Hi everyone. Well I must say that I am very DISAPPOINTED with the movie Dukes of Hazzard!! How disrespectful to the original series. Now I didn't think that they were going to be a spitting image of the tv show but dang they have got to be kidding if they are proud of making that movie!! What in the world is wrong with people these days!! Me and my husband rented the movie and watched maybe the first 15 minutes of it and was very disgusted wtih it!!!! The first scenes where Luke was up in the girls room and she came out with a bra on!! No way that, that was anything how either one of the Dukes were and then when the guys came out shooting at them...that is just to much. Not to mention all the profanity. Why did they need to add in all the bad words. I think that is just crazy the way that they made the movie and I won't finish the movie b/c I could barely even sit there to watch as long as I did!! Very badddddddd movie!!!! HORRIBLE movie.