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Posts posted by Jeremy_Duke

  1. I actually loved the show and hope they make the series. I know there's a lot of people who just can't get over the Trans Am--but those are becoming harder and more expensive to find. They can't stay in the 80's forever--technology and auto performance have changed a lot -- I think that while the Mustang's interior was pretty plain, it was neat to see some of the new fictional technology that could be semi-believable. But that double-decker rear spoiler has to go.

    VIPER was awesome--I watched that show religiously from day 1. Too bad it didn't have a better following.

  2. Glad to be here folks, hope I'll find a lot of great information here!

    Just a little about myself: I grew up in a small town similar to Hazzard from the series: my town was about 550 people, and surrounded by dirt/gravel roads; and I grew up in a muscle-car loving family--so naturally, as a kid--that country lifestyle was all I knew. It was only natural I should fall in love with the show and the General Lee.

    Unfortunately, I was forced to move to Utah when I joined the military some years ago--but there are still a few little towns here that remind me of home.

    As an occupation, I am part-time Air Force Reserve (I load bombs and maintain weapons systems) as a Staff Sergeant, and I work in security (licensed in UT, taking Criminal Justice and Anti-Terrorism courses) for an undisclosed military contractor. Pay is excellent--so I hope in a few years to have saved enough to get my own General Lee (real or replica).

    It's great being here, hope to get to know you all well!

    Lost Sheep out.

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