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  1. Haha
    MaryAnne got a reaction from Skipper Duke in 'Watermelon Crawl'-Comments Page   
    Chet! Is that a positive comment I see from you?!?!? *faints*
    ROFL. Awright, maybe there's hope for y'all yet.
  2. Like
    MaryAnne got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Snow Day- Dukes Style   
    Yeah, well, I understand you want folks to put forth their best effort, but to go stompin' through somebody's story just because you don't think the story's good enough is downright mean-spirited on your part. You should be outright ashamed of yourself, Chet. How would you like if somebody decided your story wasn't all that good and they pulled this kind of crap? You wouldn't. So keep that in mind.
  3. Haha
    MaryAnne got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Snow Day- Dukes Style   
    Um...what the hell are you guys doing...?
  4. Haha
    MaryAnne got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Bail Bond Bonus Challenge -- Brian ya out there? =)   
    Oh it ain't no shuck and jive. There's a legitimate volunteer awaiting, just biding his time.
    And the Atlanta Lieutenant is offended to be called a red herring. Plain vanilla maybe but not a red herring...

  5. Haha
    MaryAnne got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Appomattox Challenge - MaryAnne's Upcoming Demotion   
    Brian? King of All HazzardNet? Oh please let me join in the bowing here...
    *bows to Brian* Salami, Salami, Baloney...
  6. Haha
    MaryAnne got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Dog Collar Challenge   
    Oh man. See what you've done Daney! GAH!
  7. Haha
    MaryAnne got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Dog Collar Challenge   
    Don't encourage 'em!
  8. Haha
    MaryAnne got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Dog Collar Challenge   
    You stay outta this!
  9. Haha
    MaryAnne got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Dog Collar Challenge   
    Oh THAT's reassuring....
  10. Haha
    MaryAnne got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Dog Collar Challenge   
    What the @#$%& does Walter Cronkite have to do with Isaiah Coltrane?
    Earth to Daney, your signal is weak. I think your radio just short circuited...

  11. Haha
    MaryAnne got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Dog Collar Challenge   
    You mean hide frying?
  12. Haha
    MaryAnne got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Dog Collar Challenge   
    I haven't either. But I've been working on my Appomattox Challenge!!
    I figure at this rate I'll have the Dog Collar one done by September. LOL
  13. Haha
    MaryAnne got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Dog Collar Challenge   
    Well that's good you're gonna buckle down and get some work done. For once. Heh heh....
    I mean, I would absolutly choke to think that by trading bait-o-grams here it would keep you tied down from completing a story. I can't be held responsible for that!
  14. Haha
    MaryAnne got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Dog Collar Challenge   
    Well, it's become quite apparent that this thread has gone to the dogs....and gone a few other places. Like the gutter. ROFL
  15. Haha
    MaryAnne got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Dog Collar Challenge   
    Ah, I see. So if this is a western I could be chased by Indians, captured, tied to the stake, saved and then captured by the Union calvary and sentenced to be exectued - all in one day.
    Sure, Brian, I can trust ya. *SNORT!*
  16. Love
    MaryAnne got a reaction from Skipper Duke in hi y'all   
    Howdy Country Cousin!
    Welcome to Hazzard County. I'm yer local countie mountie deputy MaryAnne Coltrane (aka Lisa). Yes, as Hilery said we are made up of some interesting town folk. Heh! Make yerself at home and have fun!

  17. Love
    MaryAnne got a reaction from Skipper Duke in HNet Christmas Fanfic Challenge   
    Hey y'all! HazzardNet has a holiday challenge going on! Write a fic with a holiday theme and send it along to be posted in our fanfic section! Send your stories to webmaster @ hazzardnet.com and please put "HNet Holiday Fanfic" in the subject line. We'll be taking submissions throughout November and December, up until December 23rd. So get busy writing and send along your fics! And Happy Holidays from HazzardNet!
  18. Haha
    MaryAnne got a reaction from Skipper Duke in New Rosco Series Fic!   
    Did somebody wonder if the next chapter would be up soon?
    It is! Chapter 5 is now posted! Hang on to that tissue Tori. LOL
  19. Haha
    MaryAnne got a reaction from Skipper Duke in New Rosco Series Fic!   
    Chapters 3 and 4 of "No Time for Goodbyes" have been posted! (Three is a short one and I figued if I posted a chapter THAT short it would be grounds for mutiny, so I included chapter 4 as well. LOL)
  20. Haha
    MaryAnne got a reaction from Skipper Duke in The Ghost Post Challenge!   
    Me thinks Julie is rooting for my demise...
    For more photoshop taunting of Brian, I applied the same trick he did to his pics with some more here...muhahahahhahahaa....

    Ya realize, of course, that the spirit world really isn't ready for Coltranes to be messin' around in it. KHEE!!
  21. Love
    MaryAnne got a reaction from Skipper Duke in The Ghost Post Challenge!   
    Halloween's comin' up and we're looking for a few good stories!
    Write a Halloween-themed Dukes of Hazzard story and submit it by October 28th 2008, or become a ghost!
    Here's how it works. Announce your intentions here in this thread that you're going to write a Halloween story (or finish one if you've got one in the works) and have it in by midnight, October 28th, 2008 (US Pacific time. Although we have fans all around the world now so we'll take into consideration time differences.)
    Submit your stories to me at maryacltrn "at" yahoo.com. Please put Ghost Post Challenge in your subject line. Stories will be posted at DOHFF.
    If you announce you're gonna write a story and then fail to make the deadline, you'll become a ghost for a "spell." Heh heh. Those who miss the deadline and become spookified will have to post here at HNet in italics, and will also have a special avatar for the duration of their outta body experience. Their "ghostly" existence will last for two weeks.
    We're also thinking that they'll be subject to "summoning", and if invoked to respond on a particular thread or topic, that they'll be obligated to "appear" and put a comment.
    Or you can avoid this fate by completing a story and having it in by midnight of October 28th.
    Like Brian pointed out in another thread, we're not exactly looking for the slasher/hack 'em up type stories but "spooky stuff, creepy stuff, or Halloween-themed shenanigans are fine. This could be one of those times where the ol' dream sequence scenario comes in handy."
    So there you have it! The Ghost Post Challenge!
    Let's all have a spook-tacular time!
  22. Haha
    MaryAnne got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Bad news   
    *looks at Brian* "Yeah, he's pretty scary awright..."
  23. Care
    MaryAnne got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Bad news   
    *Sits down next to Riddick*
    "Riddick, lemme buy ya a beer. Good to see you back!"

  24. Haha
    MaryAnne got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Bad news   
    *cue ominous music*
    SHE'S BAAAAAA-AAAACKK!!!!!!!! Run for the hills!! AAAAAHHHH!!!!!
    Welcome back, Scoot.
  25. Haha
    MaryAnne got a reaction from Skipper Duke in 04" Tough Man Contest Coments Page   
    >Feel free to say what you will...just remember this a family site. <
    Family site?! BAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAA!!! Hey everybody let's beat the %*($! out of each other but be careful of your comments this is a family site!!!
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