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Everything posted by kconsoli

  1. I've been looking for this for years, and thanks to the other members/posts, but I'd be intreseted in ANY and ALL chase/background music not only in the first 6 episodes, but ALL the episodes. I've listened to the few Waylon tracks mentioned, but they sound "sort-of" like the music we're looking, but not quite... I know Waylons band "The Waylors" is credited with some of the music in the end credits, as is "Fred Werner" but thats all I have. itunes USA might be of some assistance, but I dont think this music has ever been released commercially. Is there ANYBODY who can help with this seemingly fruitless quest? Kris (kconsoli)
  2. Ive been looking for this as well. If you've made any progress or have any leads, please let me know. kconsoli
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