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The Silver Cobra

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Posts posted by The Silver Cobra

  1. I am not calling for another Civil War. I am calling for secession (dang, there are too many hard words to spell in this subject). That is what the CSA intended. Lincoln started the War. President Davis said "All we want is to be left alone".

    I am also not against America. I believe that the Socialist US government is not the true America. The Confederacy is a much better interpretation of the American dream. Freedom to pursue life liberty and the pursuit of happiness without interference from the government.

    Where did the liberals come from anyway? I never thought they would watch the Dukes. I say we ought to cuff 'em and stuff 'em (that's a joke, actually. More liberals ought to watch the Dukes, and express their opinions so we can see what the heck they think)

    I think of the socialist federal government as the Duke Boys thought of Boss Hogg and Rosco P. Coltraine. They do not have all the authority they claim to have, just because of their position. The supreme court does NOT have the power to declare the Pledge of Alleigance unconstitutional, take private property from one citizen and give it to another private entity, and it does not have the power to say that murdering babies is OK. And I do not want to support it with my taxes.

    Secession would not weaken America. It would not need to be half the country. It could just be a few hundred or so. Or is that too much like Waco? Remember that? Innocent families brutally burned to death by the so-called American government, because they tried to break free. That is not the America that the Founders wanted. The Confederate States are.

  2. Liberals think the flag is racist because they have been brainwashed by the media. The KKK carried the Confederate Flag, but they also carry the American flag and the Christian flag.

    The Civil war was not fought over slavery. It was a fight of big government against local government. Big government won, and today we see the socialist effects of this. The government now regulates everything from private business to low flush toilets. The south should have won.

    Lincoln invented the Emancipation Proclomation to make slavery an issue. In the Emancipation Proclomation, all slaves were freed, in the Confederate States. They were not freed in the neutral border states nor were they in the counties of the south that supported the Yankees.

    Lincoln's propoganda has worked so well that State's Rights is now thought of as Racist. Look at Strong Thermun. ( Was that right?) He was for states rights, and ran for president. After some politician said that the nation would have been better if he had won, during his retirement party, he was accused of being racist and had to resign.

    I personally think that the Cause is not gone, but is going to rise again. I am a Confederate. That is the only true patriotism, in the spirit of our Founders.

    I would also Hazzard a guess that half of America is also Confederate, whether the know it or not. It is also known as Conservatism.

    Does anybody else agree with me?

  3. I am definately a Rosco fan. Matter of fact, I am becoming a Rosco Follower. The Dukes would not be the same without Rosco. They were OK without Bo and Luke, but the show could not exist without Rosco P. Coltrane. While I usually just find the show to be entertaining, the scenes with Rosco, Boss Hogg and Enos are the only ones that I laugh out loud at. The Duke boys always seem to be too serious.

    "Shame shame, everybody knows your name!" I like to say that every chance I get. Same thing with "Good news, good news!"

  4. I have noticed postings on this forum about recurring dreams of being chased...by Rosco P. Coltraine. I have dreamed many times about the Dukes, and after studying the phenomena, have discovered the cause.

    We often dream of being chased. This happens to many people. Duke fans associate being chased with the General Lee, automatically. Therefore, it is not likely that Duke fans can dream of being chased without dreaming of the Dukes.

    My first dream of this sort began by me being chased by a great flying beast of some sort. After a way down the road, however, the beast turned into Rosco, and I was in a car. I was eventually caught and had to outsmart Boss Hogg to let me go. After that I went out the the General Lee where the Dukes were waiting for me. I realized at that moment that I was one of the Dukes, and have dreamed of it ever since.

    Is it just the association, or are the Dukes really reaching out to us in our subconcious dreams? Is that Hazzard's hospitality, letting us be a part of a world we love so much.

  5. Wow that is interesting.

    1. I was dissapointed when the Dodge Charger came out with 4 door instead of two

    2. I prefer using the windows of my pickup

    3. I have never seen Knight Rider

    4. I can whistle and sing all of "Dixie", as well as salute the Confederate flag

    5. I am always looking for old Chargers

    6. I imitate Rosco P. Coltrain all the time. (I love it, I love it)

    7. My truck is named The Silver Cobra, which is where my online name is from

    8. This one is really interesting. I dream about the Dukes all the time, and usually that I am driving the General Lee.

    9. I yell yeehaw often when I am driving.

    10. I would rather be in the garage than shopping

    11. My dog is named Daisy

    12. I often act like Rosco and Boss Hogg, not always on purpose.

    13. I watch at least one episode a day.

    I guess I'm a Duke fan.

    There are two mentions of dreams about Dukes. I noticed that I dream about the Dukes at least once a week. Usually I am in the General Lee, being chased by Boss Hogg and Roscoe.

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