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Posts posted by virginiaxduke

  1. "Nah. I'm fine." She grabbed her bag and headed off. Walking along the road that headed out of town, she fought back tears. This was crazy. She was not going to cry. She didn't cry then and she wasn't going to cry now.

    She needed something to do. Anything. She headed for the Boar's Nest.


    Bo frowned. "You think she's gonna be okay? Maybe I should call Jill and have Jill check on her?" He didn't like this at all. "Has she been like this ever since...?"

  2. "Just home. I'm just tired is all." She wished they'd all stop looking at her like she was going to break. She wasn't. She was fine. Or she would be as long as everyone just let her be.

    Bo frowned. He didn't like this. But it wasn't his place to say anything. Luke knew her better than he did and well...but if it was one of his kids...they wouldn't be going anywhere.

  3. "Nah, kind of looks like it would be a lost cause." She smiled and shrugged. She was shocked that Cassie had covered for her but she couldn't say anything without landing herself in trouble.

    "All right then." Bo grinned and hopped down. "Would you ladies care to join us...we're headed to run some errands."

  4. Georgia stiffened at the mention of her mother. It was a subject she didn't want to talk about...especially with someone she barely knew. "Does it matter? She's not here." It was cold...and kind of b****y...but it was better than crying.

    She just stood there, looking at Cassie when a familiar orange car came into sight. Great. Just Great.


    "Well it is *you* we're talking about, cousin."

    Bo looked at him but chose to remain silent. He was not going to get into with Luke. Besides...he knew he was right. Coming up to Coother's he squealed into a stop just milimeters away from Cassie.

  5. Luke nodded, "What do you think, Em? Want to go see your aunt Jill?"

    "Yea!" The little girl threw her hands in the air, excited. She loved Aunt Jill. She always had cookies.

    "All right, then." Luke smiled at Bo. "We'll drop her off and then head out."


    "No." Georgia shook her head. "My Dad's." She extended her hand. "Georgia Lynn Duke."

  6. "Cooter, you're the best. I'll be back for her tomorrow..." She was practically giddy as she left the mechanic's shop. She was going to have the greatest car in Hazzard...well except for the general.


    And before Luke knew it, Keith was gone -- disappearing into the building with all the other kids. He wouldn't have a problem. He was good with people -- just like his mother.

  7. "Technically." She grinned. "But I think Hazzard High can survive one more day without me. Besides, I wanted to make sure I got this taken care of." She NEEDED a car. And more than that she needed a FAST car. Everything depended on it. Especially her not going crazy. "Promise me you won't rat me out?"

  8. Bo settled in next to his neice for some quality TV time...though Bo didn't really understand how kids could watch that. "So, Miss Emma," he grinned at his neice. "What is going on with you?"


    Just as Luke and Bo suspected, Georgia was far from school. She was actually at Cooter's. "So...think you can get her running?" She peered over his shoulder into the engine of the car she had brought him.

    "Of course I can." He gave her a 'what are you, crazy' look.

    "How soon?"

  9. "I'm not hungry." She popped open the can of soda. "I'll just grab a candy bar or something." Nutrition was often lost on teenagers. "Besides, I don't want to be late." She gave what was probably the most fake smile in existance and headed for the door.

    Bo couldn't help but laugh -- he did wait til Georgia was gone, though. "You know she's not gonna make it there, right?" He and Luke had done this enough times themselves that he knew all the warning signs.

  10. (Actually, I don't. Like I said...I just kind of know they're there. Poor neglected children)

    "Yeah yeah yeah..." She came down the stairs. "You don't need to shout." She looked at her father and Bo and shook her head, reaching in the fridge for a soda.

    "Well aren't you just a ball of sunshine..." Bo grinned. "You're sure to make friends in no time."

    The glare she responded with could have killed a lesser man. Besides, Georgia had no intention of actually making it to school. Oh no. She would leave for school...yes...but after that it was anyone's guess.

  11. Georgia looked down at her nails, picking at the purple polish that covered them. "I know that but...I don't know. Nevermind." She stood. "I should probably be getting to bed anyway. First day in a new school tomorrow and all of that, right?" She smiled weakly and headed off to her room.

    They'd finish that conversation another time. When both of them were more ready for it.


    The next morning, Georgia slept as late as possible. By the time she was up, Bo was already at the house and talking with Luke.

    "I'm tellin' ya, Cuz. I think we could win this one. Give the General Lee one last go before we really get too old to race..."

  12. Georgia frowned, not sure she liked where this was going. She wanted her Dad to open up to her, she really did...but she wasn't sure she was ready for it. Stiffening just a bit, she looked at him. "I know...but you at least have Uncle Bo. I don't have anyone."

    That also wasn't entirely true. She had her brother and her sister, but they didn't count.

    (OOC: Luke's other two kids are up for grabs if anyone wants to control them)

  13. So maybe it wasn't so much boredom as protest, but Georgia wasn't about to correct that fact now. "Of course I'm bored. In case you haven't noticed...there's nothing to do here. Not to mention that all my friends now live an hour away." She leaned back in her chair and looked at him. "I don't see why we had to move here..."

  14. "Do we have to tell him? Couldn't you just let me off with a warning or something?" Stepping out of the police car, Georgia Duke turned and faced the Sheriff. This was the third time in two weeks that she had been brought home by Enos. If her father found out...well...to say that he would be angry would be an understatement.

    Shaking his head, Enos headed towards the front door. He hated to do it, but he had to. He was the Sheriff now and it was his job to keep order. Besides, he had given Georgia a warning three days ago. Still...it couldn't be easy for her...her mother dying...having to leave her home...moving to Hazzard.

    No. No. He had to be strong. He had to be authoritative. He had to set an example. Otherwise noone was ever going to take him seriously. And if that meant telling Luke Duke that his daughter had been found spray painting the side of the Boar's Nest, than that was what it meant.

    Georgia sighed and leaned back against the railing. At sixteen, she had the rebel without a cause thing down pat. As Enos knocked, she moved her gaze down to her shoes. Amazing how fascinating every day things became when you needed them to be.


    Walking towards the door, Luke just knew he wouldn't like what he found. After all, good news rarely came this close to midnight. Pulling open the door, his frown deepened as he saw Enos there. "Enos..."

    "Sorry to disturb you, Luke. I know you all are still settling in...but well...I found her spray painting the Boar's Nest..."

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