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Everything posted by Bodukescowgrl
For as long as she could remember, Christine and Bo had always been best friends. Her parents were friends of Jesse, so Christine always spent a lot of time at the farm. She and Bo were the same age, just a few months apart actually, so they went to school together, all the way through high school. As they got older, Bo would get a little jealous when Christine would spend more time with Daisy doing girly things, rather than hang out with him. “How come she doesn’t want to hang out with me anymore?†Bo asked Luke. “Bo you guys are in high school now. She’s into make-up and boys. She can’t talk to you about that type of stuff. And Daisy finally has a friend she can talk to about that stuff too.†“But now I hardly see her, unless it’s at school.†“Bo, trust me you will learn.†Luke laughed a little. “And you never know, by the time you guys graduate, maybe you’ll think of her as more than a friend.†“No way Luke. I don’t think I could ever think of her as more than a friend.†And for the four years in high school that’s how it was. Bo never saw Christine more than a friend. But she knew that no matter what, she would always have to hear about Bo’s latest girlfriend from him. She knew how he was and all but she did deep down have feelings for him. However she never told him because she was afraid it would ruin their friendship. In senior year, she decided to go away to college. Her family was moving to New York as it was, and she decided she would go to college there as well. And when she told Bo about what she was doing after graduation, he wasn’t too happy. “You’re what? But what about us?†Bo said. “Bo I’m just moving away. You’re still going to be my best friend.†“You say that now, but what about when you meet new people. You’ll forget all about me.†“Sure I’ll meet new people Bo, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop being your best friend.†----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was four years since then and Christine was returning to Hazzard. While she loved being away for college, she missed being back home with all her friends. Her first stop was the Duke farm. She had already spoken to Daisy and Uncle Jesse. She told them she would be staying at a hotel until she found a place, but Uncle Jesse wouldn’t have it. He always thought of her as family and told her that she was welcomed to stay with them and he wouldn’t take no for an answer. When she got there, she was greeted by everyone, except Bo. After she had settled herself in, she would be sharing the room with Daisy; she went over to Luke and asked where Bo was. “I think he may be in the barn,†Luke told her. Christine went to the barn and sure enough there was Bo. “What’s this, I don’t even get a hello from you now?†He ignored her and she went over to him, “Bo what is your problem?†“My problem is that you left me. Decided you didn’t like your life here and left.†“Bo I wanted to go away for college, but I’m back now, that’s what matters.†Bo turned to her, “Yeah until you decide you don’t wanna stay again and then you’ll leave.†“Bo you’re the one who stopped calling me.†“Cause it wasn’t the same. I used to be able to talk to you whenever, but then it got to be too hard to keep up with your schedule. And I felt like I lost my best friend.†“And how do you think I felt? When I lost contact with you, I lost more than my best friend.†“What do you mean by that?†Bo asked confused. “Nothing Bo, forget I said anything.†Christine said walking out of the barn. Bo followed her. “Bo leave me alone please,†she said when she realized he was behind her. “Come on let’s go for a ride. Just like we used to.†She looked at him, “Me get in a car with you? I still haven’t recovered from my last ride with you that time.†“Yes but you haven’t ridden in The General yet have you,†he said giving her one of those cute smiles. He was right; he and Luke built that car after she had left. But when it was done, Bo had been sure to call her up to tell her all about it. So that night Bo drove the two of them to the park and parked by the pond. “So tell me what you meant by what you said at the barn,†Bo said. “It’s nothing Bo. It’s just that…I don’t know I always thought of you as more than a friend.†He looked at her, “You did?†“Bo look I never told you cause I didn’t want the friendship to be ruined by it. I’m sorry I said anything about it now as it is. Look maybe we should just….†She was cut off from talking by a kiss from Bo. She pulled away, “Bo what was that for?†“Well maybe because I felt the same way for some time too. You know Luke had told me one day I probably would feel that way, but I didn’t think it could happen. But when you told me you were leaving, then it hit me. I wasn’t just losing a best friend anymore.†With that, Bo went back to kissing Christine and he laid her down on the seat. She continued to kiss him but then stopped when she realized where this was heading. “Bo...I don’t think we should.†Bo stopped and looked at her, “What’s wrong? We both love each other don’t we?†“Bo it’s not that, I believe you. It’s just that….†she looked away from him, “I’m scared Bo that’s what’s wrong.†“What are you afraid of…oh you haven’t before have you?†She shook her head and Bo kissed her. “Look I don’t want you to do anything you wouldn’t want to do. So whenever you want me to stop then I will.†But she didn’t tell him to stop that night because there was something different about Bo. And from the second he kissed her, she knew she felt there was something between the two of them. After when they had both gotten dressed they decided to stay and just sit in the car for a little longer and just cuddled and ended up falling asleep. By the time they realized they had fallen asleep in the car it was already the next morning. Bo hoped that no one would be awake when they got back home, however he was wrong because everyone had already been up and were eating breakfast when the two of them walked in to the house.
Hey I haven't been getting any feedback on this story. But I'm gonna post the next chapter anyways. Anyone have ideas or comments I'd appreciate them. Thanks Christine: Bo you know what's funny. Claire looks just like me, except she's got your blonde hair and blue eyes, but has your personality. And Jesse looks exactly like you but has my personality. Bo laughed. Bo: Does Claire still cry and cry when she's hungry? Christine: Yes Bo that's one way she's just like you. But now she cries non-stop when she wants someone to hold her. If you ask me that really sounds like you. They both started laughing because they both knew it was true about Bo. They stayed at his place for a few more weeks. Christine: I think it's time we went back to New York. Bo: Don't you want to stay longer? Christine: No Bo, the kids have been away from home too long now. And plus I'm missing it over there as well. Will you be coming with us? Bo: Well I do have another couple of races... Christine: It's alright Bo I understand. She didn't want to show she was upset. She was hoping that he would quit because now her original worry was back, that he would get hurt on the track. But she didn't want him to know that she was worried about him. Later that week she had packed up her and the kids stuff. Christine: So I guess I'll be seeing you in a month? Bo: Yea I'll give you a call when I know exactly when I'll be coming home. You need a ride to the airport? Christine: No I'll get a cab. I know you got to be at the track and I don't want you being late on my account. Bo nodded and said goodbye to the kids and they both looked at each other before saying goodbye. Christine got to the airport with the kids with some time to spare before the plane. She was trying her best to keep Claire busy so she wouldn't run off. Claire: Daddy! Daddy! Christine: Claire it's ok, daddy will be home soon. But it was no use, Claire just kept yelling daddy and pointing. Christine looked up and saw Bo standing right now. Christine: But...why? Aren't you supposed to be racing? Bo: Well yea I am supposed to be, if I was staying to race. Christine: What do you mean? Bo: I officially quit today. For good this time. Christine: But Bo, you love racing. I couldn't ask you to do this. Bo: You're not asking me to do anything. This was my choice. Christine: Bo Duke, have I ever told you how much I love you? Bo: Every second of the day, same amount of times I tell you the same thing.
about 6 months later And Bo was starting to become a family man. He had given up his racing because he said it was time he stopped that and cared more about his baby. He was even thinking about becoming a stay at home dad. Bo and Christine were having a nice quiet night. Cuddling up just talking. Then all of a sudden out of nowhere... Bo: I wanna have another baby. Christine was so shocked that all she could do was just look at him but couldn't answer him. The next morning Christine was cooking breakfast and Bo came in lookign for an answer. Bo went over to Claire and picked her up. Bo: So have an answer about what I asked you lats night? Christine looked at him. Christine: I have come to an answer and it's no. Bo: But why not, we already have Claire. Lets have another one. Christine: I said no. We weren't prepared for Claire and we still aren't. And after she said that she ran to the bedroom crying and slammed the door. Bo followed her into the room. Bo: What's wrong honey. Why are you crying? Christine: Because Bo...we're not ready. She looked at him. Christine: Bo we are having another baby. Bo's first reaction was shock. Sure he wanted another baby but he didn't think he'd be hearing this. Then once the shock wore off. Bo: That's great. He wiped her tears away. Christine: I'm just worried and scared that we're not ready for another baby. Bo: Of course we were. We felt like this with Claire and look how great she's turning out already. A week later Christine ran into Luke while shopping. Luke: So I heard the news. Christine: Oh thanks. I didn't know Bo was telling people already. Luke: Yea he is. How do you feel about it? Christine: Well at first I was scared but after we talked I wasn't anymore. Luke: You're happy? I thought you said you never wanted him to do it again? Christine: No...well it wasn't supposed to happen this soon. But yea I thought it was gonna happen somewhere in the future. Luke: You told him he could do this again whenever he wanted to? Christine: Luke...what are you talking about? Luke: Bo going back to car racing. What were you talking about? Christine: I was talking about us having another baby. He didn't mention the racing to me. But thanks for letting me know. She rushed home after that and saw Bo watching TV. She threw a bunch of envelopes he got about the upcoming races on his lap. Christine: So when were you gonna tell me? Bo: I was going to but then I'd knew you'd react like this. Christine: What happened to us being honest with each other? And if you cared about this unborn baby and Claire then you wouldn't do the race. She went to the bedroom slamming the door in his face. Bo came into the room. Bo: Don't be mad. Think of all the money I'll make for you and the kids. Christine: I'm not thinking about the money you'll make! Bo: Then what's the matter? Christine: I'm afraid of losing you. Bo: Losing me? What are you talking about? Christine: Every time you go away for a race, you always end up in bed with your fans. Bo: It's different this time, we're married. Christine: Can you honestly tell me that you've been faithful since we got married? Bo: Isn't the more imporant thing that I've been faithful since you had Claire? Christine: You should've been faithful since we got together in the first place! Bo: I tried my best you know! Christine: Bo we're a family! You shouldn't have to try! Bo: Stop getting mad over this. Christine: I have every right to be mad. My husband finds it hard to be faithful. Bo: Well maybe I don't feel like I'm ready to be married. Christine: Us getting married was your idea. Bo: You were having my baby! Christine: It didn't mean we had to get married. I gave you the chance to cancel the wedding. Bo: If I remember correctly you tricked me into getting you pregnant. So this was your fault. I was nowhere ready to get married, let alone be a father. Christine looked at him. Christine: Well if that's really how you feel then fine, you don't need to be either. She quickly grabbed soem of her stuff and Claire's stuff and got Claire. Christine: Don't worry I'll be back to get the rest of my stuff once I'm settled in a place. She had talked to John and since he was away he told her she could stay at his place. It had been a few months since she walked out on Bo. John was helping her out with Claire but at the same time was trying to do all he could to get her and Bo back together cause he knew they belonged together. Claire was now 14 months old and the new baby was a boy, named Jesse, after Bo's uncle and he was 2 months old. John convinced Christine that they should go see one of Bo's races. If not for anything, it would be good for the children to see their father. Bo had won the race, but that was no surprise. The fans were all gathering around to meet Bo. John told Christine that she should go talk to him. But she didn't want to. Claire started to yell out daddy and when Christine when to go pick her up she saw that Claire was gone. John had the carriage that Jesse was in and went in one direction to look for her while Christine went looking in another direction. Just then Christine felt someone grab her arm. Bo: I think you're looking for this runaway. Christine couldn't believe it. Claire had found her father. After she calmed down knowing that Claire was fine, she took her from Bo. Bo: I've missed you so much. Christine saw tears in Bo's eyes and didn't even bother to hide her own tears either. Christine: I've missed you more than you would ever know. Bo looked at her. Bo: You had the baby I see. Christine took him to John. Christine: Bo, meet your son, Jesse Beauregard Duke. Bo: Jesse...you named him after my uncle? He smiled and she smiled back. Christine: Yea I knew you would like. John: Well looks like you two need to talk. I'll just take the kids and walk around. Christine: Bo all I want is for you to be happy and if that means us not being together then I'll give that to you... Bo: Shhh don't talk like that. I thought what I wanted was what we had before we got married and had the kids. The second you left I thought everything was perfect. But the next day I was miserable. I missed waking up next to you every morning and I missed seeing Claire already up and waiting for me to pick her up. And now I feel even worse cause I missed the birth of my first son. With that he started to cry and Christine hugged him. Bo: Will you ever take me back? Christine: Bo of course I will. You didn't even need to ask. Bo carried Christine to his trailer and you all knew what happened after that, especially since they haven't seen each other in almost 8 months. Christine: Bo when we were seperated...was there anyone else? She had been so afraid of his answer but she needed to know. Bo: Honestly, yes I brought girls into here many times and yes we fooled around but when it came to sex I couldn't. It was you I wanted to be with. So now she knew the truth and she was so glad he didn't sleep with them, though she was upset that he still had little flings going on with them. Christine: So Mr. Bo Duke...what do you say you up for another round? Bo: Do you even need to ask. Now what they didn't know was that John had come back with the kids. Until... Claire: DADDY! John ran to see what she yelled about and when he saw.. John: Um ..oh sorry. Claire, mommy and daddy need alone time. When he closed the door. Bo looked at Christine and laughed a little. Christine: Bo this isn't funny. Our daughter just saw us... Bo: Oh come on if it didn't happen now it probably would've happened later. After everything was all settled Bo looked at Christine. Bo: I have an idea. Instead of going back to our place in the city just yet...lets stay here at the place I have. With the kids. It can be a little vacation for all of us. Christine kissed him and agreed. Now she had only been to this place once, that was before they were married. So she was surprised when she went there with him and the kids. Bo took Claire to a room he had made for her, already filled with toys. And then he took me to the nursery he built for Jesse. After the kids were asleep the two of them went to the living room to have a talk. Christine: Bo when did you do all this? Bo: Well when you left I had a lot of free time on my hands. Christine: Bo this is all my fault. I kept you from your kids. Bo: No don't blame yourself. Christine: But you didn't see your son's birth. And you missed Claire's first steps and words. Bo: And I gave you every reason to walk out on me. And you're a great monther. It's been 8 months but you made sure they knew who I was. She nodded. Christine: I would always show Claire your pictures so that when she started to talk she'd knew what to call you. In fact when she learned to walk, she grabbed a pic of you and started to say daddy and wouldn't stop. Bo laughed. Bo: What about Jesse? Christine: Well I knew that since he was young I still would want him to know what you looked like so I always showed him a pic of you and kept repeating daddy to him. And Bo, your daughter is a smart one. I was showing her out wedding video. And she pointed you out of course saying daddy. Then pointed to me and said mommy. But she then pointed to my stomach and said me mommy! Bo turned red. Bo: Well looks like she's gonna be one to tell stories when she started school. *by the way...let me know if you want the next part posted. That way I know everyone is ready to read the next part. Thanks
I have just found out that the links I posted in the other topic don't seem to work all the time. So I'm going to post the story here. The series is not done yet and I'd appreciate any comments or ideas. Thanks Chapter 1: Bo and Christine had been dating for awhile now. He had just gotten the two of them an apartment in Manhattan so that way she could stay there while he was in Tennessee doing his car racing and his singing career. Now her only worry wasn't if he'd get hurt while on the track but she was also worried that he wouldn't be faithful after all she knew that he was never really the one to settle down. One day Christine ran into Bo's best friend John. She had met him when she started dating Bo and the two of them became friends right away. He asked how everything was going with Bo and when she told him that she hardly sees him now John started to feel bad. He leaned in to kiss her not knowing that Bo's cousin, Luke, saw what just happened. However he didn't stay long enough to see that she pushed John away and left to go home. Luke on the other hand right away contacted his cousin to tell him what he just saw. Now Bo told Christine that he wouldn't be home for another two weeks so when he came home the next day she was extremely surprised. But that wasn't all that would be surprising her. That night Bo proposed to her. Christine had been waiting for him to ask her since they were dating for awhile now but she had no idea he would actually ask her. Weeks passed by and Bo never mentioned anything about starting wedding plans. One night Christine looked at Bo and asked if there would be a wedding any time soon. Bo: Of course there will be but lets not talk about it now. Christine: Bo since the night you proposed we haven't talked about it. Why don't we just discuss the wedding. Bo: Because it won't be happening any time soon so why talk about it. Christine: Bo, you proposed to me, how come you don't want a wedding soon? Bo: Cause I only proposed to you cause I was afraid of losing you. Luke told me he saw you kissing my best friend. Christine looked at him. Christine: You what? You had no intention of getting married, just afraid I was cheating on you. Well for your information he kissed me and what your cousin didn't see was that I pushed away from him and left. She couldn't believe what Bo just told her. She grabbed her jacket and headed for the door. Bo: Where are you going? Christine: Out...right now I just can't stay in the same place as you. So she left and went to Luke's. Now Christine and Luke had been best friends for a long time. They dated for awhile but it didn't work out but they always remained best friends and of course it was through him that she met Bo. Christine: I just don't know what I'm gonna do Luke. You know I love your cousin. Luke: Yes of course I do and I'm sorry I thought you were cheating on him. But there is one way I know he'd marry you and soon. Christine: How's that Luke? Luke: Get pregnant on purpose. Christine: What? That's a crazy plan. And what's to say he'd actually stay with me? Luke: Because I know my cousin and if he found out his girlfriend was pregnant he would marry her as soon as possible. She couldn't believe that she was actually considering Luke's plan. But at the same time she knew that he was right, and then maybe Bo would actually be faithful to her. a few months later Bo had come home after spending a few days working on a new record. Christine knew she had to tell him about the baby. But the fact that she had planned this she would keep a secret. But before she could even tell Bo, he found the pregnancy test. He was so happy and just held her when he told her he knew the news. This made her feel so horrible. One day Christine returned home from shopping and saw that Bo wasn't looking too happy. Bo: You did it on purpose didn't you? Christine: Bo what are you talking about? Bo: Getting pregnant. You knew if we did it you would get pregnant and you said we didn't need to use anything cause it wasn't the right time. Christine: Bo calm down that's not what happened. Bo: Tell me the truth did you plan to get pregnant and not tell me? She couldn't continue to lie and she just broke down and cried. Bo was so mad that he just got up and left. When Christine told Luke what happened he came over to the apartment. He felt responsible because he gave her the idea for this plan. And at a time like this he didn't want her to be alone. It was now Bo's birthday and Christine had gotten him a gift that he wanted. Luke found out what hotel Bo had been staying in so she went to give him the gift. She was about to leave the gift by the door and leave but then Bo opened the door. He took the gift from her and started to go back into his room. Christine: Bo we need to talk about what's been going on. Bo: I really don't want to talk to you. Christine: Bo all I want is for you to be happy. Bo: Well the only way I'll be happy is if I never see you again. Christine nodded and walked over to him and put the ring in his hand and started to walk away crying. Bo: Christine! Wait! She turned around and saw Bo on his knee holding the ring. Bo: I wanna do this the right way this time. a few days later Nothing much had changed like Christine thought they would. One night she was alone and John stopped by. When he saw that she was alone he said she deserved a night out and he took her out for dinner. While at the resturant Christine saw sitting across the room Bo with another woman. And from what the two were doing she could tell they weren't there just as friends. Quickly she got up and apologized to John cause she couldn't stay there and she ran outside. John followed her. John: I saw what you saw. Christine just wiped her eyes and said she wanted to go home. John: There's no way I'm letting you be alone after what you just saw. You can stay at my place, maybe watch a movie, and then I'll take you back home. Christine agreed and went to John's house with him. The two of them watched a movie and talked. John saw the engagement ring. John: You know after what we saw at the restuarant, you would never think he was about to be a husband. Christine: And also a father to be as well. John looked at her. John: You mean...you're...and he's... She just nodded. Christine: I thought he would start to be faithful once he knew about the baby. Guess I was wrong. And she ended up crying herself to sleep. John couldn't bring himself to wake her up so he stayed on the couch with her and just let her sleep. The next morning John dropped her off at her apartment and Bo was waiting. Bo: So..my best friend huh. You go and sleep with my best friend? Christine: How could you even think I'd do that to you? Bo: Well lets see you didn't come home last night. But you come home now and he's the one who dropped you off. Christine: Bo yes he took me out to dinner yesterday...as friends. And well I saw you with that woman. Bo: I had no idea you were there. Christine: That doesn't matter. You shouldn't be cheating on me at all! And for your information, John didn't want me to be alone after what I saw and was so upset so he brought me to his place and I fell asleep on his couch from crying over you. He didn't have the heart to wake me so that's why he dropped me off now. a few months later Now by this time the two of them had gotten married. Bo knew that if he kept up his ways he would lose her for good and they planned to get married as soon as possible. It was a small ceremony but it was nice. Christine and Bo were just laying in bed and Bo couldn't be happier about the baby. And Christine loved the change that she had seen in Bo the last couple of months. Christine: So I got some news for you. Bo: Oh and what is it? Christine: That's we're gonna be having a girl. Bo: A girl? I'm gonna have a daughter? Bo had the hugest smile on his face. Bo: Well I can tell you one thing, I'm gonna make sure she doesn't date a guy like me. Christine: Oh I don't know. I dated you and ended up marrying you. Bo looked at her. Bo: You mean to tell me you would want our daughter to date a guy that cheats on her, gets her pregnant, then cheats on her still. Christine looked at him and he quickly corrected what he said. Bo: I'm talking about before we got married that is. But she knew he wasn't being faithful to her. One day Luke called Bo up. Now Christine didn't know what he said to Bo, but whatever it was when Bo hung up the phone she saw tears in Bo's eyes. She followed him to the bedroom and saw that he was crying into his pillow. Christine: Bo I don't know what Luke said to you but I get the feeling I know what it was about. Bo: I don't want you to leave me. I love you so much. She sat down next to him. Christine: Bo, I'm not gonna leave you. But if you ever cheat on me again then I will leave you and you won't see your baby. This certainly changed Bo because he was by her side constantly during the rest of the pregnancy. And the two of them soon welcomed their daughter, Claire Elizabeth Duke.
Hey, if you are reading my story could you let me know what you think and if anyone has ideas....I'm having problems of thinking of new things for the story. Please let me know...thanks
Chapter 10 was added to You're Safe With me. Please check it out
Hi, Ok so I'm writing a Duke Lives series of stories. Three parts are completed and the fourth one is being worked on. So I'm listing all the links to the parts. Please review and also any ideas or comments are appreciated.... Duke Lives -Part 1 http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2983288/1/ Happiness Forever -Part 2 http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3002972/1/ Starting Over Again -Part 3 http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3011314/1/ You're Safe With Me -Part 4 http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3068438/1/