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Everything posted by AlexJackson

  1. *standing close to MaryAnne, gently puts arm around her shoulder...* I know hes banged up, but you know better than I do how hard Brian's head is...Hes going to be okay... *turns to look at Garrett* They both are...
  2. *pulls back from the hug giving a nod* okay, come on...*has his hand on her back and turns, guiding her gently into the clinic...* They might not look the greatest, especially Garrett, I had to cut his clothes up...
  3. All right all right.. *knowing hes risking a butt kicking but takes that chance, gently drawing MaryAnne into a hug* Shhh... its okay.. *holds her close, gently rubbing her back*
  4. *sees the distress on the Deputy's face and goes to her...gently touching her shoulder and turning her to face him, hands gently going to both her shoulders...* hey...dont blame yourself for anything, okay? *says softly*
  5. *eyes open at the sound of Doc's voice and looks at her* Long story, but the short version is, Brian got slammed into by a horse going at full gallop, at the time he had a gun aimed at Garrett... *sighs* Bullet went through, I stitched him up... *stands up stretching* We can take shifts watching... Im going to go outside for some air... *heads outside, going outside, seeing MaryAnne and Chet, catching the tail end of their talk...* Doc said everyone is weak but stable...
  6. *glances up over shoulder at Chet and gives a small smile* You helped Brian Chet and I really appreciate that. I think theyre both going to be okay and thats the important part...*nods at Chet going for a smoke* Yeah could use a smoke myself, and a big bottle of whiskey at this point...*leans back in the chair rubbing hands over face then lowers them, keeping an eye on both men...*
  7. *sighs watching the blood going through the tube and into Garrett's arm* well that should make him stable... *takes off the bloody gloves and drops them on the table then gets up and goes over to Brian...looking down at the mask over his face watching the way his chest is moving, also seeing the IV in his arm* His ribs are probably busted, one or two at least. The oxygen is going to help him breathe... *gets a stool and wheels it close to the table with Brian on it and sits down* All we can do now is wait and see when theyre going to wake up...
  8. *makes the stitches straight, hands steady, the hole finally closed with one last stitch and cuts the thread giving a sigh as the needle is set down... gets gauze to cover the back and carefully rolls Garrett onto his back, then covers the chest hole with gauze too, securing it with tape* Done! Go ahead and give him the juice Chet...
  9. *looks up a moment and nods* yeah get him ready for blood... *leans over seeing the IV in Brian and nods* good work... Garrett should be okay after I close this hole, the blood will stabilize him...
  10. Thanks Bo.. *gets the disinfectant and pours it on the hole, then dabs it with the gauze, gets needle again and pinches the skin closed* Soon as I get this hole closed Ill give him some blood, that should make him stable... *begins sewing up the second hole in Garrett*
  11. *puts in the last stitch then cuts the thread, then looks at Bo* come over here Bo.. hold Garrett on his side so I can get the other hole...*reloads the needle with more thread and gets the scissors and cuts the shirt enough to see the matching hole in the back...*
  12. *continues sewing, making the stitches as straight as possible, taking a moment to turn head, wiping brow with arm* check his pupils Chet... hes got oxygen on right?
  13. Thanks Chet... *sets everything down on the tray near Garrett and grabs some disinfectant, pouring it into Garrett's wound and puts gloves on, getting the suture kit and unrolls it...* I cant give him blood yet, not till hes stitched up.. *leans over pressing fingers around the hole...* no bullet...probably passed right through the meat...*gets the gauze wiping the disinfectant off the wound and pinches the skin closed, then gets the suture and begins to stitch up the wound..*
  14. *pulls the gauze away then leans over looking at the wound* Disinfectant...a suter kit... hes going to need blood... *takes off leather jacket and slings it over the nearest table then looks around for the fridge* Doc keeps the blood somewhere. *Spots the fridge and goes to it and take out O blood, then goes to the medical cabinet and takes out the necessary equipment to give Garrett the blood...*
  15. *gets to the door, then looks up at the clinich, all is dark... the honking horn rousing no one to open the door for them... turns to see Chet* Watch yourself... *backs up a few steps then braces Garrett as best he can then brings right leg up hard, boot aimed right at the lock, the door splintering as its kicked open...then goes inside quickly...turning the corner heading for the room with the beds and tables and lays Garrett down, then yanks open his shirt to see how bad the wound is then turns to Chet* Lay Brian down on a table... *sees the oozing wound and goes to the big medical cabinet and opens it, getting some gauze and slaps it on the wound, putting pressure on it...*
  16. *heads for the clinic, watching Chet also following in the rearview mirror... glancing at both Brian and Garrett* just hold on boys... *says, seeing the clinic up ahead and comes to screeching hault...shuts the engine down, blowing the horn a couple of times then gets out, running around to the other side of the car and opens the door, gently grabbing Garrett and lifting him...*sees Chet coming and calls out to him* Get Brian! *heads up the porch steps*
  17. Garrett, save your breath.. *goes and gets the wounded man up, opens the passenger door and opens it then helps Garrett in.. then quickly turns and grabs Brian and hauls him up and puts in the passenger side and closes the door, runs around and gets into the driver side* Im going to the clinic! *fires up Diablo and puts it in gear, then hit the gas taking off down the street*
  18. *also hearing Garrett speak and nods to Brian* and fewer brains....
  19. *sees the mirrors being checked and turns to glance over shoulder and through the back windshield* did we grow a tail?
  20. *chuckles, shaking head, then walks around the hood and opens the passenger side door, getting into the car then turns to look at Brian* You have a way with words...
  21. *chuckles* get my head examined, uh huh...which of us is going to be examined? Somehow I dont think itll be me...
  22. If we wait long enough, he'll come stalking out of the woods and find us, or more exactly, find you... He thinks Im still locked up remember? *waves hand* Im all right...Chet didnt have time or space to do real damage to my coconut...
  23. Well remember what he said... you all know where to find me...hes expecting us to chase him and find him...
  24. Yeah Chet busted us both out so you two could throw down and what does the yellow bellied sap sucker do? He runs, excuse me, gallops off into the woods... man what a chicken.. *shakes head* and as for Garrett, eh hes always been nothing but a wimp anyway...
  25. *sighs reaching out to pat the black leather clad back* Look, shes in there now, why dont you just go in the courthouse? She wont go to you so you go to her! Maybe that sounds nuts but...*shrugs*
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