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Happy Pants

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Everything posted by Happy Pants

  1. Hiya all, Thats cool for changing daisy dukes profile. The only eposide she was shooting in was the one called "officer daisy duke". But did anyone hear if Jessica Simpson is going to match that characteristic of daisy?? Or if she is taking lessons to do it .?
  2. Hello Hazard Fans, I am a new member here and I appreciate the chance to post messages and to have my questions I hope answered. I am still feeling out this website so If some of this post is not in relation to the question at hand...I apologize. I do want to say that I love this site in terms of the content and news of the Dukes and the new movie. I think the actors they have hired to play the dukes are good. Not the greatest but I think I am being a little prejudice since deep down I cant think about anyone replacing the older and original actors. I love the series and may have missed only a few eposides. As far as the movie, it would help if the filming company released a few more production stills and even a teaser trailier so that we may have some evidence of what we are going to witness when this movie hits the big screen. I also wanted to ask a few inquiries. Does this website have any actual clips of the dukes series anywhere and can we find it anywhere on the web? Secondly, I have seen the description on this site of daisy duke and it is very accurate, except for one thing. I dont see where she is described that she can shoot like annie oakley. I actually saw this description from a dukes interview awhile back. And in comparison to the new movie, I have read that Jessica Simpson had some driving stunt lessons for the movie, but no mention of any shooting lessons or skills and if it is in the movie at all. Anyhow I want to thank you again for letting me in as a member and if I can help in anyway please anyone e-mail me. I look forward to any replies to this post. See ya all.
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