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  1. yup it's the first 12 notes of DIXIE
  2. I know a guy who lives near me who owns a General and he told me I could use it if I wanted. It was an awesome time!
  3. Hey..I used a General Lee for a getaway car when my wife and I got married in July. Too bad you're in the US. The one I used is available in Ontario Canada. Made for an awesome day....all the guys got rides in it all morning while the girls had to get hair/make-up done. Hopefully someone out here will be able to help you out.
  4. Hi guys/girls: I just signed up and thought I'd say hi to everyone! I'm a big DOH fan and even got to use the General Lee as my wedding car...I have an AWESOME wife! I'm in Ontario, Canada and hope to meet lots of great people on here. Talk to you later, 01getaway
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