I thought that the music used for the chase scenes was picked beautifully. The only song I would have added was Rock and Roll by Led Zeppelin. I mean, come on, he is wearing a Zeppelin shirt the last half of the movie. The only place I would have put it is in the scene where they use Flirtin with Disaster. But lirtin with Disaster was still a cool choice. Who knows, I will keep my fingers crossed for another movie that they will be able to use it in.
  2. They were after them because they sped off after pulling them over to harass them. Then they sped off after they ran after them when they were running from the lab. Yeah, it was stupid to pull them over, but thats what the super troopers do. It was a pontless cameo which led to stupid results....then hilarity ensued.
  3. ....They were arrested because the atlanta pd was already looking for them. Remember after the pointless super troopers cameo after the dukes speed off. WHen they are running rom the lab and speed off, the head guy being played by the director got on the radio and said,"get me the atlanta pd."
  4. Actually the DOH didn't even invent that move. That move is la standard move in rally racing. Yes, rally racing has beenaround since before the DOH.
  5. it appears to me that nissan is a sponser of the movie. I counted 5 in just that clip.
  6. lostsheep22. I believe that you just proved a point that everyonewas trying to make. Honestly, elementary english class. You need another one.
  7. MarkVanWoert, you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. If you would have read the restof the interviews and done research like the rest ofus, you would have already known that all of the stunts in the movie are doen with real cars. Yes, they onlygot about three cars in greatcondition from the WB company that were in the original show. They made the stipulation that those cars were not to be used for any stunts. The rest of the cars that they used on the big jumps were also from the show. They rebuilt them just so that they could crash them again. If you watch the show carefully, you can also tell that not every car they drive has the flags by the cb antenna, or the charger badge. Hell, if you listen closely, sometime you can hear the door slam when the boys get in the car off camera. John Schnieder has even said this himself. General Lee is written on it, but if you knew the car better, you would realize that the words are written at the very front of the car, conveniently where thoseguys' ebows are placed, therefore covering it up. Also, I hate to burst your bubble, but that last jump in the trailer, yes...It IS a real jump. The director talked about that jump in one of his interviews about how when they jumped it, it hit the median and broke the car. And like dukesran said...this movie starts out with the general being corroded and junky. It is only after they wreck it that cooter fixes it and makes it what it is. MC Gainy is not fat. He is very muscular and intimidating. Not like the real Roscoe, but wouldn't you know, this movieisn't the television show. The next time you decide to talk completely out of your ass, please at least have some credibility to your statements. Although it has been fun nullifying all of your arguments, I odn't like dumb people trying to spread stuff about a movie they havn't even seen and is pissed because its nothowthey think it should be.
  8. You guys just aren't willing to give this a chance. I honestly think that they are paying an homage to the dukes of hazzard by not making the movie like the show. But the movie is still like the show, just modernized. The reason why the dialouge was different in the show is the simple fact that times have a tendancy to change in 30 years. The show was and still is just a show that is full of cheesey dialouge and is just a fun ride. The movie will also be like this. I love the Dukes, I have watched them since i was a child. True it was only re-runs as I was born in 83, but i watch the show every chance i can get and I own seasons 1 and 2 on DVD. After saying all of that, I watch that trailer and think that every part of it is awesome and I just can't wait to see this movie. And for all of those people that don't want to give them a chance because of previous things that they have done, you dont realize how hollywood works. They don't get these people because they want them to be the same character that they were paid to portray before. No, Johnny Knoxville won't have a 30 minute segment in this movie where he has small children throwing pool balls at his nuts. I honestly Like Johnny Knoxville, but I hate Jackass. I hated SWS in American pie, but he doesn't play the same character in the movie Evolution. When I saw him in that movie, I liked him better. And no, Jessica Simpson won't be playing the retarded blonde that she is in real life. As you can tell from the trailer, she is obviously portraying a character that knows how to use yherself to get what she wants and isn't afraid to get in to a scrap with a man. And wouldn't you know, that the same daisy from the TV show. And saying that you aren't going to go see this movie until everyone else tells you what they think about it is retarded. Those are opinions from other people. Hasn't anyone ever told you to form your own opinion.
  9. I know the opening is a cover of an old blues tune called Black Betty. I don't know who does it though. On my I-Tunes it labled as ram jam, but a friend of mine told me it was lead belly. Hope this helps. *Edit* I now know after listening after i typed this, that the version in the movie is not Ram Jam's version of black betty.
  10. The didn't actually use the same joke. In DUmb and Dumber, the line was like this. Woman: I'm from Austria Jim Carrey: Well then, G'Day mate...lets throw another shrimp on the barbie. What makes that funny is because the woman isn't from Australia at all. However, I won't write off your statement completely because the first time I saw the trailer and that part came up, my mind also went to dumb and dumber.
  11. i have watched that trailer like 10 times, and it just makes me more excited to see the finished product. I am really glad to see that they put that much effort into the chase scenes i.e. the cool camera work. For everyone saying that this looks like super troopers meets jackass, i don't know what they smoked before they watched the trailer, but there isn't any sign of that in there. From what is shown in the trailer, this movie is very much in the original spirit of the show, just modernized a little. For those of you asking about the music. The first song is Black Betty. It is a remake and i think that ram jam did it. THe second song is the original theme, and the last song is the re-recorded theme. I don' know who has re-recorded it...but i am going to do some digging. It doesn't sound recognizable, but i can tell its a duet with someone. I can't wait till we can see the nxt trailer which will probably come out end of june or early july.
  12. He wasn't in get Shorty, He was in Big Trouble.
  13. Even thoughI hate jessica simpson witha passion, i can kind of defend heron that. Imagine that you have just worked an 18 hour day. And the day before that was 16 hours and you have only probably gotten at most 10 hours of sleep the whole week. Now you come and and have a chance to go get ome rest. You would be a little pissed off that a bunch of people who don't even know you that want to be your friend just because you are a star and have money start hounding you. You would be a little disgusted witht he people as well. Sean and johnny probably don't always feel like doing what they do with the autographs and hanging around either. but they are just better peopel than she could evr want to be. These people are in fact working and don't want to be hounded day and night. How would you feel if after a day at the office for eery single day, there are hundreds of people begging you to sign something. givem a break.
  14. now didn't I say that everyojne was freaking out for no reason at all. 8)
  15. Im honestly not trying to come across as a prick or anything so if I do come off that way, I deeply apologize. But, The picture leads me to believe that the shot was taken between film shootings. I would almost be positive of it. So with that being said, the only way they would take the flag out of the movie now is to just go through and digitally edit out the flag in all of the car scenes, which would cost a hell of a lot of money. What they might do is this though. leave the flag on the car, but keep the shots that show the whole flag on the roof to a bare minimum. Which was pretty much they way it was done in the show. It wasn't like they threw the flag in your face during every single shot that the car was in.
  16. Thanks coltrane for welcoming me. As to your speculation on whether or not the car in the picture is one of the many that they are using for the movie or if it is just a practice car. I can put that one to rest right now. I am making my wy into the showbiz world so I am fairly knowledgable at how they operate, and I can tell you that if they were just going to give them a car to practice in, they wouldn't risk damaging a finished product. They would have given them one that wasn't painted yet or just a regualr charger that was set up like this one. And the pictures are taken on a studio lot. You can tell that in the second picture especally because of the trailers and the lights. So this is defintely one of the cars that they are using in the movie. Also. Hollywood is stupid, but they aren't that stupid. They would realize that not having the flag on the car would piss a lot of people off and that it would be as stupid as making a knight rider movie and making KITT a motorcycle.
  17. thats should say 100 percent positive.
  18. its been a while since I have played it. But he was the real estate guy. He owned shady acres. His character was the one that had the cowboy hat.
  19. I think that travis tritt would be a good canidate.
  20. If you wanan get someone that looks like cooter. I say they go for travs tritt.
  21. You can very much expect this movie to be like starsky and hutch. The shows had a farily cheesy element to them anyway. They are going to just exploit that. I only ever saw a couple episodes of starsky and hutch, but i loved the movie. So I am sure this is going to be the same way.
  22. I have o agree. I am 10 percent positive that there is a flag there.
  23. I honestly think that everyone is going nuts for no reason. Just look at the other picture of the cast with the car. You can clearly see a line that is whit running diagonally and right next to the line is a thicker different color. since you can't clearly see it we can only assume that it would be blue since it is the confederate flag.
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