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Everything posted by Boss_Hoggslop

  1. I know this is nit-picky, but couldn't the editors have done something about the way Bo climbs out of the General? It looks very bad. It shows that Sean William Scott never got it down pat. Almost every time he's got one foot on the ground and the other still stuck inside. And I read an interview about him and Johny Knoxville....Sean says it was hard getting out of those windows. But if anyone on the movie set had bothered to refer to the old tv series (so that they might actually have a CLUE as to how the Dukes of Hazzard should be), they would notice that John Schnieder: 1. First, he raises his torso out of the car and, just for a second, sits on the door. 2. Then, while his butt is still on the door, he rotates BOTH his feet (at the same time) out of the window and, 3. he hops out of the General. Is that so hard, Sean?
  2. I think there will be a comedy dynamic between the Burt Reynold boss and whoever plays Sherrif Rosco (forgot his name). You have to remember that these are different people than the original actors, so the chemisty is bound to be at least a little different. I think Reynold will play a good boss while adding his own flavor and still stay true to the core J.D. Hogg character. I picture him to be well-mannered and well-spoken, with a southern gentleman manner and with authority. And greedy. I don't think I've ever seen any acting from the new Rosco character but from looking at his picture I can imagine him being Rosco-like, maybe just a hint darker or wiser but still a bumbling sherrif. Gettin' back to the ranch....yeah, I am hoping there'll be humor between Boss and Rosco. It wouldn't be DOH without it.
  3. I know it may be a stunter, but what's up with that wierd roundish number 0 on one of the pics? The only time I vaguely remember seeing that type of 01 was maybe on General Lee race-car for one of those electiric race tracks I had as a kid, but I can't recall for certain. Only thang I can figure is that the movie is using this type of font for long-distance shots of the General, and maybe this 01 somehow looks improved or something. Any comments?
  4. I think Robert Dinero should do it. No...how about Rupaul? I know! How about a silent balladeer? He'll be seen, not heard (using sign language at the lower right bottem of your screen). P.S I'M BEING SARCASTIC. ANY OLD-TIMER WITH A GOOD, SOOTHING WHISKEY-SIPPING VOICE WILL WORK.
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