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    Dundee, Scotland
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  1. There must be some slot car fans here surely??
  2. OK yea lets keep an open mind, but who in their heart of hearts DOESN'T think it's going to suck. Lets face it we can only hope it can be as good as the Starsky and Hutch movie. And while that could of been worse (I expected it to be much worse), it still sucked!
  3. God that sucks! Link worked fine tho, cheers.
  4. I assume it is because I'm sure I've heard that you can get 'new' rear tyres for the cars?! Anyone got a list of what other set's are compatable and their makers?? Cheers Scott
  5. I was really pissed off when Bo and Luke got replaced, probably right at the shows peak too (here in the UK at least)... but just as I'd really gotten to like Coy and Vance Bo and Luke came back. I was glad of course but it was a shame it happened in the first place. WB should of paid up!
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