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Everything posted by CaptMarvel

  1. I bought my tickets thru ticket master way back in Feburary. Another thing that AMS needs to take into consideration is the rising fuel prices. Alot of folks including some of the General Lee owners couldn't make it this year due to high fuel. It's crazy but it's true. If it wasn't for the rising fuel costs, I believe that it would had been a good day for business.
  2. Lord I hope there's another dukesfest, I look forward to going there every year. This will be my third year to have gone to it. If not, I've had a blast the times I've gotten to go. Even tho the first year I only went one day, and didn't stay long due to the heat getting the best of me, plus the goofballs that were with me made it even worse. Maybe us fans can keep Dukesfest going some how.
  3. That's funny..Yeah I would love to have one, if I can find one that isn't 40,000 bucks, I'd buy it. Yeah I am going to go too next year if they have it. I hope they do, hopefully gas won't be as expensive.
  4. CaptMarvel

    General Lee

  5. Last year they did have one or two of the original General Lees, I didn't see one this year there. It was fun, but wish they had more entertainment like they did last year. I'm not sure what the General Lee went for at auction, I keep checking on Duke Fest. com but nothing has been posted about it yet.
  6. I hope so too.
  7. I have no clue. Someone asked Catherien Bach, (Daisy) but she didn't really know, she said they would have to ask John. He never said yes and he never said no. I left after the Parade and before the Auction. He may have said if they was or not then. Don't really know. I'm sure they will post something on Dukefest.com, I hope they do next year, but I hope they have more entertainment and not charge people to have an autograph. If the General Lee could write I'd rather have it's autograph since it is what made that show and the cast as big as they are today. So who knows they might and might not..
  8. It was ok, It sure was hot tho. Last year's was better I think. More entertainment than this year. I liked where they had it this year, more room and not everyone was elbow to elbow, but could of had better entertainment, also they shouldn't had charged folks to sign autographs unless it went to charity. All in all it was ok.
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