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Rosco Pervis Coltrane

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Everything posted by Rosco Pervis Coltrane

  1. Well it was my first!! I loved every minute of it. Especially the 4 hours and 45 minutes I spent in line for Catherine Bach's autograph. She was soooo sweet and friendly even though she had been signing all day. It was worth every minute I spent waiting. I am single with no family and I went alone. The family atmosphere there was amazing. There were thousands of kids there and their parents were just as excited as the kids. Man, it was great!! The best part of the whole thing (besides meeting Daisy of course) was the Generals. It was awesome seeing them. It is now one of my major goals in life to get my own General and drive in the March of the Generals. What a great time. I am comfortable in saying that I will never miss another DukeFest as long as they keep doing them. The one regret I have was not being able to see the model cars. When I first got in the building, I rushed to get in Daisy's line thinking that I would come back. But after almost 5 hours in line I was kindly escorted out of the building. The line to get back in the building on the Sunday was like a quarter mile. NO KIDDING!! HaHa. Cooter said it best, when he said that they had the best problem in show business.... too many fans!!! I have heard that there were some problems. My understanding is that most of the problems stemmed from too many people. They cant help that. Hopefully they will learn from the mistakes and organize things better in the future.
  2. Hi all, I am new. I just found this forum. Name - Nathan Age - 28 Location - Louisville, KY Occupation - Student + Dukes Fan Married or Single - Single and in love with Daisy Duke Children - nope Favorite Movie - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Draggon Favorite group - Wu-Tang Clan Favorite TV show - DUKES DUKES DUKES My name is Nathan and I am a BIG Dukes fan. I love watching the dukes, talking about the dukes and doing anything that has anything to do with the Dukes. When I was a kid, Friday night was the best thing that could ever happen to me. I'm sure all of you can relate. I love and have a special place in my heart for each and every character on the show (especially Boss and Rosco). Man, they were great together. The comic timing between those two was absolute genius! Anyway, my favorite thing about the Dukes (aside from sweet daisy) was the General. I am still in school and as such, I am basically broke. One of my long term financial goals is to have enough saved up so I can get my own General Lee. For now, I have to be satisfied with building scale models. If y'all don't mind, maybe I can hang out for awhile?? Keep 'em 'tween the ditches Nathan
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