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Boss Hogg's Long Lost Son

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Posts posted by Boss Hogg's Long Lost Son

  1. I've checked out the link.

    This is music to my ears!!!

    I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

    I am glad that more and more great shows are coming out as season boxsets on DVD. This means arrogant networks don't have the final say.

    Hopefully, in a few years, ALL good shows will be released.

    Bye bye, TV channels with your annoying logo's, three or four advert breaks and your constant editing of episodes.

    Looking forward to the boxset.

    Thanks for the info.

  2. Hi folks,

    Please read below for a transcript of a recent e-mail sent to me from Warner Home Video UK. I had sent them an e-mail enquiring as to why the episodes of DOH had been released onto DVD randomly and whether there would be any season boxsets. Here is the reply;

    "Thank you for your note on the Dukes. To answer your questions, the reason the non-sequential episodes appear on the DVD is because these were the only episodes we could get clearance for in the UK at the time and we felt that it would be better to put some of the episodes out on DVD rather than put nothing out. Since we have put out these episodes it looks like we have kick-started further interest in the franchise in America and we are now hoping to put out the first series on DVD next year. This is all tbc at the moment."

    Don't be afraid to e-mail/write to Warner Home Video UK to register your interest or thoughts on DOH.

    The postal address is;

    Warner Home Video UK

    Warner House

    98 Theobalds Road

    London WC1X 8WB

    Telephone 020 7984 6482

    Fax 020 7984 6427

    It's probably better if everyone writes to really register their interest as letters and phonecalls seem to be taken more seriously than e-mails (of which Warner Home Video probably get thousands)

    Boss Hogg's Long Lost Son

  3. The episode you seek is called "Witness for the Persecution." Boss is to testify against somebody at a trial and is placed under Federal protective custody. The Feds figure the safest place they can put him is the Duke farm. Daisy, oblivous to this arrangement, comes home from the Boar's Nest one night, changes into her nightie and finds Boss in her bed. ROFL.

    Not sure where to find Daisy Duke screensavers but I'm sure there's some around the web here somewhere. =)


    Thanks for that. I'll see if I can get that episode.

    Boss Hogg's Long Lost Son

  4. Hi folks,

    Even though I'm a big fan of Dukes of Hazzard, I haven't seen every episode (due to the erratic scheduling of vintage TV shows in the UK).

    I am trying to find out which episode it was where Daisy Duke kicked Boss Hogg (and his pyjamas) out of bed. I've seen the clip on the opening music of several episodes.

    Also, where can I get Daisy Duke screensavers please?

    Thank you

    Boss Hogg's Long Lost Son

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