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    the DOH,cars, and sports

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  1. I think you should do it because if your really careful you wont scratch your car- im a mustang person my self and you have to love em' then i am a ford girl and i hate chevys but i love chargers . And people will think they are decals and not mags. so go for it
  2. I think you should do it because if your really careful you wont scratch your car- im a mustang person my self and you have to love em' then i am a ford girl and i hate chevys but i love chargers . And people will think they are decals and not mags. so go for it
  3. hi! im M'Kenzi and i have a ?. do bo and luke come back after coy and vance? please reply
  4. hi! im M'Kenzi and i have a ?. do bo and luke come back after coy and vance? please reply
  5. Love rebel GT its a 1967 fairlane GT
  6. Guess what if yall dont like it i wont name it that.NOT.....!!!!!!!! Just looking for some cheer ons. dont need any cruelty. plus i want something all dukes of hazzard.
  7. hi im M'Kenzi. I have a 1967 ford fairlane gt . i know ive already asked but i didnt get any responsees on the first question. what would you rate this name 1-10? " The General Daisy" please reply
  8. Thankyou very much thats a wierd name i dont think i would mary someone with that name. i still think he;s cute though
  9. i didnt know it was the same set tell me more about this or could ot be the grocery store (taylors store where dean works)???
  10. help me. im a big dukes fan and i would like to name my car something related to the doh. all ive been able to think of that is original is "The General Daisy" what would you rate that 1-5 and do you have any other suggestions? please give be a reply its a 1967 ford fairlane GT
  11. youve definitly got some good taste. hes mine though....lol
  12. on the show what is bos real name on the show because i know lukes is lucas what is bos because there is one episode where a guest on the show tried to use bos real name and bo just said bo so whats his real name(on the show)
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