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Ok, well since you apologized for not putting up a warning, I guess I could apologize for my original statements as well. I am sorry that I ranted without explaining myself when I first posted about your story. However, I was very upsett and not thinking clearly. I am still very upsett but am able to think a little more clearly today. I do have severe clinical depression. My doctors have not found the right medication that works for me yet. I also have to go to counseling for it 5 times a week just to function. My doctors suggested that along with my medication and councling that I avoid things which make me sad and take up activities which give me pleasure as much as possible. When you have severe depression of any kind, it's very hard to get motivated enough to do anything. I often watch the Dukes of Hazzard because I love the show so much and while I'm watching it, I am able to laugh for at least an hour while it's on cause the comedy aspects of the show are so good. I also watch other comedy shows but I think Dukes are the best because there is not only comedy, but so much love on the show. It also usually makes me happy for a little while to read fanfic about Dukes. I can handle stories where someone is sick for a while, so long as they recover, but when I read that they die, that meses me up real bad. I don't know why. I understand it's a story, but, it still messes me up very badly. I think it's a combination of my condition and the fact that Dukes are very important to me because it's one of the few things in this world that gives me pleasure. There are many other people like me who suffer from variouse forms of depression and the worst thing about depression is that the littleist things that wouldn't bother anyone else all that much can really mess us up. If you did not know that you was going to write that Bo died before you did it, that's understandable. However, you still could have included a warning at the top of the page that the part was written on, in parenthesis or something before posting what you wrote. I have seen stories where people did that. I realize that you have the right to write the story how you want, but, as I said, I and people who suffer my conditions or similiar conditions, also should have the right to know if they are about to read something that will mess them up. I would suggest on behalf of myself and everyone who suffers conditions like mine, that in the future, that you please post a warning if you are going to write something that is potentially heartwrenching. If you do not know that you are going to write that when you begin the story, then please post the warning as soon as you do realize it. I don't feel that's asking a lot, I feel it's just common courtesy for you to do so. Please consider this request.
Oh yeah, and before anyone responds by saying that if I don't like it, don't read it, well, it's a little late for that when I have already read the part that messes me up inside. And I would not have read it if the writers had been courteouse enough to place a warning at the beginning of the story that it might contain heartwrenching content, so that people like me with severe clinical depression would know not to read it. As I said, mean, nasty cold hearted people. And before anyone makes a wisecrack about my having clinical depression, I have heard all the nasty, rude remarks about that too. No one ask to have clinical depression, it's just something that happens to people sometimes. It's a sickness and I'm tired of people making stupid remarks to me about it! Every other fanfic site I have ever read had warnings posted at the beginnings of the stories if they was going to write something that made people cry. That's common courtesy. Now, I can't even read fanfiction any more because apparently everyone does not practice common courtesy and now I'm afraid of what I might read. Freedom of speech and literary lincense and all of that is fine to a point, but when people abuse it, by not even bothering to warn people when what they are writing may have harsh content, that's wrong. It's wrong because it infringes on my right and the rights of other people who suffer from variouse forms of depression, and are advised by our doctors to avoid activities which stress us, to be able to enjoy a story without having to worry about reading something that upsetts us
Kill off Bo and then have everyone singing songs like everythings just fine and dandy. Boy that takes the cake. That's just rubbing salt in the wounds. I still have not recovered from Bo dieing in this story and I never will. I'm still crying over it and I always will be forever. You are a couple of cold hearted, mean, nasty people!
Look, can't you guys just write it so Bo's not really dead? Please, please, please. I can't handle Bo being dead. He's the best Duke. Please can't you fix it? Please. Please, please, please. Oh nevermind, no one cares when I'm deeply hurt and upsett anyhow.
Won't be reading their story anymore unless Bo is not actually dead because it makes me cry to much otherwise. And won't read any further stories by them if they are going to shock people by killing off characters without giving a warning at the beginning of the story that this might happen which is common courstesy when writing fanfic. That should be obviouse, I should not have to state it.
#1, I do not register just to complain, I register when I have something to say, bad or good. #2. I have written both stories and poems in the past and I have recieved numerouse awards for my writings. How many rewards have you recieved. #3. Furthermore, I try not to upsett my readers and if it comes to my awareness that I have upsett one of my readers, I do not cruelly continue to upsett them further by responding to them with mean and nasty comments. #4. I have seen lots of Dukes fanfic where one of the main character's have died. I read it in the summary description of the story. I think every time someone wants to write a sad Dukes story, they kill off one of the Dukes. That is neither original or creative. #5. Good writer's welcome bad comments as well as good ones to their stories and use those comments to make their writing better. They don't just dismiss all the bad comments and continue to make the same mistakes with their writing.
Because I did like your story untill you killed Bo. That made me and a lot of other people cry. Why do you enjoy upsetting people and making them cry? And what's so unusual about your story? You wrote that someone got sick and then died. That's not unusual. That's lack of creativity.
Ok, first of all, your wrong on a few points. Number one, the Dukes, though they started in 1979, mostly took place in the '80's and they did have a cure for marlaria in the 80's and most people did survive marlaria back then. I know because I was around in the 80's and also cause I know people who had it and none of them died from it. The Dukes took place in the 1980's not the 1880's. Secondly, you say I'm outnumbered. Am I? I bet you that anyone reading your story, rather they like it or not, would be happier if Bo was alive than with him dead and if they are honest they would say so. You could even write that he went into a catotonic state of deep coma which is a state that makes you appear dead even if you are not. Than they discoverered he wasn't dead. That would still be realistic to your story cause a catatopic state which can be caused by intense illness, could be caused by marlaria. Maybe miracleous recoveries have been done a lot but they still make a good story and there is absolutely nothing silly about them or unrealistic about them. It is unrealistic that someone would die from marlaria in the 1980's.
This is not a good peice of writing any longer. I don't care if it's fiction or not. Bo dieing has completely ruined the story. Not just because he died but also, his dieing means that the bad guys have won! Yeah, I know what you're going to say. You're going to tell me that the bad guys will be charged with and convicted of murder or that the Duke family and/or the townsfolk of Hazzard will get even with them or both, right? Well, that doesn't matter, in Bo dieing, they have still won. Think back in your own story. The bad guys told Bo that they would get even with him if he told anyone what they was planning and that if he did he and his family would die. Well, now's Bo is literally and physically dead. As for his family, they are dead in a figurative sense because a part of all them died with Bo. Therefore, no matter what happens to the bad guys now, they have won because they got their wish. I don't care what defense you come up with, there is no way you can justify that. Literary lincense you say? Yeah, I know of it. So what. You could have still written the story in some way where the Dukes had a miracle and Bo pulled through. That would have been far better and far more creative than killing him off just cause he was sick. Saying he died instead of writing about a turn around and Bo getting better all the sudden is simply laziness. Anyone can write that someone is sick and then they die. Where is the creativity in that? The only thing that could possibly save this story now is if you guys wrote that either Bo or Luke woke up to find that this whole Bo dieing thing was nothing but a nightmare and he's still alive. However, I don't think you guys will do that. One, cause you seem to get more thrills out of being cruel and making people cry. Two, I don't think your creative enough to write it that way. Anyone who takes the easy way out in a story by writing that a sick person dies obviousely isn't very creative. Thanks a lot for ruining what used to be a good story and thanks a lot for letting the bad guys in your story win. I don't understand why anyone would want to continue reading a Duke story that no longer has Bo, but I guess that's their perrogative. If you want your story to be good, make this whole Bo dieing thing a bad dream that someone had and write that he's still alive instead of killing him and letting the bad guys win. Otherwise, the story IS ruined. By the way, good writer's learn from their critics comments, both good and bad. So if you think that your good writers, consider my comments in how you could use them to make your story better instead of just reading your good feedback and simply trying to defend yourself to me.
Well, well, well. I have been reading this story for quite a while now. Today is the firt day I have read in 4 days as I have been out of town and away from my computer. Normally, I don't register for these sites because normally I don't post. However, after reading some more of your story today, I could not remain silent. Mostly I have loved your story. You guys were so good at keeping the Dukes and everyone in character and your story had a good plot. However, after reading today, I will not be reading your story anymore. You guys messed up big. #1. The Dukes would never give up on anything, no matter how much they had been through. There is no way that Bo would die from marlaria due to the fact that he removed the IV and gave up. That's completely out of character because Bo would not give up like that no matter what! #2. You have messed up the time line. In the 2nd reunion movie, "Hazzard's in Hollywood", Uncle Jessie had passed on but Bo was still alive. Therefore, killing Bo off in your story does not fit the Dukes seriers story line as Uncle Jessie is still alive in your story. #3 Another thing about your story that used to make it good was the fact that you guys that didn't have any of that unrealistic crap in it, but now you have Bo talking to Luke as a ghost. I can't believe you all went there. That's dumb. There is no such thing as ghost. Anyways, you guys had a good story untill you went to far and ruined it. I don't think I'll be reading any stories that the two of you write in the future. Enough said.