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  1. wow tombo, what a collection!
  2. there are a ton of gerat pictures of replicas and some real lees at cglfc there are also great picture sof restoration projects and patrol cars. i've found that site to be the most informative when its come to my restoration project
  3. Special Message for General Lee Owners Hey All Y'all General Lee owners, From the way things are already shaping up, DukesFest in Music City is going to be by far the biggest Hazzard County shindig ever! And of course, it wouldn't be DukesFest with the General Lee (The real star of the show, as we all know). We want make this year special for all the General Lee owners. We know how much work goes into them and we know how far many of y'all have to come. So this year "Hazzard County display cars," Generals, Police cars, Daisy's Jeeps, etc… Will be assigned a special entrance and the occupants will receive free tickets for the weekend. (Don't sweat it if you've already paid we'll refund your money at the gate.) We'll have a place of honor for the all The Generals and a separate viewing area for the other Hazzard cars. This year we'll have dash plaques and inspection stickers from Cooter's Garage for the display cars. And everybody's already talking about "The Parade of the General Lee's." Make sure your horns are working! We will do our very best to provide a specific time for cast signatures. This has proved to be very difficult in the past but like I say we'll try our durndest. We will soon be posting registration forms for the display cars and more detailed information. In the meantime, "Keep your gown down, the pedal to the metal, watch out for ol' Roscoe and keep it tween' the ditches." Ben AKA "Cooter" and Miss Alma
  4. sounds like some stuff have changed at www.cootersplace.com thanks the the kind folks at cglfc Special Message for General Lee Owners Hey All Y'all General Lee owners, From the way things are already shaping up, DukesFest in Music City is going to be by far the biggest Hazzard County shindig ever! And of course, it wouldn't be DukesFest with the General Lee (The real star of the show, as we all know). We want make this year special for all the General Lee owners. We know how much work goes into them and we know how far many of y'all have to come. So this year "Hazzard County display cars," Generals, Police cars, Daisy's Jeeps, etc… Will be assigned a special entrance and the occupants will receive free tickets for the weekend. (Don't sweat it if you've already paid we'll refund your money at the gate.) We'll have a place of honor for the all The Generals and a separate viewing area for the other Hazzard cars. This year we'll have dash plaques and inspection stickers from Cooter's Garage for the display cars. And everybody's already talking about "The Parade of the General Lee's." Make sure your horns are working! We will do our very best to provide a specific time for cast signatures. This has proved to be very difficult in the past but like I say we'll try our durndest. We will soon be posting registration forms for the display cars and more detailed information. In the meantime, "Keep your gown down, the pedal to the metal, watch out for ol' Roscoe and keep it tween' the ditches." Ben AKA "Cooter" and Miss Alma
  5. you and the other 5 hours worth of people in the line in front of you
  6. you can buy tickets in advance at www.cootersplace.com but last year they didn't sell out it costs regular admission to get your general lee into the show this year its gonna be a the the music city motorplex in nashville. the are hotels, but its the weekend before country music fest so hotels might be crowded. i dont think the movie cast will be there, but it sounds like alot of the origninal cast members might be. it's been annouced to be taking place the first weekend in june and i believe the motorplex is not far from the airport, so if your were to fly and rent a car you probably wont have much of a problem (in fact is will probably be cheaper than driving... we drive from worcester mass, and its very expensive, but we tow our charger, so we dont have the option to fly) you guys should really check out www.cootersplace.com im not a spokeman for them or anythng, but all the information you need to start planing is on there.
  7. hey guys, just noticed that www.cootersplace.com had this posted: COOTER'S PLACE IN MUSIC CITY 2416 Music Valley Drive Suite 118 Nashville, TN 37214 Phone: 615-872-8358 As Rosco P. Coltrane would say, "Good news, Good news!!" We are proud to announce that "Cooter's Place in Music City," our new shop and museum in Nashville, Tennessee, is NOW OPEN. Our new place will be in Music Valley Village, directly across McGavock Pike from the Grand Ol' Opry and the Opryland Hotel. I'll be there with Cooter's Garage Band and there will be plenty of hot barbecue and cold drinks. And you can bet some General Lees will come rollin' in, too. Nashville will be a great 2nd home for Cooter's. It's the home of country music, of the Grand Ol' Opry and CMT. It's easy to get to and there is plenty to do when you get there. We sure hope y'all can come to the Grand Opening and help us get it going!
  8. i would also enjoy a copy of this episode, i have a black charger and havent seen this episode since i was little... it's gonna be awhile before this one comes out on dvd and im not sure i can wait that long if anyone can make me a copy, please email me at khunt@northborough.com
  9. hey, theres nothing wrong with using another hazzard site! im subscribed to 4 of them! i dont use one more than the other... i dont think it's wrong to promote another forum, maybe it has something different to offer than this one. they all have their positives and negatives, for instance, cglfc has only 4 categories, so there are less to click on when you just want to see whats new, but this one has a ton of forums, which helps when you want to really be specific about a question or an answer. neither are better than the other! bad choice of words to say "bigger and better" though... you could have just said another or new.... but i doubt you meant any harm. personal message me the address of your site, the moderators took it off this post, but im game for anything... i'd love to check it out.
  10. that a great article, do you have the link for it?
  11. hey that would be awesome, make sure you take pictures, im sure there arent many people that have seen the new cooters yet!
  12. im glad someone could benefit from them
  13. there you go... if anyone else wants them let me know... theyre pretty close up because i was hoping to get some decals made for my jeep. unfortunatly i couldnt get a straight shot at them because the jeep was in the garage for dukesfest weekend. if anyone else wants to see them let me know
  14. duh, you already wrote your email, ill send them to you
  15. hey i took pictures of dixie when i went to cooters place, i got some dreat shots of the decals because i was hopeing to turn my cj into the dixie...i took a whole bunch of them, but im not sure how to post them on this site... if you give me your email ill send them to you... they're great shots of the real thing
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