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What Goes Around, Comes Around


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"Do we have to tell him? Couldn't you just let me off with a warning or something?" Stepping out of the police car, Georgia Duke turned and faced the Sheriff. This was the third time in two weeks that she had been brought home by Enos. If her father found out...well...to say that he would be angry would be an understatement.

Shaking his head, Enos headed towards the front door. He hated to do it, but he had to. He was the Sheriff now and it was his job to keep order. Besides, he had given Georgia a warning three days ago. Still...it couldn't be easy for her...her mother dying...having to leave her home...moving to Hazzard.

No. No. He had to be strong. He had to be authoritative. He had to set an example. Otherwise noone was ever going to take him seriously. And if that meant telling Luke Duke that his daughter had been found spray painting the side of the Boar's Nest, than that was what it meant.

Georgia sighed and leaned back against the railing. At sixteen, she had the rebel without a cause thing down pat. As Enos knocked, she moved her gaze down to her shoes. Amazing how fascinating every day things became when you needed them to be.


Walking towards the door, Luke just knew he wouldn't like what he found. After all, good news rarely came this close to midnight. Pulling open the door, his frown deepened as he saw Enos there. "Enos..."

"Sorry to disturb you, Luke. I know you all are still settling in...but well...I found her spray painting the Boar's Nest..."

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Luke stared blankly at Georgia for a minute, "You spray painted the Boar's Nest?"

Enos still was his same goofy, lovable self. "That's what I said Luke. I thought that it'd be best if I just brought her home."

"Thanks Enos. Go into the living room Georgia," he spoke sternly.

"Don't mention it Luke. I'll leave you all be, goodnight." With that Enos tipped his hat and started away from the house to his car.

"Goodnight," Luke called out to Enos and quietly shut the door. Enquiring his best Jesse Duke disappointment face he joined his daughter in the living room. "Well what do you have to say for yourself?"

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"Bored?!" his temper rose, "So for the past two weeks you've been nothing but BORED?" Luke stratched his chin and sat across from her. "Tell me Georgia can't you humor yourself legally without having to run Enos to death to bring your home?"

Luke knew that when he was her age and well on down the years he'd been a handful himself along with Bo. Thinking back on it now he wasn't sure how Uncle Jesse put up with it.

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So maybe it wasn't so much boredom as protest, but Georgia wasn't about to correct that fact now. "Of course I'm bored. In case you haven't noticed...there's nothing to do here. Not to mention that all my friends now live an hour away." She leaned back in her chair and looked at him. "I don't see why we had to move here..."

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"This is where I grew up. I love Hazzard and I thought maybe my children would love it too." Luke shook his head, "After spending your life in Atlanta I knew this transition wouldn't be easy but, I NEVER expected you to pull fool stunts like the one you did tonight."

There was plenty to do in Hazzard Bo and Luke had always ran the back roads with ease. Why couldn't Luke's own children enjoy good fun like that.

"Why do you got to go and rattle my nerves. This is hard for me to you know." For the first time Luke had somewhat opened up to his daughter.

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Georgia frowned, not sure she liked where this was going. She wanted her Dad to open up to her, she really did...but she wasn't sure she was ready for it. Stiffening just a bit, she looked at him. "I know...but you at least have Uncle Bo. I don't have anyone."

That also wasn't entirely true. She had her brother and her sister, but they didn't count.

(OOC: Luke's other two kids are up for grabs if anyone wants to control them)

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Luke thought about what she said, "Yeah I do have your Uncle Bo but, you've got to understand he'd got his own family now and I'm trying to raise my kids." He paused.

Just sitting here and talking to her was difficult for him especially because of the topic.

"You've got whoever you want, Honey, you just got to let 'em know." Being a dad was a challenge and Luke liked challenges. "If your not interested in your brother and sister, which I don't understand why you wouldn't be." He sighed, "They don't have to be exactly your age to have fun."

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Georgia looked down at her nails, picking at the purple polish that covered them. "I know that but...I don't know. Nevermind." She stood. "I should probably be getting to bed anyway. First day in a new school tomorrow and all of that, right?" She smiled weakly and headed off to her room.

They'd finish that conversation another time. When both of them were more ready for it.


The next morning, Georgia slept as late as possible. By the time she was up, Bo was already at the house and talking with Luke.

"I'm tellin' ya, Cuz. I think we could win this one. Give the General Lee one last go before we really get too old to race..."

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Luke grinned when he heard Bo, "Too old, huh? You've got a point." He was seriously considering this.

"Lucas I know you love racin' it's right up there with your kids," he winked.

"You've got that right," he had to admit it. "Alright..." he said after a few silent seconds. "We'll let the General have one last go...I mean it's only fair."

Bo grinned, "Yeeeeeehaw!. Luke this is gonna be like the old days..."

"Not exactly," a familiar grin settled on his face. "We might still be racin' but neither of us will be doing our usual girl chasin'."

Shaking his head Bo replied, "You got me there, Cuz." He understood that Luke might not be ready to date. (Assuming this is meant like your Rp..and Luke's wife died.)

Luke had a hint of sadness about him and sighed as Bo agreed with him, "I was always the sensable one.."

Bo laughed, "I guess. But, Luke just so you know Cassie told me if we were going to race again she'd come to the track..." That's all he said about it.

"What does that have to do with anything?" he asked a bit shakey.

"Lucas it's got everything to do with something, mainly you," Bo flashed a grin. "She never got married."

Luke took in everything that Bo had said but at the same time tried to ignore it. Hearing Georgia getting ready for school, "Georgia. Don't be late for school."

(I didn't know what ages Luke's other childeren were and I didn't want to make them up just in case you already had it planned out.)

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(Actually, I don't. Like I said...I just kind of know they're there. Poor neglected children)

"Yeah yeah yeah..." She came down the stairs. "You don't need to shout." She looked at her father and Bo and shook her head, reaching in the fridge for a soda.

"Well aren't you just a ball of sunshine..." Bo grinned. "You're sure to make friends in no time."

The glare she responded with could have killed a lesser man. Besides, Georgia had no intention of actually making it to school. Oh no. She would leave for school...yes...but after that it was anyone's guess.

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Luke smiled, "Be open minded, Honey. Okay? I'm sure Hazzard High will interest you." He shrugged, "Is your brother up and ready?" Luke's other children were 8 and 3.

Before Georgia could answer a little boy came barrelling out of the kitchen, "Dad, I'm hungry."

"I"ll have your breakfast on the table.." Luke started in the kitchen knowing that Bo would follow. "Come and eat something Georgia."

Bo russelled Luke's son's hair, "Howdy Little Man, are you ready for school?"

The little boy sounded excited, "Yeah Uncle Bo, I can't wait for recess."

"When I was your age neither could I," Bo laughed and sat down in an empty chair.

Luke was scrapping some grits out of a pot on the stove filling up two bowls. Placing both bowls on the table he put a spoon and piece of toast with each serving.

"You want something, Bo?"

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"I'm not hungry." She popped open the can of soda. "I'll just grab a candy bar or something." Nutrition was often lost on teenagers. "Besides, I don't want to be late." She gave what was probably the most fake smile in existance and headed for the door.

Bo couldn't help but laugh -- he did wait til Georgia was gone, though. "You know she's not gonna make it there, right?" He and Luke had done this enough times themselves that he knew all the warning signs.

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"Yep," he sighed. "I'm not going to stop her though, atleast not yet.." His daughter was being extremely difficult when it came to living in Hazzard.

"Kids will be kids," Bo shook his head, "I wish she wouldn't give you a hard time though your just one man Luke and with her mama gone.."

"Thanks Bo. I'm handling my family the best I can.." he patted his son's shoulder as he stood over him. "If Uncle Jesse could raise us and Daisy I think I can raise Georgia, Keith, and Emma just fine."

Keith finished his breakfast and wiped his mouth, "I'm full."

"Go brush your teeth and comb your hair and then I'll drop you off at school." Luke put the dirty bowl in the sink.

"Mind watching Emma while I take him to school?" Luke asked Bo.

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"She loves it," he smiled. "I'll be back shortly. Keith grab your bag." Luke grabbed his truck keys off of the counter.

Keith obeyed by running off into his room and returning with a backpack, "Bye Uncle Bo," he said as he hurried out the front door ahead of his father.

"Bye!," he waved to his nephew as he joined his neice in the living room.

Luke got in the truck and got Keith settled in before turning the ignition and putting it in gear. Puling out of the yard he headed for Hazzard Grade School.

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Bo settled in next to his neice for some quality TV time...though Bo didn't really understand how kids could watch that. "So, Miss Emma," he grinned at his neice. "What is going on with you?"


Just as Luke and Bo suspected, Georgia was far from school. She was actually at Cooter's. "So...think you can get her running?" She peered over his shoulder into the engine of the car she had brought him.

"Of course I can." He gave her a 'what are you, crazy' look.

"How soon?"

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Emma clapped her hands and looked at her Uncle Bo, "Barney!" Her speech was very good for a child her age. Pointing to the screen she squealed.

Bo laughed and stared at the screen, "Well atleast the shows educational," he said mostly to himself.


Cooter thought about it for a second, "Tomorrow afternoon." He nodded and grabbed a rag to wipe his hands.

Georgia looked somewhat please, "Thanks Cooter."

Raising an eyebrow he leaned against the car, "Ain't you suppose to be at schooll?"

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Cooter lifted his hat and put it back on snug, "Georgia.." Thinking back to a time when he wouldn't want to be ratted out for skipping school. Sighing he shook his head, "Don't make me regret it but, I won't rat you out."

Georgia smiled despite of herself and Cooter's loyalty to the name Duke.


Luke pulled up to the Grade School, "Have a good day." He smiled at Keith waiting for his farewell.

"Thanks Dad," Keith said in sincererity. He was a good kid. "I'll see you after school." Opening the truck door he hopped out with his stuff. "Bye."

"Bye," he lifted his hand to wave. As Keith shut the door behind him Luke watched him cross the school yard. Putting the truck back in drive he drove off and headed back home to relieve Bo from his Emma duties.

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"Cooter, you're the best. I'll be back for her tomorrow..." She was practically giddy as she left the mechanic's shop. She was going to have the greatest car in Hazzard...well except for the general.


And before Luke knew it, Keith was gone -- disappearing into the building with all the other kids. He wouldn't have a problem. He was good with people -- just like his mother.

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Cassie had been heading over to Cooter's to ask him something about her car when she caught sight of Georgia coming out of the garage. "Is Cooter busy?" she asked kindly not knowing who the girl was.


The school wasn't far from Luke's house so in only a matter of minutes and Luke's back road driving he was back home. Coming through the front door his daughter and cousin were both absorbed in the TV.

"Bo, please tell me that your not actually enjoying that?" Looking over at the TV a new episode of Barney was on.

Turning around he grinned, "I'm a simple minded man Luke and this is more on my level."

"I don't doubt it," shaking his head he looked over at Emma, "Emma are you hungry?"

Without turning away from the TV she answered, "Yeah."

Remembering the breakfast he had fixed for Georgia he went over and picked his daughter up. "Come on you can have grits and toast."

Graciously excepting her breakfast she sat at the table and fed herself when Luke presented her with the bowl and spoon.

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Bo had followed father and daughter into the kitchen, "Whoa slow down," he grabbed the spoon from Emma while Luke washed the dishes in the sink. "Here you go, Cuz," he dropped her bowl and spoon into the dish water.

Emma didn't seem too discouraged to lose her instrument she mostly stayed quiet afterwards.

Luke sat the last spoon out to dry, "What are you plans today?" he asked Bo.


Cassie looked a bit discouraged, "Oh well I guess I'll ask Bo Duke to take a look at my car." She hadn't seen Luke since he moved back and for some reason didn't seem to mind.

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