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About HannaHazzard

  • Birthday 12/12/1988


  • Location
    Germany, lower Saxony
  • Interests
    reading, meeting my friends, listening to music, watching movies and series

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  1. hello and welcome here :)

  2. no problem, glad i could help :)

  3. Thank You HannaHazzard for answering some questions for me!! You gave me a lot of good ideas and things to look out for! That's cool that you're from Germany, and dont be sorry about you English.....I can understand what you're saying.

    Long Live The DUKES!!!

  4. just wanted to say hi and welcome again
  5. right, and the groups, on your profile on the right side you go on join social groups, pick a group and, well, click on join group, on the right side.

    puh I hope that helped, and I´m really sorry for mistakes I made, English is not my first language, but I try to make it readable.

    oh, and what I wanted to suggest, you better post a reply to your visitor messages on the profile page of the one you answer, cause then they get notified that they have a new message. if you post it on your own page, they may not see you answered them, and, well they won´t answer you, and it´s a doom loop, i guess.

    that´s all^^

  6. oh yeah, that are some questions. most important one first^^ I haven´t been a fan long yet, but in my defense I´m in germany and a haven´t really seen it here, and if i did, and just don´t remember it, i probably turned it off cause i don´t really like the german synchronisation I realised. but now I looove them Dukes :) , better late then never, I guess.

    right about the others, I posted a picture by clicking on User CP almost on the top of the page on the left side. there you can change some settings and on the left side you see 'Edit Profile Pic' aswell :)

    second, add a friend: on the right side when you´re on your profile, there it says edit your friends list. or on the profile of the..future friend, there on the right side you can click on Befriend ...

  7. Thank you for your message hannahazzard visit, had not read your post the problem to answer, sorry. Lol, I always use google translator because I only speak Spanish but I think they have problems hazzardnet users to understand because sometimes they do not answer, I hope not to offend.

    Now send the original Spanish text to use several translators.

    A big hug from ARGENTINA (center).

    Gracias hannahazzard por tu mensaje de visita, no había leído tu post del problema para contestar, disculpa. Ja ja ja, yo uso google traductor siempre porque solo hablo español pero creo que tienen problemas los usuarios de hazzardnet para entenderme porque aveces no contestan, espero NO ofender.

    Ahora envío el texto original en español para que usen varios traductores.

    Un gran abrazo desde ARGENTINA (centro).

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