I find it interesting that no one has really considered the values that were accepted when the show was made as opposed to the values that are commonly accepted in our society today. While there were obviously symbols of racism present in the show, what has impressed me the most in reviewing the first two season, are the amazingly mysogynistic attidues expressed throughout. Sure, Daisy is presented as a strong female character whom often outwits her male couterparts, but consider the overall treatment of women on the show. There is a distictive aura of ass slapping and giggling and while that may have been considered excellent prime time material in 1979, I wonder if the mysterious stranger that will surely arrive at some point is going to pinch Jessica Simpson's ass and tell her to hurry along while the boys handle things. I think it is also pretty funny that the Dukes are presented as heros, but in fact are often behaving in criminal activities. In the very first show they commit grand theft when they highjack a truck for absolutly no reason, and it seems like they engage in some criminal act at least once an episode. Of course it is always for some overall good cause. Now, don't get me wrong. I LOVE the Dukes and feel that these things contributed to it being such a classic show. I'm just curious to see how these sort of fundamental elements of the show are going to be represented 25 years down the line with changing social dynamics in mind. Who know's? Maybe they just won't give a f*** and it will be an ass grabbing, rednecking, good 'ol hoedown. I'm sure we'll all see. Yee-haw.